Short Term Run-Plan

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last update: 17-Nov-23. Send comments and corrections to C. Hyde

The Full Run Plan is available to you here for your information. That Full Run Plan is not chronologically ordered. The short-term run plan is outlined below and is regularly updated. The tasks on any given day are at the top of this page (above the line). The tasks below the line are outdated but are kept on this page for reference.

  • Friday 17 November 11:00
    • Move NPS Calorimeter to 3.00 m
    • Setup Kinematic KinC_x36_2 (& 2', & 2")
      • HMS Momentum = -4.042 GeV/c (Reverse polarity)
      • HMS Angle = 17.01 deg
  1. SHMS = 28.76 deg (NPS = 12.46) Kin_x36_2'
    1. Optics Tests. Notify MCC of each SHMS angle change and ask for beam off
      1. NPS Sweep Magnet 468 Amp
        1. Previous MCC tune of correctors at 5-pass was 19 Amp upstream, 23 Amp downstream (
        2. 4-Pass guidelines 50 Amp upstream, 14 Amp downstream
        3. Make an hclog/screenshot of final Sweep Magnet settings and Spectrometer angle gui
      2. Production test on LD2 target, Sweep ON, HMS Collimator LARGE
        1. 15 min run coin_sparse 21 uA ps6=0. Adjust current as necessary to maintain Event rate </= 2 KHz and Data Rate <= 100 MBy/sec. Record screen shot of scaler/trigger screen, NPS trigger, NPS Anode Current and CODA Data Rate
      3. If MCC tunes to non-zero correctors, then do the following optics test:
        1. Sweep & Correctors ON, HMS Collimator Sieve
          1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
          2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
        2. Sweep & Correctors OFF, HMS Collimator Sieve
          1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
          2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
    2. Production cycle #1 (KinC_x36_2')
      1. LH2 Target
        1. Two 1-hour runs 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. One 20-min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        3. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        4. One 20-min run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
        5. One 40-min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (Event rate </= 3 KHz OK, but prescale if needed to keep data rate </= 100 MBy/sec)
        6. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6=0
        7. One 10-min run at 20 uA, coin, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      2. Dummy Target
        1. 15 min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. 15 min run at 18 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      3. LD2 Target
        1. Four 1-hour runs 8 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. One 20-min run at 6 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        3. One 20-min run at 4 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        4. One 20-min run at 8 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
        5. One 40-min run at 6 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (OK if rate is >2kHz provided Data Rate</= 100MBy/sec).
        6. One 20-min run at 4 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6=0
        7. One 10-min run at 8 uA, coin , ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
    3. Repeat production cycle #1 (KinC_x36_2') until Dave Gaskell showed up for Moller measurement
  • Saturday 18 November 2023
  1. Moller at 9 am

Back from Moller measurement

  1. Complete one more LD2 cycle of KinC_x36_2' (above 1.2.3)
    1. Call Josh Crafts while doing
  2. Notify MCC of each SHMS angle change and ask for beam off
  3. SHMS = 30.66 deg (NPS= 14.36) KinC_x36_2
    1. NPS Sweep Calibration
      1. NPS Sweep Magnet 468 Amp
        1. Previous MCC tune at 5-pass had correctors OFF (
        2. Predicted 4-Pass values 87 Amp upstream, 10 Amp downstream
        3. Make an hclog/screenshot of final Sweep Magnet settings and Spectrometer angle gui
      2. If MCC tuned to non-zero correctors, then do the following optics test:
        1. Sweep & Correctors ON, HMS Collimator Sieve
          1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
          2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
        2. Sweep & Correctors OFF, HMS Collimator Sieve
          1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
          2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
    2. Sweep ON (Correctors on if needed by MCC), Restore HMS Large Collimator
  4. KinC_x36_2 Production Cycle. EDTM 40 Hz
    1. SHMS angle 30.66 deg:
    2. All ps=-1 except single trigger noted. Except when using coin, adjust beam current to keep data rate</=100 MB/sec
    3. Label CODA runs KinC_x36_2
      1. LH2 Target
        1. Two 1-hour runs 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. One 20-min run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        3. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        4. One 20-min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=3 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
        5. One 40-min run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (Event rate </= 3 KHz OK)
        6. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6=0
        7. One 10-min run at 30 uA, coin, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      2. Dummy Target
        1. 15 min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. 15 min run at 18 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      3. LD2 Target
        1. Four 1-hour runs 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        3. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        4. One 20-min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=3 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
        5. One 40-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (OK if rate is >2kHz provided Data Rate</= 100MBy/sec).
        6. One 20-min run at 4 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6=0
        7. One 10-min run at 15 uA, coin , ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
  5. SHMS = 32.9 deg (NPS=16.6) KINC_x36_2". Ask for beam off before moving SHMS
    1. Request MCC tune NPS Sweep magnet and correctors
      1. NPS Sweep Magnet 468 Amp
      2. Predicted 4-Pass Corrector values 93 Amp Upstream; 4 Amp Downstream
        1. Make an hclog/screenshot of final Sweep Magnet settings and Spectrometer angle gui
      3. If MCC tuned to non-zero correctors, then do the following optics test:
        1. Sweep & Correctors ON, HMS Collimator Sieve
          1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
          2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
        2. Sweep & Correctors OFF, HMS Collimator Sieve
          1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
          2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
      4. Sweep ON (Correctors on if needed by MCC), Restore HMS Large Collimator
    2. KinC_x36_2" Production cycle. SHMS = 32.9 deg
      1. Label CODA runs KinC_x36_2"
      2. LH2 Target
        1. Two 1-hour runs 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. One 20-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        3. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        4. One 20-min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
        5. One 40-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (Event rate </= 3 KHz OK, adjust current to keep data rate </= 100 MBy/sec)
        6. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6=0
        7. One 10-min run at 36 uA, coin, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      3. Dummy Target
        1. 15 min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. 15 min run at 18 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      4. LD2 Target
        1. Four 1-hour runs 21 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. One 20-min run at 14 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        3. One 20-min run at 7 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        4. One 20-min run at 21 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
        5. One 40-min run at 14 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (OK if rate is >2kHz provided Data Rate</= 100MBy/sec).
        6. One 20-min run at 7 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6=0
        7. One 10-min run at 21 uA, coin , ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
  6. Repeat entire Production cycle (no optics) of SHMS 28.76 and 30.66 and 32.90 deg

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

  • Thursday 16 November
    • Hall C Controlled Access
  • Remove PMTs from Column 3
    • Elastic Calibration Settings
      • HMS momentum +4.120 GeV/c (protons)
      • HMS angle 27.613 deg
      • SHMS angles 38.00 and 36.14 deg (Nominal electron energy in Calo = 5.196 GeV)
      • NPS Sweep Magnet OFF, Correctors OFF
  1. Elastic Calibration, set EDTM 5 Hz
    1. SHMS 36.14 deg (NPS 19.84 deg) (Increase beam to 50 muAmp if stable)
      1. Three One-hour runs LH2 40 muAmp (or higher), coin_sparse. PS5=0, all other -1 (Check NPS Anode currents) Expected rate = 9/sec (plus EDTM)
      2. One-hour run LH2 40 muAmp, coin_sparse. PS3=0
      3. Repeat until 11:00 Friday

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

  • Wednesday 15 November
  • Replace PMT 625,
  • Remove PMTs from Column 2 (disconnect LV)
    • Elastic Calibration Settings
      • HMS momentum +4.120 GeV/c (protons)
      • HMS angle 27.613 deg
      • SHMS angles 38.00 and 36.1* Remove PMTs from Column 2 (disconnect LV)
    • Elastic Calibration Settings
      • HMS momentum +4.120 GeV/c (protons)
      • HMS angle 27.613 deg
      • SHMS angles 38.00 and 36.14 deg (Nominal electron energy in Calo = 5.196 GeV)
      • NPS Sweep Magnet OFF, Correctors OFF
  1. Elastic Calibration, set EDTM 5 Hz
    1. SHMS 36.14 deg (NPS 19.84 deg) (Increase beam to 45 muAmp if stable)
      1. Three One-hour runs LH2 40 muAmp, coin_sparse. PS5=0, all other -1 (Check NPS Anode currents) Expected rate = 9/sec (plus EDTM)
      2. One-hour run LH2 40 muAmp, coin_sparse. PS3=0
      3. Repeat until 13:00 Thursday

4 deg (Nominal electron energy in Calo = 5.196 GeV)

      • NPS Sweep Magnet OFF, Correctors OFF
  1. Elastic Calibration, set EDTM 5 Hz
    1. SHMS 36.14 deg (NPS 19.84 deg) (Increase beam to 45 muAmp if stable)
      1. Three One-hour runs LH2 40 muAmp, coin_sparse. PS5=0, all other -1 (Check NPS Anode currents) Expected rate = 9/sec (plus EDTM)
      2. One-hour run LH2 40 muAmp, coin_sparse. PS3=0
      3. Repeat until 13:00 Thursday
  • Thursday 16 November 13:00
    • Hall C to Controlled Access
    • Move NPS Calorimeter to 3.00 m
    • Setup Kinematic KinC_x36_2 (& 2')
      • HMS Momentum = -4.042 GeV/c (Reverse polarity)
      • HMS Angle = 17.01 deg
  1. Optics Tests
    1. SHMS = 30.66 deg (NPS= 14.36) KinC_x36_2
      1. NPS Sweep Magnet 468 Amp
      2. Starting point for MCC tune of correctors is 87 Amp upstream, 10 Amp downstream
        1. Make an hclog/screenshot of final Sweep Magnet settings and Spectrometer angle gui
      3. If MCC tunes to non-zero correctors, then do the following optics test:
        1. Sweep & Correctors ON, HMS Collimator Sieve
          1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
          2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
        2. Sweep & Correctors OFF, HMS Collimator Sieve
          1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
          2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
    2. SHMS = 28.76 deg (NPS = 12.46) Kin_x36_2'
      1. NPS Sweep Magnet 468 Amp
      2. Starting point for MCC tune of correctors is 50 Amp upstream, 14 Amp downstream
        1. Make an hclog/screenshot of final Sweep Magnet settings and Spectrometer angle gui
      3. If MCC tunes to non-zero correctors, then do the following optics test:
        1. Sweep & Correctors ON, HMS Collimator Sieve
          1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
          2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
        2. Sweep & Correctors OFF, HMS Collimator Sieve
          1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
          2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
    3. Sweep ON (Correctors on if needed by MCC), Restore HMS Large Collimator
  2. KinC_x36_2 & _2' Production Cycle
    1. SHMS angle 30.66 deg
      1. LH2 Target
        1. Two 1-hour runs 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. One 20-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        3. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        4. One 20-min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
        5. One 40-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (Event rate </= 3 KHz OK, but prescale if needed to keep data rate </= 100 MBy/sec)
        6. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6=0
        7. One 10-min run at 36 uA, coin, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      2. Dummy Target
        1. 15 min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. 15 min run at 18 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      3. LD2 Target
        1. Three 1-hour runs 21 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. One 20-min run at 14 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        3. One 20-min run at 7 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        4. One 20-min run at 21 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
        5. One 40-min run at 14 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (OK if rate is >2kHz provided Data Rate</= 100MBy/sec).
        6. One 20-min run at 7 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6=0
        7. One 10-min run at 21 uA, coin , ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
    2. SMHS angle 28.76 deg
      1. LH2 Target
        1. Two 1-hour runs 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. One 20-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        3. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        4. One 20-min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
        5. One 40-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (Event rate </= 3 KHz OK, but prescale if needed to keep data rate </= 100 MBy/sec)
        6. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
        7. One 10-min run at 36 uA, coin, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      2. Dummy Target
        1. 15 min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. 15 min run at 18 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      3. LD2 Target
        1. Three 1-hour runs 21 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
        2. One 20-min run at 14 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        3. One 20-min run at 7 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
        4. One 20-min run at 21 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
        5. One 40-min run at 14 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (OK if rate is >2kHz provided Data Rate</= 100MBy/sec).
        6. One 20-min run at 7 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
        7. One 10-min run at 21 uA, coin , ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
    3. Repeat entire program of SHMS 30.66 and 28.76 once, for full statistics of this setting. Goal is 0.55 C per target per SHMS angle

  • Friday 17 November 12:00
    • Moller Polarization run

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

  • Monday 13 November
    • Change to 4-Pass (Energy ~8.483 GeV)
    • Elastic Calibration Settings Modified, To Be Verified by S. Lassiter
      • HMS momentum +4.120 GeV/c (protons)
      • HMS angle 27.613 deg
      • SHMS angles 38.00 and 36.14 deg (Nominal electron energy in Calo = 5.196 GeV)
      • NPS Sweep Magnet OFF, Correctors OFF
  1. Beam Checkout:
    1. Section 1.2 Harp Scans
    2. Section 1.3 Target/Beam Centering
  2. Elastic Cycle (4-Pass). HMS Settings above
    1. SHMS 38.00 deg (NPS 21.70 deg)
      1. 3 One-hour runs LH2 40 muAmp, coin_sparse. PS5=0, all other -1 (Check NPS Anode currents) Expected rate = 11/sec
    2. SHMS 36.14 deg (NPS 19.84 deg)
      1. 3 One-hour runs LH2 40 muAmp, coin_sparse. PS5=0, all other -1 (Check NPS Anode currents) Expected rate = 9/sec
    3. Repeat elastic cycle until each angle has 12 hours of data (interrupted by Tuesday Day Beam Studies)
  3. Wednesday or Thursday move Calorimeter to 3.0 m
    1. Reverse polarity of HMS to electrons
    2. Thursday or Friday Moller
  4. Three 4-Pass Production Settings for Nov-Dec
    1. KinC_x36_2 charge goal 1.1 Coul/target
    2. KinC_x50_1 charge goal 3.8 Coul/target
    3. KinC_x60_2 charge goal 19.0 Coul/target

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

  • Saturday 11 November 9:00 am to Monday 12 November (when the pass change starts)
  1. Elastic Calibration setting
    1. HMS momentum +4.0872 GeV/c (protons)
    2. HMS angle 29.86 deg
    3. Fully replay each elastic runs at the end of the run:
      1. Find out how many segments exist for run RRRR:
        1. go_analysis_nps
        2. ls raw/nps_coin_RRRR.*
    4. For each segment SSSS, open a terminal on cdaql3, go_analysis_nps, run the following command: hcana .x 'SCRIPTS/NPS/replay_production_coin_NPS_HMS.C(RRRR,-1,0,SSSS,SSSS)'
  2. Elastic Calibration cycle (Complete twice) (SHMS angles modified to account for columns 0-4 off)
    1. SHMS angle 32.88 deg (NPS 16.58 deg)
      1. Two 1-Hour runs at 30 mu Amp (40 mu Amp if beam is stable) LH2 target, ps5=0.
      2. verify there are counts in Column 5 (about 2/min at 7.3 GeV electrons)
    2. SHMS angle 31.85 deg (NPS 15.55 deg)
      1. Two 1-Hour runs at 30 mu Amp (40 mu Amp if beam is stable) LH2 target, ps5=0.
    3. SMHS angle 30.83 deg (NPS 14.53 deg)
      1. Two 1-Hour run at 30 mu Amp (40 mu Amp if beam is stable) LH2 target, ps5=0.
  3. If 2nd Elastic cycle (4 hours each angle) finishes before 8:00 am Sunday Nov 12: Positron run for SIDIS: HMS momentum = +4.637 GeV/c (positive polarity!), HMS angle= 16.430 deg, SHMS angle = 28.41 deg (NPS 12.11). Keep NPS at 9.5 m. Keep NPS Sweep and Correctors OFF. Keep NPS HV = standard production
    1. Record screen shots of all HMS magnet control screens, and magnet angle cameras
    2. One hour run: LH2, 36uA, ps6=0, coin_sparse.
    3. One hour run: LD2, 21uA, ps6=0, coin_sparse
    4. End by 11:00 am Sunday
  4. Elastic Calibration phase-2
    1. Load new NPS HV settings
    2. HMS momentum +4.0872 GeV/c (protons, no need for MOL, set current = 1255.75 Amp)
    3. HMS angle 29.86 deg
    4. SHMS angle 32.88 deg (NPS 16.58 deg)
      1. Two 1-Hour runs at 30 mu Amp (40 mu Amp if beam is stable) LH2 target, ps5=0.
    5. SHMS angle 31.85 deg (NPS 15.55 deg)
      1. Two 1-Hour runs at 30 mu Amp (40 mu Amp if beam is stable) LH2 target, ps5=0.
    6. SMHS angle 30.83 deg (NPS 14.53 deg)
      1. Two 1-Hour runs at 30 mu Amp (40 mu Amp if beam is stable) LH2 target, ps5=0.
  5. Repeat Elastic cycle for a total of 4 hours on each setting, until beam off Monday 13 Nov 2023, 07:00

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

  • Friday, November 10
  • 11:00 access to replace 5 PMT/Base assemblies in Column 5
  • After completion of access, 1-2 hours LED runs (J.Roche)
  1. Return to KinC_x60_3': Verify settings
    1. HMS angle 16.483 deg
    2. HMS Momentum -5.878 GeV
    3. SHMS 34.02 deg (this is 1 deg less than original setting) = NPS at 17.72 deg
    4. NPS Sweep Magnet On (468 Amp), Correctors off
    5. CODA Start of run comment text " KinC_x60_3' "
  2. Production cycle at KinC_x60_3' (all ps=-1, except for single ps noted)
    1. LD2 Target
      1. Four 1-h runs at 21 uA, coin_sparse , ps6=0, Start here at 3rd of 4 one-hour runs Friday Day/Swing
      2. One 20-min run at 14 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 7 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 21 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 40-min run at 14 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (OK if rate is >2kHz provided Data Rate</= 100MBy/sec).
      6. One 20-min run at 7 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      7. One 10-min run at 21 uA, coin , ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
    2. Dummy Target
      1. 10 min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 10 min run at 18 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    3. LH2 Target
      1. Two 1-h runs at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 40-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (Event rate </= 3 KHz OK, but prescale if needed to keep data rate </= 100 MBy/sec)
      6. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
      7. One 10-min run at 36 uA, coin, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
  3. Repeat the cycle above until Saturday 11/11 at 9:00 am

  • Wednesday, November 8:
  1. 00:00 Continue with KinC_x50_4' Production
  2. 05:00 or when Beam Studies start (Whichever is earlier)
    1. Beam OFF Target Out-of-Beam, Switch to Cosmic HV (and CODA configuration coin_cosmic)
      1. Two hour cosmic run with NPS Sweep Magnet OFF (OK if MCC wants to send beam into hall)
      2. 07:00 Request MCC turn NPS Sweep Magnet ON (468 Amp, correctors off, same angle as previous)
      3. Two hour cosmic run (or until Radcon arrives to sweep Hall for Controlled Access)
  3. 09:30, or when Hall in controlled Access
    1. Move Calorimeter to 6 m
    2. Remove PMT+Bases in Column 1
    3. No later than 14:00, close Calorimeter and move back to 3 m
    4. 14:30 Request MCC to turn NPS Sweep ON (468 Amp, correctors off). May require clearing Hall
      1. Limited access to measure magnetic fields aroung Calorimenter box
      2. Open calorimeter and measure magnetic fields at back face of crystals in positions of Columns 0 and 1. Measure in x,y,z, directions
  4. Return HMS & SHMS to previous setting of KinC_x60_3'
    1. HMS angle 16.483 deg
    2. HMS Momentum -5.878 GeV
    3. SHMS 34.02 deg (this is 1 deg less than original setting) = NPS at 17.72 deg
  5. Cosmics while calorimeter stabilizes and beam is restored?
  • Wednesday, November 8 Evening
    • When taking production data (coin_sparse ps6=0), lower the beam current to obtain the desired rates and livetime conditions. Do not increase the ps6 prescale. If you can't obtain the desired conditions with a beam current higher than 4 uA, alert the RC.
    • Check that the NPS anode currents are below limits (limit shown on the anode current display).
    • Total run time should be adjusted for beam trip, but any given run should not exceed 1 hour.
  1. KinC_x60_3'
    1. HMS 16.483 deg, -5.878 Gev
    2. SHMS 34.02 deg (NPS 17.72 deg)
      1. Ask MCC to turn NPS Sweep Magnet on to 468 Amp and run their calibration procedure starting with both correctors off. This is a new SHMS angle, but we ran previously (Oct 12) at SHMS = 35.02 deg and correctors off.
    3. Verify NPS HV restored to production (not cosmics) how to
    4. For each unique current/target/trigger configuration, log rates, NPS anode currents, FADC trigger, and rad levels (see this example). Also screen capture of CODA Data Rate
    5. CODA Start of run comment text " KinC_x60_3' "
  2. Production cycle at KinC_x60_3' (all ps=-1, except for single ps noted)
    1. LD2 Target
      1. Four 1-h runs at 21 uA, coin_sparse , ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 14 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 7 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 21 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 40-min run at 14 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (OK if rate is >2kHz provided Data Rate</= 100MBy/sec).
      6. One 20-min run at 7 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      7. One 10-min run at 21 uA, coin , ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
    2. Dummy Target
      1. 10 min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 10 min run at 18 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    3. LH2 Target
      1. Two 1-h runs at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 40-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (Event rate </= 3 KHz OK, but prescale if needed to keep data rate </= 100 MBy/sec)
      6. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
      7. One 10-min run at 36 uA, coin, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
  3. Repeat the cycle above until Pass Change (Monday Nov 13?).

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

  • Tuesday, November 7:
  1. Continue with KinC_x50_4' Production running described for Friday Nov. 3, etc below
    1. Ask MCC for Sweep at 50% (Current = 234 Amp, Correctors off). This is approved by Dave Gaskell. If MCC has questions, they should contact Dave.
    2. One hour run, LH2, 5 muA. coin_sparse ps6=0, all others -1
    3. Ask MCC Restore NPS sweep to 468 Amp and continue production

  • Friday, November 3:
    • Enter run #s on this sheet and add to binder at end of shift
  • Setting KinC_x50_4'
    • HMS at 16.917 deg
    • HMS momentum -5.253 GeV (electron)
    • SHMS at 30.69 deg (this is a 1 deg shift from prior KinC_x50_4 running).
    • NPS Sweep on (468 A), Correctors OFF.
  • Data taking instruction
    • For each current/target/trigger configuration, log rates, NPS anode currents, FADC trigger, and rad levels (see this example).
    • Event rates should be less than 2kHz in all configurations. The CODA Data rate should be less than 100 MByte/sec. Livetime should be above 90% and stable. The livetime can be read on the NPS FADC Scaler screen.
  1. KinC_x50_4' data cycle (One cycle is ~10h of data taking at 100% efficiency). All ps=-1 except the unique trigger indicated.
    1. When taking production data (coin_sparse ps6=0), lower the beam current to obtain the desired rates and livetime conditions. Do not increase the ps6 prescale. If you can't obtain the desired conditions with a beam current higher than 4 uA, alert the RC.
    2. Check that the NPS anode currents are below limits (limit shown on the anode current display).
    3. Total run time should be adjusted for beam trip, but any given run should not exceed 1 hour.
    4. LD2 Target
      1. Five 1-h runs at 15 uA, coin_sparse , ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 40-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (OK if rate is >2kHz provided Data Rate</= 100MBy/sec).
      6. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      7. One 10-min run at 15 uA, coin , ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
    5. Dummy Target
      1. 10 min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 10 min run at 18 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    6. LH2 Target
      1. Two 1-h runs at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=1 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz )
      5. One 40-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps4=0 (Event rate </= 3 KHz OK, but prescale if needed to keep data rate </= 100 MBy/sec)
      6. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
      7. One 10-min run at 36 uA, coin, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    7. Repeat the cycle above until a change of kinematic.
  2. Monday Nov 6, day Moller run
  3. Monday Nov 6 evening, continue KinC_x50_4' cycle until reaching 60% of charge goals

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

  • Wednesday, November 1 (evening):
    • Enter run #s on this sheet and add to binder at end of shift
  1. Test for setting KinC_x60_4
    1. Move HMS to 19.31 deg
    2. Set HMS momentum to -5.052 GeV (electrons). This does not require going to MOL if HMS is initially at -5.253, just current setpoints.
    3. Move SHMS to 31.39 deg (NPS at 15.09)
    4. Target "out of Beam" request MCC turn on NPS Sweep Magnet to 468 Amp and tune Correctors following their procedure, starting from both correctors at 0.0 Amp.
    5. If MCC tunes to non-zero correctors, then do the following optics test:
      1. Sweep & Correctors ON, HMS Collimator Sieve
        1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
        2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
      2. Sweep & Correctors OFF, HMS Collimator Sieve
        1. 30 min run: Target Carbon 0.5% , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
        2. 30 min run: Target Optics +/- 8cm , 30 uA, ps4=0, all other ps=-1
      3. Sweep ON (Correctors on if needed by MCC), Restore HMS Large Collimator
    6. Now two short production test runs. Label these in CODA and on paper KinC_x60_4
      1. One-hour run: LH2 target, 30 uA, ps6=0, all other ps=-1
        1. Reduce current if needed to keep Data Rate (CODA)<100MBy/sec, Event rate < 2 KHz, ps6 livetime > 90%
      2. One-hour run LD2 target, 15 uA, ps6=0, all other ps=-1
        1. Reduce current if needed to keep Data Rate (CODA)<100MBy/sec, Event rate < 2 KHz, ps6 livetime > 90%
  2. Return to setting KinC_x50_4
    1. Beam Off
    2. Move HMS to 16.917 deg
    3. Set HMS momentum to -5.253 GeV electron (this will require going to MOL)
    4. Set SHMS to 30.69 deg (this is a 1 deg shift from prior KinC_x50_4 running).
    5. Request MCC NPS Sweep on (468 A), tell MCC this is a prior setting in which we ran with Correctors OFF.
  3. KinC_x50_4 data cycle (One cycle is ~10h of data taking at 100% efficiency). All ps=-1 except the unique trigger indicated.
    1. For each current/target/trigger configuration, log rates, NPS anode currents, FADC trigger, and rad levels (see this example).
    2. Event rates should be less than 2kHz in all configurations. The CODA Data rate should be less than 100 MByte/sec. Livetime should be above 90% and stable. The livetime can be read on the NPS FADC Scaler screen.
    3. When taking production data (coin_sparse ps6=0), lower the beam current to obtain the desired rates and livetime conditions. Do not increase the ps6 prescale. If you can't obtain the desired conditions with a beam current higher than 4 uA, alert the RC.
    4. Check that the NPS anode currents are below limits (limit shown on the anode current display).
    5. Total run time should be adjusted for beam trip, but any given run should not exceed 1 hour.
    6. LD2 Target
      1. Five 1-h runs at 15 uA, coin_sparse , ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      6. One 10-min run at 15 uA, coin , ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
    7. Dummy Target
      1. 10 min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 10 min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    8. LH2 Target
      1. Two 1-h runs at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 24 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 36 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=1 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
      6. One 10-min run at 36 uA, coin, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    9. Repeat the cycle above until a change of kinematic.
  4. Monday Nov 6, day Moller run
  5. Monday Nov 6 evening, continue KinC_x50_4 (aka _3) cycle until reaching 60% of charge goals

  • Saturday, October 28 (day) and Wednesday, November 1 (Day): kinematic KinC_x50_4
  1. The NPS calo is at 3 m from the target
  2. Set up the HMS to -5.253 GeV electron
  3. Set the SHMS angle to 31.747 deg and the HMS angle to 16.917
  4. expected DIS events on LH2 at 30 uA= 1.4 kHz.
  5. duration= 5 days
  6. Large Collimator
  7. Take the following data (One cycle is ~10h of data taking at 100% efficiency). All ps=-1 except the unique trigger indicated
    1. For each current/target/trigger configuration, log rates, NPS anode currents, FADC trigger, and rad levels (see this example).
    2. Event rates should be less than 2kHz in all configurations. The CODA Data rate should be less than 100 MByte/sec. Livetime should be above 90% and stable. The livetime can be read on the NPS FADC Scaler screen.
    3. When taking production data (coin_sparse ps6=0), lower the beam current to obtain the desired rates and livetime conditions. Do not increase the ps6 prescale. If you can't obtain the desired conditions with a beam current higher than 4 uA, alert the RC.
    4. Check that the NPS anode currents are below limits (limit shown on the anode current display).
    5. Total run time should be adjusted for beam trip, but any given run should not exceed 1 hour.
    6. LD2 Target
      1. Five 1-h runs at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      6. One 10-min run at 15 uA, coin (SPARSIFICATION OFF), ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
    7. Dummy Target
      1. 10 min run at 35 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 10 min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    8. LH2 Target
      1. Two 1-h runs at 35 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 35 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=1 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
      6. One 10-min run at 35 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    9. Repeat the cycle above until a change of kinematic.
  • Monday October 30:
    • 8:30-10:30: NPS correctors test- TBC (The goal is to optimize the corrector setting to minimize the rad level in the NPS calo. Right now, when on, the correctors are optimized to transport the beam to the middle of the dump.)

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

  • Friday, October 27 (day) and Saturday, October 28 (Day): kinematic KinC_x36_5
  1. NPS_VTP_PAIR_THR is 750 (MeV) - This is the standard threshold uploaded in coin_sparse
  2. The NPS calo is at 3 m from the target
  3. NPS sweep magnet on at 468 Amp and NPS correctors off
  4. move HMS to -4.637 GeV electron and 16.435 deg
  5. move SHMS angle at 30.69 deg (in the standard configuration it was at 28.417 deg)
  6. Expected DIS rates on LH2 at 30 uA: 2.5 kHz. (36_3 was 12kHz)
  7. Request MCC to retune NPS Sweep Correctors. Suggested settings linked above
  8. Large Collimator
  9. Take the following data (One cycle is ~12h of data taking at 100% efficiency). All ps=-1 except the unique trigger indicated
    1. For each current/target/trigger configuration, log rates, NPS anode currents, FADC trigger and rad levels (see this example).
    2. Event rates should be less than 2kHz in all configurations. The CODA Data rate should be less than 100 MByte/sec. Livetime should be above 90% and stable. The livetime can be read on the NPS FADC Scaler screen.
    3. When taking production data (coin_sparse ps6=0), lower the beam current to obtain the desired rates and livetime conditions. Do not increase the ps6 prescale. If you can't obtain the desired conditions with a beam current higher than 4 uA, alert the RC.
    4. Check that the NPS anode currents are below limits (limit shown on the anode current display).
    5. Total run time should be adjusted for beam trip, but any given run should not exceed 1 hour.
    6. LD2 Target
      1. Four 1-h runs at 12 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 8 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 4 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 20-min run at 4 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      6. One 10-min run at 12 uA, coin (SPARSIFICATION OFF), ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
    7. Dummy Target
      1. 10 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 10 min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    8. LH2 Target
      1. Two 1-h runs at 25 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 25 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=1 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
      6. One 10-min run at 25 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    9. Repeat the cycle above until a change of kinematic.
  • Friday October 27:
  1. Moller with D. Gaskell
  • Saturday October 28:
  1. Change to kinematic x50_4 (TBC: check with the RC) This is KinC_x50_3, kinematics x50 are numbered _0..._3 rather than _1..._4
    1. The NPS calo is at 3 m from the target
    2. Set up the HMS to -5.253 GeV electron
    3. Set the SHMS angle to 31.747 deg and the HMS angle to 16.917
    4. expected DIS events on LH2 at 30 uA= 1.4 kHz.
    5. duration= 5 days

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

  • Monday October 30:
    • 8:30-10:30: NPS correctors test (The goal is to optimize the corrector setting to minimize the rad level in the NPS calo. Right now, when on, the correctors are optimized to transport the beam to the middle of the dump.)

Tuesday, October 24 (day) and Saturday, October 28 (Swing): kinematic KinC_x36_5

  1. NPS_VTP_PAIR_THR is 750 (MeV) - This is the standard threshold uploaded in coin_sparse
  2. The NPS calo is at 3 m from the target
  3. NPS sweep magnet on at 468 Amp and NPS correctors off
  4. move HMS to -4.637 GeV electron and 16.435 deg
  5. move SHMS angle at 28.417 deg
  6. Expected DIS rates on LH2 at 30 uA: 2.5 kHz. (36_3 was 12kHz)
  7. Request MCC to retune NPS Sweep Correctors. Suggested settings linked above
  8. Large Collimator
  9. Take the following data (One cycle is ~7h of data taking at 100% efficiency). All ps=-1 except the unique trigger indicated
    1. For each current/target/trigger configuration, log rates, NPS anode currents, FADC trigger and rad levels (see this example).
    2. Event rates should be less than 2kHz in all configurations. The CODA Data rate should be less than 100 MByte/sec. Livetime should be above 90% and stable. The livetime can be read on the NPS FADC Scaler screen.
    3. When taking production data (coin_sparse ps6=0), lower the beam current to obtain the desired rates and livetime conditions. Do not increase the ps6 prescale. If you can't obtain the desired conditions with a beam current higher than 4 uA, alert the RC.
    4. Check that the NPS anode currents are below limits (limit shown on the anode current display).
    5. Run time should be adjusted for beam trips.
    6. LD2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 12 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 8 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 4 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 12 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 20-min run at 4 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      6. One 10-min run at 12 uA, coin (SPARSIFICATION OFF), ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    7. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20 min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    8. LH2 Target
      1. Two 40-min runs at 25 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 25 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=1 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 10-min run at 25 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    9. Repeat the cycle above until a change of kinematic.

  • Tuesday, October 24 (day) and Saturday, October 28 (Swing): kinematic KinC_x36_5
  1. NPS_VTP_PAIR_THR is 750 (MeV) - This is the standard threshold uploaded in coin_sparse
  2. The NPS calo is at 3 m from the target
  3. NPS sweep magnet on at 468 Amp and NPS correctors off
  4. move HMS to -4.637 GeV electron and 16.435 deg Move HMS before SHMS
  5. move SHMS angle at 28.417 deg
  6. Expected DIS rates on LH2 at 30 uA: 2.5 kHz. (36_3 was 12kHz)
  7. Request MCC to retune NPS Sweep Correctors. Suggested settings linked above
  8. Optics Check, Sieve Collimator
    1. Sweep On
      1. Carbon 0.5% target 30 min run ps4=0
      2. Optics 1, +/- 8 cm. 30 min run ps4=0
    2. Sweep & Correctors off
      1. Carbon 0.5% target 30 min run ps4=0
      2. Optics 1, +/- 8 cm. 30 min run ps4=0
    3. Restore Sweep, Restore Large Collimator
  9. Take the following data (One cycle is ~7h of data taking at 100% efficiency). All ps=-1 except the unique trigger indicated
    1. For each current/target/trigger configuration, log rates, NPS anode currents, FADC trigger and rad levels (see this example).
    2. Event rates should be less than 2kHz in all configurations. The CODA Data rate should be less than 100 MByte/sec. Livetime should be above 90% and stable. The livetime can be read on the NPS FADC Scaler screen.
    3. When taking production data (coin_sparse ps6=0), lower the beam current to obtain the desired rates and livetime conditions. Do not increase the ps6 prescale. If you can't obtain the desired conditions with a beam current higher than 4 uA, alert the RC.
    4. Check that the NPS anode currents are below limits (limit shown on the anode current display).
    5. Run time should be adjusted for beam trips.
    6. LD2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      6. One 10-min run at 15 uA, coin (SPARSIFICATION OFF), ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    7. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20 min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    8. LH2 Target
      1. Two 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=1 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 10-min run at 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    9. Repeat the cycle above until a change of kinematic.

  • Saturday, October 21 and Sunday, October 22: kinematic 36_3
  1. We will change to this kinematic around 9 a.m. on Saturday, October 21(TBC).
  2. NPS_VTP_PAIR_THR is 750 (MeV) - This is the standard threshold uploaded in coin_sparse
  3. The NPS calo is at 3 m from the target
  4. NPS sweep magnet on at 468 Amp and NPS correctors off
  5. HMS at -6.117 GeV electron and 12.373 deg
  6. SHMS angle at 32.261 deg
  1. Take the following data (One cycle is ~7h of data taking at 100% efficiency)
    1. For each current/target/trigger configuration, log rates, NPS anode currents, FADC trigger and rad levels (see this example).
    2. Event rates should be less than 2kHz in all configurations. The CODA Data rate should be less than 100 MByte/sec.Livetime should be above 90% and stable. The livetime can be read on the NPS FADC Scaler screen.
    3. When taking production data (coin_sparse ps6=0), lower the beam current to obtain the desired rates and livetime conditions. Do not increase the ps6 prescale. If you can't obtain the desired conditions with a beam current higher than 4 uA, alert the RC.
    4. Check that the NPS anode currents are below limits (limit shown on the anode current display).
    5. Run time should be adjusted for beam trips.
    6. LD2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 7.5 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 7.5 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      4. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      5. One 10-min run at 7.5 uA, coin (SPARSIFICATION OFF), ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    7. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20 min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    8. LH2 Target
      1. Two 40-min runs at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=1 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 10-min run at 15 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    9. Repeat the cycle above until a change of kinematic.
  • Monday October 23:
  1. Around 8:30 am (shortly before the beam study time starts), move the SHMS to 36.3 deg
  2. Beam studies: high current check. MCC set the beam current.
    1. Phase 1: going up to 40 uA beam in steps, take LH2 data as long as the livetime stays above 90%.
    2. Phase 2: running at 45 uA. No data taking possible.
  3. BCM calibration
  4. Change to kinematic x36_5 (TBC: check with the RC)
    1. The NPS calo is at 3 m from the target
    2. Set up the HMS to -4.637 GeV electron
    3. Set the SHMS angle to 28.417 deg and the HMS angle to 16.435

  • Friday October 20
  1. Backing out of the Elastic configuration.
    1. Request controlled access to the hall to move the calorimeter from 9.5 m to 3m from the target. The HV of the NPS calorimeter needs to stay on.
    2. set NPS_VTP_PAIR_THR to 750 (GeV) - ask Wassim
    3. Ramp down the HMS, and switch its polarity to negative. Don't do that before the access. Set up the HMS to -5.878 GeV electron
    4. When the hall is back in Beam Permit, set the SHMS angle to 35.02 deg and the HMS angle to 16.483.
    5. NPS sweep magnet on at 468 Amp and NPS correctors off.
    6. Event rates should less than 2kHz in all configurations
    7. Run time should be adjusted for beam trips.
  2. Resume kinematic 60_3 cycles (One cycle is ~7h of data taking at 100% efficiency)
    1. LD2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec. This configuration has not been tested yet (10-20); the first time you get to do this, make sure to have Wassim come to the counting house to check that the low threshold is not too low (giving you HUGE rates).
      6. One 10-min run at 15 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    2. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20 min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    3. LH2 Target
      1. Two 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=1 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 10-min run at 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    4. Repeat the cycle above until a change of kinematic.

  • Thursday October 19
  • 5-pass Elastic calibration (6 hours of data taking at 100% efficiency)
  1. Check with RC that the NPS calorimeter temperature is stable. The data will not be good if the call is not stable in temperature
  2. Ramp HMS down to 0 A, switch its polarity, and set it at a +4.087 GeV momentum.
  3. HMS angle to 29.86 deg
  4. NPS sweep magnet OFF
  5. Label runs "5-pass Elastic"
  6. LH2 target
  7. set NPS_VTP_PAIR_THR to 1000 (MeV) - ask Wassim
  8. After each run, launch full replays of the data on cdaql3.
    1. Find out how many segments exist for run RRRR:
      1. go_analysis_nps
      2. ls raw/nps_coin_RRRR.*
    2. for each segment SSSS, open a terminal on cdaql3, go_analysis_nps, run the following command: hcana .x 'SCRIPTS/NPS/replay_production_coin_NPS_HMS.C(RRRR,-1,0,SSSS,SSSS)'
  9. Set SHMS angle to 32.28 deg, three 40-min runs on LH2 at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps5=0, all others -1
  10. Set SHMS angle to 31.19 deg, three 40-min runs on LH2 at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps5=0, all others -1
  11. Set SHMS angle to 33.48 deg, three 40-min runs on LH2 at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps5=0, all others -1
  • J/Psi background estimation (1 hour of data taking at 100% efficiency)
  1. LD2 target
  2. keep the HMS in positive polarity
  3. set NPS_VTP_PAIR_THR to 750 (MeV) - ask Wassim
  4. Set the SHMS angle to 35.02 deg and the HMS angle to 16.483.
  5. Set the HMS momentum at +5.878 GeV (positron)
  6. NPS sweep magnet on at 468 Amp and NPS correctors off
  7. 1 one-hour run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0

  • Wednesday October 18
  • Optics for KinC_x36_3 Kinematics
    • SHMS angle 32.261 deg [NPS 15.961 deg]
    • Keep the NPS HV on in production setting (important)
    • HMS angle: 12.373 Verify the angle is correct in the HMS Vernier Camera
    • P-HMS: -6.117 GeV (electrons)
    • Sieve Collimator
    1. NPS Sweep Off
      1. Target Carbon 0.5% (single foil) One 0.5-hr Run at 30 uA, coin-Sparse, ps4=0.
      2. Call Josh Crafts (910)228-8319 to check how many events are in the sieve holes,
      3. Target Carbon0.5% (single foil) One 1-hr Run at 30 uA, coin-Sparse, ps4=0.
      4. Target Carbon +/- 8cm One 1-hr Run at 30 uA, coin-Sparse, ps4=0
    2. NPS Sweep ON
      1. Target Carbon 0.5% (single foil) One 1-hr Run at 30 uA, ps4=0
      2. Target Carbon +/- 8cm One 1-hr Run at 30 uA, coin-Sparse, ps4=0

  • KinC_x60_3 Kinematics
    • SHMS angle 35.02 deg [NPS 18.72 deg]
    • HMS angle 16.483 Momentum -5.878 GeV (electrons)
    • NPS Sweep On 468 Amp, Correctors OFF
    • HMS Large Collimator
  1. KinC_x60_3 data taking cycle
    1. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=3 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      3. 20 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run at 20 uA, coin, ps3=4 or as needed to keep data rate ≤ 100 MBy/sec
    2. LH2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
        1. Ended here (2nd pass) 10:00 am Tues Oct 17 for Moller
      3. 20 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run at 30 uA, coin, ps3=3 or as needed to keep data rate ≤ 100 MBy/sec
    3. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. 20 min run at 8 uA,
    4. LD2 Target
      1. Six 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=3 (or as required to keep event rate ≤ 2KHz)
      3. 40 min run at 14 uA , ps6=0
      4. 40 min run at 7 uA, ps6=0 (We might get here by Wed 10-18 at 8 am. If we get there before then, continue with the cycle below)
    5. LH2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 40 min run at 20 uA
      3. 40 min run at 10 uA
    6. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20 min run at 8 uA
    7. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0

  • KinC_x60_3 Kinematics
    • SHMS angle 35.02 deg [NPS 18.72 deg]
    • HMS angle 16.483 Momentum -5.878 GeV (electrons)
    • NPS Sweep On 468 Amp, Correctors OFF
  • HMS Large Collimator
  • All ps=-1 except as noted (ONLY 1 TRIGGER!)
  1. KinC_x60_3 cycle, start from end of Saturday Day
    1. LD2 Target
    2. LH2 Target
    3. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 8 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0, run 1858, but NPS Sweep was off
    4. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0, runs 1859,
    5. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0, runs 1865, 1866, 1867
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=3 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz) run 1868
      3. 40 min run at 14 uA , ps6=0 run 1875
      4. 40 min run at 7 uA, ps6=0 run 1876
    6. LH2 Target
      1. Three 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0 runs 1877, 1878, 1879
      2. Special low threshold Runs VTP PAIR_THR=250, READOUT_THR=250, SEED_THR=70
        1. 5 min run at 5 uA run 1880
        2. Two 30-min runs at 20 uA, ps6=0 run 1881 + Start Sunday Swing Shift HERE
      3. Two 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0, Restore VTP PAIR_THR=750, READOUT_THR=400, keep SEED_THR=70
      4. 40 min run at 20 uA
      5. 40 min run at 10 uA
    7. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 40 min run at 8 uA (extra time to correct for un 1858)
    8. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
  2. KinC_x60_3 cycle
    1. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=3 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      3. 20 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run at 20 uA, coin, ps3=4 or as needed to keep data rate ≤ 100 MBy/sec
    2. LH2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz) Run 1938 nb ps3=2, ps6=0
        1. Ended here (2nd pass) 10:00 am Tues Oct 17 for Moller
      3. 20 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run at 30 uA, coin, ps3=3 or as needed to keep data rate ≤ 100 MBy/sec
    3. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. 20 min run at 8 uA,
    4. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
    5. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=3 (or as required to keep event rate ≤ 2KHz)
      3. 40 min run at 14 uA , ps6=0 run 1913
      4. 40 min run at 7 uA, ps6=0
    6. LH2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 40 min run at 20 uA
      3. 40 min run at 10 uA
    7. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20 min run at 8 uA
    8. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
  • If completed before 10:00 am Tuesday, then return to 2. KinC_x60_3 cycle above

Tuesday 17 Oct 2023 Day Shift

  • Moller Polarimeter measurement 10:00 am

Friday 13 Oct 2023 Swing Shift

  • KinC_x60_3 Kinematics
    • SHMS angle 35.02 deg [NPS 18.72 deg]
    • HMS angle 16.483 Momentum -5.878 GeV (electrons)
    • NPS Sweep On 468 Amp, Correctors OFF
  • HMS Large Collimator
  • All ps=-1 except as noted (ONLY 1 TRIGGER!)
  1. Complete the Thursday Program below 1.6 -- 1.8
  2. KinC_x60_3 cycle
    1. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0, runs 1838, 1839, 1840
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=5 (or as required to keep event rate ≤ 2KHz)
      3. 20 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run at 20 uA, coin, ps3=5 or as needed to keep data rate ≤ 100 MBy/sec run 1847
    2. LH2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=5 (or as required to keep event rate ≤ 2KHz)
      3. 20 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run at 30 uA, coin, ps3=5 or as needed to keep data rate ≤ 100 MBy/sec
    3. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. 20 min run at 8 uA,
    4. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
    5. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=5 (or as required to keep event rate ≤ 2KHz)
      3. 40 min run at 14 uA , ps6=0
      4. 40 min run at 7 uA, ps6=0
    6. LH2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 40 min run at 20 uA
      3. 40 min run at 10 uA
    7. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20 min run at 8 uA
    8. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
  3. Repeat until integrated luminosity goal is reached

Thursday 12 Oct 2023 Swing Shift

  • Return to KinC_x60_3 Kinematics
    • SHMS angle 35.02 deg [NPS 18.72 deg] (Move SHMS BEFORE HMS in this case to maintain minimum separation)
    • HMS angle 16.483 Momentum -5.878 GeV (electrons)
      • go_magnetsHMS_current -5.878 // will not require MOL
    • NPS Sweep On 468 Amp, Correctors OFF (already tested)
  • HMS Large Collimator
  • All ps=-1 except as noted (ONLY 1 TRIGGER!)
  1. KinC_x60_3 cycle
    1. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=5 (or as required to keep event rate ≤ 2KHz)
      3. 20 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run at 20 uA, coin, ps6 as needed to keep data rate ≤ 100 MBy/sec
    2. LH2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=5 (or as required to keep event rate ≤ 2KHz)
      3. 20 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run at 30 uA, coin, ps6 as needed to keep data rate ≤ 100 MBy/sec
    3. Dummy Targ
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0, run 1815
      2. 20 min run at 8 uA, run 1816
    4. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0, runs 1817, 1818, 1819
    5. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0, runs 1820, 1821, 1822
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=5 (or as required to keep event rate ≤ 2KHz)
      3. 40 min run at 14 uA , ps6=0 run 1824
      4. 40 min run at 7 uA, ps6=0 run 1825
    6. LH2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0 runs 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829
      2. 40 min run at 20 uA run 1830
      3. 40 min run at 10 uA run 1831
    7. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0 run 1832
      2. 20 min run at 8 uA run 1833
    8. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0, runs 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837
  2. Repeat until integrated luminosity goal is reached

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

Tuesday 10 Oct 2023 Day Shift

  • Change to KinC_x60_3 Kinematics
    • HMS angle 16.483 (Move HMS BEFORE SHMS) Momentum -5.878 GeV (electrons)
      • go_magnetsHMS_current -5.878 // will not require MOL
    • SHMS angle 35.02 deg [NPS 18.72 deg]
    • NPS Sweep On 468 Amp, Correctors OFF (already tested)
  • HMS Large Collimator
  • All ps=-1 except as noted (ONLY 1 TRIGGER!)
  1. KinC_x60_03 cycle 1
    1. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0 Runs 1753, 1756, 1757
      2. 40 min run at 14 uA Run 1758
      3. 40 min run at 7 uA Run 1759
    2. LH2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0 Runs 1760,
      2. 40 min run at 20 uA
      3. 40 min run at 10 uA run 1824
    3. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    4. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0 We are here at 11am, Wednesday, run 1768, 1769, 1770 (short)
  2. KinC_x60_03 cycle 2
    1. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=5 (or as required to keep event rate ≤ 2KHz)
      3. 20 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run at 20 uA, coin, ps6 as needed to keep data rate ≤ 100 MBy/sec
    2. LH2 Target
      1. Four 40-min runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 20-minute Efficiency run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=5 (or as required to keep event rate ≤ 2KHz)
      3. 20 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run at 30 uA, coin, ps6 as needed to keep data rate ≤ 100 MBy/sec
    3. Dummy Target
      1. 20 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    4. LD2 Target
      1. Three 40-minute runs at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0

Wednesday 11 Oct 2023 SAD Day Shift

  • Beam Off 7:00 am for SAD
    • Ramp HMS Q1 and Dipole to zero, turn off PSU
    • Keep HV on until start of Calorimeter Maintenance
    • Cosmic data (HV settings!) after Calorimeter work
    • Restore Production HV by start of beam tuning at 3:00 pm
    • 3:00 pm Ramp HMS Q1 and Dipole to MOL and then set points for -5.878 GeV
  1. KinC_x60_3 Production

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

Monday 09 Oct 2023 Day Shift

  1. KinC_x60_3 Optics P_HMS = -5.878 (electrons) [SHMS 35.02 deg]
    1. HMS DIS Optics, HMS at 16.483 deg Sweep Magnet Off, Sieve Collimator
      1. Target C 0.5% (single foil), 0.5 hour run, ps4=0. Rate should be roughly 100 Hz (plus EDTM). Run proportionally longer if rate is lower. Runs 1711, 1712
      2. Target C 8cm foils, 1.0 hour run, ps4=0. Rate should be roughly 30 Hz (plus EDTM). Run proportionally longer if rate is lower. Run 1713
    2. HMS Elastic. Sweep Magnet Off, Large Collimator
      1. HMS Angle 22.83 deg. 30 min run on LH2, ps4=0
      2. HMS angle 21.68 deg
      3. HMS Angle 20.54 deg
    3. MCC Commision NPS Sweep Magnet for new setting (SHMS=35.02):
      1. Main Magnet 468 Amp
      2. Predicted Corrector Currents: Upstream 124 Amp, Downstream 4
      3. Expecteed Corrector Currents from previous setting: Both 0
    4. HMS DIS Optics, HMS at 16.483 deg Sweep Magnet On, Sieve Collimator
      1. Target C 0.5% (single foil), 1.0 hour run, ps4=0 Swing run another 30 min
      2. Target C 8cm foils, 1.0 hour run, ps4=0 Run 1718
  2. KinC_x60_3 Production
    1. Before returning to KinC_x50_2, in CODA do RESET, CONFIGURE DOWNLOAD (coin_sparse). This will restore VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_CLUSTER_READOUT_THR 300
    2. Take a 10 min run on LD2 target @ 15 uA, ps6=0. Record Trigger rates (NPS_T1, NPS_T6, hTRIG4, hTRIG6), and DAQ rates (MBy/sec)
    3. Take a 10 min run on LD2 target @ 30 uA, ps6=0. Record Trigger rates, and DAQ rates (MBy/sec)
  • Return to KinC_x50_2 Production
    • SHMS at 36.88 deg (NPS at 20.58). Move SHMS first
    • HMS -6.667 GeV (electrons, go to MOL first), angle 12.493 deg
    • All CODA ps = -1, except as noted,
  1. KinC_x50_2 Production, NPS Sweep Magnet ON (468 Amp, Correctors OFF)
    1. go_edtm set 40 ! set EDTM to 40 Hz
    2. LD2 Target
      1. 40 min run, ps6=0, 15 uA CODA config coin_sparse, check that Data Rate < 80 MBy/sec with new thresholds (0.036 C)
      2. 40 min run, ps6=0, 10 uA (0.024 C)
      3. 40 min run, ps6=0, 5 uA (0.012 C)
      4. 10 min run SPARSIFICATION OFF run, 5 muA CODA config coin, Adjust ps6 to keep CODA Data Rate < 80 MBy/sec
    3. LH2 Target
      1. 40 min run, ps6=0, 30 uA CODA config coin_sparse, check that Data Rate < 80 MBy/sec with new thresholds (0.072 C)
      2. 40 min run, ps6=0, 20 uA (0.048 C)
      3. 40 min run, ps6=0, 10 uA (0.024 C)
      4. 10 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run, 10 muA CODA config coin, Adjust ps6 to keep CODA Data Rate < 80 MBy/sec
      5. 20 min Efficiency Run, ps3=4 CODA config coin_sparse
    4. Dummy Target
      1. 30 min run at 30 uA (0.054 C), ps6=0
    5. LD2 Target
      1. 40 min run 15 uA on LD2. CODA config coin_sparse, ps6=0, (0.036 C)
      2. Change VTP Parameters in nps-vtp1:nps-vtp/cfg/coin_sparse/nps-vtp.cfg
        3. CODA Reset, Configure, Download
      3. Three 40 min runs 15 uA on LD2 CODA config coin_sparse, ps6=0, (0.036 C). Reduce current if required for hTRIG6 lifetime > 90%
      4. 20 min Efficiency run, 15 uA on LD2. ps3=5
      5. Change VTP Parameters in nps-vtp1:nps-vtp/cfg/coin/nps-vtp.cfg
        3. CODA Reset, Configure coin, Download
      6. 10 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run, 15 muA CODA config coin, Adjust ps6 to keep CODA Data Rate < 80 MBy/sec
    6. LH2 Target
      1. 10 min SPARSIFICATION OFF run, 30 muA CODA config coin, Adjust ps6 to keep CODA Data Rate < 80 MBy/sec
      2. CODA Reset, Configure coin_sparse, Download
      3. Two 40 min runs 30 uA CODA config coin_sparse, ps6=0, (0.036 C). Reduce current if required for hTRIG6 lifetime > 90%

Tuesday 10 Oct 2023

  1. KinC_x60_03 Production

Wednesday 11 Oct 2023 SAD Day Shift

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

Sunday 8 Oct 2023 Day Shift

  1. Moller Polarization Run
  • VTP parameter changes implemented in nps-vtp.cfg for coin_sparse
    • Narrow cluster readout window
      • VTP_NPS_FADCMASK_OFFSET 250 #ns Look back offset from L1accept
      • VTP_NPS_FADCMASK_WIDTH 200 #ns look forward (from OFFSET) window for recording clusters
    • Timing Windows
      • VTP_NPS_ECALCLSUSTER_HIT_DT 5 # 20ns (4ns units) Look forward window for finding hits in 3x3 array around seed hit
      • VTP_NPS_TRIG_WIDTH 20 # ns (VTP_NPS bit 3 window for finding two clusters in two different crates)
      • VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_PAIR_TRIGGER_WIDTH 20 # ns (VTP_NPS bit4 window for finding two clusters in a single crate)
    • Thresholds
    • VTP_NPS_FADCMASK_PRESCALE 65535 # Never read-out full calorimeter FADC data

Monday 9 Oct 2023 Owl (Moved to Monday Day)

  • KinC_x50_2 Production
    • SHMS at 36.88 deg (NPS at 20.58).
    • HMS -6.667 GeV (electrons), angle 12.493 deg
    • All CODA ps = -1, except as noted,
  1. Continue with KinC_x50_2 Production, NPS Sweep Magnet ON (468 Amp, Correctors OFF)
    1. go_edtm set 40 ! set EDTM to 40 Hz
    2. LH2 Target
      1. 40 min run, ps6=0, 30 uA CODA config coin_sparse, check that Data Rate < 80 MBy/sec with new thresholds (0.072 C)
      2. 40 min run, ps6=0, 20 uA (0.048 C)
      3. 40 min run, ps6=0, 10 uA (0.024 C)
      4. 10 min FADC250 run, 10 muA CODA config coin, Adjust ps6 to keep CODA Data Rate < 80 MBy/sec
      5. 20 min Efficiency Run, ps3=4 CODA config coin_sparse
    3. Dummy Target
      1. 30 min run at 30 uA (0.054 C), ps6=0
    4. LD2 Target
      1. 40 min run, ps6=0, 15 uA CODA config coin_sparse, check that Data Rate < 80 MBy/sec with new thresholds (0.036 C)
      2. 40 min run, ps6=0, 10 uA (0.024 C)
      3. 40 min run, ps6=0, 5 uA (0.012 C)
      4. 10 min run FADC250 run, 5 muA CODA config coin, Adjust ps6 to keep CODA Data Rate < 80 MBy/sec
      5. Three 40 min runs 15 uA on LD2. CODA config coin_sparse, ps6=0, (0.036 C)
      6. 20 min Efficiency run, 15 uA on LD2. ps3=5
      7. 10 min FADC250 run, 5 muA CODA config coin, Adjust ps6 to keep CODA Data Rate < 80 MBy/sec

Sunday 8 Oct 2023 Swing + Monday Owl

  • Move to KinC_x60_3
    • HMS angle = 21.68 for elastic, 16.483 deg for DIS/DVCS (Move HMS before SHMS). P_HMS = -5.878 (electrons)
    • SHMS angle = 35.02 deg
    • Expected HMS LH2-DIS rate = 1 KHz, DVCS photon energy = 5 GeV
    • Expected HMS LD2-DIS rate = 2 KHz

  1. KinC_x60_3 Optics P_HMS = -5.878 (electrons)
    1. HMS Elastic. Sweep Magnet Off, ask to RAMP down, Large Collimator
      1. HMS Angle 22.83 deg. 30 min run on LH2, ps4=0
      2. HMS angle 21.68 deg
      3. HMS Angle 20.54 deg
    2. HMS DIS Optics, HMS at 16.483 deg Sweep Magnet Off, Sieve Collimator
      1. Target C 0.5% (single foil), 0.5 hour run, ps4=0. Rate should be roughly 100 Hz (plus EDTM). Run proportionally longer if rate is lower. Runs 1711, 1712
      2. Target C 8cm foils, 1.0 hour run, ps4=0. Rate should be roughly 30 Hz (plus EDTM). Run proportionally longer if rate is lower. Run 1713
    3. MCC Commision NPS Sweep Magnet for new setting (SHMS=35.02):
      1. Main Magnet 468 Amp
      2. Predicted Corrector Currents: Upstream 124 Amp, Downstream 4
      3. Expecteed Corrector Currents from previous setting: Both 0
    4. HMS DIS Optics, HMS at 16.483 deg Sweep Magnet On, Sieve Collimator
      1. Target C 0.5% (single foil), 0.5 hour run, ps4=0
      2. Target C 8cm foils, 1.0 hour run, ps4=0
  2. KinC_x60_3 Production
    1. Before returning to KinC_x50_2, restore VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_CLUSTER_READOUT_THR 300
    2. Take a 10 min run on LD2 target @ 15 uA, ps6=0. Record Trigger rates, and DAQ rates (MBy/sec)
    3. Take a 10 min run on LD2 target @ 30 uA, ps6=0. Record Trigger rates, and DAQ rates (MBy/sec)

The instructions below are for previous shifts and are kept here for the record.

Friday 6 Oct 2023 Swing through Saturday Owl

    1. LD2 Target
      1. One 20-minute run on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA, Sweep magnet current=468 A
      2. One 20-minute run on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA, Sweep magnet current=234 A (ask MCC to lower this current for you)
      3. One 20-minute run on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA, Sweep magnet current=0 A (ask MCC to lower this current for you)
      4. Return sweep magnet to 468 A
      5. Two 1-hour runs on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA
  1. New KinC_x50_2 'cycle'
    1. LD2 Target
      1. Efficiency run 20min LD2, 15 uA, ps3=5 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
      2. Efficiency run 20min LD2, 10 uA, ps3=5 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
      3. Efficiency run 20min LD2, 5 uA, ps3=5 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
      4. Three 1-hour runs on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.054 C per run)
    2. LH2 Target
      1. Three 1-hour runs on LH2, ps6=0, 30 uA (0.108 C per run)
      2. Efficiency run 20min LH2, 30 uA, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
      3. Efficiency run 20min LH2, 20 uA, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
      4. Efficiency run 20min LH2, 10 uA, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
    3. Dummy Target
      1. 30 min run at 30 uA (0.054 C), ps6=0 complete Sat 11am
      2. Efficiency run 20min dummy, 30 uA, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
      3. Efficiency run 20min dummy, 20 uA, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
      4. Efficiency run 20min dummy, 10 uA, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
    4. LD2 Target
      1. Three 1-hour runs on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.054 C per run)

Saturday 7 Oct 2023

  1. New KinC_x50_2 'cycle'
    1. LD2 Target started here Sat 4pm
      1. Efficiency run 30min LD2, 15 uA, ps3=5 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
      2. Three 1-hour runs on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.054 C per run)
    2. LH2 Target
      1. Three 1-hour runs on LH2, ps6=0, 30 uA (0.108 C per run) Completed Sunday 9am
      2. Efficiency run 30min LH2, 30 uA, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA (0.054 C)
    3. Dummy Target
      1. 30 min run at 30 uA (0.054 C), ps6=0
    4. LD2 Target
      1. Three 1-hour runs on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.054 C per run)

Sunday 8 Oct 2023 Day shift

  1. Moller polarization measurement (D. Gaskell)
  • Move to KinC_x60_3
    • HMS angle = 16.483 deg (Move HMS before SHMS). P_HMS = -5.878 (electrons)
    • SHMS angle = 35.02 deg
    • Expected HMS LH2-DIS rate = 1 KHz, DVCS photon energy = 5 GeV

Thursday 05 Oct 2023, Starting with Swing Shift

  • KinC_x50_2 Production
    • SHMS at 36.88 deg (NPS at 20.58).
    • HMS -6.667 GeV (electrons), angle 12.493 deg
    • All CODA ps = -1, except as noted,
  1. Complete previous cycle, Complete new entries on Run Sheets, Record charge/run in Shift Summary
    1. CODA Configuration coin_sparse,
    2. LH2 Target
      1. NPS Sweep magnet OFF
        1. 30 min run on LH2, ps6=0, 30 uA (0.054 C)
      2. NPS Sweep Magnet ON
        1. 30 min run on LH2, ps6=0, 30 uA (0.054 C)
        2. 30 min run on LH2, ps6=0, 30 uA (0.054 C)
        3. Efficiency Run 30 min LH2 30uA, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA (0.054 C)
        4. 30 min run on Dummy at 30 uA (0.054 C), ps6=0
    3. LD2 Target
      1. Three 1-hour runs on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.054 C per run)
  2. New KinC_x50_2 'cycle'
    1. LD2 Target
      1. Efficiency run 30min LD2, 15 uA, ps3=5 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
      2. Three 1-hour runs on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.054 C per run) Owl Friday completed runs 1643, 1644, 1645
    2. LH2 Target
      1. Two 1-hour runs on LH2, ps6=0, 30 uA (0.108 C per run)
      2. Special run with _PAIR_THR=600 in nps-vtp.cfg file,
        1. One-hour run on LH2, ps6=0, adjust current to keep hTRIG6 rate < 2 KHz
      3. Restore _PAIR_THR=950 in nps-vtp.cfg file
      4. Efficiency run 30min LH2, 30 uA, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA (0.054 C)
      5. Efficiency run 15 min LH2, 10 uA ps3=2 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA (0.09 C)
    3. Dummy Target
      1. 30 min run at 30 uA (0.054 C), ps6=0
    4. LD2 Target
      1. Three 1-hour runs on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.054 C per run)

Wednesday 04 Oct 2023, Day Shift

  • Junk runs 1611 and 1612 established NPS_T6 (2 photons) close to NPS_T1 (1 photon) on LD2 at 15 uA with _PAIR_THR=950 in nps-vtp.cfg
  • Wassim loaded new thresholds in nps-vme.cfg. This lowered rates by 25% (e.g. NPS_T1 dropped from 4.2e5 to 3.2e5)
  • KinC_x50_2 Production
    • SHMS at 36.88 deg (NPS at 20.58).
    • HMS -6.667 GeV (electrons), angle 12.493 deg
    • All CODA ps = -1, except as noted,
    • All runs with CODA config coin_sparse, EDTM = 60 Hz
  • Shift Crew: Keep track of running totals of accumulated charge (each target separately)
    • Goal: Integrated beam charge of 3.24 Coulomb on each target (LH2 and LD2), 0.3 C on Dummy (10cm) target.
  1. KinC_x50_2 "cycle", SPARSIFICATION ON (CODA Configure coin_sparse)
    1. LD2 target
      1. One hour run on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.03 C)
      2. Expert login to nps-vtp1:nps-vtp/cfg/coin_sparse. cp nps-vtp.cfg_narrow_sparse_window nps-vtp.cfg
      3. One hour run on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.03 C)
        1. Expert analyze for any differences in previous two runs
      4. One hour run on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.03 C)
      5. NPS Sweep Magnet OFF 30 min run LD2 ps6=0 15 uA
      6. NPS Sweep ON 468 Amp, Correctors off
      7. Efficiency run, 30 min LD2 15 uA , ps3=5 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
    2. LH2 Target
      1. One hour run on LH2, ps6=0, 30 uA (0.06 C)
      2. Expert login to nps-vtp1:nps-vtp/cfg/coin_sparse. cp nps-vtp.cfg_wide_sparse_window nps-vtp.cfg
      3. One hour run on LH2, ps6=0, 30 uA (0.06 C)
      4. Expert login to nps-vtp1:nps-vtp/cfg/coin_sparse. cp nps-vtp.cfg_narrow_sparse_window nps-vtp.cfg
      5. One hour run on LH2, ps6=0, 30 uA (0.06 C)
      6. Efficiency Run 30 min LH2 30uA, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA (0.03 C)
    3. 30 min run on Dummy at 30 uA (0.03 C), ps6=0
    4. Three 1-hour runs on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.09 C total)
  • Wednesday Swing, Thurs Owl
  1. KinC_x50_2 "cycle", SPARSIFICATION ON (CODA Configure coin_sparse)
    1. Three 1-hour runs on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.09 C)
    2. Efficiency run, 30 min LD2 15 uA , ps3=5 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA (0.03 C)
    3. Three 1-hour run on LH2, ps6=0, 30 uA (0.06 C) Owl Thursday completed two hours, runs 1630, 1631
    4. Efficiency Run 30 min LH2 30uA, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA (0.03 C)
    5. 30 min run on Dummy at 30 uA (0.03 C), ps6=0
    6. Three 1-hour runs on LD2, ps6=0, 15 uA (0.09 C)

Tuesday 3 Oct 2023

  1. Production KinC_x50_2
    1. SHMS at 36.88 deg (NPS at 20.58). Move SHMS first!
    2. HMS -6.667 GeV (electrons), angle 12.493 deg
    3. All ps = -1, except as noted,
    4. All runs with CODA config coin_sparse, EDTM = 60 Hz
      1. Three 1-hour runs on LH2 20 uA (Total of 0.32 Coulomb beam charge), ps5=0
      2. 30 min run on Dummy at 20 uA (0.03 C), ps5=0
      3. Three 1-hour runs on LD2 (Total of 0.32 Coulomb beam charge), ps5=0
      4. One 1-hour run on LD2 with 10 uA beam, ps5=0
      5. One 1-hour run on LD2 with 15 uA beam, ps5=0
      6. One 1-hour run on LD2 with 15 uA beam, ps6=0
      7. Efficiency run, 20 min (0.02 C), ps5=-1, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA both LH2 and LD2
    5. Tuesday Swing Shift Repeat the (modified) cycle. Note change to ps6
      1. Three 1-hour runs (or six 30 min) on LH2 30 uA (Total of 0.32 Coulomb beam charge), ps6=0 others -1. Lower beam current if necessary to keep "Livetime" in CODA ≥ 90%
      2. Efficiency run, 20 min (0.02 C), ps5=-1, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA, LH2
      3. 30 min run on Dummy at 30 uA (0.03 C), ps6=0
      4. Six 1-hour runs on LD2 15 uA (Total of 0.16 Coulomb beam charge), ps6=0
      5. Efficiency run, 30 min LD2 15 uA , ps3=5 or as necessary for ≤ 2 kHz trigger rate to CODA
    6. Wednesday Day shift complete here at noon, Run 1610
    7. keep track of the total charge accumulated on each target. The total charge on target (above 5uAmp) is available in the end of run hclog entry. Goal:
      1. Integrated beam charge of 3.24 Coulomb on each target (LH2 and LD2), 0.3 C on Dummy (10cm) target.

  • Access at end of week to install new "26 deg wings" on Sweep Magnet

Monday 2 Oct 2023 Runs 1549, 1550

  • Elastic Run Plan completed by 8:15 am
  • NPS Calorimeter moved to 3m by 10:00 am,
  • HMS still in elastic proton configuration p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg;
  1. 90 min Cosmic Run
  2. 90 min LED run
  3. Anode current Pedestal Check/reload Yaopeng Zhang
    1. 10 min run, beam off
  4. NPS Alignment Check: Elastics run with SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg)
    1. 1 hour run with NPS Sweep Off CODA Config coin
      1. Check NDX and PMT Anode currents!!
      2. As per
        1. Readout of neutron detectors INX3sH1_nDsRt and INX3sH2_nDsRt are in rem/hour
        2. Readout of gamma detectors INX3sH1_gDsRt and INX3sH2_gDsRt are in rad/hour
    2. 1 hour run with CODA Config coin_sparse
    3. 1 hour run with NPS Sweep On and CODA Config coin_sparse Analysis to look for any gain shift from sweep magnet fringe field
  5. Production KinC_x50_2
    1. SHMS at 36.88 deg (NPS at 20.58). Move SHMS first!
    2. HMS -6.667 GeV (electrons), angle 12.493 deg
    3. All ps = -1, except as noted,
    4. All runs with CODA config coin_sparse, EDTM = 60 Hz
      1. Three 1-hour # Production KinC_x50_2
    5. SHMS at 36.88 deg (NPS at 20.58). Move SHMS first!
    6. HMS -6.667 GeV (electrons), angle 12.493 deg
    7. All ps = -1, except as noted,
    8. All runs with CODA config coin_sparse, EDTM = 60 Hzruns on LH2 (Total of 0.32 Coulomb beam charge), ps5=0
      1. 30 min run on Dummy (0.03 C), ps5=0
      2. Three 1-hour runs on LD2 (Total of 0.32 Coulomb beam charge), ps5=0
      3. Efficiency run, 20 min (0.02 C), ps5=-1, ps3=4 or as necessary for ≤ 1 kHz trigger rate to CODA
    9. Repeat the cycle to achieve total (equivalent) goals:
      1. Integrated beam charge of 3.24 Coulomb on each target (LH2 and LD2), 0.3 C on Dummy (10cm) target.
      2. 30 hours (at 30 uA) on each target (LH2 and LD2). 3 hours on Dummy
  • Access at end of week to install new "26 deg wings" on Sweep Magnet

Sunday 1 Oct 2023 Day and Swing

  • Switch back to HMS E Runs 1549, 1550 lastic Proton Setting (Proton polarity) p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg;
  1. (MUST HAVE: 6h)
    1. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg) - Take 2 one-hour runs with LH2 target with 30 uA SPARSIFICATION OFF Runs 1549, 1550
    2. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg) - Take 2 one-hour runs with LH2 target with 30 uA SPARSIFICATION OFF
    3. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1-hour data with LH2 target 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF
    4. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1-hour data with LH2 target 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION ON
  2. (IF POSSIBLE : 6h)
    1. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1-hour data with LH2 target 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF
    2. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1-hour data with LH2 target 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION ON
    3. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg), take 1-hour data with LH2 target 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF
    4. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg), take 1-hour data with LH2 target 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION ON
    5. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg), take 1-hour data with LH2 target 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF Runs 1560
    6. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg), take 1-hour data with LH2 target 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION ON Runs 1559

Monday Day Shift

  • Move Calorimeter to 3m (could be delayed until ~10:00am?)

Thursday 28 Sept 2023 Swing

On NPS terminal, load NPS HV file production-HV.txt

Third Pass NPS Elastic Calibration

  • HMS Elastic Proton Runs 1549, 1550 Setting (Proton polarity) p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg;
    • Label runs "5-pass Elastic"
    • FADC Gain Factors set to 0.5, VTP threshold values are close to true MeV for integrated cluster energies
    • 2-cluster trigger in VTP enabled, single cluster threshold 500 'MeV', in both coin and coin_sparse for next two runs
  1. Elastic Runs with ps3=0, all others -1
    1. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION off
    2. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION on
    3. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION on
  2. Elastic with ps5=0, all others -1
    1. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION on
  3. Elastic with ps3=0, all others -1
  4. Start Here Friday 29 Sept 2023 Day Shift
    1. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg) - Take 2 one-hour runs with LH2 target with 30 uA SPARSIFICATION on
    2. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg) - Take 2 one-hour runs with LH2 target with 30 uA SPARSIFICATION on
    3. SHMS at 33.48 de Runs 1549, 1550 g (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION on
    4. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION off

Friday 29 Sept 2023 Swing(?) Shift

  • Ramp HMS to zero, switch polarity to Electrons
  • KinC-x50-2 Setting
    • SHMS at 36.88 deg (NPS at 20.58). Move SHMS first!
    • HMS p= -6.667 GeV (note this is detuned 2% from 6.8 GeV
    • HMS angles various (see below from 12.493 production to 19.15 for elastic optics)
  1. Target Boiling study at HMS = 12.493 deg (do both LH2 and LD2)
    1. Calo HV Off, Sweep Magnet Off
    2. EDTM = 100 , PS4=0, all others -1, label runs "Target Boiling" in CODA comments
    3. Expected HMS raw El-Real (T4) rate at 45 uAmp is 12K/sec. Addjustments to ps4 indicated below should keep Trigger rate around 1.5 K for all settings.
    4. All prescales -1 except ps4 (El-Real). Take 10 min runs at each setting
    5. Make a screen shot of NDX stripchart for each run
      1. Beam = 45 uA, ps4 = 4 (9:1)
      2. Beam = 25 uA, ps4 = 3 (5:1)
      3. Beam = 15 uA, ps4 = 2 (3:1)
      4. Beam = 10 uA, ps4 = 1 (2:1)
      5. Beam = 5 uA, ps4 = 0
    6. Repeat with LD2
  • KinC-x50-2 Optics all at HMS -6.667 GeV (electrons). Calo HV off
    • HMS Elastic ps4=0, all others -1, Sweep Magnet Off, beam 30 muAmp, Target LH2, Collimator=Large
      • HMS at 19.15 deg, 30 min run
      • HMS at 18.00 deg, 30 min run
      • HMS at 16.85 deg, 30 min run
    • HMS DIS Optics, HMS at 12.493 deg Sweep Magnet Off, Sieve Collimator
      • Target C 0.5% (single foil), 0.5 hour run, ps4=0. Rate should be roughly 100 Hz (plus EDTM). Run proportionally longer if rate is lower. Runs 1537, 1538
      • Target C 8cm foils, 1.0 hour run, ps4=0. Rate should be roughly 30 Hz (plus EDTM). Run proportionally longer if rate is lower. Runs 1539
    • MCC commission Sweep Magnet on for this setting (SHMS=36.88 deg)
    • HMS DIS Optics, HMS at 12.493 deg Sweep Magnet On, Sieve Collimator
      • Target C 0.5% (single foil), 0.5 hour run, ps4=0 Runs 1541 --1544
      • Target C 8cm foils, 1.0 hour run, ps4=0 Runs 1540
    • HMS Elastic ps4=0, all others -1, Sweep Magnet On, beam 30 muAmp, Target LH2, Collimator=Large
      • HMS at 19.15 deg, 30 min run Runs 1547, 1548
      • HMS at 18.00 deg, 30 min run Runs 1546
      • HMS at 16.85 deg, 30 min run Runs 1545
  • Return HMS to 12.493 deg

Saturday, Sunday

  • More optics and/or return to Elastic calibration.

Monday 1 Oct 2023: Day Shift

  • Move Calorimeter to 3.0 m from target
  • Turn Calo HV on
  • KinC-x50-2 Production
    • 30 hours each on LH2 and LD2, 3 hours on Dummy Target

Wednesday 27 Sept 2023

Third Pass NPS Elastic Calibration

  • HMS Elastic Proton Setting (Proton polarity) p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg;
    • 2-cluster trigger in VTP enabled, single cluster threshold 500 'MeV', in both coin and coin_sparse for next two runs
  1. Elastic Runs with ps3=0, all others -1
    1. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION off
    2. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION on
    3. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION on
    4. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION on
  2. Elastic with ps5=0, all others -1 skip if you cannot start before 11:00 pm
    1. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 1 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION on
  3. Elastic with ps3=0, all others -1
    1. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg) - Take 2 one-hour runs with LH2 target with 30 uA SPARSIFICATION on
    2. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg) - Take 2 one-hour runs with LH2 target with 30 uA SPARSIFICATION on
  1. Target Boiling: EDTM = 100 , PS3=0, all others -1
    1. Beam = 45uA, 10 min run
    2. Beam = 25uA, 20 min
    3. Beam = 15 uA, 30 min
    4. Beam = 10 uA, 45 min
    5. Beam = 5 uA, 90 min

Thursday 28 Sept 2023 Day Shift

  • If Elastic is completed by 8 am Thursday, then request movement of Calorimeter to 3.0 m from target for Production Setting KinC-x50-2
    • HMS 12.493 deg -6.667 GeV (Check for special current values of Dipole and Quads)
    • SHMS 36.88 deg (NPS 20.58 deg)
    • NPS Sweep Magnet On
    • Expected maximum photon energy 3.6 GeV
    • Expected DIS rate 7600/sec at 30uA
    • Expected pi/e ratio = 0.1
  • Run with ps5=0, all others -1, EDTM=10 Hz

Tuesday 26 Sept 2023

  • HMS Elastic Proton Setting (Proton polarity) p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg;

Third Pass NPS Elastic Calibration

Carlos Munoz and Hao Huang will load new HV values

  • HMS Elastic Proton Setting (Proton polarity) p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg;
  • In CODA, use Configuration file coin_sparse
    • NPS Sweep Magnet Off
    • PS3=0
    • VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_CLUSTER_TRIGGER_THR=1000 (already set in the config file),
  1. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 2 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA
  2. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA Runs 1464, 1467, 1468
  3. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA Runs 1461, 1462, 1463
  4. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 2 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected)
  5. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA
  6. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA
  • If Elastic is completed by 8 am Wed, then request movement of Calorimeter to 3.0 m from target for Production Setting KinC-x50-2
    • HMS 12.493 deg -6.667 GeV (Check for special current values of Dipole and Quads)
    • SHMS 36.88 deg (NPS 20.58 deg)
    • NPS Sweep Magnet On
  1. Target Boiling: EDTM = 100 , PS3=0, all others -1
    1. Beam = 45uA, 10 min run
    2. Beam = 25uA, 20 min
    3. Beam = 15 uA, 30 min
    4. Beam = 10 uA, 45 min
    5. Beam = 5 uA, 90 min

Monday 25 Sept 2023

  • HMS Elastic Proton Setting (Proton polarity) p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg;
    • SHMS angle 31.19
    • NPS Sweep Magnet Off
    • PS3=0
  1. 1 hour run with ps5=0, all others -1
  1. Target Boiling: EDTM = 0 , PS3=0, all others -1
    1. Beam = 45uA, 10 min run
    2. Beam = 25uA, 20 min
    3. Beam = 15 uA, 30 min
    4. Beam = 10 uA, 45 min
    5. Beam = 5 uA, 90 min

Second Pass NPS Elastic Calibration Note: beam off at 3:00 am Tuesday.

If Carlos Munoz and Hao Huang load new HV values (if nothing is provided, go ahead with the current HV setting):

  • HMS Elastic Proton Setting (Proton polarity) p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg;
    • NPS Sweep Magnet Off
    • PS3=0
    • VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_CLUSTER_TRIGGER_THR=1000 (already set in the config file),
  1. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 2 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA and 25 min run with Dummy Target
  2. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA + 25 min with Dummy target
  3. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA + 25 min with Dummy target
  4. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 2 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected)
  5. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA
  6. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA

After beam off, Load Cosmic HV and start cosmic with T2 trigger - choose coin_cosmic CODA config. Turn off the HMS magnets, as cryo may adjust the flow

Friday 22 Sept 2023

  • Moller Run (David Gaskell) - Done
  • VTP Firmware Update and testing (Ben Raydo) - Done

Saturday 23 Sept 2023:: Complete First Pass NPS Elastic Calibration - Done

  • Configuration parameters:
    • hccoda@nps-vme1:/nps-vme/cfg/coin/nps-vme.cfg: FADC250_TET=50 ; FADC_SPARSIFICATION=0
    • hccoda@nps-vtp1:/nps-vtp/cfg/coin/nps-vtp.cfg: VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_SEED_THR=150, VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_CLUSTER_TRIGGER_THR=500,
  1. HMS Elastic Proton Setting (Proton polarity) p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg; LH2 target, 30 uA; raster on. NPS Sweep Magnet OFF (record snapshot to hclog), PS3=0, all others –1.
    1. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg) - Take 2 hour (down time corrected) run with LH2 target with 30 uA
    2. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS=15.98 deg) - Take 3 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA
    3. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 2 hour data with LH2 target with 30uA
    4. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA -- done, Run 1420, 1421

Sunday 24 Sept 2023

  • Day shift: BCM Calibration (after ~3 hours of steady beam at 30 uA) email Dave Mack 2 hours prior - --
  • Deadtime & Target Boiling Studies
  1. SHMS 38 deg, NPS HV off
  2. HMS 29.86 deg, Momentum 2.500 GeV (protons/pi+) momentum is semi arbitrary expect about 1 kHz event rate in HRS 3/4 (hTRIG3) at 30 uA.
    1. Deadtime Study revised, run with HV on, ps1 variable to adjust event rate completed with run 1433
      1. Take 10 min runs PS3=0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (all others –1)
      2. Adjust beam current and/or PS3 setting so that post prescale rate is between 1 and 2 kHz.
        1. Take 10 min runs with EDTM = 100, 500, 1000, 2000 Hz
    2. Target Boiling: EDTM = 0
      1. Beam = 5uA, PS3=0, EDTM = 50 Hz
      2. Beam = 10uA, PS3=1, EDTM = 100 Hz
      3. Beam = 15uA, PS3=2, EDTM = 150 Hz
      4. Beam = 25uA, PS3=3, EDTM = 250 Hz
      5. Beam = 45uA, PS3=4, EDTM = 450 Hz

Monday 25 Sept 2023

Second Pass NPS Elastic Calibration

  • HMS Elastic Proton Setting (Proton polarity) p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg;
    • NPS Sweep Magnet Off
    • Decide if SPARSIFICATION on or off.
    • Decide if using PS3=0 or PS5=0
  1. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 2 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) 30 uA and 25 min run with Dummy Target
  2. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA + 25 min with Dummy target
  3. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA + 25 min with Dummy target
  4. SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 2 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected)
  5. SHMS at 32.28 deg (NPS =15.98 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA
  6. SHMS at 31.19 deg (NPS = 14.89 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA

Thursday 09-21-2023

Calorimeter is at 9.5 m from target (we are already at this position).

  • VTP parameter Scan

HMS Elastic Proton Setting (Proton polarity) p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg; SHMS at 33.48 deg; LH2 target, 30 uA; raster on. Configuration parameters:

    • hccoda@nps-vme1:/nps-vme/cfg/coin/nps-vme.cfg: FADC250_TET=50 ; SPARSIFICATION=0
  • (REMEMBER to RESET and DOWNLOADS from CODA RCGUI to make each change effective).
  1. Sparsification study PS3=0, all others -1
    1. 30 min run FADC_SPARSIFICATION=0
    2. 30 min run FADC_SPARSIFICATION=1 (for verifying the efficiency of Sparsification readout)
  2. Trigger study:
    1. 20 min T1 run: PS1=0, all others -1
      1. 20 min T5 run: PS5=0, all others -1 (for verifying the efficiency of NPS trigger)
    2. Threshold scan, T3: PS3=0, all others -1, 30 min each Analyze to verify VTP and FADC250 agree on location, time, energy of clusters
      1. VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_CLUSTER_TRIGGER_THR=500, 1500, 2500, 4000
      2. Restore VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_CLUSTER_TRIGGER_THR=500 for elastic runs

NPS Elastic Calibration Data

  • HMS Elastic Proton Setting (Proton polarity) p_HMS = +4.087. HMS angle =29.86 deg;
  • We will scan three SHMS angles 33.48, 32.28, 31.29 deg (starting from 33.48 deg). Corresponding NPS angles: 17.18, 15.98, 14.89 deg. (Three NPS Calorimeter elastic settings (central electron energy is 7.28 GeV)):
  • Elastic Production with T3 trigger (PS3=0, all other -1), 30 microAmp beam on LH2 target;
  • Restore VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_CLUSTER_TRIGGER_THR=500, (experts decide on SPARSIFICATION = 0 or 1. - If there is no instruction from experts, then set sparsification to 0 and take rest of the data).
  1. While at SHMS at 33.48 deg (NPS =17.18 deg), take 2 hour data with LH2 target (down time corrected) and 20 min run with Dummy Target
  2. Move SHMS to 32.28 deg (NPS=15.76 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA + 20 min with Dummy target
  3. Move SHMS to 31.29 deg (NPS = 14.67 deg) - Take 2 hour run with LH2 target with 30 uA + 20 min with Dummy target
    • Repeat the 1-3 sets of LH2 + Dummy runs

Friday 09-21-2023 Day Shift

  1. Moller run
  2. If Moller not available, or finishes early, BCM calibration

Tuesday 09-19

  1. HMS Optics data Expected data taking time ~6h. For reference, you may consult the Full Run Plan Chapter 3.
    1. Optic calibration at -5.639 GeV/c.
      1. Set NPS Calo to 21.0 deg (SHMS 37.3 deg). Sweep magnet off. We will not use Calo
      2. Set HMS at -5.639 GeV and 12.37 deg. If this angle is not allowed, use smallest available angle (e.g. 16.44 deg)
      3. Put the Sieve in position.
      4. DAQ prescales ps4=0 (1:1) (HMS El-REAL), all others at -1.
      5. Suppress the reading of the NPS calo ([3] here). The NPS HVs and LVs are off during these runs
        1. beam current 30 uA,
        2. NPS sweep magnet off, HMS Sieve in place, target Optics foils +/- 8cm, Run time 1 h. Expected HMS rate 5/sec/hole/foil.
        3. NPS sweep magnet on, HMS Sieve in place, target C 0.5%, Run time 0.5 h. Expected HMS rate 10/sec/hole.
        4. NPS sweep magnet on, HMS Sieve in place, target Optics foils +/- 8cm, Run time 1 h. Expected HMS rate 5/sec/hole/foil.
        5. NPS sweep magnet off, HMS Sieve in place, target Optics foils +/- 3cm, Run time 1 h. Expected HMS rate 5/sec/hole/foil. Run 1265
        6. NPS sweep magnet off, HMS Large collimator, target LH2 Run time 0.5 h. Run 1266
        7. Move HMS to 21.27 deg (HMS elastic at -5.639 GeV) Run 1267
        8. NPS sweep magnet off, HMS Large collimator, target LH2 Run time 0.5 h.
        9. Move HMS to 22.70 deg. repeat elastic Run 1268
        10. Move HMS to 24.30 deg, repeat elastic Run 1269
        11. NPS sweep magnet off, HMS Large collimator, target LH2 Run time 0.5 h.
  2. NPS x50-2 setting:
    1. HMS settings: P=-6.8 GeV (electrons), theta=12.49 degrees
    2. NPS settings: theta_calo = 20.58 degrees (SHMS = 36.88 degrees)
    3. Ask MCC to turn on the NPS sweeper magnet to 468 A. We have been at this setting before, and the sweeper was found to not deflect the beam, so the correctors will not be needed. If needed, point MCC to this elog entry:
    4. After sweeper magnet is on, turn on the NPS HV and LV (see wiki for instructions - if you have trouble, call Alexandre Camsonne - phone# on whiteboard).
    5. Take data on LH2 at 20 uA with ps4=0, all other prescales set to -1.
  3. Ask for beam off at 8 am Wednesday so we can take an LED run before the Controlled Access.
  4. Wednesday, Day shift: Controlled Access. Work to do:
    1. MQF3M01 (small Moller quad) polarity switch repair
    2. Calorimeter work
    3. HMS/SHMS cryo (Heidi)

Monday 09-18

  1. HMS Optics data Expected data taking time ~6h. For reference, you may consult the Full Run Plan Chapter 3.
    1. Optic calibration at 6.117 GeV/c.
      1. Set NPS Calo to 20.7 deg (SHMS 37.0 deg). Sweep magnet off. We will not use Calo
      2. Set HMS at -6.117 GeV and 12.373 deg. If this angle is not allowed, use smallest available angle (e.g. 16.44 deg)
      3. Put the Sieve in position.
      4. DAQ prescales ps4=0 (1:1) (HMS El-REAL), all others at -1.
      5. Suppress the reading of the NPS calo ([4] here). The NPS HVs and LVs are off during these runs
        1. beam current 30 uA,
        2. NPS sweep magnet off, HMS Sieve in place, target Optics foils +/- 8cm, Run time 1 h. Expected HMS rate 0.9/sec/hole/foil.
        3. NPS sweep magnet on, HMS Sieve in place, target C 0.5%, Run time 0.5 h. Expected HMS rate 2.2/sec/hole.
        4. NPS sweep magnet on, HMS Sieve in place, target Optics foils +/- 8cm, Run time 1 h. Expected HMS rate 0.9/sec/hole/foil.
        5. NPS sweep magnet off, HMS Sieve in place, target Optics foils +/- 3cm, Run time 1 h. Expected HMS rate 0.9/sec/hole/foil.
        6. NPS sweep magnet off, HMS Large collimator, target LH2 Run time 0.5 h. Expected HMS rate 2 Hz (??).
        7. Move HMS to 19.26 deg (HMS elastic at 6.117 GeV)
        8. NPS sweep magnet off, HMS Large collimator, target LH2 Run time 0.5 h. Expected HMS rate 2 Hz (??).
        9. Move HMS to 20.69 deg. repeat elastic
        10. Move HMS to 22.12 deg, repeat elastic
        11. NPS sweep magnet off, HMS Large collimator, target LH2 Run time 0.5 h. Expected HMS rate 2 Hz (??).
    2. HMS Optics at –5.639 GeV (KinC_x25_3')
      1. Calo at large angle, Off
      2. HMS at –5.639 GeV, angle 12.40 deg, Sieve Slit. PS4=0, all others -1. Expected Sieve hole rate ~10 Hz
      3. Repeat same sequence of inclusive runs as for 6.117 GeV above
      4. Elastic Setting, –5.639 GeV, Large Collimator,
        1. HMS at 21.27 deg
        2. HMS at 22.7deg,
        3. HMS at 24.13 deg
  2. Repeat Elastic calibration of the NPS with new HV set. Expected data taking duration 13h.
  3. VTP trigger validation/efficiency studies
    1. take a run (elastic or DVCS kinematics) with coincidence time parameters increased from 20 to 40 ns: VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_HIT_DT, VTP_NPS_TRIG_WIDTH, VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_CLUSTER_PAIR_WIDTH
    2. Restore to 20 ns. Take a run with FADC250_NSA 36
    3. Analysis to check for stability of efficiency/deadtime
  4. Rate/Deadtime vs threshold study in DVCS setting KinC_x36_5

Sunday Evening 17 Sept 2023

  1. Threshold study of Coincidence NPS DAQ
    1. Note meaning of following parameters
      1. FADC250_TET = threshold amplitude (0 to 4095) of single crystal signal to define a HIT. Current value 200 in file nps-vme.cfg
      2. VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_SEED_THR = threshold of HIT integral (roughly 8x amplitude) converted to MeV to form a seed to look for multi-crystal cluster. Current value is 300 MeV in file nps-vtp.cfg Conversion factor from amplitude to MeV is FADC250_GAIN=1.0 in file nps-vme.cfg
      3. VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_TRIGGER_THR = Threshold (MeV) of the sum of integrals in a cluster to define an NPS Trigger (hTrig1 in trigger display, and the input to the coincidence to form hTrig5 or 6). Based on Malek Mazouz' analysis of run 1181, expect the elastic electron endpoint of the NPS spectrum to be at roughly 3200 MeV (note NPS MeV units are currently arbitrary).
      4. Coincidence time window between HMS and NPS is 140 ns (visible on scope in electronics room)
      5. Sparsification is on (record only cluster waveforms).
    2. With Hydrogen target (PS3=0, all others -1) take runs of 25000 events as follows
      1. VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_TRIGGER_THR = 500, 1000, 2000, 4000. When raw hTRIG1
      2. For each of these settings, take runs with VTP_NPS_ECALCLUSTER_SEED_THR = 300 and 600
      3. For each run, take note of the trigger rate of hTRIG1, hTRIG3, and hTRIG5, also calculate the estimated accidental coincidence rate = (hTRIG1 rate)*(hTRIG3 rate) *(140ns) and compare to hTRIG5 rate to assess True/Random coincidence ratio
      4. Expect hTRIG1 rate to drop near 0 at some threshold value. When it does, take a least one more run to find the endpoint a little more accurately
  2. Timing Study of NPS DAQ (requires an expert). Adjust the latency time in steps of 100 ns. The analyzed time distribution of hits of the true coincidence peak should move. This is proof of true coincidences. It is also possible to adjust the cable delay of 3/4 to push the true coincidences out of the lookback window.
  3. Take two runs (>10,000 events) at 15 and 7.5 muAmp. We can compare true / accidentals from rate scaling
  4. Take a long run ~2hour at the middle elastic angle of 15.76 (SHMS at 32.1 deg)
  5. Continue Optics (below)

Short Term Run Plan Saturday, September 16

  1. Following items when convenient (not yet scheduled)
    1. Beam Energy measurement
    2. Moeller measurement: Monday?
    3. BCM Calibration
    4. IA scan for feedback. This needs to wait until after we have been able to (roughly) calibrate the Hall C BCM in the parity DAQ (should be able to use the ion chamber calibration data for this). This should be coordinated with NPS and Moller polarimeter data runs to compare the asymmetry sign in the three systems. Estimated time is about 1 hour of beam.
  2. Establish the HMS-NPS coincidence. For reference, you may consult Section 2.2 of the Full Run plan. This part of the Run plan is expert-driven (Alex, Chandan, Simona and others)
    1. Move the NPS calorimeter to 12.12 deg. That's 12.12+16.3=28.42 deg for the SHMS.
    2. Check that the HMS is set at -4.367 GeV/c with the large collimator.
    3. Ask MCC for the NPS Sweep Magnet and compensation commissioning for this angle.
    4. NPS pedestal measurement: take a CODA run with the beam off. NPS HV and LV on. The goal is to get pedestal measurements for the NPS DC Anode current monitor.
    5. Ask for 5 microAmp beam on LH2.
    6. Take a HMS 3/4 only trigger run (PS3=0, all others –1). Take a short run (5-10 minutes). Verify that DC anode current (after beam-off pedestal subtraction) is less than 30 muAmp.
    7. Take a longer run.
      1. Check parameter FADC250 SPARSIFICATION = 0 in file nps-vme1:nps-vme/cfg/coin/nps-vme.cfg, to readout all waveforms
      2. Look on scope with persistence mode for true coincidence peak between HMS (PS3) and NPS (PS1) signals. Delayed HMS 3/4 signal marked H3/4 in top chan of PS752 logic unit (4th from right) in main NIM bin in rack CH03B06. This is currently (15 Sept) plugged into scope HCSCOPE01 chan 2. NPS (Trig-1) is 2nd chan PS752, plugged into scope chan 1.
      3. Analyse NPS Waveform data to find time spectrum of pulses. Look for true coincidence peaks.
      4. Analyse NPS Waveform data to verify VTP found all clusters.
    8. If all OK, take a 1 hour run with FADC250 SPARSIFICATION = 1
  3. Elastic Calibration of Calorimeter. Expected duration 13h. For reference, you may consult Section 2.3 of the Full run plan.
    1. Setup HMS : positive polarity p_HMS = +4.036. HMS angle =30.145 deg
    2. Set NPS calorimeter to 15.759 deg. That's SHMS at 15.759+16.3=32.05 deg.
    3. Use LH2 target
    4. NPS Sweep Magnet Off.
    5. CODA setup PS3=0, all others -1 (or possibly PS5=0, others -1 if the proton rate is so high as to create a lot of deadtime)
    6. NPS DAQ configuration:
      1. DTP cluster trigger threshold=500 MeV and readout threshold =100 MeV. The expert is Wassim Hamdi.
      2. check that VTP_NPS_FADCMASK_MODE = 1 (7x7 cluster readout)
    7. For each run condition below: check the anode current is less than 30 uA (using the GUI) and that the number of NPS clusters found per event is less than 15. The expert is Wassim Hamdi and he can check that for you. If necessary, lower the beam current and adjust the run duration. Also, check for saturation of FADC250 amplitude signals (no samples >4000).
    8. Take a one-hour run at 30 uA with the NPS at 15.759 deg (adjust beam current < 30 muAmp to keep NPS Anode DC current < 30muAmp).
    9. Take a one-hour run at 30 uA with the NPS at 14.673 deg. That's SHMS at 14.673+16.3=30.973 deg
    10. Take a one-hour run at 30 uA with the NPS at 16.965 deg. That's SHMS at 16.965+16.3=33.265 deg
    11. Now repeat for more statistics
    12. Take four one-hour runs at 30 uA with the NPS at 15.759 deg (adjust beam current < 30 muAmp to keep NPS Anode DC current < 30muAmp)
    13. Take four one-hour runs at 30 uA with the NPS at 14.673 deg. That's SHMS at 14.673+16.3=30.973 deg
    14. Take four one-hour runs at 30 uA with the NPS at 16.965 deg. That's SHMS at 16.965+16.3=33.265 deg

Short Term Run Plan Friday Sept 15, 2023

  1. Do not move either spectrometer without consulting RC
    1. HMS at 16.44 deg (was iced up last week), SHMS iced up today.
    2. Expect to be able to move NPS Calorimeter from 12.2 to 20 degrees. Start at 20 degrees
    3. Note: NPS calorimeter angle = SHMS set angle minus 16.30 degrees
  2. All data taking with coinc DAQ
    1. HMS `Single arm' data can be taken with PS3 and/or PS4 ≥ 0 (1:1) and PS5 and PS6 –1 (off).
    2. NPS randoms can also be taken with PS1 ≥ 0: This trigger includes the EDTM
    3. RunSheets
    4. For online analysis instruction refer to [5]
  3. Initial standard equipment checkout.
    1. NPS Sweep Magnet and NPS HV off until start of coinc DAQ commissioning.
    2. Beam Centering on Carbon Hole (Coordinate with Dave Gaskell).
    3. Take a short run with rastered beam through empty cylinder (tube) target. The goal is to see minimal change in the ion chamber readings when going through the tube.
    4. BPM Calibration vs. Harp Scan (Bull eyes scan) follow these instructions: [6]
    5. HMS detector verification. The relevant parts of the Run Plan (sections 2.1.6 & 2.1.7) are copied below. HMS nominal momentum -4.367 GeV/c. Start with 10 microAmp beam.
      1. Increase Q2 by +20% current compared to its nominal values to fully illuminate the focal plane. HOW_TO change the current in the HMS). Use LD2 target. Set HMS 3/4 prescale to keep event rate below 1000/sec (expect 2 : 1 prescale). All other prescales −1. EDTM rate 100 Hz (how to). Start with a 5 min run, then a 1 hour run, keep data files below 3M events. Keep the event rate low enough for near 100% efficiency . Analysis lead: Mark Mathison. Verify that all Hodoscope bars are counting and focal plane is illuminated. Check that timing spectra make sense. Contact expert(s) if in doubt. Verify that the events rate after cuts is close to expectations ( Zheng Huang).
      2. Return HMS-Q2 to nominal setting. Run for 1 hour. Use LD2 target. Keep prescales same as for the defocussed setting and record equal sized files. Expect 840 DIS events/sec at 10 microAmp on LH2 target.
      3. Take a 10 minute run with all HMS FADC channels in mode10
    6. PID (electron id) checkout with HMS momentum lowered to 3.60 GeV to keep pions below Cherenkov threshold (4.02 GeV/c)
      1. Run for 1 hour with PS3 ≥ 0 and PS4=–1. Check for clean Cherenkov distribution with selection of high energy signal in Shower. Check for clear single photo-electron peak with selection of MIP (pion) signal in Shower counter.
      2. Run for 1 hour with PS3= –1 and PS4 = 0. Compare Cherenkov signals of the two runs.
    7. NPS Sweep Magnet and compensation commissioning (Calo=20deg) for first look at calo signals while taking HMS optics data
    8. Initial Optics run: take a one hour sieve slit run (HMS single arm), HMS EL-REAL prescale (PS4) =0 and HMS 3/4 prescale(PS3) value 5 (HOWTO prescale values). Single target foil. Ibeam=30 uA (scale run duration if you cannot get 30 uA). Look at xfp versus yfp: the goal is to get at least 200 events per hole. This is how to put the sieve in position.


Kinematic Setup Instructions

Be aware of the Current Angle Constraints on the SHMS and HMS: [7]

    • Minimum angles: HMS 12.37; SHMS: 28.30;
    • Minimum HMS-NPS Separation (remote) 26.70 deg = Minimum HHS-SHMS separation: 43.00 deg;

Be aware of the NPS Sweeper Setup

  • NPS sweeper setup
    • Table of corrector currents for different SHMS/NPS angles: [8]: the nominal sweeper setting is 468A.

last update: 10-27-23. For now, send comments and corrections to C. Hyde

The Full Run Plan is available to you here for your information. That Full Run Plan is not chronologically ordered. The short-term run plan is outlined below and is regularly updated. The tasks on any given day are at the top of this page (above the line). The tasks below the line are outdated but are kept on this page for reference.

  • Saturday, October 28 (day) and Wednesday, November 1 (Day): kinematic KinC_x50_4
  1. The NPS calo is at 3 m from the target
  2. Set up the HMS to -5.253 GeV electron
  3. Set the SHMS angle to 31.747 deg and the HMS angle to 16.917
  4. expected DIS events on LH2 at 30 uA= 1.4 kHz.
  5. duration= 5 days
  6. Large Collimator
  7. Take the following data (One cycle is ~10h of data taking at 100% efficiency). All ps=-1 except the unique trigger indicated
    1. For each current/target/trigger configuration, log rates, NPS anode currents, FADC trigger, and rad levels (see this example).
    2. Event rates should be less than 2kHz in all configurations. The CODA Data rate should be less than 100 MByte/sec. Livetime should be above 90% and stable. The livetime can be read on the NPS FADC Scaler screen.
    3. When taking production data (coin_sparse ps6=0), lower the beam current to obtain the desired rates and livetime conditions. Do not increase the ps6 prescale. If you can't obtain the desired conditions with a beam current higher than 4 uA, alert the RC.
    4. Check that the NPS anode currents are below limits (limit shown on the anode current display).
    5. Total run time should be adjusted for beam trip, but any given run should not exceed 1 hour.
    6. LD2 Target
      1. Four 1-h runs at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=2 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 20-min run at 5 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
      6. One 10-min run at 15 uA, coin (SPARSIFICATION OFF), ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
    7. Dummy Target
      1. 10 min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
      2. 10 min run at 15 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0
    8. LH2 Target
      1. Two 1-h runs at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      2. One 20-min run at 20 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      3. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse, ps6=0,
      4. One 20-min run at 30 uA, coin_sparse, ps3=1 (or as required to keep event rate about 2KHz)
      5. One 20-min run at 10 uA, coin_sparse_low, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate below 100 MByte/sec.
      6. One 10-min run at 30 uA, SPARSIFICATION OFF, ps6 prescaled as needed to keep CODA Data rate less than 100 MByte/sec.
    9. Repeat the cycle above until a change of kinematic.