Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name jhlee

Log entry time 17:59:49 on November 24, 2010

Entry number 208440

This entry is a followup to: 208436

keyword=important questions to be asked to ourself

We have to question and to answer to us always, 

1) Are we using the right map files for QwAnalyzer?
2) Does the shift worker use the right flags files?
3) what is the machine setting we used to take data?
4) what are the recent change of Qwanalyzer, DAQ setup, injector Setup, 
   and so on?
5) who changed the BCM gain setting and how to do this?
6) what kind of command line options we are using to analyzer?


We changed a lot of helicity fq last night and today. And the BCM
calibration is done up to 150uA. The sample size might be different
and so on...

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