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Hall C ROOT/C++ Analyzer (hcana)
▼NDecoder | |
CScaler9001 | |
CScaler9250 | |
CTIBlobModule | |
CFunctor | |
CHCScalerLoc | |
CScaler9001 | Decoder module to retrieve the TI scalers |
CScaler9250 | Decoder module to read the FADC250 scalers |
CSpacePointHitOutputData | |
CTHcAerogel | Class for an Aerogel detector consisting of pairs of PMT's attached to a diffuser box |
CTHcAerogelHit | Raw Aerogel Hit Info |
CTHcAnalyzer | Hall C analyzer class |
▼CTHcBCMCurrent | Read BCM current from scalers and compare to thresholds |
CBCMInfo | |
CTHcCherenkov | Class for gas Cherenkov detectors |
CTHcCherenkovHit | Class representing a Cherenkov PMT hit |
CTHcCoinTime | Class for calculating and adding the Coincidence Time in the Tree. SJDK - 08/09/21 - Switched Trig4 to Trig3 due to hardware changes |
▼CTHcConfigEvtHandler | Analyze Hall C Configuration events. (Event type 125) |
▼CCrateConfig | |
CCAEN1190 | |
CFADC250 | |
CTI | |
CTHcDC | Analyze a package of horizontal drift chambers |
CTHcDCHit | Drift chamber wire hit info |
CTHcDCLookupTTDConv | Drift time to distance conversion via lookup table |
CTHcDCPlaneCluster | Class for clusters in the same orientation planes (V,X or U) |
CTHcDCTimeToDistConv | Base class for algorithms to convert time into perpendicular drift distance |
▼CTHcDCTrack | Class representing a track found from linking DC Space points |
CHit | |
CTHcDCWire | Class representing a drift chamber wire |
▼CTHcDetectorMap | Class to read and hold a Hall C style detector map |
CChaninMod | |
CChannel | |
CIDMap | |
CModChanList | |
CTHcDriftChamber | Subdetector class for a single drift chamber with several planes |
CTHcDriftChamberPlane | Class for a a single Hall C horizontal drift chamber plane |
CTHcDummySpectrometer | A dummy spectrometer apparatus for testing detectors |
CTHcExtTarCor | Extended target corrections physics module |
CTHcFormula | Enhanced THaFormula for use in report files |
▼CTHcHallCSpectrometer | A standard Hall C spectrometer apparatus |
CreconTerm | |
CTHcHelicity | |
▼CTHcHelicityReader | |
CROCinfo | |
CTHcHelicityScaler | |
▼CTHcHitList | Builds a Hall C ENGx1INE style list of raw hits from raw data |
CRefIndexMap | |
CTHcHodoEff | Class for accumulating statistics for and calculating hodoscope efficiencies |
CTHcHodoHit | Class representing a single hit for the Hodoscopes |
▼CTHcHodoscope | Generic hodoscope consisting of multiple planes with multiple paddles with phototubes on both ends |
CGoodFlags | |
CTOFCalc | |
CTOFPInfo | |
CTHcInterface | THcInterface is the interactive interface to the Hall C Analyzer |
CTHcParmList | A list parameters and their values |
CTHcPeriodicReport | A physics module to generate periodic reports from a template |
CTHcPrimaryKine | Class for the Calculate kinematics of scattering of the primary (beam) particle. These are usually the electron kinematics |
CTHcRaster | Detector class for fast raster |
CTHcRasteredBeam | Apparatus for a rastered beam |
CTHcRasterRawHit | Class representing a single raw hit for the raster |
CTHcRawAdcHit | Class representing a single raw ADC hit |
CTHcRawDCHit | Class representing for drift chamber wire (or other device with a single multihit TDC channel per detector element |
CTHcRawHit | Base class detector specific raw hit that go into hit lists |
CTHcRawHodoHit | Class representing a single raw hit for a hodoscope paddle |
CTHcRawShowerHit | Class representing a single raw hit for a shower paddle |
CTHcRawTdcHit | Class representing a single raw TDC hit |
CTHcReactionPoint | Calculate vertex coordinates |
CTHcRFTime | |
CTHcRun | Description of a CODA run on disk with Hall C parameter DB |
CTHcRunParameters | Get the run parameters from the parameter database so that db_run.dat is not needed in hcana |
CTHcScalerEvtHandler | Event handler for Hall C scalers |
CTHcScintillatorPlane | A single plane of scintillators |
CTHcScintPlaneCluster | |
CTHcSecondaryKine | Class for the Calculate kinematics of scattering of the secondary (hadron) particle |
CTHcShower | Generic segmented shower detector |
CTHcShowerArray | Fly's eye array of shower blocks |
CTHcShowerHit | |
CTHcShowerPlane | One plane of shower blocks with side readout |
CTHcSignalHit | |
▼CTHcSpacePoint | Class representing a single hit DC |
CHit | |
▼CTHcTimeSyncEvtHandler | Event handler to check TI and FADC synchronization |
CRocStats | |
CRocTimes | |
CTHcTrigApp | A mock spectrometer to hold all trigger related data |
CTHcTrigDet | A mock detector to hold trigger related data |
CTHcTrigRawHit | Class representing a single raw hit for the THcTrigDet |
CTIBlobModule | Decoder module to pull information out of the TI blob that is read in each ROC |