NPS Calo How-To
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- Taking LED Data
- Taking Cosmic Data
- Calo Temperature monitoring plots
- From a terminal, type jmenu and then select "Plots"==>"MyaPlot"
- Right-click within the plot window and select "Load a Configuration"
- Select directory "yaopeng"
- In 8 different plot windows, select configuration files "nps_temp_1.xml"..."nps_temp_8.,xml"
- Setting the Calorimeter angle (SMHS carriage):
- NPS Survey Results
- SHMS angle (as defined in magnet gui) = Desired Calo Angle + Offset
- Average offset 16.289 deg.
- To set SHMS angle, use universal offset 16.27 deg. Corrections can be made in analysis
- Setting the SHMS to angles less than 28 deg (NPS < 11.7 deg) requires tech support and two people in the hall
- FermiLab Pub-97-092 on R4125 PMT performance (including lifetime)