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== Lower priority ==
== Lower priority ==
=== BCM Calibration ( 1 hour) ===
* Have done a set of data. Need to analyze and confirm it is enough.
= Beam energy of 10.6 GeV =
= Beam energy of 10.6 GeV =
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== SHMS Tune Verification ==
== HMS/SHMS Tune Verification ==
* Experts:  
* Experts:  
* Expected time:  
* Expected time:  
* Goal: Mix of ep elastic data and carbon data to check SHMS tune.
* Goal:  
**Mix of ep elastic dataand carbon data to check SHMS tune.
**Also LH2 inelastic to calibrate the calorimeter.
* Conditions:  
* Conditions:  
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*Run Plan
*Run Plan
{|class="wikitable" style="margin-left: 60px; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! Target  || HMS angle || HMS momentum|| HMS collimator  || SHMS angle  || SHMS momentum  || SHMS collimator  || Time
! LH2  || 18.5  deg ||  -6.693      || pion ||  8.5 deg  ||  -9.430 || Collimator || 30 min
! LH2 ||  18.5 deg ||  -6.693  || Pion  ||  8.5 deg  ||  -7.3 || Collimator || 30 min
! 1.5% carbon ||  18.5 deg ||  -5.816  || Sieve  ||  8.5 deg  ||  -7.3 || Centered Sieve || 1 hr
! LH2  || 18.5  deg ||  -5.816    || Pion ||  16.5 deg  || -7.234  || Collimator || 1 hr
! LH2  || 18.5  deg ||  -5.816    || Pion ||  16.5 deg  || -5.5  || Collimator || 1 hr
! 1.5% carbon || 18.5  deg ||  -5.816    || Sieve  ||  16.5 deg  ||  -5.5 || Centered Sieve || 2 hr
== BCM Calibration ( 1 hour) ==
== Use GEM to check out SHMS optics ==
== Use GEM to check out SHMS optics ==

Latest revision as of 15:53, 29 January 2018

Beam energy of 2.2 GeV

Beam energy of 6.4 GeV

Initial conditions

  • HMS/SHMS Conditions:
HMS/SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum 15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum 15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c

Beam Checkout with Superharps and Beam Position Monitors (3 hours)

  • Experts: Mark Jones, Deb Biswas, Thir Guatam
  • Expected time: 3 hours
  • Goals: Initial measurement of beam spot size. Followed by calibration of girder BPMs at 5,30 and 60uA. Measure raster size with superharps.
  • Conditions:
beam current: 5,30 and 60 μA
fast raster: off
target: none
  • Runplan: pdf file
  • Ask MCC to do superharp scan with superharps IHA3H07A and IHA3H07B and put entry in ELOG. Record the 3 BPMs positions (3H07A,3H07B,3H07C) during scan.
    • Want beam spot with sigma_x and sigma_y below 200 um ( beam pass 1-4) and below 300 um for beam pass 5.
  • Verify Girder BPM position to Harp positions.

Center beam on C-hole target ( 1 hour)

  • Experts:
  • Expected time: 1 hour
  • Goal: Center beam on carbon hole target
  • Conditions:
beam current: 5 μA
fast raster: 3x3mm
target: carbon hole
HMS/SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum 15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum 15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
  • Run plan: Procedure
  • Once hole is found, take 20 minutes run at 20uA for good statistics

Detailed Detector Checkout ( 2 hour)

  • Experts:
  • Expected time: 2 hour
  • Prerequisite: Eric Pooser will do invasive checkout of HMS/SHMS trigger with beam.
  • Conditions:
beam current: 20 μA
fast raster: off
target: 0.5% carbon
HMS/SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4,SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum 15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum 15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c


  • Set HMS/SHMS trigger threshold for PID trigger section to 10 mV.
  • Software cuts can be placed on trigger ADC data to study efficiencies.


  • SHMS Noble Gas Run Plan: Scan of HV ( Eric Pooser)
Run 1 HV Settings: PMT1 = 2200 V, PMT2 = 2230 V, PMT3 = 2115, PMT4 = 2030
Run 2 HV Settings: PMT1 = 2300 V, PMT2 = 2320 V, PMT3 = 2215, PMT4 = 2130
    • These are the spring 2017 KPP HV settings for reference: NGC1 : 2255 V, NGC2 : 2280 V, NGC3 : 2165 V, NGC4 : 2087 V
    • We will also need to check the NGCER sum the PID trigger circuit to ensure that we are not saturating the FADC channel
  • Run plan (series of 15 minutes runs)
1 No data taking Only 3/4 scin trigger Checkout of HMS 3/4 trigger ; SHMS NGC HV NGC1 : 2255 V, NGC2 : 2280 V, NGC3 : 2165 V, NGC4 : 2087 V
2 Only 3/4 scin trigger No data taking Checkout of SHMS 3/4 trigger
3 Only 3/4 scin trigger Only 3/4 scin trigger Checkout of HMS ELCLEAN/ELREAL trigger; SHMS NGC HV PMT1 = 2200 V, PMT2 = 2230 V, PMT3 = 2115, PMT4 = 2030
4 Only 3/4 scin trigger Only 3/4 scin trigger Checkout of HMS ELCLEAN/ELREAL trigger ; SHMS NGC HV PMT1 = 2300 V, PMT2 = 2320 V, PMT3 = 2215, PMT4 = 2130
5 Only ELCLEAN trigger Only 3/4 scin trigger Checkout of SHMS ELCLEAN/ELREAL trigger
6 Only ELREAL trigger Only 3/4 scin trigger Checkout of SHMS ELCLEAN/ELREAL trigger
7 ELREAL trigger, prescale 3/4 SCIN Only ELCLEAN
8 ELCLEAN trigger, prescale 3/4 SCIN Only ELREAL
9 ELCLEAN trigger, different prescale 3/4 SCIN ELREAL, prescale 3/4 scin

Checkout of SHMS/HMS focal plane tune ( 1 hour)

  • Experts:
  • Expected time: 1 hour
  • Goal: Look at focal plane with sieve to check tune
  • Conditions:
beam current: 20 μA
fast raster: off
target: 0.5% carbon
HMS/SHMS collimator: SIEVE , Centered sieve
HMS/SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4,SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum 15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum 15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c

Different Pi/e ratios ( 1.5 hour)

  • Experts: SImona
  • Expected time: 1.5 hr
  • Goal:
    • Runs with different central momentum and different pi/e ratios.
    • Two runs with LH2 and one with LD2
    • Take each setting with only 3/4 scin trigger and for 30 minutes
    • Set PID tirgger thresholds to 10 mV. Offline will determine thresholds to test later.
  • Conditions:
beam current: 5-20 μA
fast raster: 2x2mm
target: 10cm LH2, 10cm LD2
HMS/SHMS collimator: Pion/Collimator
HMS/SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4 / SCIN 3/4
SHMS/HMS angle/momentum 25. deg, -3.0 GeV/c, -1.4
  • Run Plan
HMS angle/mom SHMS angle/mom Target HMS/SHMS Trigger
25./-3.0 25./-3.0 10cm LH2 Only 3/4 scin
25./-1.4 25./-1.4 10cm LH2 Only 3/4 scin
25./-1.4 25./-1.4 10cm LD2 Only 3/4 scin

Defocused Tune for SHMS/HMS ( 1 hour)

  • Experts: Hamlet
  • Expected time: 1 hr
  • Goal: Have a wider y_fp to calibrate the calorimeter over regions that are not usually hit with the standard hourglass tune.
  • Conditions:
beam current: 5-20 μA
fast raster: 2x2mm
target: 10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS collimator: Pion/Collimator
HMS/SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4 / SCIN 3/4
SHMS/HMS angle/momentum 25. deg, -3.0 GeV/c, Q2 at 1.2 times normal

Elastic p(ep) Checkout Small angle (2 hours)

  • Experts:
  • Expected time:
  • Goal:
  • Conditions:
beam current: 10 μA
fast raster: 1x1mm2
target: 10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum 13.5/16. deg / 5.398/5.074 GeV
SHMS angle/momentum 8.,10.,13.5 deg / 6.017,5.814,5.398 GeV
  • Run plan
HMS Angle/Mom HMS rate SHMS Angle/Mom SHMS rate Run time
13.5/5.398 300 8./6.017 3300 Hz 15 minutes
13.5/5.398 300 10./5.817 1000 30 minutes
16.0/5.074 100 13.5/5.398 150 60 minutes

HMS/SHMS Angle and Position Matrix Optimization (5 hours)

  • Experts:
  • Expected time: 5 hours.
  • Goal:
  • Conditions:
beam current: 20 μA ( more is better)
fast raster: off
target: optics targets
HMS/SHMS collimator: Sieve , Centered/Shifted Sieve
HMS/SHMS trigger: 3/4 scin, 3/4 scin
HMS angle/momentum 15 and 22. deg,
SHMS angle/momentum 15. and 22. deg,
  • Series of runs changing target.
    • SHMS has two sieves with the holes shifted in the horizontal.
    • HMS has only one sieve which will always be used.
    • No raster.
    • Time is assuming 20uA.
Target HMS angle HMS momentum SHMS angle SHMS momentum SHMS collimator Time
0,+/- 10cm 15. deg -4.0 15. deg -4.0 Centered Sieve 30 min
0,+/- 10cm 15. deg -4.0 15. deg -4.0 Shifted Sieve 30 min
+/- 5cm 15. deg -4.0 15. deg -4.0 Centered Sieve 30 min
+/- 5cm 15. deg -4.0 15. deg -4.0 Shifted Sieve 30 min
0,+/- 10cm 22. deg -3.2 22. deg -3.2 Centered Sieve 1.5 hr
0,+/- 10cm 22. deg -3.2 22. deg -3.2 Shifted Sieve 1.5 hr

Large Ytar: HMS/SHMS Angle and Position Matrix Optimization (9 hours)

  • Experts:
  • Expected time: 9 hours.
  • Goal:
  • Conditions:
beam current: 20 μA
fast raster: off
target: optics targets
HMS/SHMS collimator: Sieve , Centered Sieve
HMS/SHMS trigger: 3/4 scin, 3/4 scin
HMS angle/momentum 30. deg, -2.0 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum 30. deg, -2.0 GeV/c

Check of ELREAL/ELCLEAN Trigger ( 1.5 hour)

  • Experts: SImona
  • Expected time: 1.5 hr
  • Goal:
    • Use threshold determined form previous LD2 running
    • Sanity check of electron triggers.
  • Conditions:
beam current: 20 μA
fast raster: 2x2mm
target: 10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS collimator: Pion/Collimator
HMS/SHMS trigger: Electron triggers
SHMS/HMS angle/momentum 25. deg, -3.0 GeV/c, -1.4
  • Run Plan
HMS angle/mom SHMS angle/mom Target HMS/SHMS Trigger Total DAQ Triggers
25./-3.0 25./-3.0 10cm LH2 Only 3/4 scin (prescale trig1=0,trig2=-1,trig3=-1) 300K
25./-3.0 25./-3.0 10cm LH2 ELREAL (prescale trig1=-1,trig2=0,trig3=-1) 300K
25./-3.0 25./-3.0 10cm LH2 ELCLEAN (prescale trig1=-1,trig2=-1,trig3=0) 300K
25./-1.4 25./-1.4 10cm LH2 Only 3/4 scin (prescale trig1=0,trig2=-1,trig3=-1) 300K
25./-1.4 25./-1.4 10cm LH2 ELREAL (prescale trig1=-1,trig2=0,trig3=-1) 300K
25./-1.4 25./-1.4 10cm LH2 ELCLEAN (prescale trig1=-1,trig2=-1,trig3=0) 300K

Coincidence Checkout [9 hrs]

  • Experts:
  • Expected time:
  • Goal:
  • Conditions:
beam current: 20-50 μA
fast raster: 2x2 mm2
target: 10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum 27.5 deg, -3.609 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum 27.5 deg, +3.609 GeV/c
  • Series of runs with/without collimator on electron side and switch polarities between HMS/SHMS.
  • Last run is used to evaluate accidentals.
HMS angle HMS momentum SHMS angle HMS collimator SHMS momentum SHMS collimator Time
27.5 deg +3.609 27.5 deg Pion -3.609 Collimator 30 min (4Hz at 20uA)
27.5 deg +3.609 27.5 deg Pion -3.609 Centered Sieve 2 hr
27.5 deg -3.609 27.5 deg Pion +3.609 Collimator 30 min (4Hz at 20uA)
27.5 deg -3.609 27.5 deg Sieve +3.609 Collimator 2 hr
27.5 deg -3.609 35.0 deg Pion +3.609 Collimator 1 hr

Additional Large Ytar: HMS/SHMS Angle and Position Matrix Optimization (6 hours)

  • Experts:
  • Expected time: 6 hours.
  • Goal:
  • Conditions:
beam current: 65 μA
fast raster: 2x2
target: optics targets
HMS/SHMS collimator: Sieve , Centered Sieve
HMS/SHMS trigger: 3/4 scin, 3/4 scin
HMS angle/momentum 25.5,22 deg, -2.6,-3.2 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum 30.,22 deg, -2.0,-3.2 GeV/c
  • Run Plan: Time is assuming 65uA. Take one hour long runs. Should take about 5 hours for +/-10cm data and 1 hour for +/-5cm data.
Target HMS angle HMS momentum SHMS angle SHMS momentum SHMS collimator Counts
0,+/- 10cm 25. deg -2.6 30. deg -2.0 Centered Sieve Total of 4.0M SHMS triggers.
+/- 5cm 22. deg -3.2 22. deg -3.2 Centered Sieve Total of 1.0M SHMS Triggers.

Additional Coincidence Checkout [3 hr]

  • Conditions:
beam current: 65 μA
fast raster: 2x2 mm2
target: 10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS trigger: Coincidence
HMS angle/momentum Various
SHMS angle/momentum Various
  • Run Plan:
    • HMS is detecting electrons and SHMS is detecting protons.
    • Use HMS pion collimator and SHMS collimator.
    • Cycle SHMS for each change when raising momentum
Target Prescales HMS angle HMS momentum SHMS angle SHMS momentum Time
LH2 ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 22.0 deg -4.284 33.3 deg +2.925 30 min (65Hz)
0.5% carbon ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 22.0 deg -4.284 33.3 deg +2.925 10min
0.5% carbon ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 35.0 deg -2.869 22.0 deg +4.38 10 min
LH2 ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 35.0 deg -2.869 22.0 deg +4.38 30 min (6Hz)
LH2 ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 50.0 deg -1.864 15.3 deg +5.41 1.5 hrs (0.6Hz)
0.5% carbon ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 50.0 deg -1.864 15.3 deg +5.41 10 min
  • Run until 8am when Jay Benesch in MCC will do the beam energy measurement.

Beam Energy Measurement (3 hours)

  • Experts: MCC, Jay Benesch
  • Expected time: 3 hours
  • Goal: Measure beam energy for elastics
  • Conditions:
beam current: 5uA
fast raster: off
target: none
  • MCC procedure

Target LH2/LD2 boiling study

  • Experts: Eric Pooser
  • Expected time:
  • Goal: Measure target boiling.
  • Conditions:
beam current (uA): 2, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65
fast raster: 2x2mm
target: 10cm LH2, 10cm LD2, 0.5% Carbon, *Al 10 cm Dummy only at 20 and 40 muA*
SHMS/HMS collimator: Collimator/PION
SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4
SHMS angle/momentum: 15 deg / -3 GeV/c
HMS trigger: SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum: 15 deg / -3 GeV/c
  • Run Plan:
    • Set spectrometers to above settings
    • For each target, do nine separate runs for each current and take 200,000 events.
Target Trigger Currents
10cm LH2 ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% 2, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65
10cm LD2 ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% 2, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65
0.5% carbon ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% 2, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65
10 cm dummy ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% 20,40

Final Checkout of SHMS ELREAL/ELCLEAN Trigger ( 3 hour)

  • Experts: Simona Malace
  • Expected time: 3 hr
  • Goal:
    • Take data to determine thresholds.
    • Sanity check of electron triggers.
  • Conditions:
beam current: 65 μA
fast raster: 2x2mm
target: 10cm LH2
SHMS collimator: Collimator
SHMS trigger: Various triggers
SHMS angle/momentum 25. deg, -3.0 GeV/c, -1.4
  • Run Plan
    • Take run with 3/4 and threshold at 10mV
    • Take run with 3/4 and thresholds at: SHMS (PRLO = 10 mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER = 10 mV)
    • Take run with ELREAL only trigger
    • Take run with ELCLEAN trigger
    • Analyze results and confirm that expected efficiencies are achieved.
    • Lower spectrometer momentum to -1.4 GeV to increase pi/e ratio.
    • Repeat all of above
SHMS angle/mom Target SHMS Trigger Trigger Thresholds Total DAQ Triggers
25./-3.0 10cm LH2 Only 3/4 trigger All PID legs to 10mV 300K
25./-3.0 10cm LH2 Only 3/4 trigger SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV 300K
25./-3.0 10cm LH2 Only ELREAL SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV 300K
25./-3.0 10cm LH2 Only ELCLEAN SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV 300K
25./-1.4 10cm LH2 Only 3/4 trigger All PID legs to 10mV 300K
25./-1.4 10cm LH2 Only 3/4 trigger SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV 300K
25./-1.4 10cm LH2 Only ELREAL SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV 300K
25./-1.4 10cm LH2 Only ELCLEAN SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV 300K

SHMS Elastic Single arm Checkout Additional angles (4 hours)

  • Experts:
  • Expected time:
  • Goal:
  • Conditions:
beam current: 65uA
fast raster: 2x2mm2
target: 0.5% carbon, 10cm LH2
SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
SHMS angle/momentum 16,20 ,30,35 deg / 5.074,4.522,3.349,2.869 GeV
  • Run plan
    • Take 15 min run with 0.5% carbon. Run LH2 for 10,000 events in elastic W for SHMS at 16 deg.
    • Take 15 min run with 0.5% carbon. Run for 10,000 events in elastic W for SHMS at 20 deg
    • Take 15 min run with 0.5% carbon. Run for 10,000 events in elastic W for SHMS at 30 deg
    • Take 15 min run with 0.5% carbon. Run for 10,000 events in elastic W for SHMS at 35 deg

CT Physics [53 hrs]

  • Conditions:
beam current: 65 μA
fast raster: 2x2 mm2
target: 10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS trigger: Coincidence
HMS angle/momentum Various
SHMS angle/momentum Various
  • Run Plan:
    • HMS is detecting electrons and SHMS is detecting protons.
    • Use HMS pion collimator and SHMS collimator.
    • Keep track of good coincidence physics events (with tight PID cuts and coincidence time cut) such that we have 10000 events each for LH2 and Carbon
Target Prescales HMS angle HMS momentum SHMS angle SHMS momentum Time
LH2 ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 45.1 deg -2.131 17.1 deg +5.122 12 hrs
LH2 ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 45.1 deg -2.131 17.1 deg +5.122 30 min
Al. Dummy ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 45.1 deg -2.131 17.1 deg +5.122 4 hrs
6% C ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 45.1 deg -2.131 17.1 deg +5.122 36 hrs
6% C ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 45.1 deg -2.131 17.1 deg +5.122 30 min
  • If possible after completing the LH2 and Dummy we can move to F2 Physics program and come back to the Carbon after the F2 physics program

F2 Physics

Remaining Commissioning

SHMS Elastic Single arm Checkout Additional angles (4 hours)

  • Experts:
  • Expected time:
  • Goal:
  • Conditions:
beam current: 65uA
fast raster: 2x2mm2
target: 10cm LH2
SHMS collimator: COLLIMATOR/Center sieve
SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4
SHMS angle/momentum 25 ,30 / -3.911,-3.349
  • Run plan
    • Take data at SHMS angle = 25 and momentum = -3.911 with collimator for 30 minutes.
    • Take data at SHMS angle = 25 and momentum = -3.911 with centered Sieve for 1 hour.
    • Take data at SHMS angle = 25 and momentum = -3.6 with collimator for 30 minutes.
    • Take data at SHMS angle = 25 and momentum = -3.349 with collimator for 30 minutes.
    • Take data at SHMS angle = 30 and momentum = -3.349 with collimator for 1 hour.
    • Take data at SHMS angle = 30 and momentum = -3.349 with centered sieve for 2 hour.

22 deg Ytar: SHMS Angle and Position Matrix Optimization (1 hours)

  • Experts:
  • Expected time: 1 hours.
  • Goal: Need more optics data for SHMS at large angles.
  • Conditions:
beam current: 65 μA
fast raster: 2x2
target: 0,+/- 10cm
SHMS collimator: Centered Sieve,Shifted Sieve
SHMS trigger: ELREAL
SHMS angle/momentum 22 deg, -3.2 GeV/c
  • Run Plan: Take during switch in HMS polarity. Time is assuming 65uA.
Target SHMS angle SHMS momentum SHMS collimator Time
0,+/- 10cm 22. deg -3.2 Centered Sieve 30 minutes
0,+/- 10cm 22. deg -3.2 Shifted Sieve 30 minutes

SHMS Low momentum electrons and large angle (3 hours)

  • Experts: Eric Christy
  • Expected time: 3 hours.
  • Goal:
  • Conditions:
beam current: 65 μA, 40uA (Aluminum dummy)
fast raster: 2x2
target: 10cm Lh2, 10cm Al dummy
SHMS collimator: collimator
SHMS trigger: ELREAL
SHMS angle/momentum 35 deg, -2.6 GeV/c
  • Run Plan: Take while HMS with positive polarity is taken. Time is assuming 65uA.
Target SHMS angle SHMS momentum Time
10cm Lh2 35. deg -2.6 2 hours
10cm 35. deg -2.6 20 minutes

30 deg Ytar: HMS/SHMS Angle and Position Matrix Optimization (3 hours)

  • Experts:
  • Expected time: 3 hours.
  • Goal: Need more optics data for SHMS at large angles.
  • Conditions:
beam current: 65 μA
fast raster: 2x2
target: optics targets
SHMS collimator: Centered Sieve
SHMS trigger: ELREAL
SHMS angle/momentum 30. deg, -2.0 GeV/c
  • Run Plan: Time is assuming 65uA. Take one hour long runs.
Target SHMS angle SHMS momentum SHMS collimator Time
0,+/- 10cm 30. deg -2.0 Centered Sieve 3 hours

Repeat Target LH2 boiling study with new SHMS sheilding

  • Experts:
  • Expected time:
  • Goal: With new SHMS shielding reconfiguration, repeat LH2 measurement and see if background reduced.
  • Conditions:
beam current (uA): 10, 30 , 65
fast raster: 2x2mm
target: 10cm LH2
SHMS/HMS collimator: Collimator/PION
SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4
SHMS angle/momentum: 15 deg / -3 GeV/c
  • Run Plan:
Target Trigger Currents
10cm LH2 ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% 10, 30, 65

Lower priority

Beam energy of 10.6 GeV

Beam Energy Measurement

  • Experts: MCC,Mark Jones, Dave Mack
  • Expected time: ? hours
  • Goal: Measure beam energy for carbon elastics.
  • Conditions:
beam current: 5uA
fast raster: off
target: none
  • MCC procedure

HMS/SHMS Tune Verification

  • Experts:
  • Expected time:
  • Goal:
    • Mix of ep elastic data, and carbon data to check SHMS tune.
    • Also LH2 inelastic to calibrate the calorimeter.
  • Conditions:
beam current: max current μA
fast raster: 2x2
target: 1.5% carbon, 10 LH2
HMS/SHMS collimator: PION/SIEVE , COLLIMATOR/Centered Sieve
HMS/SHMS trigger: SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum see table
SHMS angle/momentum see table
  • Run Plan
Target HMS angle HMS momentum HMS collimator SHMS angle SHMS momentum SHMS collimator Time
LH2 18.5 deg -6.693 pion 8.5 deg -9.430 Collimator 30 min
LH2 18.5 deg -6.693 Pion 8.5 deg -7.3 Collimator 30 min
1.5% carbon 18.5 deg -5.816 Sieve 8.5 deg -7.3 Centered Sieve 1 hr
LH2 18.5 deg -5.816 Pion 16.5 deg -7.234 Collimator 1 hr
LH2 18.5 deg -5.816 Pion 16.5 deg -5.5 Collimator 1 hr
1.5% carbon 18.5 deg -5.816 Sieve 16.5 deg -5.5 Centered Sieve 2 hr

BCM Calibration ( 1 hour)

Use GEM to check out SHMS optics

  • Experts: Latif
  • Expected time:
  • Goal:
  • Conditions:
beam current: <1 μA
fast raster: off
target: optics targets
SHMS collimator: Collimator
SHMS trigger: 3/4 Scin + Cer
SHMS angle/momentum 25. deg, -2.0 GeV/c
  • Run Plan: