General specifications of the HKS spectrometer are
given in Table. 2. The HKS is designed
to achieve simultaneously 2 10
momentum resolution
and 20 msr solid angle acceptance with the splitter.
Figure 16 shows the angular and momentum
acceptance of the HKS spectrometer
with the splitter calculated with a GEANT simulation code.
The HKS is placed rotated horizontally by 7 degrees
with respect to the beam to avoid zero degree positive
particles, mostly positrons.
The solid angle is more than 20 msr over the momentum region of
1.2 GeV/
10%, as designed.
Figure 17 shows the momentum resolution obtained with the code
as a function of momentum for three different positions of the tracking chambers
with respect to the focal plane.
In the simulation, realistic matter distributions such as a vacuum window
and chamber windows, and drift chamber position resolutions were
taken into account. Even with a modest chamber resolution of 200
momentum resolution of
will be achieved.
The detector system for the HKS and Enge is summarized in Table 3.
The HKS detector system has similar configuration to the one in SOS.
However, as seen in Table 4, HKS singles rate is dominated
by pions, whose rate will be up to a few MHz. In order to achieve efficient
pion rejection rate as high as 10, two layers of aerogel Cerenkov counter
with refractive index of 1.055 will be installed. For the proton rejection,
Lucite Cerenkov counter with wavelength shifter in it will be employed,
so that the Cerenkov counter has good efficiency for the wide range of incident
angles. Time resolution of as good as 80 ps is a goal for the time-of-flight
scintillators. By having the good time resolution, we plan to minimize
the distance between the two time-of-flight wall and achieve large solid angle.
A Gas Cerenkov counter will also be installed as a trigger counter
so that positrons can be tagged for calibration purposes.
The tracking chambers of HKS should have
high rate capability and accept the rate up to a few MHz.