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| Use ''jmenu'' and search for 'lock.' Then choose 'Energy Locks.'
| Use ''jmenu'' and search for 'lock.' Then choose 'Energy Locks.'
| '0R, 1A, 2A.' should all be green. This indicates the locks are ON. (NOTE: During Sept 2020 running, 2A is OFF and replaced by a PID lock 'OPSPID09'.  Watch the HALLC:p stripchart on the Wall monitor for drifts instead, particularly if Hall A is OFF.)
| '0R, 1A, 2A.' should all be green. This indicates the locks are ON. (NOTE: During Sept 2020 running, 2A is OFF and replaced by a PID lock 'OPSPID09'.  Watch the HALLC:p stripchart on the Wall monitor for drifts instead, particularly if Hall A is OFF.)
| Beam Current Ramp Protection is ON
| See [[Ramp_Rate_Lock | How to determine status of Beam Current Ramp Rate Protection]]
| IPM3H07A, B, and C BPM positions. Are they nominal?
| IPM3H07A, B, and C BPM positions. Are they nominal?

Revision as of 10:07, 28 August 2021

Direct link to the Hall C Shift Checklist
  • The How-to page is extremely helpful. Use Firefox's "Page search" to help find what you are looking for.
  • There is also an older Shift Checklist help file, which may help to locate items. (But it is a stale document.) Below is an updated table.
What Where to find it How to do it
Your Name Name of person(s) filling out the checklist
Beam Conditions from Overview Screen, DAQ, MEDMs, and Scalers
Beam Energy (MeV) The Hall C Summary Screen should be displayed on a wall monitor. If not see this page to bring it up: EPICS/Accelerator_Screens. Write down the Hall C beam energy
Beam Current (uA) Same as above MPS and Hall C BCM readings should be similar. Record the reading
Beam position lock on? Use jmenu and search for 'lock.' Then choose 'Orbit Locks Normal View

and look for 'HallCOrb.' It should be in green and show 'Running.'

Beam energy lock on? Use jmenu and search for 'lock.' Then choose 'Energy Locks.' '0R, 1A, 2A.' should all be green. This indicates the locks are ON. (NOTE: During Sept 2020 running, 2A is OFF and replaced by a PID lock 'OPSPID09'. Watch the HALLC:p stripchart on the Wall monitor for drifts instead, particularly if Hall A is OFF.)
IPM3H07A, B, and C BPM positions. Are they nominal? See the Hall C Summary Screen. Record the displayed beam position. Compare it with the nominal position posted on the white board or sticky note.
Fast Raster Pattern Go to the electronics room and verify the raster pattern on the oscilloscope screen is circular. If beam is on and raster is NOT circular, stop beam immediately.
Fast Raster Setpoint for Width, Height (x, y) [mm] Use jmenu and search for 'fast raster.' The screen is "Hall C Raster Controls." Record the set sizes in the “Set Raster Size” box.
Fast Raster Measured Currents (IxO3H, Ix04H, Iy03V, IyO4V) [A] Use jmenu and search for 'fast raster.' The screen is "Hall C Raster Controls." Record the the four measured currents (Ix and Iy for two H and two V coils) from the “Raster Measured Current” box.
Helicity Reporting Delay (No Delay, ___ Windows) Use jmenu and search for 'helicity,' then choose 'Helicity Control.' Look for 'Reporting Delay.' Record the time of delay (it should be 8 windows).
Alarm Handler Status (General) The Alarm Handler process must be running and always visible on one of the desktop machines. If it isn't, bring it up using this page: Hall_C_Alarm_Handler Verify that it is running, and that the alarm sound is NOT silenced. (N.B.: this is not the old legacy high-voltage alarm. )
HMS Collimator Setting Use jmenu → 'Standalone Menus' → 'Hall C.' On the Hall C Operations Menu under “Experiment Specific” is HMS Coll. Motion Control. Determine and record the collimator position. For physics runs, HMS should be either Small or Large.
SHMS Collimator Setting Use jmenu → 'Standalone Menus' → 'Hall C.' On the Hall C Operations Menu under “Experiment Specific” is SHMS Coll. Motion Control. Determine and record the collimator position. For physics runs, SHMS should be Collimator.
Target in use Ask the target operator (TO). Record which target is in the beam.
Drift Ch. Mixer Flows: Ar/Eth (~0.3/~0.3 slpm) Type “go munin” and select “gas_shed” under Categories on the left side of the page. You can also find the needed charts here: [Flow and Temperature Charts] Record “WC: Argon Flow” and “Ethane Flow.”
Drift Chamber Gas Delivery Press (500 ± 5 Torr) Same as above. Record “WC: Ar:Eth Pressure.”
Drift Ch. Gas Isopropanol Temp. (2 ± 2 C) Same as above. Record the “Isopropanol Fridge” temperature.
HMS Drift Chamber Threshold (5.5V?) Run jmenu and search for 'threshold', and select the 'HallC Drift Chamber Thresholds' item. Record the HMS 'Read' value.
SHMS Drift Chamber Threshold (4.5V?) Run jmenu and search for 'threshold', and select the 'HallC Drift Chamber Thresholds' item. Record the SHMS 'Read' value.
SHMS NGC gas flows (Ne / Ar) [slm] Type “go munin” and select “gas_shed” under Categories on the left side of the page. You can also find the needed charts here: [Flow and Temperature Charts] Record “NGC Neon Flow” and “NGC Argon Flow.” (FALL 2021: pionLT is running at a 60:40 mix. The ratio of the flows should match!)
HMS Angle (TV/GUI) Type “go_cameras” to bring up a TV image of the angle scale on the floor (see link here: Hall_C_Cameras). The Rotation GUI can be executed from "go_magnets." (see link here: Spectrometer_Rotation Note only one copy of the magnet control screen can be up. So make sure one isn't already up.) Read the angles and write it down. There is a slight offset between the TV and GUI values (the TV is the most accurate one).
SHMS Angle (TV/GUI) Same as above. Read the angles and write it down. There is a slight offset between the TV and GUI values (the TV is the most accurate one).
Hall Survey (TV Cameras) Scan all the cameras in the hall looking for anything unusual. Verify that you performed the inspection by checking off the box.
HMS & SHMS Doors Closed? (TV) Note this while doing hall survey with TV cameras. ALL shield house doors should be closed when taking beam.
Hall TV Cameras returned HOME? Return TV cameras to HOME positions. Note: cameras may be left in a different position if there is a specific need. Check the box to indicate that cameras were returned to desired positions.
HMS Shutter (Magnet GUI) Open/Closed status is indicated on the "Magnets" GUI on the far right of the HMS magnets menu bar. Alternate method: Use TV camera on HMS side of the hall to inspect the indicator light on the control box outside the HMS shield house door. Shutter must be OPEN when taking data in the HMS.
SHMS Shutter (Magnet GUI) Open/Closed status is indicated on the “Magnets” GUI on the far right of the SHMS magnets menu bar. Alternate method: pan the HCCAM04 (SHMS bubblers) camera to the small mirror on the left; if you can see the bolts on the vacuum flange, the shutter is open. If the shutter is installed it must be “OPEN” when taking data in the SHMS. If the Noble Gas Cerenkov is in use then the shutter is not installed; in this case write “NA” on the checklist.
Unser (3H05) Temperatures OK (110 ± 1 F) Go to the electronics room, and locate the top of rack CH03B12, LED digits. Nominal 110 degrees. Record the reading.
BCM (3H04) Temperatures OK (110 ± 1 F) (Camera) Locate Rack HC01Z01 in the experimental hall using the cameras. Use this link for help: Hall_C_BCM_Temperatures Record the reading.
HMS Detector HV Refer to the HMS HV GUI from running "go_hv," if it isn't already up on a computer (it usually is!) Verify that GUI is “RUNNING” and not indicating any ’OFF’ or bad channels
SHMS Detector HV Refer to the SHMS HV GUI from running "go_hv," if it isn't already up on a computer (it usually is!) Verify that GUI is “RUNNING” and not indicating any ’OFF’ or bad channels.
HMS Momentum Set (+/- GeV/c) and Particle Charge (E or P) The HMS magnets Momentum setpoint (P0) and particle polarity (E or P) are displayed on the magnet controls screen. Write down P0 and either E for electron or P for proton. If GUI shows Using NonStandard Tune you must verify that the magnet Set Currents match the momentum specified in the Run Coordinator’s Run-Plan.
HMS Q1,2,3 and D Current Setpoints: ± setpoint Use the screens available from the“go_magnets” command. The magnet Set Currents, with sign, are on the individual PSU screens. Write down the Set Current polarities and values. (±xxxx.xx Amps)
HMS D NMR Field: ± readback Use the screens available from the “go_magnets” command. Bring up the NMR screen. Write down the NMR readout.
HMS Q1, Q2, Q3, D N2/He Level [%] (50 to 75%) Use the screens available from the “go_magnets” command. Record He and N2 levels from their respective screens.
SHMS Momentum Set (+/- GeV/c) and Particle Charge (E or P) The SHMS magnets Momentum setpoint (P0) and particle polarity (E or P) are displayed on the magnet controls screen. Write down P0 and either E for electron or P for proton. If GUI shows Using NonStandard Tune you must verify that the magnet Set Currents match the momentum specified in the Run Coordinator’s Run-Plan.
SHMS HB, Q1, Q2, Q3 and D Current Setpoints: ± setpoint Use the screens available from the“go_magnets” command. The magnet Set Currents, with sign, are on the individual PSU screens. Write down the Set Current polarities and values. (±xxxx.xx Amps)
SHMS HB, Q1, Q2, Q3, D N2/He Level [%] (50 to 75%) Use the screens available from the “go_magnets” command. Record He and N2 levels from their respective screens.
HMS Chamber fiducial efficiency (online analysis) [%] (Enter value; ideally > 95%) Open an HCLOG window and locate a recent "HMS Run XXXX analysis plots" log entry Click on the report file attachement hms_replay_production_default_XXXXX_-1.report and look in the 'Shift Checklist Information' section at the top of the file
SHMS Chamber fiducial efficiency (online analysis) [%] (Enter value; ideally > 95%) Open an HCLOG window and locate a recent "SHMS Run XXXX analysis plots" log entry Click on the report file attachement shms_replay_production_default_XXXXX_-1.report and look in the 'Shift Checklist Information' section at the top of the file
HMS Hodoscope Threshold Voltage Readback [mV] Now in Alarm Handler -- no manual check required.
SHMS/HMS CODA run numbers On the CODA GUI Screen. Record the current run number, or "--" if not running.
HMS/SHMS DAQ Trigger Rate [Hz] On the CODA GUI Screen, next to the appropriate prescaler value (ps1 thru ps6). Record the typical instantaneous rate
EDTM event count from last run This should be listed in the report file from the most recent full run replay It should be on the order of 10000 accepted EDTM triggers for a 1 hour run
HMS/SHMS Livetime On the CODA GUI Screen, Use stripchart on the "Live Time" to estimate this value (beam ON!) -OR- click on the report file attachement s/hms_replay_production_default_XXXXX_-1.report for a recent hclog analysis plots entry and look in the 'Shift Checklist Information' section at the top of the file
HMS/SHMS "All (named) scaler channels are counting in go_xscalers_S/HMS?" Locate go_xscalers_HMS and go_xscalers_SHMS. All channels with proper names should be counting. Channels labeled like '12/6', '12/7', etc are spares. Unused h/pTRIG channels may also be zero. Find and CLOSE any extra xscaler GUIs when you are done.
HMS/SHMS S1x, h1x, 3/4 singles rates can be found in the same xscalers GUI Locate go_xscalers_HMS and go_xscalers_SHMS. Find and CLOSE any extra xscaler GUIs when you are done.
HMS/SHMS Replays / Analysis up to date? Verify that the online replays have been completed and reviewd; and the offline (full) replays are at least in-progress. Check the box if things are as-planned / current. See Analysis How-to for details.
Verify no scraping on glass cell (reference or 3He cell) Raster Track Cut' Plot in 'Hall C Web Monitor' and/or logged plots should be fairly uniform (no "crescent moon" highlight on edge of raster pattern) How to check for Scraping on Target Cell Walls . Stop beam and call RC if beam or beam-halo is scraping on glass cell wall!
Check IA Cell stripchart This should be up on the wall screen. It can be brought up in a strip chart with variable hallc_IACell_setting. If the value is updating that's good. If the value is flatlined that's bad.
HCLog screen shot of Target This should be done periodically by the TO. Make sure the TO has posted a screenshot of the target and relevant charts to the logbook
HCLog screen shot of Magnet screens (HMS+SHMS) Locate the magnet screens (should already be up on a computer) Take a screenshot (go to terminal and type "hclog" to make a log post, click "add attachment," then click the desired image) to include the rotation GUI and current settings/field readback