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User name paschke

Log entry time 17:23:26 on November 24,2010

Entry number 208436


keyword=BCMs screwed up! (Run 7534, 7535)

Looking at recent run 7534 (pockels cell off, but whatever) one sees trouble in the BCMs: asym_bcm1 - asym_bcm2 is pathological, with a width of 950 ppm. and bizarro tail. The width measured in the individual bcms is also different: Aq(rms,1) = 856ppm, Aq(rms,2)=1267ppm.

Which one is screwed up? I'm not sure, but I think both. The 8bar MD sum has a width of 543 ppm when normalized with bcm1, a width of 1440 when normalized with bcm2, and a width of 419 ppm when the bcm1-normalized mdall is corrected by 0.28*asym_qwk_bcm2.

These are equally screwed up in the optoquad run (7535) which is why it came to my attention. When we track this down and fix it, we need to redo the optoquad test.

I can't get any figures to go in, but I'll post this anyway to get people looking at it.