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: Data accumulation rate and : Online monitors : Magnet status   目次

Detector performance

  1. HV monitors
    As standard Hall C operation, the HKS-ENGE detector HVs will be controlled and monitored online with a trip alarm. Run must be stopped if HV is tripped and need to be reset.

  2. Detector performance check
    First 50,000 events will be analyzed online after 50,000 triggers are taken. All histograms required for the performance diagnostic will be displayed to verify all the detectors are operating normally.

    A rough offline analysis will be done with loose cuts and PID and reconstruction matrices obtained from the optical study ahead of the experiment. Kinematics reconstruction will be done and missing mass spectrum will be obtained. We do not expect high resolution at this stage but will monitor the yield, statistics, S/A ratio, and further diagnose the performance of the detectors. Missing mass spectrum will be added continuously run by run once a standard set of cuts or PID is established. Execute this analysis following end of each run will be one of the duty for the shift crew.

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: Data accumulation rate and : Online monitors : Magnet status   目次
Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月1日