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Magnet status

  1. Magnet settings
    Except for the HKS dipole, all the other magnets will use existing power supplies that are controlled and set by existing software. Setting information is available from EPICS, and thus we will record it periodically in the database.

    Software that set the new power supply for HKS dipole has to be prepared and EPICS readout is also required for it.

  2. Field monitors
    Hall probe readings for all the magnets and NMR readings for some will be displayed on TV all the time. EPICS logger periodically records the readings in the database. For each run, they will be also manually recorded on the run sheet and Run Start page. In case that field fluctuation is larger than 10$^{-4}$, the data taking will be stopped until it becomes stable. If it becomes frequent, then investigation must be done.

Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月1日