E12 06 107 simc normfac

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  • Normfacs List and Original Kinematics Table [1]
The naming follows original kinematics table
simc input file Target Q^2 Ebeam hP hTheta pP pTheta normfac simc yield per mC notes
c12_q8.inp C12 8.01 6.4 2.131 45.07 5.04517 17.13 0.743658E+10 2.31683 Previously c12_q8_1.inp
c12_q10.inp C12 10.02 10.6 5.259 24.48 6.115865 20.55 0.183066E+11 Previously c12_q10_2.inp
c12_q12.inp C12 12.43 10.6 3.978 31.5 7.38947 16.08 0.140471E+11
c12_q14.inp C12 14.3 10.6 2.736 41.8 8.621705 12.02 0.102503E+11 0.187366
h1_q8.inp H1 8.01 6.4 2.131 45.07 5.04517 17.13 0.156588E+08 7.40094 Previously h1_q8_1.inp
h1_q10.inp H1 10.02 10.6 5.259 24.48 6.115865 20.55 0.113438E+08 Previously h1_q10_2.inp
h1_q12.inp H1 12.43 10.6 3.978 31.5 7.38947 16.08 0.164094E+08
h1_q14.inp H1 14.3 10.6 2.736 41.8 8.621705 12.02 0.159919E+08 0.475976
c12_q10_3.inp C12 10.02 10.6 5.259 24.48 6.115865 17.55 0.145876E+11 Angle scan
c12_q10_4.inp C12 10.02 10.6 5.259 24.48 6.115865 23.55 0.120904E+11 Angle scan
h1_heepcheck.inp H1 14.3 10.6 5.539 23.2 5.836125 21.6 0.159919E+08 14.4519 Heepcheck