Status and Runplan, Sunday, August 26
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- Tune beam in Hall C - optics work underway at start of swing shift
- MQE3M03 correct polarity?
- IHA3H07A - no wire traces - need to contact EES
- Run plan
- Sunday SWING, Monday OWL to DAY
- Beam optics tuning
- After initial setup - SHMS steering plan will be executed (please call RC if not already on site). When MCC asks, ramp up magnets (one at a time) to settings for -6.053 GeV.
- Beam checkout beam checkout
- For the following, see detailed run plan here: [1]
- Detector and trigger checkout. Call experts before start (Malace, Pooser, Berdnikov, Ambrose for detector checkout, Malace, Poose, Huber, Trotta for trigger checkout)
- Calibration runs
- Sunday SWING, Monday OWL to DAY