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User name buddhini

Log entry time 19:55:51 on November 24, 2010

Entry number 208447

This entry is a followup to: 208436

keyword=Comparing bcm signals from the first and last high currents taken today.

Kent asked me to look at the bcm double differences from the first and
last high current runs taken today and yesterday.
I found 

11/23/10 23:26  Run 7503: No target, 145 uA 3x3 raster - Halo background run
11/24/10 12:20 Run 7537: Helicity 900Hz, PC off, back to quartet run at

Those are the two valid runs I found for high current runing from today.
Unfortunately we were taking mostly runs to test daq without any beam
yesterday in adition to the tracking runs.

For run 7503 asym_bcm1 - asym_bcm2 =  0.853 ppm
For run 7537 asym_bcm1 - asym_bcm2 = -3.532 ppm

They are definitely big and not comparable..infact the double difference
seems to have gotten somewhat better during the day but its still big.

I attached mps based and pattern based signals from both bcm1 and bcm2
for 7503 and 7537.

Figure 1 is bcm1 and bcm2 signals from 7503. 
         As wouter pointed out, both bcm signals are very noisy.
         See FFT plots on figure 5 and 6.
         No I didn't plot the same device again.Its jus that they are so
identical. So what ever is causing the noise is effecting the two bcm
signals in the same way. 

Figure 2 comtains the asymmetries and the double difference and the
correlation plots for the two bcms from run 7503. The asymmetry plots
have wings which are caused by the pikes in the signals.

Figure 3 is bcm1 and bcm2 signals from run 7537. We see the same signal
behaviour here as in 7503.

Figure 4 comtains the asymmetries and the double difference and the
correlation plots for the two bcms from run 7537. Same kind of plots as
in 7503.

Figure 5 FFT plots of bcm2 from run 7503.

Figure 6 FFT plots of bcm2 from run 7537.

So something definitely is messing up the bcm signals and I think its
hardware realated. 

A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: paschke,mack,buddhini

Figure 1 7503 bcm1 and bcm2 signals

Figure 2 7503 bcm1 and bcm2 asym

Figure 3 7537 bcm1 and bcm2 signals

Figure 4 7537 bcm1 and bcm2 asym

Figure 5 FFT of bcm1 from run 7503

Figure 6 FFT of bcm1 from run 7537