Overview of run plan

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CT Experiment (E12-06-107) Run Plan Overview

Kinematics for the run

Q^2 E_e \theta_{HMS} p_{HMS} \theta_{SHMS} p_{SHMS} notes
GeV^2 GeV deg GeV/c deg GeV/c
8.01 6.4 45.07 2.131 17.13 5.122 overlap with E94139, first 3 pass kinematics, 1% stat
14.3 10.6 39.3 2.982 12.83 8.505 First 5 pass kinematics 2-2.5% stat
12.43 10.6 31.5 3.978 16.08 7.502 Second 5 pass kine, run with 2% stat
10.02 10.6 24.48 5.259 20.55 6.209 Third 5 pass kine, run with 1.4% stat
10.02 10.6 24.48 5.259 17.55 6.209 proton angle scan, 2.5% stat (time permitting)
10.02 10.6 24.48 5.259 23.55 6.209 proton angle scan, 2.5% stat (time permitting)

All time estimates in the overview assume 50% Hall C + Accelerator efficiency, including configuration change time and a beam current of 65 uA.

  • Last shift before Experiment begins:
  1. All spectrometer magnets on to correct polarity and cycled to initial values. Spectrometers also at initial angles.
  2. Check that no new obstructions have appeared since the spectrometer angles were certified. For example, ladders, RadCon survey ropes, etc.
  3. Double-check HMS/SHMS Gas Cerenkov pressure is at correct value.
  4. Verify there are no obstructions between the detectors (ie, no WC covers, no dangling cables, etc.) on both spectrometers.
  5. Verify there are no unusual obstructions between the scattering chamber and the spectrometer front windows. Make sure any protective windows on the scattering chamber have been removed.
  6. Lock up the hall.
  7. Clean up the counting house. Make sure all terminals, consoles are alive and well.
  8. Take a cosmic run and look for problems.

  • 6.4 GeV data taking: 60 beam hours scheduled, need 8 hrs for calibration and 52 hrs (at 50% eff.) for production.
  1. Verify Moller Quads (MQE3MO3) is at 180 A.
  2. Calibrations; 8 hours
  3. Verify magnets properly cycled - Beam energy measurement - Harp scan
  4. Detector checkout with 3/4 trigger, and long run for detector calibration
  5. BCM Calibration (unless one was completed very close to the start of experiment)
  6. elastic coincidences, (Heepcheck) at Q^2 =4.0 GeV^2, HMS at 4.263 GeV/c, 22.10 deg, SHMS at 2.928 GeV/c, 33.21 deg ,expected rate ~ few Hz \@ 65 uA current. (at least 3 hrs).}
  7. verify timing of all triggers
  8. Q^2=8.0 (GeV/c)^2 production, goal: 10000 cnts}
  9. LH + MT 12 hrs + 4 hrs
  10. C 36 hrs

  • 10.6 GeV data taking: 300 beam hours scheduled, need 8 hrs for calibration and 292 hrs (at 50% eff.) for production.

  1. Calibrations 8 hours
  2. Verify magnets properly cycled - Beam energy measurement - Harp scan
  3. Detector checkout with 3/4 trigger, and long run for detector calibration
  4. BCM calibration
  5. elastic coincidences (Heepcheck) at Q^2 =9.5 GeV^2, HMS at 5.5394 GeV/c, 23.20 deg, SHMS at 5.9250 GeV/c, 21.61 deg ,expected rate ~ few Hz \@ 65 uA current. (at least 4 hrs)
  6. Q^2=14.3 (GeV/c)^2 production, goal: 2000 cnts}
  7. LH + MT 51 hrs + 17 hrs
  8. C 122 hrs

configuration change 5 hrs

  1. Q^2=12.43 (GeV/c)^2 production, goal: 2500 cnts
  2. LH + MT 12 hrs + 4 hrs
  3. C 24 hrs

configuration change 5 hrs

  1. Q^2=10.02 (GeV/c)^2 production, goal: 4500 cnts
  2. LH + MT 6 hrs + 2 hrs
  3. C 12.0 hrs
  4. Q^2=10.02 (GeV/c)^2 proton angle scan, goal: 2500 cnts
  5. C 12.0 hrs, proton angle scan 1, 2500 cnts
  6. C 20.0 hrs, proton angle scan 2, 2500 cnts