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User name smithg

Log entry time 17:44:55 on November 24, 2010

Entry number 208437

keyword=Target: Finished parking the target

Cryo asked after all (a long story) that we park the target while we are on standby. We'll unpark it tomorrow late afternoon.

We started with 1900 W on the heater, and 30 Hz on the pump. We took an hour and a half or so to park, slower than necessary, but since this is the first time we do it, we wanted to go slow and be careful. At the end of the parking we had 430 W on the HPH, and 18 Hz on the fan. There was a pump trip towards the end of this exercise, but since the pump had been at 18 Hz for something like an hour before the trip, I don't believe it was connected to the parking exercise.

On the 4K circuit, we started with the JT at 21.4%, 22.5 g/s of flow. At the end of the parking exercise we had the JT at 7.8% and 15.5 g/s of flow. Dropping the 4K flow below this caused the 4K supply temp (at our end) to rise suddenly, so this is right at the lower edge we can park. As far as I can tell, the Moller is still ok...

On the 15K circuit, we started with 32.2% on the JT and 33 g/s of flow. At the end, parked, we had 13.6% on the JT and 15 g/s of flow.

Things seem reasonably stable now at these settings. If problems are encountered we should try to resolve them by opening the 15K JT some. But as long as things stay stable at the cryo plant we ought to be ok until tomorrow this way.

Figure 1