Hall C Raster Runs
From HallCWiki
Raster Runs
- Here we discuss the steps required in order to perform a raster run.
This information is heavily outdated. If you've arrived here for info on doing the carbon hole during the PionLT 2021 run please see this link instead.
The procedure below will not work for the PionLT2021 run, do not follow it
- Take both HMS & SHMS data with the carbon hole target
- The run does not to have ended in-order to analyze the data
- In this example we will illustrate an SHMS raster run. An identical procedure should be done for the HMS raster
- SSH into cdaql1 and setup the analysis environment
ssh cdaql1 go_analysis
- Start hcana and analyze the data utilizing the raster replay
./hcana .x SCRIPTS/SHMS/RASTER/replay_shms_raster_simple.C (run-num, -1)
- Execute the raster online GUI
cd onlineGUI ./online -f CONFIG/SHMS/RASTER/simple_raster.cfg -r run-num
- If the beam is centered on target you should see the carbon hole target in the 2D plots