RC Update and Run Plan for Aug 13, 2020

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Revision as of 16:01, 13 August 2020 by Mnycz (Talk | contribs) (General updates)

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RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 4:15 PM, remote

Wednesday Aug 13 2020.

General updates

The HMS was to 13.50. There were some issues with the Drive Controllers. They needed to be reset by Joe in the Hall Drive_Controllers

HMS angle

Reference cell was pumped with Hydrogen [reference_cell]

Pending problem

  • Beam trip rate

Recent polarization measurements

Current Run Plan

Normal Production running

  • Prerequisites
    • Make sure the raster size is correct (4-4.5)
    • Monitor beam parameters/configuration very often and post an entry like this at the beginning of your shift and when run conditions have changed
    • Running on cell targets: raster always ON (4-4.5, size will be determined by the scraping checks), orbit locks ON, current ramp rate 1 muA/sec
    • Always take 120Hz of EDTM
    • Fill the BTA with realistic numbers. If the desired beam current is not delivered prorate your ABUs!
    • Change the IHWP every 4 hours when running on glass cells
  • Run plan
    • Since we have been down since 9 am, we likely want to start back with the Beam / Raster checkout (short procedure)
    • Production on 3He; if not able to reach requested current, pro-rate the ABUs

Notes for tomorrow's 7:45 meeting


  • We are on the schedule to switch to 1st pass on the week of Aug 24 (Monday/ Tuesday). Need about ~ 3 days at 1st pass and would like to switch back to 5th pass before the weekend.
  • EPR diode good for now, but check for future planned accesses.
  • If Hall will have opening for 1+ hours, let Simona know as there is work to do on the cerenkov.

Hall Access

When there is a down: