Reboot Switch Operation

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Operating reboot switches:

From a hall C machine, navigate to <reboot switch name>

The login name is hccuser

For APC(Schneider Electric):

-From the home page, click on 'Control' tab -> 'RPDU' -> 'Outlet' -Select the relevant control action from the dropdown menu -Select relevant outlet(s) -Hit 'Next' then 'Apply' -Selected action will take place. In the case of reboot, outlet status will initially show 'Off', refresh to update the status.

For Cyberpower:

-From home page, click 'PDU' at the top of the screen -Next hit 'Outlet action' -> 'Control' on the left side -Select the relevant control action -Select relevant outlet(s) -Hit 'Next' then 'Apply' -Selected action will take place. In the case of reboot, outlet status will initially show 'Off', refresh to update the status.