Information for Shift Takers
From HallCWiki
Counting house: 6000(*), 5503, 6666 | Run coordinator: 757-270-8916 | MCC: 7047(*), 7046, 7048 | Crew chief: 7045 | Guard house: 8522
Before the start of your shift: read and understand the Safety Documentation for this experiment.
- You must then sign in the Yellow Binder in the Hall C Counting House!
Detailed instructions for Shift Takers are available on the How-to page. If you encounter problems, look first at those instructions for assistance.
Current Run Plans
- RC daily meetings and daily run plan for Summer 2019
- Run plans for all energies on Redmine
- Experts on call
- Beam Time Accounting quick link
- Shift Checklist quick link
Your Responsibilities
Shift Leader
- Communicate clearly and effectively with shift crews and MCC (7047), and log any status information to the HCLOG
- Follow the run plan and co-ordinate switching to the next experimental configuration with other shift workers and the MCC as required.
- Maintain and update the Shift Summary detailing the events which occur while on shift
- This is done by starting the summary as a log entry titled "X Shift Summary" where X = Day, Swing, Owl
- Save & edit the summary after ANY event of interest occurs, including accesses
- This provides the readers with an up-to-date play by play of the current shift
- See example:
- Record the purpose for every single run in the "Run list" binders.
- Use the new configuration sheets for the first set of runs on any new setting.
- There are extra copies on the table in the middle of the counting house
- Keep track of beam time accounting
- More information on how how to work the Beam Time Accounting (BTA) web app
- Consult the daily run plans and communicate with the RC whenever problems happen that cannot be solved by shift workers.
- Maintain data taking quality and an efficient use of beam time.
- Follow the directives in the COO and associated Safety Documentation.
Target Operator
- Watch the target, see Target Info
- Start and stop the DAQ. Ensure the correct PS factors are being used.
- Consult the run plan for estimated PS factors to be used for a given setting, adjust these up or down as needed
- Assist the shift leader and third person with their duties
Third person
- Make certain that the Hall-C Alarm Handler process is running. See Hall_C_Alarm_Handler.
- If there are any alarms being ignored or silenced, find out why and enter this in the logbook.
- Log any alarms when they occur.
- Carry out online analysis of the data, including 50k replays for the HMS and SHMS
- Fill shift checklist once per shift.
- An older Shift Checklist file, which also includes help for locating items, should be available here.