Generating new HVs for cosmic calibration

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  • The following instructions are used for generating new HVs based on Julie's analysis of amplitudes for cosmic calibration.
    1. Login into cdaq machine with cdaq account
    2. go_analysis_nps
    3. cd /home/cdaq/hhuang/analysis/cosCalib
    4. ./ <path of the last HV setting for cosmic calibration> to read the old HV configuration file for the next step
      • the last HV setting for cosmic calibration should be located in /home/cdaq/calorimeter/HV/
      • full path is required, e.g. /home/cdaq/calorimeter/HV/hv-settings-12-20-2023_1326.txt
    5. root -b -q 'newHV.C(<run number of the previous cosmic run with old HVs>)'
      • Two figures, "HV_new_<run number>.png" and "HV_new_2D_<run number>.png", will be generated to check the new HVs.
      • The file "cosmic_hv_<run number>.txt" is the configuration file to be loaded into the HV crates. Copy it to the NPS HV folder with: cp cosmic_hv_<run number>.txt /home/cdaq/calorimeter/HV/
    6. Load the new HV settings by following the instructions in "NPS slow control"