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HallC-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
1224-v1 Studies of Hard Exclusive Diphoton Photoproduction to Access the Generalized Parton Distributions (Data Analysis for 8.5 GeV Beam) Marie Boer NPS
12 GeV Experiments
28 Jun 2023
1168-v1 SWIF2 and FARM Usage Casey Morean Analysis
13 Apr 2022
938-v1 Status of HMS/SHMS Calo, SHMS Aerogel and HMS Cerenkov for Dec 17 2017 Hamlet Mkrtchyan 12 GeV Figures
12 GeV Experiments
15 Dec 2017
867-v2 Extraction of Inclusive Cross Sections Eric Christy Physics
6 GeV Experiments
12 GeV Experiments
27 Jun 2017
773-v1 TECHNICAL NOTE: pi-/pi+ Separated Response Functions Ratios in Forward Pion Electroproduction on Deuterium at Q^2=0.6-2.45 GeV^2 and -t=0.1-0.4 GeV^2 Cornel Butuceanu et al. Physics
6 GeV Experiments
23 Jan 2014
753-v1 Asymmetry Analysis Update None 6 GeV Experiments
09 Feb 2013
752-v1 He3 Target Analysis Update None 6 GeV Experiments
09 Feb 2013
51-v2 Informal Task Hazard Analysis Template Andy Kenyon THA
24 Feb 2009
Number of documents found: 8

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