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Current/Running Experiments

LAD experiment 2025

Online Offline Experiment Info Resources
Shift Crew Instructions Analysis ELOG Proposal MCC White Board
Online Replay Run Plan Hall C Logbook
Run Summaries LAD wiki FAQ/How-to
RC Daily Meetings Disk space link Beam Checkout Procedure
Shift Sign-up Spectrometer Magnets
LAD_Software_Setup Spectrometer Rotation

Spring 2025 R-SIDIS experiments

Fall 2023 NPS experiments

  1. Short_Term_Run-Plan
  2. Shift taker Instructions
    1. Shift Schedule
    3. Shift Crew Instructions
    4. NPS2023 Run Plan
    5. Hall C logbook
    6. Hall C general HOW-TO: including Beam check out, how to operate magnets, magnet rotation, Hall C DAQ and HWP change procedure (flipper script).
    7. NPS how-to
      1. NPS calo HOW-TO: LED, cosmics
      2. NPS_Calo_SlowControls: HV, LV, chiller and temperatures
      3. Display for NPS calorimeter crystal hit rates and PMT anode currents
      4. NPS radiation Monitors
      5. How to reboot the NPS DAQ crates
      6. NPS Online analysis (Fall 2023)
  3. Fall 23 NPS configuration
    1. Mapping Calo cabling Map
    2. VTP NPS triggers, coincidence triggersFADC250 Amplitude units and trigger calibrations
    3. NPS Survey Results (including SHMS angle versus NPS angle)
    4. Setting up your own version of the NPS software
    5. Fall 23 Target configurationstarget survey
    6. NPS Fall23 disk space
    7. NPS calorimeter numbering: column-row to PMT ID: NPS calorimeter crates layout
    8. NPS sweep magnet and corrector magnets: setting for different NPS configurations. the version you should use in shift, the long version
    9. BCM calibrations: Sept 25, October 24 Nov 29Jan 23, Feb 27, April 22 and May 12.
    10. Energy measurements: Sept 19, 5 passes Nov 30, 4 passes, summary page
    11. Moeller measurements: Polwiki,large charge asymmetry
    12. BPM calibration:
    13. HMS momentum offsets
    14. NPS run spreadsheet:
  4. General resources
    1. MCC whiteboard
    2. NPS Collaboration Wiki This Fall 2023, we are running the Run Group 1a experiments.
  5. NPS_Significant_Events

Past run plans

Previous run plans and information for completed/run 12 GeV experiments are included in the links below.

12 GeV Data Summaries

Pages summarising measured data for various purposes in the 12 GeV era are listed below -

Note that this is a work in progress as of the 23rd of January 2023.

Hall C Links

Hall C

Common Hall C Training Requirements

NOTE: These are the commonly required training to access and run shifts in Hall C.

The formal requirements will be outlined in the Run Safety Documentation for your particular experiment.

Contact a spokesperson and/or the RC if you have questions.

  • Annual Security Awareness (GEN034) • Expires: Annually (January)
  • Physics Division Work Governance (SAF116kd) • Expires: Annually (January)
  • General Access RWP (SAF801kd) • Expires: Annually (December)
  • Oxygen Deficiency Training (SAF103) • Expires: Annually (24 months from date taken)
  • ES&H Orientation (SAF100) • Expires: Annually (24 months from date taken)
  • RadWorker 1 Written Test (SAF801T) • Expires: Annually (24 months from date taken)Must be taken on-site -- register well in advance if the Lab is still in a MedCon status!
  • Hall C Walkthrough (SAF112) • Expires: Never • Must be done at JLab during a down. Schedule in advance!

These are also required as long as JLab is in an elevated MedCon status due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Many courses are Web based and can be found on the JLab Training Page.

You can check your training status online.

Also, don't forget to register your visit at least 7 days prior to your trip:

Recommended Mailing Lists

Recommended Mailing Lists JLab runs many Mailing Lists to communicate with its Staff and Users. Most are available for general sign-up by clicking on the relevant link and following the instructions.

There are a few Mailing Lists that Hall C Users are strongly encouraged to subscribe to:

There are also experiment specific Mailing Lists. Contact the Experiment Coordinator if you do not see yours here:

Basic Equipment in Hall C

Beam Energy

Beam Current Monitoring (BCM)


SHMS Magnets

For the Fall 2017 run, see intructions at

The formulas and program should be kept in sync with the repository.

  • Formulas used for setting current of SHMS magnets during KPP
Magnet Formula
HB Current = 330.05*p - 3.1784*p^2 + 0.4018*p^3
Q1 Current = 222.4*p - 7.709*p^2 + 0.6684*p^3
Q2 Current = 3661*p/11
Q3 Current = 2434*p/11
Dipole Current = 3450*p/11

Spectrometer Optics

SHMS Optics

SHMS Survey Data

Survey Data

SHMS Collimator/Sieve

  • The SHMS collimator/sieve assembly is located between the Horizontal Bender and the first quadrupole.
  • The SHMS collimator/sieve are made of Mi-TechTM Tungsten HD-17 (Density 17 g/cc. 90% W, 6% Ni, 4% Cu).
  • The SHMS collimator is a flared octagonal aperture with thickness of 2.5 inches.
  • There are two SHMS sieves. Each with thickness of 1.25 inches.
  • The sieves have the same hole pattern but one sieve has the hole pattern horizontally shifted by half the hole spacing.
  • Drawings of the collimator and two sieves.
  • The drawings show details of the sieve hole patterns and the collimator shape.

SHMS optics data

HMS Optics

HMS Surveys

  • Page with HMS and SHMS survey information

HMS Collimator/Sieve

  • The HMS collimators/sieve assembly is located in 166.4 cm from the target in front of the first quadrupole.
  • The HMS collimators/sieve are made of Mi-TechTM Tungsten HD-17 (Density 17 g/cc. 90% W, 6% Ni, 4% Cu).
  • The HMS collimators are both a flared octagonal aperture with thickness of 2.5 inches.
  • There are two HMS collimators which are designated as the "larger" and "small" collimators.
  • Drawing of the small collimator. It is labelled as the "top" collimator in the drawing. The "center" collimator is the drawing was replaced by the present day large collimator.
  • Could not find a drawing of the present day large collimator.
    • The dimensions are front (back) opening in the horzontal direction are 4.575cm (4.759cm) along top of octagon and 9.150cm (9.518cm) at the vertical middle of the octagon.
    • The dimensions are front (back) opening in the vertical direction are 11.646cm (12.114cm) along side of octagon and 23.292cm (24.228cm) at the horizontal middle of the octagon.
  • The HMS sieve has thickness of 1.25 inches.
  • Drawings of the sieve.

HMS Optics Data

Scattering Chamber

  • The scattering chamber window on the SHMS side is 0.020 inches thick 2024-T4 aluminum.

SHMS Entrance Window and Vacuum vessel

  • The Horizontal Bender entrance window is 0.010 inches thick 2024-T3 aluminum.
  • The dipole exit window is 0.020 inches thick 5056 aluminum.


Spring 2017 KPP run

Fall 2017 run

  • Logbook entry on the Fall target configuration which has links to file describing the targets and their thicknesses and a file with the mechanical drawing of the target ladder.
  • BeO target was replaced by the "halo" cylinder target. Logbook entry with drawing of "halo" cylinder target.
  • Drawing of target ladder with cryo cells and solid target ladder.
  • Drawing of cryotarget cell with 2.5inch diameter and 10 cm long (after using insert entrance window). Used for separate LH2 and LD2 cells in ladder.
  • Drawing of cryotarget with 1.6 inch diameter for 4cm cell.
  • Drawing of cryotarget with 1.6 inch diameter for 10cm cell.

Sept 2021 run

June 2022 run

Sept 2023 run

HMS Magnets and Vacuum Vessel

HMS Detectors

SHMS Detectors

DAQ & Trigger


  • High Voltage
  • Spectrometer Controls (Use go_cmagnets command)
  • HMS and SHMS Collimator Control document.
    • See Collimator controls on How-to page
    • NOTE: Do not attempt a reset of the collimator controls unless you have reason to believe that the collimator has moved and have checked with the RC

Online Replay

Data Analysis

Monte Carlo

Hall C at 12 GeV