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'''If sending comments, please mention which version number you downloaded. It will be in the file name.'''
[http://www.jlab.org/~ellie/2016-06-04-azz-2.pdf 6/4-2 Current proposal draft]
To download the file, click the button labeled "Raw"
Proposal changes:
Current Version: [https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0916.pdf Proposal v 0.916]
* Made Foreword more concise, now <2 pages
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0915.pdf Proposal v 0.915]
[http://www.jlab.org/~ellie/2016-06-04-azz.pdf 6/4 Proposal draft]
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0914.pdf Proposal v 0.914]
Proposal changes:
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0913.pdf Proposal v 0.913]
* Added Foreword
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0912.pdf Proposal v 0.912]
[http://www.jlab.org/~ellie/2016-06-03-azz.pdf 6/3 Proposal draft]
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0911.pdf Proposal v 0.911]
Proposal changes:
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0910.pdf Proposal v 0.910]
* Added Sec. 3.5.6 - Target & HB Magnets
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0909.pdf Proposal v 0.909 (Hall C Invitation Version)]
* Added Fig. 5 - Unpolarized rel. discriminating power
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0908.pdf Proposal v 0.908]
* Added AVed plots to Fig. 3
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0907.pdf Proposal v 0.907]
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0906.pdf Proposal v 0.906]
| width="75pt" | '''Presenter'''
| width="400pt" | '''06/02/2016, 3:00pm ET''' [[TAzz_Minutes#2016-06-05_Proposal_Meeting_Minutes | (Minutes)]]
|[[User:Ellie|E.Long]] || [http://www.jlab.org/~ellie/2016-06-02-azz.pdf Current proposal draft] <br> <b>New:</b><br> * Sent to Hall C listserve <br> * Updated: Cover page Abstract, Sec. 1, 1.1.1, 1.2 ([https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.07032 Gerry's new paper]), 1.4, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.5.3 (Dustin's update from last week), 3.4.5, Fig. 21 in 3.5.4, 4<br> * [[elong-2016-06-02 | Began submission paperwork]]
* <s>Get brief statement on why we can't get negative Pzz</s> <br>
* <s>Add plot to Fig. 16 where all AV18 curves = 0 and all Bonn curves are Bonn-AV18 for x&gt;1.3</s> <br>
* <s>Calculate sigma for both model types and wavefunction types</s> <br>
* <s>Clean up section 1.1.1</s> <br>
* <s>Update first sentence of Sec. 4</s> <br>
* <s>Make better version of Fig. 1</s>
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0905.pdf Proposal v 0.905 (Invitation Version)]
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0904.pdf Proposal v 0.904]
| width="75pt" | '''Presenter'''
| width="400pt" | '''05/26/2016, 3:00pm ET''' [[TAzz_Minutes#2016-05-26_Proposal_Meeting_Minutes | (Minutes)]]
|[[User:Ellie|E.Long]] || [http://nuclear.unh.edu/~elong/private/azz.pdf Current proposal draft] <br> Added Sec. 1.1.1 The Need for Tensor Polarization, updated sections 3.3, 3.4, abstract, and cover page <br> To-do: Get Dustin's updated target and systematics sections, update Sec. 3.4.5 with vector polarization systematic minimization, update Sec. 4
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0903.pdf Proposal v 0.903]
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0902.pdf Proposal v 0.902]  
| width="75pt" | '''Presenter'''
| width="400pt" | '''05/12/2016, 3:00pm ET''' [[TAzz_Minutes#2016-05-12_Proposal_Meeting_Minutes | (Minutes)]]
|[[User:Ellie|E.Long]] || [[elong-16-05-23|New Theory Curves]]
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz-v0901.pdf Proposal v 0.901]
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz All proposal files on github] (azz.pdf is the proposal)
| width="75pt" | '''Presenter'''
| width="400pt" | '''03/24/2016, 2:00pm ET''' [[TAzz_Minutes#2016-03-24_Proposal_Meeting_Minutes | (Minutes)]]
|[[User:Ellie|E.Long]] || [[elong-16-02-19|Status of Azz]] <br> [[elong-16-03-24|Questions]]
(Download link near bottom of the right column)
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/commits/master Click here for a log of edits and changes to the proposal]
| width="75pt" | '''Presenter'''
| width="400pt" | '''02/29/2016, 2:00pm ET''' [[TAzz_Minutes#2016-02-29_Proposal_Meeting_Minutes | (Minutes)]]
|[[User:Ellie|E.Long]] || [[elong-16-02-19|Status of Azz]]
[mailto:ellie@jlab.org Send Ellie] your comments, edits, or github username to be added as a collaborator
| width="75pt" | '''Presenter'''
| width="400pt" | '''06/26/2015, 10:00am ET''' [[TAzz_Minutes#2015-06-26_Proposal_Meeting_Minutes | (Minutes)]]
|[[User:Ellie|E.Long]] ||
[http://1drv.ms/1eLSG7a PAC Talk Draft v0.1]
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/TAC-PR12-15-005.docx?raw=true Technical TAC Report]
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/raw/master/Theory%20TAC%20Review.pdf Theory TAC Report]
As I hope you've heard, the stray fields from the SHMS are a problem, discussed in http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.7856 .  One needs to look at its figures 6 and 7 in concert with your Table 1 to decide whether your kinematics will cause a problem.  Qualitatively, it seems to me that the 2.2 GeV setting is OK but the 6.6 and 8.8 GeV will require mitigation. Two are possible:
a. Dave Gaskell and I have arranged for a 1m horizontal dipole to be placed just upstream of the Hall C diagnostic girder, ~5m from the pivot, to pre-bend the beam in a manner to compensate for SHMS stray fields.  This will complicate data analysis.
b. iron shielding as discussed in the arxiv posting and shown in figure 10.  Unfortunately, this is a long, high-Z, secondary target.  What that will do in the detector huts I don't know.  No engineering has been undertaken AFAIK.
I suggest some discussion be included in the proposal.  Failing that, I'll include something like the words above in my TAC report to Rolf.
I found this problem two years ago while reviewing for TAC a proposal on the NPS (Neutral Particle Spectrometer) which dismissed the stray fields of its resistive dipole by saying it was just like the SHMS bender and so couldn't be a problem.  Both were.
| width="75pt" | '''Presenter'''
| width="75pt" | '''Presenter'''
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'''If sending comments, please mention which version number you downloaded. It will be in the file name.'''
To download the file, click the button labeled "Raw"
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/blob/master/azz.pdf Proposal]
[[Proposal history]]
[https://github.com/ellie-long/PAC43_Tensor_Asymmetry_Azz/commits/master Click here for a log of edits and changes to the proposal]

Latest revision as of 10:54, 22 April 2022

Main Azz Page


6/4-2 Current proposal draft

Proposal changes:

  • Made Foreword more concise, now <2 pages

6/4 Proposal draft

Proposal changes:

  • Added Foreword

6/3 Proposal draft

Proposal changes:

  • Added Sec. 3.5.6 - Target & HB Magnets
  • Added Fig. 5 - Unpolarized rel. discriminating power
  • Added AVed plots to Fig. 3

Presenter 06/02/2016, 3:00pm ET (Minutes)
E.Long Current proposal draft
* Sent to Hall C listserve
* Updated: Cover page Abstract, Sec. 1, 1.1.1, 1.2 (Gerry's new paper), 1.4, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.5.3 (Dustin's update from last week), 3.4.5, Fig. 21 in 3.5.4, 4
* Began submission paperwork


  • Get brief statement on why we can't get negative Pzz
  • Add plot to Fig. 16 where all AV18 curves = 0 and all Bonn curves are Bonn-AV18 for x>1.3
  • Calculate sigma for both model types and wavefunction types
  • Clean up section 1.1.1
  • Update first sentence of Sec. 4
  • Make better version of Fig. 1

Presenter 05/26/2016, 3:00pm ET (Minutes)
E.Long Current proposal draft
Added Sec. 1.1.1 The Need for Tensor Polarization, updated sections 3.3, 3.4, abstract, and cover page
To-do: Get Dustin's updated target and systematics sections, update Sec. 3.4.5 with vector polarization systematic minimization, update Sec. 4

Presenter 05/12/2016, 3:00pm ET (Minutes)
E.Long New Theory Curves

Presenter 03/24/2016, 2:00pm ET (Minutes)
E.Long Status of Azz

Presenter 02/29/2016, 2:00pm ET (Minutes)
E.Long Status of Azz

Presenter 06/26/2015, 10:00am ET (Minutes)

PAC Talk Draft v0.1

Technical TAC Report

Theory TAC Report

Presenter 05/08/2015, 10:00am ET (Minutes)

Smearing the elastic peak to match spectrometer resolution

T20 -- Boden Method

T20 -- NIKHEF Method

◻ Wim's calculations, with few paragraphs of explanation
◻ Dustin's tech note & tech note number
◻ Updated Mark & Misak curves for Q^2 = 2.9 GeV^2
◻ Statement on elastic 6-quark calculations from Gerry
◻ Statement from Wally
◻ Encouraging statement from UVA on current status of tensor target development
◻ Mark and Misak re-read of Section 1, to ensure theory is up-to-date
◻ Everyone to read through and comment on Sections 1, 3, and 4 (Sections 2, 3.2, and 5 still in progress)

Ellie's To-Do:
◻ Update systematics section to include aspects from Dustin's tech note
◻ Add T20 background section
◻ Call for authors
◻ Double-check of T20 statistics calculations
◻ Add T20 plot to proposal
◻ Update kinematics for elastic, maybe 11 GeV
◻ Update Summary

Presenter 05/01/2015, 10:00am ET (Minutes)
E.Long Elastic Cross-sections and T20
11 GeV or 8.8 GeV?
Worked on T20 Experimental Method, Uncertainty Estimates,
added PAC42 Comments and Concerns, and added new dilution factor plots to proposal (linked above)
◻ Wim's calculations, with few paragraphs of explanation
◻ Dustin's tech note & tech note number
◻ Updated Mark & Misak curves for 11 GeV
◻ Elastic 6-quark calculations from Gerry?
◻ Statement from Wally
◻ Encouraging statement from UVA on current status of tensor target development
◻ Mark and Misak re-read of Section 1, to ensure theory is up-to-date
◻ Everyone to read through Response to PAC42 section
Ellie's To-Do:
◻ Update systematics section to include aspects from Dustin's tech note
◻ Add T20 background section
◻ Call for authors
◻ Double-check of T20 statistics calculations
◻ Add T20 plot to proposal
◻ Update kinematics for elastic, maybe 11 GeV
◻ Update Summary

Presenter 04/24/2015, 10:00am ET (Minutes)
E.Long Relating Azz and T20
Updated Kinematics

Presenter 03/27/2015, 11:00am ET (Minutes)
E.Long 11 GeV Beam, t20, and Size of Small Azz

Presenter 02/26/2015, 11:00am ET (Minutes)
E.Long Deuteron Form Factors Parameterization
Proposal on github
(Download link near bottom of the right column)
Send Ellie your github username to be added as a collaborator
(Doug, Karl, & Patricia already on)
Rates code on github

Presenter 01/29/2015, 11:00am ET (Minutes)
E.Long Overview of Azz
TAC/PAC Responses
Misak and Mark's Proceedings with updated Theory Plot

Presenter 05/29/2014, 3:00pm ET
E.Long Discriminating Power

Presenter 05/23/2014, 3:00pm ET
E.Long Proposal Updates
Reproducing Frankfurt & Strikman's Azz

Presenter 05/16/2014, 2:00pm ET (Minutes)
E.Long Target Modifications (Pzz=20, 25%; extended target)
Reproducing Frankfurt & Strikman's Azz
Proposal Updates

Presenter 05/09/2014, 3:00pm ET (Minutes)
E.Long Proposal Organization

Presenter 04/18/2014, 3:00pm ET (Minutes)
E.Long 24 Day Q^2 Scan Measurements
TAzz Proposal Repository


If sending comments, please mention which version number you downloaded. It will be in the file name.

To download the file, click the button labeled "Raw"


Proposal history

Click here for a log of edits and changes to the proposal