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User name Phil Carter

Log entry time 01:55:26 on January 19, 2008

Entry number 148932

keyword=Target: IOC reboot; disabling one alarm

Target IOC apparently lost its connection. The heartbeat continued and the graphs were correct, but the target controls weren't responding. After reboot, the hcHe_Supply_1_R (coolant supply temp) started reading 480. Rebooted again twice but the problem persisted. A look at the target archive reveals that this problem has been happening off and on since 11:53 AM yesterday. The reading appears invalid and there are apparently no real problems with the target. Disabling the hi and hihi alarms for hcHe_Supply_1_R until it gets fixed.

The graph shows hcHe_Supply_1_R from 11:00 AM Jan 18 through 1:45 AM Jan 19.

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