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HallC-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
847-v1 Hall C KPP Slides Howard Fenker et al. 12 GeV Reviews
12 GeV Project
23 Mar 2017
718-v1 Update of the experimental design for GEn Andrei Semenov 12 GeV Experiments
16 Oct 2013
717-v2 Review and update of the Scientific Motivation for GEn measurements John Arrington et al. 12 GeV Experiments
17 Feb 2012
719-v1 Neutron and Veto detector status and front-end electronics for 12 GeV GEn None 12 GeV Experiments
16 Feb 2012
554-v1 SHMS Status and Overview Howard Fenker 12 GeV Figures
General Information
10 Aug 2009
Number of documents found: 5

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