Hall C Document 487-v1

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Hall C Installation schedule March - August 2009

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Submitted by:
Stephen A. Wood
Updated by:
Stephen A. Wood
Document Created:
17 Mar 2009, 15:25
Contents Revised:
17 Mar 2009, 15:25
Metadata Revised:
17 Mar 2009, 15:25
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Work schedule for work in Hall C from March to August 2009. Major activities include:

Deinstallation of SANE experiment
Installation of HKS (E05-115) experiment. (Two non-standard spectrometers and beamline changes both upstream and downstream of target.)
Stripping down of SOS spectrometer as time permits.

Files in Document:
  • Project File (2009 HES-HKS E05-115 installation Rev 7.mpp, 421.0 kB)
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