Short Term Run-Plan

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Short Term Run Plan Monday Sept 11, 2023

  1. Do not move either spectrometer without consulting RC
    1. HMS at 16.44 deg (was iced up last week), SHMS iced up today.
    2. Expect to be able to move NPS Calorimeter from 12 to 20 degrees. Start at 20 degrees
    3. Note: NPS calorimeter angle = SHMS set angle minus 16.30 degrees
  2. All data taking with coinc DAQ
    1. HMS `Single arm' data can be taken with PS3 and/or PS4 ≥ 0 (1:1) and PS5 and PS6 –1 (off).
    2. NPS randoms can also be taken with PS1 ≥ 0: This trigger includes the EDTM
    3. RunSheets
  3. Run Plan Chapter 2, as practical with HMS and NPS constraints
    1. NPS Sweep Magnet and NPS HV off until start of coinc DAQ commissioning.
    2. BPM Calibration vs. Harp Scan, Beam Centering on Carbon Hole (Coordinate with Dave Gaskell).
    3. Fix Beam Angle at Target Use the gui target_bpm at /home/cdaq/users/gaskelld/target_bpm/
      1. Adjust 3H07Ax, y to remove slope while keeping 3H07Cx, y fixed. Recheck carbon hole and iterate as necessary
      2. Alternate is passing rastered beam through empty cylinder target.
    4. NPS Sweep Magnet and compensation commissioning by Jay Benesh and Bogdan Wojtsekhowski, when available and subject to NPS Motion constraints
    5. HMS detector verification: Run Plan sections 2.1.6 & 2.1.7, HMS momentum -4.367 GeV/c
    6. PID (electron id) checkout with HMS momentum = 3.6 GeV to keep pions below Cherenkov threshold (4.02 GeV/c)
    7. Following items when convenient
      1. Beam Energy measurement
      2. Moeller measurement
      3. BCM Calibration
  4. Tuesday Day?
    1. Verify HMS and coinc DAQ with HMS at -4.367 GeV/c, NPS Calo at 12.12 deg. Run Plan Section 2.2
      1. Pedestal measurement Pedestal How To
      2. Also Beam-off pedestal measurement via epics only (A. Camsonne) for Anode DC current calibration