The present status of
the Jlab E01-011 experiment
Spectroscopic study of
up to medium-heavy mass region
through the (e,e'K
) reaction
E01-011 Collaboration
19 November, 2001
Experimental goals and the requirement
Optimization of the experimental condition
Present status and plan
Basic design of the spectrometer system
Principle and configuration
Expected performance
Energy resolution
Background and signal/noise ratios
Yield estimation
High resolution Kaon Spectrometer (HKS)
Basic design of the spectrometer
Optics and detector geometries
Solid angle acceptance
Momentum and angular resolution
Singles rates for HKS, ENGE and coincidence triggers
Construction of the HKS magnets
Q1 and Q2 magnets design and their construction
Dipole design and construction
Vacuum chamber
Magnet support
Field mapping
Description of the HKS detectors
HKS detector package
HKS drift chambers
HKS TOF hodoscopes
HKS Aerogel Cerenkov counter
HKS water (lucite) Cerenkov counter
Enge Split-pole Spectrometer
Optics study of the Enge spectrometer with the splitter magnet
Optics tune
Description of the Enge detectors
Enge detector package
Honeycomb drift chamber
Installation plan of the spectrometer system
Electronics and data acquisition
Beam and Dump Lines, and Radiation Budget
Beam line and requirements
Dump lines
Radiation budget
Construction Schedule
Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月2日