Hall C Document 1003-v1

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Misc SHMS NGC ET9823B PMT and Base Documents

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Submitted by:
Dave Mack
Updated by:
Dave Mack
Document Created:
21 Jan 2019, 14:00
Contents Revised:
21 Jan 2019, 14:01
Metadata Revised:
20 Sep 2021, 17:54
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03 May 2022, 22:20
The PMT is the ET 9823QKB04 (14 stage, quartz window, etc.) Base model number is C638KFP (Divider A-ish, positive HV, etc) It's a vendor supplied base, so there was no need to do a damage assessment. Just stay below the max gain of 1.5E8 and/or the max HV of 2500V. Donal has the test ticket data at https://hallcweb.jlab.org/doc-private/ShowDocument?docid=794 .
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