LAD Software
LAD Software Overview
The LAD software framework currently consists of the following libraries.
- GEANT4 (need link)
- SIMC (need link. Not yet developed)
- hcana
- LADlib
- lad_replay
- libLADdig
- Physics analysis scripts (Not yet developed)
Replaying data
From jlab login page
>> ssh cdaq@cdaql3
Email someone for the password (and then preferably set up an RSA key).
From cdaq
>> go_analysis_lad >> hcana -l -q 'SCRIPTS/LAD/PRODUCTION/Your_Script.C(XX,YY)
where XX is the run number, and YY is the number of events (-1 for all). Currently there are options for GEM only, LAD hodo only, and both (which will also replay only hodo/gem if only one is provided).
2025/03/07: GEM replay currently replays cosmic runs taken from the test lab. Files are stored in ROOTfiles/GEM_EVIO_COSMIC/ssp_gem_XXX.evio.0. Run 1559 has one GEM plane, and 1685 has two (I'm not sure if I trust the detector map). TODO: raw files should be moved out of ROOTfiles and somewhere better (not sure where).
Online gui
The following LAD online gui scripts are set up
- GEM monitoring
- LAD (need from Hao)
GEM Monitoring
From lad_replay/OnlineGUI, run
panguin -f CONFIG/LAD/PRODUCTION/gem.cfg
You will have to change the file name/path on the first line of the .cfg file.
Other plots are directly in the replayed root file.
TODO: Get the -r XXXX flag working so run number can be specified. TODO: Some online monitoring plots look identical between x & y strips. Probably an error. Eg. h1_gem_clustWidthV_0, U_0, V_1, U_1.
LAD Monitoring
Need to Add
Setting up on ifarm. Overview of config/cut files for GEMS & Hodo