December 2, 2022

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RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 11:00 (am) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)

  • Zoom remote connection information:
 Join ZoomGov Meeting
 Meeting ID: 160 710 0885
 Passcode: 595071
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Useful Links

Current Status

  • In Controlled Access
  • Dave Meekins finished the target cool down yesterday. There are issues with cryo that need to be worked out before we can run beam on the He3 and He4 targets.
  • Vacuum issue downstream of the target. The vacuum, beyond valve VBV3H08A is poor (7e-4) when the valve is opened. Walter, Dave Meekins, and Dave Gaskell are currently in the hall understand what is the source of the bad vacuum..........

Run Plan

  • SHMS is at 8.00 degrees
  • SHMS momentum is -9.2 GeV
  • HMS is at 20.00 degree
  • HMS momentum is -6.6 GeV (not positrons)
  • Beam and Target Checkout procedure:
  • Beam checkout
    • Turn on all hodoscope and preshower HV
    • Harp scans --- 5 uA beam, Empty target
  • Position checkout
    • 5-10 uA cw with AL hole
    • 2x2 raster


  • SHMS rotation to 8 deg: Rotating SHMS below 8 deg will trip the limit switch. Start with putting 8.1 or 8.2 deg on the rotation GUI to see the angle offset first then correct for it.
  • HMS rotation to 20 deg: There is an increased chance that the rotation will get "stuck" and require expert intervention.
    • When rotating to 20 degrees from smaller HMS angle, it is ok to go directly to 20 degrees.
    • When rotating to 20 degrees from larger angle, first rotate to 19 degrees, and then to 20 degrees.
  • SHMS DAQ work during the Christmas break by Bob Michaels?

To do

  • Begin production data on target ladder 2