Line 530: |
Line 530: |
| !0.5% carbon || ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% || 2, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65 | | !0.5% carbon || ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% || 2, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65 |
| |- | | |- |
− | !10 cm dummy || ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% || 2, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65 | + | !10 cm dummy || ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% || 20,40 |
| |} | | |} |
| | | |
Revision as of 19:47, 18 January 2018
Beam energy of 6.4 GeV
Initial conditions
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum |
15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum |
15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
Beam Checkout with Superharps and Beam Position Monitors (3 hours)
- Experts: Mark Jones, Deb Biswas, Thir Guatam
- Expected time: 3 hours
- Goals: Initial measurement of beam spot size. Followed by calibration of girder BPMs at 5,30 and 60uA. Measure raster size with superharps.
- Conditions:
beam current: |
5,30 and 60 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
- Runplan: pdf file
- Ask MCC to do superharp scan with superharps IHA3H07A and IHA3H07B and put entry in ELOG. Record the 3 BPMs positions (3H07A,3H07B,3H07C) during scan.
- Want beam spot with sigma_x and sigma_y below 200 um ( beam pass 1-4) and below 300 um for beam pass 5.
- Verify Girder BPM position to Harp positions.
Center beam on C-hole target ( 1 hour)
- Experts:
- Expected time: 1 hour
- Goal: Center beam on carbon hole target
- Conditions:
beam current: |
5 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
carbon hole
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum |
15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum |
15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
- Run plan: Procedure
- Once hole is found, take 20 minutes run at 20uA for good statistics
Detailed Detector Checkout ( 2 hour)
- Experts:
- Expected time: 2 hour
- Prerequisite: Eric Pooser will do invasive checkout of HMS/SHMS trigger with beam.
- Conditions:
beam current: |
20 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
0.5% carbon
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4,SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum |
15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum |
15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
- Set HMS/SHMS trigger threshold for PID trigger section to 10 mV.
- Software cuts can be placed on trigger ADC data to study efficiencies.
- SHMS Noble Gas Run Plan: Scan of HV ( Eric Pooser)
Run 1 HV Settings: PMT1 = 2200 V, PMT2 = 2230 V, PMT3 = 2115, PMT4 = 2030
Run 2 HV Settings: PMT1 = 2300 V, PMT2 = 2320 V, PMT3 = 2215, PMT4 = 2130
- These are the spring 2017 KPP HV settings for reference: NGC1 : 2255 V, NGC2 : 2280 V, NGC3 : 2165 V, NGC4 : 2087 V
- We will also need to check the NGCER sum the PID trigger circuit to ensure that we are not saturating the FADC channel
- Run plan (series of 15 minutes runs)
Run |
1 |
No data taking |
Only 3/4 scin trigger |
Checkout of HMS 3/4 trigger ; SHMS NGC HV NGC1 : 2255 V, NGC2 : 2280 V, NGC3 : 2165 V, NGC4 : 2087 V
2 |
Only 3/4 scin trigger |
No data taking |
Checkout of SHMS 3/4 trigger
3 |
Only 3/4 scin trigger |
Only 3/4 scin trigger |
Checkout of HMS ELCLEAN/ELREAL trigger; SHMS NGC HV PMT1 = 2200 V, PMT2 = 2230 V, PMT3 = 2115, PMT4 = 2030
4 |
Only 3/4 scin trigger |
Only 3/4 scin trigger |
Checkout of HMS ELCLEAN/ELREAL trigger ; SHMS NGC HV PMT1 = 2300 V, PMT2 = 2320 V, PMT3 = 2215, PMT4 = 2130
5 |
Only ELCLEAN trigger |
Only 3/4 scin trigger |
Checkout of SHMS ELCLEAN/ELREAL trigger
6 |
Only ELREAL trigger |
Only 3/4 scin trigger |
Checkout of SHMS ELCLEAN/ELREAL trigger
7 |
ELREAL trigger, prescale 3/4 SCIN |
8 |
ELCLEAN trigger, prescale 3/4 SCIN |
9 |
ELCLEAN trigger, different prescale 3/4 SCIN |
ELREAL, prescale 3/4 scin |
Checkout of SHMS/HMS focal plane tune ( 1 hour)
- Experts:
- Expected time: 1 hour
- Goal: Look at focal plane with sieve to check tune
- Conditions:
beam current: |
20 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
0.5% carbon
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
SIEVE , Centered sieve
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4,SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum |
15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum |
15 deg, -3.0 GeV/c
Different Pi/e ratios ( 1.5 hour)
- Experts: SImona
- Expected time: 1.5 hr
- Goal:
- Runs with different central momentum and different pi/e ratios.
- Two runs with LH2 and one with LD2
- Take each setting with only 3/4 scin trigger and for 30 minutes
- Set PID tirgger thresholds to 10 mV. Offline will determine thresholds to test later.
- Conditions:
beam current: |
5-20 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
10cm LH2, 10cm LD2
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4 / SCIN 3/4
SHMS/HMS angle/momentum |
25. deg, -3.0 GeV/c, -1.4
HMS angle/mom |
SHMS angle/mom |
Target |
HMS/SHMS Trigger
25./-3.0 |
25./-3.0 |
10cm LH2 |
Only 3/4 scin
25./-1.4 |
25./-1.4 |
10cm LH2 |
Only 3/4 scin
25./-1.4 |
25./-1.4 |
10cm LD2 |
Only 3/4 scin
Defocused Tune for SHMS/HMS ( 1 hour)
- Experts: Hamlet
- Expected time: 1 hr
- Goal: Have a wider y_fp to calibrate the calorimeter over regions that are not usually hit with the standard hourglass tune.
- Conditions:
beam current: |
5-20 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4 / SCIN 3/4
SHMS/HMS angle/momentum |
25. deg, -3.0 GeV/c, Q2 at 1.2 times normal
Elastic p(ep) Checkout Small angle (2 hours)
- Experts:
- Expected time:
- Goal:
- Conditions:
beam current: |
10 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum |
13.5/16. deg / 5.398/5.074 GeV
SHMS angle/momentum |
8.,10.,13.5 deg / 6.017,5.814,5.398 GeV
HMS Angle/Mom |
HMS rate |
SHMS Angle/Mom |
SHMS rate |
Run time
13.5/5.398 |
300 |
8./6.017 |
3300 Hz |
15 minutes
13.5/5.398 |
300 |
10./5.817 |
1000 |
30 minutes
16.0/5.074 |
100 |
13.5/5.398 |
150 |
60 minutes
HMS/SHMS Angle and Position Matrix Optimization (5 hours)
- Experts:
- Expected time: 5 hours.
- Goal:
- Conditions:
beam current: |
20 μA ( more is better)
fast raster: |
target: |
optics targets
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
Sieve , Centered/Shifted Sieve
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
3/4 scin, 3/4 scin
HMS angle/momentum |
15 and 22. deg,
SHMS angle/momentum |
15. and 22. deg,
- Series of runs changing target.
- SHMS has two sieves with the holes shifted in the horizontal.
- HMS has only one sieve which will always be used.
- No raster.
- Time is assuming 20uA.
Target |
HMS angle |
HMS momentum |
SHMS angle |
SHMS momentum |
SHMS collimator |
0,+/- 10cm |
15. deg |
-4.0 |
15. deg |
-4.0 |
Centered Sieve |
30 min
0,+/- 10cm |
15. deg |
-4.0 |
15. deg |
-4.0 |
Shifted Sieve |
30 min
+/- 5cm |
15. deg |
-4.0 |
15. deg |
-4.0 |
Centered Sieve |
30 min
+/- 5cm |
15. deg |
-4.0 |
15. deg |
-4.0 |
Shifted Sieve |
30 min
0,+/- 10cm |
22. deg |
-3.2 |
22. deg |
-3.2 |
Centered Sieve |
1.5 hr
0,+/- 10cm |
22. deg |
-3.2 |
22. deg |
-3.2 |
Shifted Sieve |
1.5 hr
Large Ytar: HMS/SHMS Angle and Position Matrix Optimization (9 hours)
- Experts:
- Expected time: 9 hours.
- Goal:
- Conditions:
beam current: |
20 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
optics targets
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
Sieve , Centered Sieve
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
3/4 scin, 3/4 scin
HMS angle/momentum |
30. deg, -2.0 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum |
30. deg, -2.0 GeV/c
Check of ELREAL/ELCLEAN Trigger ( 1.5 hour)
- Experts: SImona
- Expected time: 1.5 hr
- Goal:
- Use threshold determined form previous LD2 running
- Sanity check of electron triggers.
- Conditions:
beam current: |
20 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
Electron triggers
SHMS/HMS angle/momentum |
25. deg, -3.0 GeV/c, -1.4
HMS angle/mom |
SHMS angle/mom |
Target |
HMS/SHMS Trigger |
Total DAQ Triggers
25./-3.0 |
25./-3.0 |
10cm LH2 |
Only 3/4 scin (prescale trig1=0,trig2=-1,trig3=-1) |
25./-3.0 |
25./-3.0 |
10cm LH2 |
ELREAL (prescale trig1=-1,trig2=0,trig3=-1) |
25./-3.0 |
25./-3.0 |
10cm LH2 |
ELCLEAN (prescale trig1=-1,trig2=-1,trig3=0) |
25./-1.4 |
25./-1.4 |
10cm LH2 |
Only 3/4 scin (prescale trig1=0,trig2=-1,trig3=-1) |
25./-1.4 |
25./-1.4 |
10cm LH2 |
ELREAL (prescale trig1=-1,trig2=0,trig3=-1) |
25./-1.4 |
25./-1.4 |
10cm LH2 |
ELCLEAN (prescale trig1=-1,trig2=-1,trig3=0) |
Coincidence Checkout [9 hrs]
- Experts:
- Expected time:
- Goal:
- Conditions:
beam current: |
20-50 μA
fast raster: |
2x2 mm2
target: |
10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum |
27.5 deg, -3.609 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum |
27.5 deg, +3.609 GeV/c
- Series of runs with/without collimator on electron side and switch polarities between HMS/SHMS.
- Last run is used to evaluate accidentals.
HMS angle |
HMS momentum |
SHMS angle |
HMS collimator |
SHMS momentum |
SHMS collimator |
27.5 deg |
+3.609 |
27.5 deg |
Pion |
-3.609 |
Collimator |
30 min (4Hz at 20uA)
27.5 deg |
+3.609 |
27.5 deg |
Pion |
-3.609 |
Centered Sieve |
2 hr
27.5 deg |
-3.609 |
27.5 deg |
Pion |
+3.609 |
Collimator |
30 min (4Hz at 20uA)
27.5 deg |
-3.609 |
27.5 deg |
Sieve |
+3.609 |
Collimator |
2 hr
27.5 deg |
-3.609 |
35.0 deg |
Pion |
+3.609 |
Collimator |
1 hr
Additional Large Ytar: HMS/SHMS Angle and Position Matrix Optimization (6 hours)
- Experts:
- Expected time: 6 hours.
- Goal:
- Conditions:
beam current: |
65 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
optics targets
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
Sieve , Centered Sieve
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
3/4 scin, 3/4 scin
HMS angle/momentum |
25.5,22 deg, -2.6,-3.2 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum |
30.,22 deg, -2.0,-3.2 GeV/c
- Run Plan: Time is assuming 65uA. Take one hour long runs. Should take about 5 hours for +/-10cm data and 1 hour for +/-5cm data.
Target |
HMS angle |
HMS momentum |
SHMS angle |
SHMS momentum |
SHMS collimator |
0,+/- 10cm |
25. deg |
-2.6 |
30. deg |
-2.0 |
Centered Sieve |
Total of 4.0M SHMS triggers.
+/- 5cm |
22. deg |
-3.2 |
22. deg |
-3.2 |
Centered Sieve |
Total of 1.0M SHMS Triggers.
Additional Coincidence Checkout [3 hr]
beam current: |
65 μA
fast raster: |
2x2 mm2
target: |
10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
HMS angle/momentum |
SHMS angle/momentum |
- Run Plan:
- HMS is detecting electrons and SHMS is detecting protons.
- Use HMS pion collimator and SHMS collimator.
- Cycle SHMS for each change when raising momentum
Target |
Prescales |
HMS angle |
HMS momentum |
SHMS angle |
SHMS momentum |
LH2 |
ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 |
22.0 deg |
-4.284 |
33.3 deg |
+2.925 |
30 min (65Hz)
0.5% carbon |
ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 |
22.0 deg |
-4.284 |
33.3 deg |
+2.925 |
0.5% carbon |
ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 |
35.0 deg |
-2.869 |
22.0 deg |
+4.38 |
10 min
LH2 |
ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 |
35.0 deg |
-2.869 |
22.0 deg |
+4.38 |
30 min (6Hz)
LH2 |
ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 |
50.0 deg |
-1.864 |
15.3 deg |
+5.41 |
1.5 hrs (0.6Hz)
0.5% carbon |
ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 |
50.0 deg |
-1.864 |
15.3 deg |
+5.41 |
10 min
- Run until 8am when Jay Benesch in MCC will do the beam energy measurement.
Beam Energy Measurement (3 hours)
- Experts: MCC, Jay Benesch
- Expected time: 3 hours
- Goal: Measure beam energy for elastics
- Conditions:
beam current: |
fast raster: |
target: |
CT Physics [53 hrs]
beam current: |
65 μA
fast raster: |
2x2 mm2
target: |
10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
HMS angle/momentum |
SHMS angle/momentum |
- Run Plan:
- HMS is detecting electrons and SHMS is detecting protons.
- Use HMS pion collimator and SHMS collimator.
- Keep track of good coincidence physics events (with tight PID cuts and coincidence time cut) such that we have 10000 events each for LH2 and Carbon
Target |
Prescales |
HMS angle |
HMS momentum |
SHMS angle |
SHMS momentum |
LH2 |
ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 |
45.1 deg |
-2.131 |
17.1 deg |
+5.122 |
12 hrs
LH2 |
ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 |
45.1 deg |
-2.131 |
17.1 deg |
+5.122 |
30 min
Al. Dummy |
ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 |
45.1 deg |
-2.131 |
17.1 deg |
+5.122 |
4 hrs
6% C |
ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 |
45.1 deg |
-2.131 |
17.1 deg |
+5.122 |
36 hrs
6% C |
ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 |
45.1 deg |
-2.131 |
17.1 deg |
+5.122 |
30 min
- If possible after completing the LH2 and Dummy we can move to F2 Physics program and come back to the Carbon after the F2 physics program
Target LH2/LD2 boiling study
- Experts: Eric Pooser
- Expected time:
- Goal: Measure target boiling.
- Conditions:
beam current (uA): |
2, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65
fast raster: |
target: |
10cm LH2, 10cm LD2, 0.5% Carbon, *Al 10 cm Dummy only at 20 and 40 muA*
SHMS/HMS collimator: |
SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4
SHMS angle/momentum: |
15 deg / -3 GeV/c
HMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum: |
15 deg / -3 GeV/c
- Run Plan:
- Set spectrometers to above settings
- For each target, do nine separate runs for each current and take 200,000 events.
Target |
Trigger |
10cm LH2 |
ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% |
2, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65
10cm LD2 |
ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% |
2, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65
0.5% carbon |
ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% |
2, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65
10 cm dummy |
ps1=#, rest to -1, Set # so deadtime is 20% |
F2 Physics
Program with SHMS during F2 HMS data taking
Final Checkout of SHMS ELREAL/ELCLEAN Trigger ( 3 hour)
- Experts: Simona Malace
- Expected time: 3 hr
- Goal:
- Take data to determine thresholds.
- Sanity check of electron triggers.
- Conditions:
beam current: |
65 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
10cm LH2
SHMS collimator: |
SHMS trigger: |
Various triggers
SHMS angle/momentum |
25. deg, -3.0 GeV/c, -1.4
- Take run with 3/4 and threshold at 10mV
- Take run with 3/4 and thresholds at: SHMS (PRLO = 10 mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER = 10 mV)
- Take run with ELREAL only trigger
- Take run with ELCLEAN trigger
- Analyze results and confirm that expected efficiencies are achieved.
- Lower spectrometer momentum to -1.4 GeV to increase pi/e ratio.
- Repeat all of above
SHMS angle/mom |
Target |
SHMS Trigger |
Trigger Thresholds |
Total DAQ Triggers
25./-3.0 |
10cm LH2 |
Only 3/4 trigger |
All PID legs to 10mV |
25./-3.0 |
10cm LH2 |
Only 3/4 trigger |
SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV |
25./-3.0 |
10cm LH2 |
SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV |
25./-3.0 |
10cm LH2 |
SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV |
25./-1.4 |
10cm LH2 |
Only 3/4 trigger |
All PID legs to 10mV |
25./-1.4 |
10cm LH2 |
Only 3/4 trigger |
SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV |
25./-1.4 |
10cm LH2 |
SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV |
25./-1.4 |
10cm LH2 |
SHMS PID legs to: PRLO = 10mV, PRHI = 15 mV, CER =10 mV |
Use GEM to check out SHMS optics
- Experts:
- Expected time:
- Goal:
- Conditions:
beam current: |
<1 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
optics targets
SHMS collimator: |
SHMS trigger: |
3/4 Scin + Cer
SHMS angle/momentum |
25. deg, -2.0 GeV/c
SHMS Elastic Single arm Checkout Additional angles (4 hours)
- Experts:
- Expected time:
- Goal:
- Conditions:
beam current: |
fast raster: |
target: |
0.5% carbon, 10cm LH2
SHMS collimator: |
SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
SHMS angle/momentum |
16,20 ,30,35 deg / 5.074,4.522,3.349,2.869 GeV
- Run plan
- Take 15 min run with 0.5% carbon. Run LH2 for 10,000 events in elastic W for SHMS at 16 deg.
- Take 15 min run with 0.5% carbon. Run for 10,000 events in elastic W for SHMS at 20 deg
- Take 15 min run with 0.5% carbon. Run for 10,000 events in elastic W for SHMS at 30 deg
- Take 15 min run with 0.5% carbon. Run for 10,000 events in elastic W for SHMS at 35 deg
Lower priority
BCM Calibration ( 1 hour)
- Have done a set of data. Need to analyze and confirm it is enough.
1H or 12C(e, e’ π) [2 hr]
- Experts:
- Expected time:
- Goal:
- Conditions:
beam current: |
20-50 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
3% carbon, 10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum |
16.8 deg, -3.8 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum |
20.0 deg, +2.7 GeV/c
1H(e’K) and 1H(e, e’K) [3 hr]
- Experts:
- Expected time:
- Goal:
- Conditions:
beam current: |
20-50 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum |
25.0 deg, -2.6 GeV/c
SHMS angle/momentum |
15.0 deg, +3.6 GeV/c
Beam energy of 8.8 GeV
Beam Energy Measurement
- Experts: MCC,Mark Jones, Dave Mack
- Expected time: ? hours
- Goal: Measure beam energy for carbon elastics.
- Conditions:
beam current: |
fast raster: |
target: |
SHMS Tune Verification
- Experts:
- Expected time:
- Goal:
- Conditions:
beam current: |
5-20 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
3% carbon
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum |
SHMS angle/momentum |
Beam energy of 10.6 GeV
Beam Energy Measurement
- Experts: MCC,Mark Jones, Dave Mack
- Expected time: ? hours
- Goal: Measure beam energy for carbon elastics.
- Conditions:
beam current: |
fast raster: |
target: |
SHMS Tune Verification
- Experts:
- Expected time:
- Goal:
- Conditions:
beam current: |
5-20 μA
fast raster: |
target: |
3% carbon
HMS/SHMS collimator: |
HMS/SHMS trigger: |
SCIN 3/4, SCIN 3/4
HMS angle/momentum |
SHMS angle/momentum |