Wednesday, October 4, 2017
From HallCWiki
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- Location CC L210A, 11 am
- DocDB
Blue Jeans Connection Information
- Just want to dial in on your phone?
- +1.408.740.7256 (US)
- +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
- +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
- Enter Meeting ID: 895800575
- Press #
- Commissioning plan updates from detector systems
- Status update from detector owners, calibrations, efficiencies, etc.
- Heavy Gas Cerenkov Update - Ryan
- GEM Update - Latif
- SHMS Quartz Plane Update - Simona
- HMS 12 GeV Chamber Update - Bishnu
- Review systems owners and update information
- Address system specific points of interest for the Fall 2017 run
- Eric updated the detector readiness tables and added a DAQ/TRIGGER portion
- Spokespeople for the upcoming experiments are urged to look at the listed triggers and contact Brad or Eric if they require any further trigger configurations
- Detector groups were also urged to update the individual detector pages as well the readiness table so that it is clearly understood what still needs to be done prior to running in December
- Eric advertised the new hallc online/offline monitoring working group meetings
- Spokespeople for the upcoming runs are urged to present their needs for monitoring and replays at these meetings
- The meetings will one held weekly on Tuesdays at 11 AM
12 GeV Drift Chambers
Heavy Gas Cherenkov
- Ryan showed some slides
- Documentation has been added to the DocDB and a README in the CALIBRATION directory in hallc_replay
- He added ability to update calibration constants
- Updated pioen efficiency to pioen ratio
- Simulations are ongoing to better understand the loss of PE’s observed during the KPP run
- The studies are ongoing