Short Term Run-Plan
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Short Term Run Plan Monday Sept 11, 2023
- Do not move either spectrometer without consulting RC
- HMS at 16.44 deg (was iced up last week), SHMS iced up today.
- Expect to be able to move NPS Calorimeter from 12 to 20 degrees. Start at 20 degrees
- Note: NPS calorimeter angle = SHMS set angle minus 16.30 degrees
- All data taking with coinc DAQ
- HMS `Single arm' data can be taken with PS3 and/or PS4 ≥ 0 (1:1) and PS5 and PS6 –1 (off).
- NPS randoms can also be taken with PS1 ≥ 0: This trigger includes the EDTM
- RunSheets
- Run Plan Chapter 2, as practical with HMS and NPS constraints
- NPS Sweep Magnet and NPS HV off until start of coinc DAQ commissioning.
- BPM Calibration vs. Harp Scan, Beam Centering on Carbon Hole (Coordinate with Dave Gaskell).
- Fix Beam Angle at Target Use the gui target_bpm at /home/cdaq/users/gaskelld/target_bpm/
- Adjust 3H07Ax, y to remove slope while keeping 3H07Cx, y fixed. Recheck carbon hole and iterate as necessary
- Alternate is passing rastered beam through empty cylinder target.
- NPS Sweep Magnet and compensation commissioning by Jay Benesh and Bogdan Wojtsekhowski, when available and subject to NPS Motion constraints
- HMS detector verification: Run Plan sections 2.1.6 & 2.1.7, HMS momentum -4.367 GeV/c
- PID (electron id) checkout with HMS momentum = 3.6 GeV to keep pions below Cherenkov threshold (4.02 GeV/c)
- Following items when convenient
- Beam Energy measurement
- Moeller measurement
- BCM Calibration
- Tuesday Day?
- Verify HMS and coinc DAQ with HMS at -4.367 GeV/c, NPS Calo at 12.12 deg. Run Plan Section 2.2
- Pedestal measurement Pedestal How To
- Also Beam-off pedestal measurement via epics only (A. Camsonne) for Anode DC current calibration
- Verify HMS and coinc DAQ with HMS at -4.367 GeV/c, NPS Calo at 12.12 deg. Run Plan Section 2.2