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If the magnet control screen is hung or doesn't respond, close the screen and restart it. (cd /MEDM/HKS; ./mag-control.tcl).

If this doesn't help, the EPICS front end computer, hcpc10401 should be rebooted. To reboot, do the following.

ssh root@hcpc10401    (Use the cvxwrks password)

After about a minute, the control screen should function. If the screen appears to work, but one of the magnets does not respond to commands, try pushing the ``Initalize'', ``Reset'', ``Off'' and ``On'' buttons in that order. If that does not restore operation of the magnet, it may be necessary to toggle the Local/Remote setting on the power supply in the hall. This is often necessary after the power supply has been turned off.

Splitter Magnet Troubleshooting

The splitter magnet is controlled by MCC. (MCC calls it ``MSP3H00''.) However, if MCC has a problem operating it, they will call the counting house to try to get it fixed.

To see the screen that MCC uses, from the cvxwrks account type

medm -x MAG_O_3C_MSP3H00_inver.adl

If this screen has many white fields, then hcpc10401 should be rebooted as described above. If most of the fields contain data, but reset and power on do not restore operation of the magnet, it may be necessary to toggle the Local/Remote setting on the power supply in the hall.

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Stephen A. Wood 2005-06-17