Putty Howto
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After opening putty, you can set up a session with tunneling as follows:
- In the configuration window, top left, select "Session" and enter hostname "twist.phys.virginia.edu", port 22. Name the session "twist" and Save it.
- In the configuration window, near bottom left, select "SSH" and expand it. Choose "Tunnels."
- Adding a tunnel: enter 5927 in "Source Port"; enter twist.phys.virginia.edu:5927 in "Destination." Check the radio button "Local", and select "Add."
- [Optional] Add a tunnel for in-browser desktop viewing: enter 5827 in "Source Port"; enter twist.phys.virginia.edu:5827 in "Destination." Make sure the radio button "Local" is selected and click "Add."
- Input the sane login and password.
- With the tunnel thus established, open your VNCviewer, with the server "localhost:5929".
- Make sure the viewer is set to "Share", under 'Options'.
- For in-browser viewing on any Java-enabled browser (Firefox, Safari, Chrome) enter "localhost:5827" in the URL address bar.