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** Cycle SHMS magnets since raising momentum
** Cycle SHMS magnets since raising momentum
** Keep track of good coincidence physics events (with tight PID cuts and coincidence time cut) such that we have 2000 events each for LH2 and Carbon
** Keep track of good coincidence physics events (with tight PID cuts and coincidence time cut) such that we have 2000 events each for LH2 and Carbon
{|class="wikitable" style="margin-left: 60px; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! Target || Prescales || HMS angle || HMS momentum  || SHMS angle  || SHMS momentum  || Time
! LH2  || ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 || 41.8  deg ||  -2.736      ||  12.0 deg  ||  +8.753 || 51 hrs
! LH2  || ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 || 41.8  deg ||  -2.736      ||  12.0 deg  ||  +8.753 || 30 min
! Al. Dummy || ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0  || 41.8  deg ||  -2.736      ||  12.0 deg  ||  +8.753 || 17 hrs
! 6% C || ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0  || 41.8  deg ||  -2.736      ||  12.0 deg  ||  +8.753 || 122 hrs
! 6% C || ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1  || 41.8  deg ||  -2.736      ||  12.0 deg  ||  +8.753 || 30 min
= F2 Experiment (E12-10-002) L/T measurement Run Plan =
= F2 Experiment (E12-10-002) L/T measurement Run Plan =

Revision as of 03:41, 18 January 2018


CT Experiment (E1206107) Run Plan

The 6.4 GeV Run Plan (52 hrs)

  • Conditions:
beam current: 65 μA
fast raster: 2x2 mm2
target: 10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS trigger: Coincidence
HMS angle/momentum Various
SHMS angle/momentum Various
  • Run Plan:
    • HMS is detecting electrons and SHMS is detecting protons.
    • Use HMS pion collimator and SHMS collimator.
    • Keep track of good coincidence physics events (with tight PID cuts and coincidence time cut) such that we have 10000 events for LH2 and Carbon
Target Prescales HMS angle HMS momentum SHMS angle SHMS momentum Time
LH2 ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 45.1 deg -2.131 17.1 deg +5.122 12 hrs
LH2 ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 45.1 deg -2.131 17.1 deg +5.122 30 min
Al. Dummy ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 45.1 deg -2.131 17.1 deg +5.122 4 hrs
6% C ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 45.1 deg -2.131 17.1 deg +5.122 36 hrs
6% C ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 45.1 deg -2.131 17.1 deg +5.122 30 min
  • If possible after completing the LH2 and Dummy we can move to F2 Physics program and come back to the Carbon after the F2 physics program

The 10.6 GeV Run Plan

  • Conditions:
beam current: 65 μA
fast raster: 2x2 mm2
target: 10cm LH2
HMS/SHMS trigger: Coincidence
HMS angle/momentum Various
SHMS angle/momentum Various
  • Run Plan:
    • HMS is detecting electrons and SHMS is detecting protons.
    • Use HMS pion collimator and SHMS collimator.
  • H(e,e'p) Check
Target Prescales HMS angle HMS momentum SHMS angle SHMS momentum Time
LH2 ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 23.2 deg -5.539 21.6 deg +5.925 4 hrs (3 Hz)
  • Q^2 = 14.8 GeV^2 Run Plan
    • Cycle SHMS magnets since raising momentum
    • Keep track of good coincidence physics events (with tight PID cuts and coincidence time cut) such that we have 2000 events each for LH2 and Carbon
Target Prescales HMS angle HMS momentum SHMS angle SHMS momentum Time
LH2 ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 41.8 deg -2.736 12.0 deg +8.753 51 hrs
LH2 ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 41.8 deg -2.736 12.0 deg +8.753 30 min
Al. Dummy ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 41.8 deg -2.736 12.0 deg +8.753 17 hrs
6% C ps1=-1,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=-1,ps5=-1,ps6=0 41.8 deg -2.736 12.0 deg +8.753 122 hrs
6% C ps1=0,ps2=-1,ps3=-1,ps4=0,ps5=-1,ps6=-1 41.8 deg -2.736 12.0 deg +8.753 30 min

F2 Experiment (E12-10-002) L/T measurement Run Plan

  • Experts: Simona Malace, Eric Christy
  • Expected time: 2 days at 30 muA
  • Goal: Measure one epsilon point to better constrain R at large x
  • Conditions: ONLY HMS NEEDED. Prescale to 2 kHz, cycle magnets.
beam current (uA): max current
fast raster: 2x2mm
target: 10 cm LH2, Al 10 cm Dummy
HMS collimator: PION
HMS trigger: ELREAL for physics data taking
HMS trigger: SCIN 3/4 *for one run only* in the beginning for trigger efficiency calculation (we are running one trigger at the time)
HMS angle/momentum: 65 deg / -1 GeV/c - 100 K electrons
HMS angle/momentum: 65 deg / +1 GeV/c - 10 K positrons

Fall 2017 Commissioning Plans

Spring 2017 KPP run

Hall C Links

Hall C

Hall C is one of four experimental halls at JLab.

Hall C Computing.

Hall C in the Press.

Basic Equipment in Hall C


SHMS Magnets

For the Fall 2017 run, see intructions at https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/How-to

The formulas and program should be kept in sync with the repository.

  • Formulas used for setting current of SHMS magnets during KPP
Magnet Formula
HB Current = 330.05*p - 3.1784*p^2 + 0.4018*p^3
Q1 Current = 222.4*p - 7.709*p^2 + 0.6684*p^3
Q2 Current = 3661*p/11
Q3 Current = 2434*p/11
Dipole Current = 3450*p/11

Scattering Chamber

  • The scattering chamber window on the SHMS side is 0.020 inches thick 2024-T4 aluminum.

SHMS Entrance Window and Vacuum vessel

  • The Horizontal Bender entrance window is 0.010 inches thick 2024-T3 aluminum.
  • The dipole exit window is 0.020 inches thick 5056 aluminum.


Spring 2017 KKP run

Fall 2017 run

  • Logbook entry on the Fall target configuration which has links to file describing the targets and their thicknesses and a file with the mechanical drawing of the target ladder.
  • BeO target was replaced by the "halo" cylinder target. Logbook entry with drawing of "halo" cylinder target.
  • Drawing of target ladder with cryo cells and solid target ladder.
  • Drawing of cryotarget cell with 2.5inch diameter and 10 cm long (after using insert entrance window). Used for separate LH2 and LD2 cells in ladder.
  • Drawing of cryotarget with 1.6 inch diameter for 4cm cell.
  • Drawing of cryotarget with 1.6 inch diameter for 10cm cell.

HMS Magnets and Vacuum Vessel

HMS Detectors

SHMS Detectors

DAQ & Trigger


  • High Voltage
  • Spectrometer Controls (Use go_cmagnets command)
  • HMS and SHMS Collimator Control document.

Online Replay

Data Analysis

Monte Carlo

Hall C at 12 GeV