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= Fall 2017 Commissioning Plan =
= Fall 2017 Commissioning Plan =
* The [[Commissioning_Plan_2017 | plan]] of the full SHMS/HMS commissioning.
* The [[Commissioning_Plan_2017 | plan]] of the full SHMS/HMS commissioning.
**[[Hall C One pass commissioning plan]]
**[[Commissioning_Plan_2017 | Hall C three pass commissioning plan]]
* [https://github.com/MarkKJones/fall2017-plans Git repo] with run plans for the various tasks. To contribute a plan, fork the repo to your githu account.
* [https://github.com/MarkKJones/fall2017-plans Git repo] with run plans for the various tasks. To contribute a plan, fork the repo to your githu account.
= Talks at Jan 29th Analysis Meeting =
* [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0009/000949/001/bcm_check_module.pdf current check]
= Talks at Jan 10th Analysis Meeting =
* [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0009/000945/001/hms_pidleg_eff.pdf HMS PIDs]
* [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0009/000944/001/trigger_studies_v2.pdf PID Trigger Threshold Studies]
*[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/f/fb/Jan.10.2018-hallc-raster.pdf Raster studies]
= Talks at Jan 8th Analysis Meeting =
* [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0009/000944/001/trigger_studies.pdf PID Trigger Threshold Studies]
*[https://hallcweb-2017.jlab.org/wiki/images/1/10/First-look-shms-carbon-elastic.pdf Elastic coincidence kinematic comparison]
*[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0009/000937/003/HGC_Update_17dec.pdf Update on SHMS HG Cherenkov]
= Talks at Dec 15th Analysis Meeting =
= Talks at Dec 15th Analysis Meeting =
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*[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/d/d9/HMS-sieve.pdf HMS sieve]
*[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/d/d9/HMS-sieve.pdf HMS sieve]
*[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/1/10/First-look-shms-carbon-elastic.pdf  SHMS carbon elastic]
*[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/1/10/First-look-shms-carbon-elastic.pdf  SHMS carbon elastic]
=Table of commissioning analysis=
=Table of commissioning analysis=
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| HMS Physics Run Analysis
| HMS Physics Run Analysis
| Abel, Deb, Simona, Eric C.
| Abel, Deb, Simona, Eric C., Sanghwa

Latest revision as of 14:58, 30 January 2018

Fall 2017 Commissioning Plan

Talks at Jan 29th Analysis Meeting

Talks at Jan 10th Analysis Meeting

Talks at Jan 8th Analysis Meeting

Talks at Dec 15th Analysis Meeting

Table of commissioning analysis

Task Person Comment
BCM calibration Eric C./Deepak/Deb First pass done
BPM calibration Deb Need harps fixed.
Raster calibration Melanie/Burcu
HMS Trigger efficiency Eric P. /Burcu
SHMS Trigger efficiency Eric P./ Abishek
Heavy gas HMS calibration Hamlet Done
Mode 10 run was taken SHMS Eric P.
SHMS Carbon elastic Holly
HMS elastic delta Deb
DAQ Livetime Carlos
SHMS sieve point Holly
SHMS and HMS 3/4 and TOF Efficiency Simona First Pass done
SHMS Quartz Plane Gain Matching (with Beam) Simona Done
Boiling Study Simona
SHMS and HMS TOF Calibration Simona First Pass Done
SHMS Hodoscope Threshold scan Simona First Pass Done
HMS Hodoscope Threshold scan Simona [First Pass Done]
HMS Physics Run Analysis Abel, Deb, Simona, Eric C., Sanghwa
Coincidence ep elastic S.Basnet, A. Karki

Table of Commissioning Tasks

Task Person Comment Time
Harp Scans, BPM and Raster Checkout M. Jones, D. Biswas Need to have harps fixed.
HMS & SHMS Hodoscope Checkout S. Malace
HMS & SHMS 3/4 Trigger & TOF Efficiency Checkout S. Malace
SHMS Quartz Plane Checkout S. Malace
HMS & SHMS DC Checkout, Tracking Efficiency and Alignment H. Szumila-Vance, C. Yero
HMS & SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Checkout E. Pooser, R. Ambrose
HMS & SHMS Pre-Shower/Shower Checkout H. Mkrtchyan, A. Asaturyan, V. Berdnikov
SHMS Aerogel Checkout H. Mkrtchyan, A. Asaturyan, V. Berdnikov
HMS & SHMS Trigger Efficiency Checkout B. Sawatzky, E. Pooser, C. Yero
Beam Energy M. Jones, D. Mack
BCM Calibration D. Mack, D. Bhetuwal
Target Boiling D. Gaskell
Carbon Elastic with Sieve for Final SHMS Tune Determination M. Jones, H. Szumila-Vance
Carbon Elastic Scan for Delta Matrix Optimization H. Bhatt, D. Dutta
Carbon Inelastics with Sieve for Ytgt, Y’tgt and X’tgt (Need 20 deg for Ytgt) M. Jones, H. Szumila-Vance
Sieve Check After Cycling SHMS Magnets from Positive to Negative and Back M. Jones
Determine SHMS Central Momentum and Angle with Set of Elastic ep Data A. Karki, S. Basnet, D. Dutta Heepcheck Planning
Inelastic Carbon Xn Measurements with Overlapping Momentum Settings for Acceptance Check M. Jones, B. Duran
GEM Front Sieve to Better Understand HB. Do Optics with p+ to Check Optics L. Kabir, D. Dutta
Initial and Final Coincidence Timing Checkout and Optimization B. Sawatzky, E. Pooser, C. Yero
Electronic Dead Time Checkout B. Sawatzky, E. Pooser, C. Yero
Single Kaon Production. Coincidence p and K Production