Hall C ROOT/C++ Analyzer (hcana)
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CScaler9001Decoder module to retrieve the TI scalers
 CScaler9250Decoder module to read the FADC250 scalers
 CTHaBeamModule [external]
 CTHaBeam [external]
 CTHcRasteredBeamApparatus for a rastered beam
 CTHaTrackingModule [external]
 CTHaExtTarCor [external]
 CTHcExtTarCorExtended target corrections physics module
 CTHaSpectrometer [external]
 CTHcHallCSpectrometerA standard Hall C spectrometer apparatus
 CTHaVertexModule [external]
 CTHaReactionPoint [external]
 CTHcReactionPointCalculate vertex coordinates
 CTHaSpectrometer [external]
 CTHcHitListBuilds a Hall C ENGx1INE style list of raw hits from raw data
 CTHcAerogelClass for an Aerogel detector consisting of pairs of PMT's attached to a diffuser box
 CTHcCherenkovClass for gas Cherenkov detectors
 CTHcDCAnalyze a package of horizontal drift chambers
 CTHcHodoscopeGeneric hodoscope consisting of multiple planes with multiple paddles with phototubes on both ends
 CTHcRasterDetector class for fast raster
 CTHcShowerGeneric segmented shower detector
 CTHcTrigDetA mock detector to hold trigger related data
 CTIBlobModuleDecoder module to pull information out of the TI blob that is read in each ROC
 CTObject [external]
 CTApplication [external]
 CTRint [external]
 CTHaInterface [external]
 CTCollection [external]
 CTSeqCollection [external]
 CTList [external]
 CTHaAnalyzer [external]
 CTHcAnalyzerHall C analyzer class
 CTHaRunParameters [external]
 CTHcRunParametersGet the run parameters from the parameter database so that db_run.dat is not needed in hcana
 CTHcDCHitDrift chamber wire hit info
 CTHcDCPlaneClusterClass for clusters in the same orientation planes (V,X or U)
 CTHcDCTimeToDistConvBase class for algorithms to convert time into perpendicular drift distance
 CTHcDCLookupTTDConvDrift time to distance conversion via lookup table
 CTHcDCTrackClass representing a track found from linking DC Space points
 CTHcDCWireClass representing a drift chamber wire
 CTHcDetectorMapClass to read and hold a Hall C style detector map
 CTHcHodoHitClass representing a single hit for the Hodoscopes
 CTHcRawAdcHitClass representing a single raw ADC hit
 CTHcRawHitBase class detector specific raw hit that go into hit lists
 CTHcRawDCHitClass representing for drift chamber wire (or other device with a single multihit TDC channel per detector element
 CTHcRawHodoHitClass representing a single raw hit for a hodoscope paddle
 CTHcAerogelHitRaw Aerogel Hit Info
 CTHcCherenkovHitClass representing a Cherenkov PMT hit
 CTHcRasterRawHitClass representing a single raw hit for the raster
 CTHcRawShowerHitClass representing a single raw hit for a shower paddle
 CTHcTrigRawHitClass representing a single raw hit for the THcTrigDet
 CTHcRawTdcHitClass representing a single raw TDC hit
 CTHcSpacePointClass representing a single hit DC
 CTNamed [external]
 CDecoder::Module [external]
 CDecoder::VmeModule [external]
 CROOT::v5::TFormula [external]
 CTHaFormula [external]
 CTHaAnalysisObject [external]
 CTHaApparatus [external]
 CTHaDetectorBase [external]
 CTHaEvtTypeHandler [external]
 CTHaPhysicsModule [external]
 CTHaRunBase [external]
 CTHaCodaRun [external]
 CTQObject [external]
 CTApplication [external]