Wednesday, June 28, 2017
From HallCWiki
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- Location CC L210A, 11 am
- DocDB
Blue Jeans Connection Information
- Just want to dial in on your phone?
- +1.408.740.7256 (US)
- +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
- +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
- Enter Meeting ID: 895800575
- Press #
- Survey of HMS and SHMS spectrometers. Presently doing surveys to set the angle plates for the SHMS. Do we need surveys for the HMS plates?
- Commissioning plan updates from detector systems
- Status update from detector owners, calibrations, efficiencies, etc.
- Calibration of the HGC
- Review systems owners and update information
- Address system specific points of interest for the Fall 2017 run
- Hall C Background Helium
- Plans for SHMS Magnet Nonlinearity Studies Starting With Q1
- Mark updated a list of summer tasks which need to be completed prior to the Fall 2017 run
- Update the wiki page, or email Mark, if anything needs to be added or modified
- Sam showed some slides regarding the helium levels in Hall-C
- There is an average of 150 ppm of He in Hall-C while there is none in Hall-A
- The helium mixing in Hall-C was modeled with various models which indicates that in its butternut state the Hall is a very poor environment for PMT's
- It is clear there are substantial helium leaks in the hall
- Dave showed some slides regarding the SHMS magnet tune reproducibility
- He has compiled a To-Do list for summer to complete with Sam
Heavy Gas Cherenkov
- Ryan showed some slides regarding the HGC NPE spectra
- The HGC is performing below expected in regards to light collection
- The NPE spectra are systematically smaller than expected than what is observed in simulation
- Double bands present in the NPE vs. track intersection at the mirror planes indicate some misunderstandings,
- The suggestion moving forward is that the z-axis needs to filled with the average of NPE instead of the raw sum