Testing SHMS Preshower

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Status ( updated Sept 12th)

  • Run 82 going for the plus side. Set threshold to 20mV. Moved P14 & P9 from splitter to a linear FI/FO to increase pulse size.
  • Problems with FADC have been fixed by Brad. The read buffer array was only set for 500 elements when the data was 504 elements. This caused an overflow to the next event.

Computer Setup

  • Computer is called cnu. The account is gep5.

HV Setup

  • Can control the CAEN 403 through terminal on cnu.
    • Open terminal
    • type "su" to login as superuser.
    • type "minicom"
  • Listing of the HV setting and cable numbering for the preshower and scintillators
  • Preshower HV for Neg and for Positive side on July 30th at 4:41

Event Data

  • Coincidence data between SHMS Cal and external PMTs Hits per hour
  • Diagram of modules used for collecting coincidence data Module Diagram
  • Voltage versus PMT# plots for the negative and positive sides of the calorimeter. plot

Data taking Log

  • Log of runs 34-71. Problem with data readout.
  • Log of runs 82-present . Fix data readout problem. Shifted the FADC window by 80ns so that the ADC signal starts around sample 10 compared to sample 30 before (sample = 4ns).