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|04/04/16 || [[elong-14-04-16|Deuteron Shape]]
|04/04/16 || [[elong-14-04-16|What *is* tensor polarization, really?]]
|04/04/15 || [[elong-14-04-15|Pzz=15% ND3 Scenario]]
|04/04/15 || [[elong-14-04-15|Pzz=15% ND3 Scenario]]

Revision as of 16:59, 16 April 2014


Elena Long
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
University of New Hampshire

b1 and Azz Updates

04/04/16 What *is* tensor polarization, really?
04/04/15 Pzz=15% ND3 Scenario
04/04/14 Reid Soft Core Potential
04/04/04 Q^2 Scan Measurements of Azz - 24 Days
03/27/14 Adding Misak's Code to Rates
03/25/14 Second Look at Cross-Sections & Dilution Factor
03/21/14 b1 with LiD
03/11/14 Q^2 Scan with Q^2-dependent plataeu
02/25/14 Lowering HMS angle for b1
02/04/14 G. Miller's New b1 Calculations
10/11/13b Polarized Target Spectrometer Restrictions
10/11/13 Azz - Playing with bin size, Q^2
10/10/13b b1 with Color-Coded Plots
10/10/13 Azz with Color-Coded Plots
10/09/13c Azz with Q^2>1
10/09/13b Azz Rates by Spectrometer
10/09/13 b1 With Updated Rates Code
10/08/13 Azz Rates
10/07/13 Azz Re-Optimization
10/04/13 Comparing Bosted and Misak cross-sections
10/01/13 Cross Section Checks for b1
09/30/13 Dilution Factor Comparisons Between Models
09/27/13 0.09<x<1.85 Azz Measurement
09/24/13 Comparing dAzz between x<0.75 and x>0.75
09/20/13b W Scan and Rates
09/20/13 Week-Long Measurement of Azz in x>0.8 Range
09/18/13 Optimizing Azz in QE and x>1 Range
09/12/13 Adding QE and x>1 Range to Rates Code
08/28/13 UNH Update
06/17/13 PAC Presentation (ppt) (pdf)
06/03/13 Optimizing Systematic Uncertainties by Bin
05/31/13b Problems with Rates Code -- Fixed
05/31/13 Optimizing Systematic Uncertainties
05/28/13 Systematic Uncertainties
05/20/13 Extra Asymmetries
05/16/13b Rates and Systematic Uncertainty Calculations for a Measurement of <math>A_{zz}</math> (JLAB-TN-13-029)
05/16/13 Rates Update - Systematic Error Bars
05/09/13 Code used for rates in the proposal
05/06/13 Proposal to PAC 40
05/02/13 Rates Update - Calculations Match, PAC Time Differences
05/01/13c Azz Method 2
05/01/13b Matching HERMES Data
05/01/13 Rates Update - Fixed cross-sections, Compared with HERMES
04/29/13 Rates Update - Spectrometer Limits Included, Maximizing Rate and Minimizing db1
04/24/13 Rates Update - Total Rates Included, Week/Point Estimates
04/18/13 Rates Update - Rates in Quasi-Elastic Region, Playing with Error Bars
04/11/13 Rates Update - The Rates Game
04/04/13 Rates Update - Understanding Patricia's b1 Rates Code


Ellie's website can be found at http://nuclear.unh.edu/~elong/


Ellie's github repositories can be found at https://github.com/ellie-long?tab=repositories

--E. Long 14:58, 16 April 2014 (UTC)