RC meeting and Run Plan, Thursday March 14

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RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 4:30 PM, 2nd floor Counting House Meeting Room

  • Bluejeans remote connection information:
 To join the Meeting:
 To join via Room System:
 Video Conferencing System: bjn.vc -or-
 Meeting ID : 861439920
 To join via phone :
 1)  Dial:
   +1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))
   +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free))
   +1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary, San Jose))
   (see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers)
 2)  Enter Conference ID : 861439920

There will be NO RC meeting on March 14th

Useful Links

Current Status

  • Q2=5.5, x=0.6 (pi+) kinematic setting-37 in progress

Current Run Plan

  • Perform a BCM calibration around 10:00 AM today.
  • Finish kinematic group-37
  • Once done with kinematic group 37, move to the last kinematic group 38.

Notices in Effect for Shift Crew

  • Monitor SHMS 3/4 rates - maximum rate 500 kHz.
  • HMS polarity cannot be changed remotely - requires hall access. (Note: no polarity changes need for CSV).
  • When setting HMS Q1, always reduce current in steps of 50 A or less.

Future plan

  • CSV will be over around 4:00 PM on Sunday. In preparation for installation on Monday, we will ramp down all the HMS and SHMS magnets, rotate the HMS to about 40 degrees, rotate the SHMS to about 20 degrees. target expert will come in to warm up the target in the afternoon.
  • Detector and beam pipe installation work will take place starting Sunday swing through Tuesday day shift.
  • We informed MCC that we are expecting 3rd pass setup at the end of day shift on Tuesday.


  • Shifts starting from Sunday (March 17th) swing shift through Tuesday (March 18th) day shifts are canceled. Shift takers on Tuesday Swing shift are on standby and should check e-mail prior to coming to the counting-house.