Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for September 09 - runstarts omitted

  • Main INDEX


  • 187826 09/30/09 22:55 Chiba result of HV change and definition between WClay1and WClay2?
  • 187821 09/30/09 21:47 albayrak ROC11 problems 75945
  • 187820 09/30/09 21:31 Tang But we do need the exact numbers, even they are not exactly +1. -1, and 20
  • 187815 09/30/09 21:19 EH3-R is fixed by changed the discriminator channel at the Hall ==>
  • 187814 09/30/09 21:16 Gogami EH3-R is fixed by changed the discriminator channel at the Hall
  • 187809 09/30/09 20:29 albayrak EB1 died
  • 187806 09/30/09 20:00 Nue We have requested roughly +1, -1, +20MeV
  • 187805 09/30/09 19:49 E. Christy EB1 disconnect, stop run 75941
  • 187800 09/30/09 19:11 Tang What is the nominal beam energy?
  • 187798 09/30/09 18:57 Gogami singles Rate of EHODO13
  • 187793 09/30/09 18:05 Reinhold Re: Where was no beam during this shift? Why there are runs with beam?
  • 187789 09/30/09 17:21 Arshak run #1154 junk
  • 187785 09/30/09 17:13 Tang Where was no beam during this shift? Why there are runs with beam?
  • 187784 09/30/09 17:09 Tang We need to and will take additional C data to further extend the coverage
  • 187782 09/30/09 17:04 Nue Rates for 2.8uA H2O, 2.365GeV
  • 187780 09/30/09 17:02 albayrak screenshots of hvs
  • 187779 09/30/09 16:59 Nue Tonight Plan : +20MeV runs
  • 187778 09/30/09 16:57 chench Simulation: Kinematic simulation for Pk-Pe correlation with different beam energy
  • 187775 09/30/09 16:26 Nue +20MeV tune was done: record of magnets setting
  • 187774 09/30/09 16:25 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187767 09/30/09 15:57 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187763 09/30/09 15:40 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187753 09/30/09 15:10 Arshak run 1146 starts with 0.13uA beam, after 2min beam was OFF
  • 187752 09/30/09 15:09 Arshak 1145 in end of run beam is 013uA
  • 187744 09/30/09 13:20 veilleux beam tuning needs more time
  • 187743 09/30/09 12:14 yuan Analysis: How much Lambda correction shift in kinematics space with +20 MeV beam energy?
  • 187742 09/30/09 12:13 shoh The differences of high-momentum side and low-momentum side of TOF
  • 187741 09/30/09 11:55 Nue Updated Plan : report from RC
  • 187740 09/30/09 11:02 shoh offset time coindition of HKS side
  • 187739 09/30/09 11:02 maruta HKS-Q2 hallprobe controller rebooted
  • 187738 09/30/09 10:59 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Need more works on timing and path length
  • 187737 09/30/09 10:06 Zhihong Ye Why the FPX vs RF is not bad at x<0? It is because of software or real physics?
  • 187736 09/30/09 09:13 kawama cointime analysis status
  • 187735 09/30/09 09:02 veilleux turned drift chambers off during beam tuning
  • 187734 09/30/09 09:00 Nue Beam tune for +20MeV started, BeO target is in
  • 187729 09/30/09 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187728 09/30/09 07:54 Darko Owl shift summary
  • 187725 09/30/09 06:56 Darko Notice related +1MeV Nominal (2345Mev) beam
  • 187722 09/30/09 06:37 Darko Beam: -1MeV Nominal (2343MeV) HKS-BPM Screen
  • 187720 09/30/09 06:17 Reinhold ROC 13 F1 window looks fine
  • 187711 09/30/09 04:12 kawama Figure corrected
  • 187710 09/30/09 03:51 bcade re: One of EDC1 Card was half removed. Hall went to power permit
  • 187709 09/30/09 03:47 kawama EDC1 problem fixed & committed a new MAP file
  • 187708 09/30/09 03:36 shoh The missing channel fixed
  • 187701 09/30/09 02:03 Nue Rates for 2.8uA H2O
  • 187699 09/30/09 01:47 Reinhold Added 50 ns to ROC13 F1 windows to provide more slop for EHODO; rebooted ROC13
  • 187698 09/30/09 01:44 Nue One of EDC1 Card was half removed. Hall went to power permit
  • 187696 09/30/09 01:23 Nue EDC1 has missing channels. Control access was requested
  • 187695 09/30/09 01:17 Nue Beam position was tuned during this run : BPM after tune
  • 187691 09/30/09 00:54 chench edc2 work status-after reconnect the cable of v'4
  • 187690 09/30/09 00:46 chench those results for HKS drift chamber
  • 187689 09/30/09 00:41 chench Drift chamber work status after change the card for 1v'4,2v'2, and also with new calibration result from run=75920
  • 187688 09/30/09 00:30 Nue Start tuning +1MeV
  • 187686 09/30/09 00:17 Nue Rates 30uA on C
  • 187683 09/30/09 00:09 Nue Rates for 10uA on C
  • 187682 09/30/09 00:06 Nue Pulsed beam has come
  • Tuesday

  • 187680 09/29/09 23:55 kohlm shift summary 9/29 swing
  • 187679 09/29/09 23:47 Gogami changed EH3-R Discriminator channel in the Hall
  • 187678 09/29/09 23:37 Gogami couldn't figured out why EHODO-13 is not good efficient
  • 187675 09/29/09 21:54 kawama A serious bug calculating etimetar in cointime
  • 187674 09/29/09 21:50 shoh X is (ns)
  • 187673 09/29/09 21:28 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Quick analysis of Coin time and PID with new trigger setting
  • 187671 09/29/09 21:11 kohlm Beam: changing to beam permit status
  • 187669 09/29/09 20:56 Nue SPL-HKS-HES magnets are ready
  • 187666 09/29/09 20:19 kohlm Beam: beam will be back around midnight
  • 187665 09/29/09 19:11 Chiba WC HV change
  • 187664 09/29/09 18:40 chench I did the calibration for drift chamber after change the coincident time, and have already svn the new Parameter files to subversion
  • 187663 09/29/09 18:35 Nue dump diagram
  • 187660 09/29/09 18:25 doi Survived data in old trigger condition
  • 187658 09/29/09 18:11 saw DAQ Fixed
  • 187653 09/29/09 17:50 maruta All magnets except for SPL are ON
  • 187646 09/29/09 17:35 saw DAQ TEST: ROC13 badness
  • 187643 09/29/09 17:16 saw Reset run number
  • 187638 09/29/09 16:01 Zhihong Ye What is X?
  • 187635 09/29/09 15:25 suhring Hall C beam dump pump ON and at operational flow and differential pressure.
  • 187634 09/29/09 13:59 shoh coin time for Water target (pion & proton peak)
  • 187628 09/29/09 11:45 yuan Minor work on HDC1 and EDc2
  • 187627 09/29/09 11:28 Nue Plan for Today & Energy scan study, RC report
  • 187626 09/29/09 11:27 shoh cointime for C target
  • 187625 09/29/09 11:08 Nue cdaql6 hung up
  • 187624 09/29/09 10:55 Reinhold On pedestal events
  • 187623 09/29/09 10:46 maruta HES-D off also
  • 187622 09/29/09 10:43 Reinhold F1TDC windows need finetuning
  • 187621 09/29/09 10:25 Zhihong Ye First 10000 events will be analyzed to get pedestol position.
  • 187620 09/29/09 10:23 Reinhold Re: Pion, Proton cointime in HKS0-HES0
  • 187619 09/29/09 10:16 kawama Added some new parameter files for new trigger setting
  • 187618 09/29/09 10:13 maruta SPL and HKS-D off
  • 187617 09/29/09 09:52 kawama Pion, Proton cointime in HKS0-HES0
  • 187616 09/29/09 07:54 kawama HDC, EDC HV off
  • 187615 09/29/09 07:53 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187614 09/29/09 07:46 Darko Owl shift summary
  • 187610 09/29/09 06:09 shoh reason of changing program of TUL
  • 187609 09/29/09 06:04 Darko Low ethane pressure alarm
  • 187608 09/29/09 06:01 Darko HKS Drift Chamber HV on HDC1-F1 Trips
  • 187606 09/29/09 05:50 shichijo rate comparison
  • 187604 09/29/09 05:42 shoh change TUL RAM program for WC2
  • 187602 09/29/09 05:29 Chiba solved "npe shift" problem when use gstart
  • 187597 09/29/09 04:23 dalton Low ethane pressure alarm
  • 187591 09/29/09 02:26 kawama Rebooted ROC13,14 and checked TDC position again
  • 187586 09/29/09 01:50 kawama F1 window and latency is not good
  • 187583 09/29/09 01:34 Darko Histograms run # 75898
  • 187582 09/29/09 01:18 Nue DAQ rate for buffer mode
  • 187577 09/29/09 00:52 Nue Rates for 2.8uA, H2O
  • 187570 09/29/09 00:16 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187569 09/29/09 00:08 Gogami EHODO new parameter has been committed
  • Monday

  • 187568 09/28/09 23:46 Nue If low PSI alarm happens
  • 187567 09/28/09 23:37 vmaxwell gas low psi alarm went off
  • 187563 09/28/09 23:28 Chiba Replay with gstart causes bad npe?
  • 187557 09/28/09 22:58 Nue FR image is strange on Oscilloscope in Elec Room
  • 187556 09/28/09 22:38 Nue Rates 3.5uA, 2.8uA on H2O
  • 187554 09/28/09 22:34 doi Proton didn't have two clusters.
  • 187550 09/28/09 22:10 Reinhold Trigger back to kaon trigger
  • 187548 09/28/09 22:04 Reinhold Sumary cointime window adjustment
  • 187547 09/28/09 22:02 Reinhold Adjusted F1 latency; kept windows the same
  • 187546 09/28/09 22:00 Nue Rates for 4uA on C, New trigger, WC(1/3), no AC veto
  • 187545 09/28/09 21:57 Maeda Histogram #75885
  • 187542 09/28/09 21:27 kawama checkef all hists, no missing channel
  • 187541 09/28/09 21:19 Nue Rates for 1uA C
  • 187531 09/28/09 19:00 Reinhold set HES0 gate width from 26 to 36 ns
  • 187525 09/28/09 17:29 Nue Rates 1uA on C HKS 54ns width, WC (1/2) without AC veto
  • 187522 09/28/09 17:14 Nue Rates for 3uA on C without AC veto, Water (1/3)
  • 187519 09/28/09 17:06 Nue Rates for 3uA on C without AC veto
  • 187518 09/28/09 17:06 Reinhold Trigger set to TUL_AC="F" (Grp off=no veto) & Ki=1/2 WC
  • 187515 09/28/09 16:54 maeda Trigger check run with carbon target
  • 187514 09/28/09 16:53 Nue Rates 1uA on C and 3uA on C
  • 187509 09/28/09 16:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187508 09/28/09 16:04 gaskell Day shift summary: September 28, 2009
  • 187501 09/28/09 14:21 Nue HKS FP time cannot be aligned by software
  • 187499 09/28/09 14:02 Zhihong Ye HKS FP and timing distribution with new hodo parameters --> seens no improvement
  • 187497 09/28/09 13:45 gaskell dead time warnings
  • 187494 09/28/09 12:51 gaskell WC HV changed before run 75866
  • 187491 09/28/09 12:43 Zhihong Ye Analysis: distributions of Hes0 and Hks0 look wired. Wrong Map or Hes making trigger most of time?
  • 187488 09/28/09 11:49 Reinhold Before run 75864: changed AC TUL from "0"=1/3 to "1"=2/3
  • 187487 09/28/09 11:48 Nue Rates for 3.5uA on H2O, !AC 2/3
  • 187485 09/28/09 11:33 gaskell run ends early: Joerg messing w/trigger
  • 187482 09/28/09 11:12 Nue Rates for 3.5uA on H2O, !AC 1/3
  • 187481 09/28/09 11:02 shoh trigger condition is wrong
  • 187480 09/28/09 11:01 Tang They will shift away from each other only when target time is used.
  • 187479 09/28/09 10:59 Reinhold Where the ENGINE spends its time (sort of obvious)
  • 187478 09/28/09 10:52 Tang Map needs to be checked
  • 187477 09/28/09 10:41 gaskell edc2 layer 2: reversed ribbon cable connector? (now with figure)
  • 187476 09/28/09 10:39 gaskell edc2 layer 2: reversed ribbon cable connector?
  • 187473 09/28/09 10:12 narayan Short Replay
  • 187470 09/28/09 09:50 narayan Short Replay
  • 187468 09/28/09 09:19 Nue Could you check if you are analyzing only coincidence event?
  • 187466 09/28/09 09:12 gaskell 9th dipole display on MEDM screen
  • 187465 09/28/09 08:56 Nue RC Report, Today Plan, Prospects on Pump fix and Energy scan
  • 187464 09/28/09 08:53 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187461 09/28/09 08:15 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187458 09/28/09 07:58 Androic Histograms run # 75857
  • 187456 09/28/09 07:34 Androic Histograms run # 75856
  • 187454 09/28/09 07:15 Markowitz Low PSI alarm
  • 187453 09/28/09 07:05 Chiba table
  • 187452 09/28/09 07:04 Chiba back ground vs good source
  • 187451 09/28/09 07:02 Androic Histograms run # 75854
  • 187445 09/28/09 06:08 Chiba WC ADC imput
  • 187444 09/28/09 06:01 Androic Histograms run # 75853
  • 187443 09/28/09 05:58 shoh hhodo.param.75763 can apply for present run(3,5uA Water target)
  • 187442 09/28/09 05:52 Chiba Now proton has two peak ( very strange )
  • 187438 09/28/09 05:22 Androic Histograms run # 75852
  • 187435 09/28/09 04:39 Androic Histograms run # 75851
  • 187434 09/28/09 04:33 kawama EHODO offset parameter is wrong?
  • 187431 09/28/09 03:38 Androic Histograms run # 75850
  • 187429 09/28/09 03:26 Beta vs. NPE_WC ==> cut progress pdf
  • 187428 09/28/09 03:24 Gogami Analysis: Beta vs. NPE_WC
  • 187427 09/28/09 03:07 doi rought estimation of Kaon which coincided with Electron
  • 187426 09/28/09 03:00 Androic Histograms run # 75849
  • 187423 09/28/09 02:17 Androic Histograms run # 75848
  • 187420 09/28/09 01:52 Androic Histograms run # 75847
  • 187419 09/28/09 01:38 kawama betak vs cointime correlation in some water target run
  • 187416 09/28/09 01:18 Androic Histograms run # 75846
  • 187413 09/28/09 00:39 yez Would you please also edit the e05115.param to give a run range that this new parameter can be used on?
  • 187412 09/28/09 00:22 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187410 09/28/09 00:05 shoh download programs to ROM of TUL
  • Sunday

  • 187407 09/27/09 23:21 kawama Chacked the dirrerence between original ts2.crl and current one
  • 187403 09/27/09 23:11 Reinhold Bug snug into ts2.crl; trigger type of HES0 is wrong; fixed it; need fresh download
  • 187400 09/27/09 21:50 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187396 09/27/09 20:57 vmaxwell histograms run # 75840 ... ok
  • 187395 09/27/09 20:57 Gogami I used hscin raw ntuple.
  • 187394 09/27/09 20:55 Gogami KTOF TOP and BOT timing-difference with different RUN ==> not Run75815, Run75817 is correct
  • 187392 09/27/09 20:53 Gogami KTOF TOP and BOT timing-difference with different RUN.
  • 187391 09/27/09 20:40 shoh snv update
  • 187388 09/27/09 20:04 vmaxwell histograms run # 75839 double peak for HKS HTF dec tot hits
  • 187387 09/27/09 20:01 vmaxwell correction run # 75839 ps5 =12000
  • 187384 09/27/09 19:08 vmaxwell histograms run # 75838
  • 187381 09/27/09 18:27 Reinhold Modified ts2.crl to enable CP0 trigger on input 5
  • 187378 09/27/09 17:38 Reinhold Add CP0 trigger to TS input 5; not yet changed the ts2.crl readout list
  • 187376 09/27/09 17:04 vmaxwell histograms run # 75835
  • 187374 09/27/09 16:39 bono hodo tdc readout
  • 187371 09/27/09 16:06 narayan Short Replay
  • 187369 09/27/09 16:02 narayan Day Shift Summary
  • 187368 09/27/09 16:01 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Would you please commit the new hhodo.param.75763 or newer parameters onto SVN?
  • 187359 09/27/09 12:58 Nue Hall A will change half-wave plate
  • 187358 09/27/09 12:55 Nue Rates for 3.5uA on H2O
  • 187357 09/27/09 12:54 kohlm Beam: lowered beam current to 3.5 muA before run 75830
  • 187356 09/27/09 12:53 narayan Replay
  • 187353 09/27/09 12:48 Nue HTF pos-neg time difference causes the problem?
  • 187352 09/27/09 12:35 Nue Rates for 4uA on H2O, DC currents
  • 187351 09/27/09 12:35 Reinhold HHodo timing of top/bottom or left/right signals is off for some counters
  • 187350 09/27/09 12:25 kohlm Beam: increased current to 4muA before run 75829
  • 187347 09/27/09 12:01 Nue We need CP0 trigger in TS
  • 187346 09/27/09 11:53 Nue Rates 3uA on H2O, DC currents
  • 187345 09/27/09 11:45 kohlm Beam: increased current to 3muA before run 75828
  • 187342 09/27/09 11:32 Nue Rates for 2uA on H2O
  • 187341 09/27/09 11:25 Nue Rates for 1uA H2O
  • 187340 09/27/09 11:11 maruta HDC&EDC HV screen shot at 2uA Water
  • 187339 09/27/09 11:05 kohlm Beam: increased current to 2muA before run 75826
  • 187335 09/27/09 10:34 Nue IC, dump, DC currents for 1uA
  • 187334 09/27/09 10:19 Nue RC Report, we will have low current beam soon
  • 187332 09/27/09 10:12 narayan Water target @1uA
  • 187329 09/27/09 09:50 maruta Change trigger condition to HKS Gr
  • 187327 09/27/09 09:38 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187324 09/27/09 08:35 narayan Gas Flow valve not closed
  • 187323 09/27/09 08:26 narayan Gas Flow Normal
  • 187321 09/27/09 00:55 shoh bug of hks ntuple?
  • 187320 09/27/09 00:12 Markowitz/Ma histograms run 75822
  • Saturday

  • 187319 09/26/09 23:55 Gogami KTOF1X & KTOF2X hitpat , cut not good correlation events roughly and count
  • 187318 09/26/09 23:53 kawama Compare the number of entry of TDC of hks ntuple and that of hscin ntuple
  • 187317 09/26/09 23:49 Chiba sorry. "from Run75766" is right
  • 187316 09/26/09 23:39 Chiba Wrong expression in RUN MESSAGE (from Run75765)
  • 187314 09/26/09 23:35 vmaxwell histograms run # 75820
  • 187313 09/26/09 23:29 kawama Low PSI problem again again
  • 187311 09/26/09 23:19 vmaxwell histograms run # 75819
  • 187309 09/26/09 23:12 kawama Low PSI problem again
  • 187307 09/26/09 22:09 shoh Hit pattern of HTOF for C target
  • 187306 09/26/09 21:52 shoh ADC & TDC distribution of HTOF from #75812 to #75817
  • 187305 09/26/09 20:24 Reinhold Re: Analysis: HKS-D 1120A run
  • 187302 09/26/09 19:28 Nue Probably no beam until tomorrow morning
  • 187301 09/26/09 18:36 Nue Cr data have much less events than Carbon data
  • 187300 09/26/09 17:44 Nue Analysis: HKS-D 1120A run
  • 187299 09/26/09 16:40 Nue Still waiting for decision about low current beam run,
  • 187298 09/26/09 16:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187297 09/26/09 16:05 narayan Shift Summary - Day shift
  • 187296 09/26/09 15:32 Nue This run is cosmic ray test : Not C 40uA
  • 187295 09/26/09 14:48 doi HTOF(KHODO) ADC histograms[1Y] have strange shapes.
  • 187294 09/26/09 13:33 maruta HKS trig => CP0(1X*1Y*2X 2/3)
  • 187293 09/26/09 13:32 Gogami BPM and BCM screen shot
  • 187292 09/26/09 13:29 Nue Trigger changed to HKS single CP0 (2/3) for cosmic ray test
  • 187291 09/26/09 13:29 maruta HKS-D to 1058.3A
  • 187289 09/26/09 13:05 Nue Hall C dump leak turns out serious
  • 187288 09/26/09 12:51 narayan Beam: water leak in Dump
  • 187287 09/26/09 12:33 maruta Run75818 not 75181
  • 187286 09/26/09 12:28 Nue RADCON arrived, beam was taken away
  • 187285 09/26/09 12:28 Nue Rates for 40uA on Carbon with HKS-D 1120A
  • 187284 09/26/09 12:26 narayan replay inconsistent
  • 187282 09/26/09 12:17 maruta magnet condition at Run75181
  • 187279 09/26/09 11:51 Nue Rates for 40uA on Carbon
  • 187278 09/26/09 11:42 chench Drift chamber leakage current with C target and 40uA current
  • 187277 09/26/09 11:32 Nue Rates 38uA on carbon
  • 187274 09/26/09 11:24 Gogami BPM and BCM screen shot
  • 187272 09/26/09 11:01 narayan Low PSI alarm
  • 187270 09/26/09 10:55 Nue MCC notifined us that Hall C dump leak makes alarm again
  • 187269 09/26/09 10:35 yez You are right, Thank you for correction
  • 187268 09/26/09 10:29 Gogami commited modified "e_trans_scin.f"
  • 187266 09/26/09 10:17 Nue Rate for 10uA Carbon and 30uA Carbon
  • 187265 09/26/09 10:15 narayan Low PSI alarm
  • 187264 09/26/09 10:10 Tang C run started from here? Please fix the run header
  • 187262 09/26/09 09:44 maruta Screenshots of HDC, EDC HV and Ion chamber at 30uA carbon
  • 187261 09/26/09 09:41 Nue Today's plan, report from RC
  • 187257 09/26/09 09:15 Gogami EHODO2-16T tripped again and rebooted
  • 187255 09/26/09 09:09 maruta HES-Q2 hallprobe readout error
  • 187253 09/26/09 09:00 shoh Comment for offset parameter
  • 187251 09/26/09 08:44 narayan Error in CODA message logger
  • 187250 09/26/09 08:11 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187247 09/26/09 07:23 Markowitz histograms run 75810
  • 187244 09/26/09 06:44 Markowitz histograms run 75809
  • 187242 09/26/09 06:12 Markowitz histograms run 75808
  • 187237 09/26/09 04:54 Markowitz histograms run 75807
  • 187234 09/26/09 04:00 Markowitz Histograms run 75806
  • 187233 09/26/09 03:52 Chiba "gfarm" bug
  • 187230 09/26/09 03:36 kawama Fixed a bug in the e_trans_scin.f
  • 187229 09/26/09 02:58 kawama New EHODO parameter
  • 187228 09/26/09 02:56 Markoiwtz histograms run 74805
  • 187227 09/26/09 02:53 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187226 09/26/09 02:52 shoh picture of TOF for hks-ntuple
  • 187223 09/26/09 02:19 Markowitz histograms run 75804
  • 187221 09/26/09 01:44 Markowitz histograms run 75803
  • 187217 09/26/09 00:40 chench The flow rate of the He for HDC1&2 need to be adjusted
  • 187216 09/26/09 00:18 Gogami EHODO param file was commited
  • 187215 09/26/09 00:11 vmaxwell histograms run # 75802
  • 187214 09/26/09 00:09 vmaxwell error for ROC7 during run # 75801
  • Friday

  • 187212 09/25/09 23:16 veilleux Rates for 8uA Cr
  • 187209 09/25/09 22:36 Gogami HV crate 34 is rebooted , now it's fine.
  • 187208 09/25/09 22:27 vmaxwell run # 75799 ended early to reboot HV crate 34
  • 187206 09/25/09 22:17 Nue Analysis: HKS focal plane time can have many peaks
  • 187204 09/25/09 22:15 Gogami EHODO EH2-16T tripped
  • 187202 09/25/09 21:55 vmaxwell histograms run # 75797 .... missing ch. on HES HODO
  • 187198 09/25/09 20:10 veilleux Rates for 8uA Cr
  • 187195 09/25/09 19:39 kawama Islands
  • 187194 09/25/09 19:17 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Coin Time related with HKS FP multi-peaks Time for Pion and Proton
  • 187191 09/25/09 18:46 Nue Background in Sieve Slit Run
  • 187190 09/25/09 18:38 vmaxwell bcm & bpm & dc currents
  • 187189 09/25/09 18:13 Nue HKS D cannot be controlled
  • 187187 09/25/09 18:05 bono hhodo.pos.0 file
  • 187185 09/25/09 17:32 saw HMS HV mainframes disabled
  • 187184 09/25/09 17:29 vmaxwell histograms run # 75794 .... please look at HDC1vp raw hitpat layer 6
  • 187181 09/25/09 16:48 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187180 09/25/09 15:55 gaskell Shift summary: day 9/25/2009
  • 187177 09/25/09 15:03 Zhihong Ye Coin Time with step by step study for both HKS and HES, some problems reveals
  • 187175 09/25/09 14:43 gaskell dump service building wrok complete
  • 187174 09/25/09 14:01 shoh fixed offset parameter
  • 187173 09/25/09 13:41 gaskell beam gone to investigate leak dump service building
  • 187169 09/25/09 12:53 bono
  • 187166 09/25/09 12:10 gaskell Beam away for a little while after lunch
  • 187165 09/25/09 11:56 gaskell rates after beam return
  • 187163 09/25/09 11:39 gaskell optics studies done - beam coming back
  • 187162 09/25/09 11:37 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Coin Time of Pion and Kaon using Cr52 1uA data, and HKS FP strange distribution
  • 187161 09/25/09 10:26 gaskell beam away for optics checks
  • 187159 09/25/09 10:10 maruta ibcm1 and ibcm2 count at water run.
  • 187154 09/25/09 09:49 Nue Today's plan, next week plan, report from RC
  • 187152 09/25/09 09:08 shoh the differences of TOF peaks of high momentum side & low momentum side
  • 187150 09/25/09 08:18 shoh the difference of hscin-ntuple & hks-ntuple
  • 187147 09/25/09 08:00 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187146 09/25/09 07:09 vmaxwell bcm & bpm & dc currents
  • 187141 09/25/09 05:53 vmaxwell histograms run # 75782
  • 187139 09/25/09 05:25 shoh offset time depend on beam current
  • 187136 09/25/09 04:47 vmaxwell histograms run # 75781
  • 187134 09/25/09 04:25 vmaxwell gas shed lock broken
  • 187130 09/25/09 02:57 shoh new offset parameter for 52Cr 10uA
  • 187127 09/25/09 02:34 vmaxwell bcm & bpm & dc currents
  • 187126 09/25/09 01:56 vmaxwell sorry here are the histograms for run # 75776
  • 187125 09/25/09 01:54 vmaxwell histograms run # 75777
  • 187120 09/25/09 00:45 kawama Parameter files and source code for EDC2
  • 187119 09/25/09 00:24 vmaxwell histograms run # 75776
  • 187118 09/25/09 00:10 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Thursday

  • 187117 09/24/09 23:59 kohlm shift summary 9/24 swing
  • 187114 09/24/09 23:12 abdellah Argon bottle changed
  • 187111 09/24/09 22:18 kohlm roc13 warnings, stopped 75773
  • 187108 09/24/09 22:02 kohlm run 75773 is with 10muA
  • 187107 09/24/09 21:32 yuan Analysis: Got HES EDC2 tracking work and comparision with EDC1
  • 187105 09/24/09 20:51 kohlm Beam: beam off
  • 187101 09/24/09 19:48 Chiba Rates for 10uA Cr
  • 187100 09/24/09 19:41 Nue Beam current was set at 10uA
  • 187097 09/24/09 18:28 Nue Beat frequency mode study would be done on next Tuesday
  • 187096 09/24/09 17:52 Nue Wireless in CR cannot be improved by the end of beamtime ....
  • 187095 09/24/09 17:50 Nue Rates for 8uA Cr
  • 187094 09/24/09 17:44 Nue cdaql5 was rebooted
  • 187093 09/24/09 17:38 kohlm Beam: beam tuning
  • 187090 09/24/09 17:07 kohlm Beam: check if Fast Feedback is on
  • 187089 09/24/09 17:04 kohlm Beam: beam is back
  • 187086 09/24/09 16:39 kohlm Beam: no beam
  • 187083 09/24/09 16:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187081 09/24/09 14:27 ioana bcm and bpm screens
  • 187080 09/24/09 14:26 saw Mouse now on TV screen
  • 187078 09/24/09 14:13 Gogami gas and HVs check[Day_24Sep2009]
  • 187077 09/24/09 13:40 Nue Why we changed WC HV.
  • 187076 09/24/09 13:31 Nue AC in gas shed is down
  • 187075 09/24/09 13:07 ioana Controlled access
  • 187074 09/24/09 13:06 Gogami Rate 52Cr @ 8uA
  • 187073 09/24/09 13:06 ioana dead channel is alive
  • 187072 09/24/09 13:01 shoh revison of picture
  • 187071 09/24/09 13:00 shoh Hit pattern HTOF #75765
  • 187069 09/24/09 12:40 Nue Hall went to power permit
  • 187068 09/24/09 12:10 Nue Hall goes to controlled access
  • 187066 09/24/09 12:05 Gogami chamber HV scree shot
  • 187065 09/24/09 11:37 maruta Rough charge count of water cell runs
  • 187064 09/24/09 11:34 maruta Rough charge count of water cell runs
  • 187063 09/24/09 11:07 taniya Change WC HV.
  • 187060 09/24/09 10:37 Gogami EHODO TOF EH2-EH1 with different target and current
  • 187059 09/24/09 10:05 Nue Rates for 8uA Cr
  • 187058 09/24/09 09:49 Tang You have not completed your tasks
  • 187057 09/24/09 09:25 Tang This has nothing to do with GEANT simulation and optical description
  • 187056 09/24/09 09:09 ioana bpm and bcm screens
  • 187053 09/24/09 09:03 shoh sorry I attached wrong pictures
  • 187052 09/24/09 09:00 shoh hit pattern of #75760~75762
  • 187051 09/24/09 08:45 Nue Today's plan, reprot from RC
  • 187050 09/24/09 08:32 shoh because of beam current
  • 187049 09/24/09 08:24 ioana new dead channel in HDC2 layer 12
  • 187048 09/24/09 08:13 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 187046 09/24/09 07:45 Zhihong Ye Analysis: We need better path lengh or optics to get HES target time and coincident time
  • 187041 09/24/09 07:26 vmaxwell saturation: beam or trigger issue?
  • 187036 09/24/09 06:13 vmaxwell histograms run # 75758
  • 187034 09/24/09 05:52 shoh the saturation of HTOF
  • 187032 09/24/09 05:49 Zhihong Ye Analysis: AC NPE further Cut -> Kaon Peak looks clear in Delta_Beta distribution, but not obvious in Coin_Time
  • 187030 09/24/09 05:21 vmaxwell helium tank changed
  • 187026 09/24/09 04:39 vmaxwell bpm & bcm ...& dc currents
  • 187025 09/24/09 04:32 vmaxwell beam back up to 13 uA
  • 187024 09/24/09 04:29 vmaxwell at the request of hall A, beam turned down to 6 uA
  • 187022 09/24/09 04:16 Zhihong Ye PID Study by applying WC&AC Cerenkov cuts
  • 187021 09/24/09 04:04 Zhihong Ye HES Target Time RF Correction
  • 187018 09/24/09 03:29 vmaxwell histograms run #75754
  • 187013 09/24/09 02:21 vmaxwell bcm and bpm
  • 187010 09/24/09 01:49 maruta Trigger of Run75727 - 75751 are COIN=HKS Gr*HES
  • 187008 09/24/09 01:23 vmaxwell beam back!
  • 187007 09/24/09 01:12 vmaxwell beam delivery stopped
  • 187005 09/24/09 00:52 vmaxwell eb failure run # 75749
  • 187003 09/24/09 00:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Wednesday

  • 187001 09/23/09 23:53 kohlm shift summary 9/23 swing
  • 187000 09/23/09 23:51 kohlm end of runs 75745 and 75748 failed
  • 186999 09/23/09 23:37 Gogami EHODO status[Run75747]
  • 186998 09/23/09 23:27 ioana bpm and bcm screen
  • 186993 09/23/09 22:06 kohlm EB hang for run 74745
  • 186991 09/23/09 21:38 kohlm end of run 75744 failed
  • 186986 09/23/09 20:27 ioana bcm and bpm screens
  • 186984 09/23/09 19:51 kohlm ROC7 problem after start of run 75741
  • 186981 09/23/09 19:46 Reinhold F1 TDC trigger timing has changed
  • 186978 09/23/09 19:15 Tang Problem may be from tracking but not the data
  • 186975 09/23/09 19:11 EHODO1 & EHODO2 T-zero adjustment ==>
  • 186974 09/23/09 19:08 Gogami EHODO1 & EHODO2 T-zero adjustment
  • 186973 09/23/09 18:48 chench The problem of HES sieve slit run
  • 186972 09/23/09 18:34 kohlm end of run 75738 failed
  • 186969 09/23/09 17:23 Zhihong Ye HES Target Time after Kawama's correction --> Much better!
  • 186966 09/23/09 17:06 Nue Rates for 13uA Cr
  • 186963 09/23/09 16:12 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186961 09/23/09 16:03 kawama Modified error; This is NOT backgroud
  • 186959 09/23/09 15:42 P Carter ER1 is backed up
  • 186958 09/23/09 15:17 P Carter Stopped run 75734more ROC 13 errors
  • 186956 09/23/09 14:49 P Carter Stopped run because of ROC 13 errors
  • 186953 09/23/09 14:17 P Carter EB1 stopped responding
  • 186949 09/23/09 13:32 maruta HES collimator scan
  • 186948 09/23/09 13:15 Nue Rate and DC currents for 15uA on Cr
  • 186937 09/23/09 12:00 Zhihong Ye HES FP Time -> events at estimefp =-1000 can be tracked but the FP time are not calculated
  • 186935 09/23/09 11:59 Gogami EHODO hitpattern[Run75719]
  • 186928 09/23/09 11:28 Zhihong Ye Two Peaks distribution of HES Target Time are because of HES FP Time
  • 186912 09/23/09 09:58 P Carter IOC is back up
  • 186911 09/23/09 09:28 Nue HES SS, HES-Q1, SPL are ready for scan
  • 186910 09/23/09 09:27 P Carter Magnet 3H04AH down; MCC is working on it
  • 186909 09/23/09 09:04 Nue MCC has IOC problem and HES SS has falut again
  • 186908 09/23/09 09:02 Reinhold MCC has IOC HC10 problems need access to reset
  • 186907 09/23/09 08:46 Nue Recalibrating of HES SS home was done, SPL, HES Q1 ON
  • 186906 09/23/09 08:34 Nue SPL and HES-Q1 are off
  • 186904 09/23/09 08:30 Reinhold Ask MCC to turn OFF beam and SPLITTER; will reboot slit controller
  • 186903 09/23/09 08:26 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186902 09/23/09 08:25 shoh time offset condition
  • 186901 09/23/09 08:07 updated bpm and bcm
  • 186900 09/23/09 08:03 vmaxwell beam position
  • 186898 09/23/09 07:54 vmaxwell bpm and bcm
  • 186896 09/23/09 07:51 shoh TOF of hscin-ntuple AC TorB and T&B
  • 186895 09/23/09 07:50 Nue Beam profile for empty run
  • 186894 09/23/09 07:17 Nue Wireless connection in counting room is extremely slow
  • 186893 09/23/09 07:13 Nue Analysis: Late entry: coincidence window study
  • 186890 09/23/09 06:37 vmaxwell histograms run # 75710
  • 186889 09/23/09 06:22 Nue Rates for 11uA Cr
  • 186887 09/23/09 06:10 vmaxwell going back to 11 uA and Cr target
  • 186885 09/23/09 06:05 Nue Rates for empty target
  • 186883 09/23/09 05:43 vmaxwell empty target run
  • 186881 09/23/09 05:35 vmaxwell gas check .... argon low
  • 186879 09/23/09 05:07 vmaxwell bpm and bcm
  • 186874 09/23/09 03:27 vmaxwell histograms run # 75705
  • 186871 09/23/09 02:57 vmaxwell histograms run # 75704
  • 186868 09/23/09 02:15 vmaxwell bpm and bcm
  • 186865 09/23/09 01:32 kawama Hall A guy requested to change beam polarity
  • 186863 09/23/09 01:12 vmaxwell drift chamber currents ... a bit high
  • 186861 09/23/09 00:46 Reinhold Could someone take the "New ROC14 lat&wind, ..." out of the default header.
  • 186858 09/23/09 00:14 saw New work area
  • 186857 09/23/09 00:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Tuesday

  • 186854 09/22/09 23:35 ioana bpm and bcm screen
  • 186853 09/22/09 23:32 Tang HES may have timing problem
  • 186851 09/22/09 23:03 kawama Particles in certain position in HES
  • 186850 09/22/09 23:03 Reinhold Rebbot ROC 13 to commit new reference latency and window timing
  • 186848 09/22/09 23:01 Reinhold Changed ROC 13 reference latency and window to 453 ns
  • 186847 09/22/09 23:00 Reinhold Changed TS busy timer from 15 us to 20 us in buffered
  • 186846 09/22/09 22:55 Reinhold A few errors and warnings remaining but otherwise buffered pretty OK
  • 186845 09/22/09 22:42 Reinhold Buffered seems to work now
  • 186844 09/22/09 22:33 Reinhold On first attempt of buffered di not download new TS readout list
  • 186840 09/22/09 22:24 Reinhold Increased TS busy timer from 250 to 375 for buf mode; change flags to buf
  • 186837 09/22/09 22:00 Zhihong Ye We need more space on ifarm /work/hallc/hks. Jobs keep failing because of disk full. And please don't keep raw data on work directory.
  • 186836 09/22/09 21:59 Reinhold Changed ROC14 Reference latency & window from 1444 to 482
  • 186834 09/22/09 21:46 ioana bpm and bcm screens
  • 186830 09/22/09 21:39 Reinhold Set trigger COIN=HES0&HKSgrp; AC=1/3 veto on CPi, Ki=2/2 WC
  • 186826 09/22/09 20:35 Nue Rates for 1uA on Cr
  • 186822 09/22/09 20:11 chench That looks strange
  • 186821 09/22/09 19:54 Zhihong Ye To People who are working on /work/hallc/hks/---Please remove the raw data if you have. The whole disk is FULL!!!
  • 186819 09/22/09 19:40 Reinhold Changed trigger to AC TUL="0" and K_i=1/2
  • 186817 09/22/09 19:32 ioana bpm and bcm screen
  • 186815 09/22/09 19:29 Reinhold Set AC TUL from "0" to "F"
  • 186810 09/22/09 18:35 kawama Replay seepd up (cont.)
  • 186809 09/22/09 18:25 Zhihong Ye Anaysis on HKS FP Junk Events
  • 186806 09/22/09 17:49 Gogami EHODO2 Tzero adjustment
  • 186803 09/22/09 17:33 ioana bpm screen
  • 186800 09/22/09 16:18 Zhihong Ye Cut Condition and Event Survival Rate
  • 186799 09/22/09 16:17 kawama Replay seepd up
  • 186796 09/22/09 16:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186794 09/22/09 15:28 yuan Gap on HDC1 V' plane hit pattern
  • 186792 09/22/09 15:21 Gogami BPM and BCM screen shots
  • 186791 09/22/09 14:48 Gogami Hist Check[Run75682] HDC 1vp raw hitpat layer-6 is OK?
  • 186788 09/22/09 14:20 maruta WC2 threshold looks relatively higher than WC1
  • 186787 09/22/09 13:58 P Carter rebooted ROCs and restarted CODA
  • 186783 09/22/09 13:43 Gogami HV screen shot
  • 186782 09/22/09 13:43 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Pion & Proton Coin Time Study
  • 186780 09/22/09 13:28 P Carter lots of extra events
  • 186779 09/22/09 13:28 Gogami BPM and BCM screen shots
  • 186778 09/22/09 13:12 Gogami EHODO T-zero adjustment test
  • 186770 09/22/09 11:38 Nue Rates for 80mV WC threshold 2/2, 12uA on Cr
  • 186769 09/22/09 11:34 Nue WC treshold was changed from 120mV to
  • 186768 09/22/09 11:16 Gogami There is no missing channel[Run75669]
  • 186763 09/22/09 10:55 Gogami BPM screen shot
  • 186761 09/22/09 10:51 Nue cdaql1 does not respond
  • 186759 09/22/09 10:42 shoh hit pattern of HTOF
  • 186758 09/22/09 10:24 Nue Kaon rate estimation for H2O run
  • 186755 09/22/09 09:29 P Carter Run 75671 is junk
  • 186750 09/22/09 09:16 P Carter Beam is down for tuning
  • 186749 09/22/09 08:55 P Carter broken keys on Solaris machine
  • 186748 09/22/09 08:44 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186747 09/22/09 08:18 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186746 09/22/09 07:50 Nue One of camera is half dead
  • 186743 09/22/09 07:31 Nue Analysis: WC 1/2 vs 2/2 (with figures)
  • 186742 09/22/09 07:31 Nue Analysis: WC 1/2 vs 2/2
  • 186741 09/22/09 07:22 vmaxwell drift chamber currents
  • 186740 09/22/09 07:02 vmaxwell bcm and bpm
  • 186738 09/22/09 06:43 Nue Analysis: TOF vs 1/beta
  • 186734 09/22/09 05:09 vmaxwell HES/HKS drift chamber volatges
  • 186733 09/22/09 04:48 Nue DAQ rate 1.4kHz for 12uA Cr, NOT buf mode.
  • 186732 09/22/09 04:47 vmaxwell bcm and bpm
  • 186730 09/22/09 04:33 Nue 12uA on Cr, Rates, DC currents, IC
  • 186726 09/22/09 03:00 vmaxwell histograms for run # 75665
  • 186725 09/22/09 02:49 shoh A lot of multiplicity in #75658
  • 186724 09/22/09 02:49 vmaxwell bcm and bpm
  • 186721 09/22/09 02:36 Reinhold During run 75664 increase current to 12 uA
  • 186719 09/22/09 02:27 Reinhold Turned off buffereng; does not work yet, ROC not all modes converted problems
  • 186714 09/22/09 02:18 vmaxwell histograms run#75660
  • 186713 09/22/09 02:17 Reinhold Turn on buffering
  • 186712 09/22/09 02:17 vmaxwell histograms run# 75661
  • 186710 09/22/09 02:15 Gogami EHODO3 L&R difference
  • 186709 09/22/09 02:06 Reinhold Re: Changed ROC 14 low res F1 window = 283 ns, latency = 482 ns ; data check
  • 186707 09/22/09 01:45 Reinhold Changed ROC 14 low res F1 window = 283 ns, latency = 482 ns
  • 186705 09/22/09 01:24 vmaxwell errors and ending run failed for run # 75659
  • 186704 09/22/09 01:14 Gogami KTOF status[Run75656]
  • 186702 09/22/09 00:55 Gogami EHODO status[Run75656]
  • 186701 09/22/09 00:34 kawmaa End run failed because of ER1 error
  • 186698 09/22/09 00:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186697 09/22/09 00:03 Arshak Swing Shift Summary
  • Monday

  • 186694 09/21/09 23:05 Tang Do we have radiation problem to the Fastbus CPU in the hall again?
  • 186693 09/21/09 22:26 Reinhold Comparison of ROC 13 raw data amount before and after F1 window/latency change
  • 186690 09/21/09 22:07 Reinhold Changed ROC 13 high res F1 window = 283 ns, latency = 453 ns
  • 186689 09/21/09 21:25 bono same results for run 75654
  • 186686 09/21/09 21:14 Reinhold Changed high res F1 window and latency of ROC 13 from 1444 to 566
  • 186683 09/21/09 19:44 kawama Replaced CPU has same problem
  • 186680 09/21/09 19:35 Arshak Beam is back 10 uA
  • 186678 09/21/09 19:27 kawama Replaced ROC11 CPU
  • 186675 09/21/09 18:58 kawama Changed sfihes.crl again
  • 186674 09/21/09 18:56 Arshak Asked for controlled access, to replace ROC11 CPU
  • 186670 09/21/09 18:31 Arshak Starting from run#75635 til run#75647 all are junk runs
  • 186669 09/21/09 18:07 Reinhold Followup: scope shots from trigger change to CP&!AC this morning
  • 186668 09/21/09 18:05 kawama Changed sfihes.crl
  • 186660 09/21/09 17:45 Arshak Aksed for Beam 10uA
  • 186658 09/21/09 17:44 saw Autorebooting of ROC 11 happening again
  • 186657 09/21/09 17:42 Chiba Answer to question 1 and mistake to determine kaon rate
  • 186655 09/21/09 17:39 Arshak Asked for controlled Access, Kawama need to replace the ROC11 CPU
  • 186649 09/21/09 17:09 bono 75635 75636 75637 are junk runs
  • 186647 09/21/09 17:04 chench The figure shown in previous entry is the efficiency before change the HV, here is the one after change the HV
  • 186645 09/21/09 16:57 bono roc11 error for run 75635
  • 186642 09/21/09 16:50 chench HDC1&2 efficiency after change the HV
  • 186641 09/21/09 16:45 chench There is a new dead channel from HDC2 v' plane
  • 186640 09/21/09 16:43 Arshak Beam position.
  • 186639 09/21/09 16:37 bono missing data in checkhks for run 75634
  • 186638 09/21/09 16:22 chench haergel timing windwon roughly should between 8000. and 12000
  • 186637 09/21/09 16:21 Tang TDC calibration - triggered by pulser
  • 186636 09/21/09 16:15 chench there is bug in Aerogel parameter file about the time window cut
  • 186635 09/21/09 16:14 yuan Please update to SVN
  • 186634 09/21/09 16:13 saw Auto rebooting of ROC11
  • 186633 09/21/09 15:45 Zhihong Ye Coin Time after HKSFP WC,AC cut, HKS path length correction --- Cannot see RF structure
  • 186629 09/21/09 15:31 Nue ROC11 automatically rebooted, we cannot start CODA
  • 186628 09/21/09 15:30 chench Change the HV of HDC1 to 1900V and HDC1 to 1910V
  • 186621 09/21/09 14:51 Reinhold Set MKS gas mixer back to 500 Torr (Correction)
  • 186620 09/21/09 14:51 chench The HDC efficiency becomes much lower after change the current to 10uA for Cr.
  • 186619 09/21/09 14:49 chench This is the comparision between different alcohal pressure!
  • 186618 09/21/09 14:47 Reinhold MCC calls back
  • 186617 09/21/09 14:47 chench Correction: this is the effienciency comparision between different beam current 5uA and 10uA
  • 186616 09/21/09 14:32 chench HDC efficiency becomes too low and HDC efficiency comparition before and after DC pressure setting results from run=75628 and 75598
  • 186615 09/21/09 14:26 Reinhold Set MKS gas mixer back to 500 Torr
  • 186614 09/21/09 14:25 Reinhold MCC tries to explain ...
  • 186609 09/21/09 14:10 Reinhold Funny BPM readings while in controlled acces!?
  • 186608 09/21/09 14:05 Nue Rate for 10uA Cr again, HKS Group5 missed signal for a while
  • 186607 09/21/09 14:01 Reinhold Again a period of unstable beam
  • 186606 09/21/09 14:01 Nue Roc7, 11 power cycled
  • 186605 09/21/09 13:55 Nue WC is 2/2 now
  • 186603 09/21/09 12:45 Reinhold Impact of having FFB off
  • 186602 09/21/09 12:37 Reinhold Beam position off on IPM3C07 30 minutes ago
  • 186601 09/21/09 12:26 Nue 10uA on Cr52, FFB was off, Ask MCC to FFB on, DC currents, Rates
  • 186600 09/21/09 12:21 Reinhold Ask for controlled to reset network in Hall
  • 186599 09/21/09 12:17 Reinhold ROC 7 & 11 problems; cannot connect to ROC 7
  • 186597 09/21/09 12:09 Reinhold Notice the ffb is off call mcc
  • 186596 09/21/09 12:07 Reinhold Reboot ROC 11
  • 186594 09/21/09 12:00 Reinhold Asking MCC for 10 uA
  • 186593 09/21/09 11:58 kawama Half integer is double hit
  • 186592 09/21/09 11:55 Reinhold Trigger change: set K1-6 to 2/2; AC veto on CP
  • 186590 09/21/09 11:32 Reinhold BCM and BPM screens: lots of trips recently
  • 186588 09/21/09 11:26 Reinhold Shoh removed ~8ns from the AC delay in TUL
  • 186585 09/21/09 11:17 Reinhold Use AC to veto CP triggers
  • 186584 09/21/09 11:12 Reinhold Ask MCC for 5 uA again
  • 186583 09/21/09 10:55 Reinhold Reduce beam current to 1 uA to look at PID trigger
  • 186582 09/21/09 10:52 shoh HTOF Hit pattern in #75574
  • 186579 09/21/09 10:36 Reinhold Set AC trigger to -30 mV top or bottom 1/3
  • 186578 09/21/09 10:23 shoh modification of fugure
  • 186574 09/21/09 09:39 shoh The layer request of AC was 2/3 or 1/3 at #75577~75620?
  • 186573 09/21/09 09:37 Nue DC gas operation
  • 186570 09/21/09 09:28 Reinhold Delayed Entry from Sunday afternoon: Status of gas mixing system: now regulating on flow
  • 186569 09/21/09 09:23 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186567 09/21/09 08:54 Reinhold Trigger restored to Ki=1/2 WC1, WC2 and AC thresh = -30 mV
  • 186566 09/21/09 08:53 vmaxwell HKS scaler counts for AC threshold values
  • 186564 09/21/09 08:47 Nue Ethane gas monitor tripped
  • 186563 09/21/09 08:43 vmaxwell run # 75619 ac thresh changed from ~30 mV to ~ 15 mV
  • 186561 09/21/09 08:41 Reinhold Trigger test: set K_i coincidence levels to 2/2 (WC1&WC2)
  • 186560 09/21/09 08:29 vmaxwell mcc will be conducting bleed through measurement
  • 186554 09/21/09 07:11 shoh hks-ntuple error?
  • 186552 09/21/09 06:56 Nue Analysis: HKS trigger quality
  • 186551 09/21/09 06:41 shoh HTOF Hitpattern #75511`#75608
  • 186550 09/21/09 05:58 shoh new slewing & offset parameter
  • 186548 09/21/09 05:56 vmaxwell errors and system fails
  • 186547 09/21/09 05:44 vmaxwell error and ending run failed run # 75614
  • 186542 09/21/09 03:45 vmaxwell histograms run # 75613
  • 186541 09/21/09 03:26 vmaxwell livetime issues
  • 186540 09/21/09 03:16 vmaxwell also er1 no status error when ending run
  • 186537 09/21/09 03:06 vmaxwell error and warnings on run # 75612
  • 186532 09/21/09 00:51 vmaxwell run # 75610 histograms
  • 186530 09/21/09 00:00 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186529 09/21/09 00:00 bono histogram missing EDC2 rAW tdc
  • Sunday

  • 186527 09/20/09 23:41 Gogami KTOF1X and 2X hitpattern[Run75608]
  • 186526 09/20/09 23:37 Tang Good work. Need estimate coin/accidental
  • 186525 09/20/09 23:10 Chiba about triangle cut
  • 186523 09/20/09 23:04 Gogami EHODO status[Run75605]
  • 186521 09/20/09 22:56 Gogami EHODO3L&R TOF [Run75605] , EH3-R is still bad ==> correct sigma values
  • 186520 09/20/09 22:54 Gogami EHODO3L&R TOF [Run75605] , EH3-R is still bad
  • 186519 09/20/09 22:48 Tang Better after change under high luminosity
  • 186518 09/20/09 22:46 Zhihong Ye Aerogel NPE distribution for different run, still strange
  • 186514 09/20/09 21:01 bono beam back at 5ua
  • 186513 09/20/09 20:59 bono mcc tuning beam drift chamber HV off
  • 186512 09/20/09 20:26 bono mcc called beam off for about 40mins
  • 186510 09/20/09 20:18 chench HDC1&2 efficiency still slightly lower even after Dr. Tang change the HV to reduce the leakage current (run=75604)
  • 186509 09/20/09 19:50 bono correction
  • 186508 09/20/09 19:50 bono correction
  • 186507 09/20/09 19:43 bono run 75600 study
  • 186504 09/20/09 19:13 Reinhold Comparison of ROC data amount before and after changing sfihks window
  • 186503 09/20/09 19:06 kawama modified map file
  • 186502 09/20/09 19:05 kawama rate study 5uA Cr run
  • 186501 09/20/09 18:59 kawama HKS0 and HES0 for ROC14 was swapped
  • 186500 09/20/09 18:57 Zhihong Ye Analysis: RF Structure before and after correction
  • 186499 09/20/09 18:37 Zhihong Ye New Target time after path length correction:
  • 186497 09/20/09 18:26 Tang HDC efficiency before and after HV change
  • 186495 09/20/09 18:25 Reinhold changed window and maxhit in sfihks_rel.crl
  • 186494 09/20/09 18:25 Reinhold changed window and maxhit in sfihks_rel.crl
  • 186493 09/20/09 18:20 Reinhold/Kaw ROC 7 (sfihks) readout list
  • 186492 09/20/09 18:19 chench correction: put the right figure
  • 186491 09/20/09 18:17 chench HDC1&2 efficiency becomes slightly lower results from 75599
  • 186490 09/20/09 18:16 yuan HKS DC wire multiplicity
  • 186489 09/20/09 18:12 Zhihong Ye Analysis: I have replayed and created hks_ntuple for all Carbon data on ifarm hks work directory
  • 186488 09/20/09 18:06 Tang Has Fastbus window been reduced from 3us?
  • 186487 09/20/09 18:03 Reinhold Call from Nue: the data sucker to tfarm was still runing
  • 186486 09/20/09 18:01 Nue Sorry I forgot to stop copymaker
  • 186484 09/20/09 17:56 Tang HDC leakage current with HV = -1920V
  • 186483 09/20/09 17:49 mack beam-off bkg
  • 186481 09/20/09 17:47 Reinhold CDAQL6 completely frozen
  • 186479 09/20/09 17:33 Reinhold Ask MCC for 5 uA
  • 186478 09/20/09 17:27 Reinhold Just got 1uA beam back
  • 186477 09/20/09 17:23 Reinhold Call from MCC: cannot clear a fast raster FSD
  • 186476 09/20/09 16:24 Gogami SVN WC param was commited
  • 186475 09/20/09 16:24 bono mcc reboting an IOC
  • 186474 09/20/09 16:23 Nue DC currents for no beam after gas reconfiguration
  • 186473 09/20/09 16:22 Nue DC currents for no beam after gas reconfiguration
  • 186472 09/20/09 16:17 Nue Analysis: Beam profile at fp for NO beam
  • 186471 09/20/09 16:17 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186470 09/20/09 16:14 narayan Shift Summary - Day shift
  • 186469 09/20/09 15:56 Gogami SVN new mapifle commited
  • 186468 09/20/09 15:33 narayan Access to the Hall
  • 186467 09/20/09 15:13 Gogami changed discriminator channel of EH3-R
  • 186466 09/20/09 14:57 Tang HDC HV change
  • 186465 09/20/09 14:56 Gogami EHODO hitpattern with no beam[Run75600]
  • 186464 09/20/09 14:51 narayan Cr target, Gas Alarm
  • 186461 09/20/09 14:33 Reinhold Call from MCC: will send some tuned beam to check orbits; target still out
  • 186460 09/20/09 14:32 Gogami KTOF1X & 2X hitpattern with no beam[Run75600]
  • 186459 09/20/09 14:24 Reinhold Raw data rate for individual ROCS (delayed entry)
  • 186458 09/20/09 14:16 kawama keyword is "HKS buttefly shape"
  • 186457 09/20/09 14:05 kawama
  • 186456 09/20/09 13:53 Reinhold Call from MCC: need to go into hall again and reboot IOC HLC3
  • 186455 09/20/09 13:44 Reinhold Current FSD status for Hall C (monticello pictures)
  • 186454 09/20/09 13:41 Reinhold Call to MCC: they are waiting for software to return page
  • 186453 09/20/09 13:38 Reinhold Hall A beam position during last hous was slighly off
  • 186452 09/20/09 13:22 Reinhold To bema or not to beam: taking data "without beam"
  • 186451 09/20/09 13:17 Reinhold Went into controlled acces and reset IOC HC10
  • 186450 09/20/09 13:16 Nue Rate for "NO" beam (shutter open)
  • 186449 09/20/09 13:02 Reinhold Will go into controlled acces to let MCC check an IOC
  • 186445 09/20/09 12:46 Reinhold Moving target out
  • 186444 09/20/09 12:44 Reinhold Taking data w/out beam at higher rate than with beam
  • 186443 09/20/09 12:44 narayan Beam: very high rate(unexpected) recorded
  • 186438 09/20/09 11:59 Reinhold Data rate to disk is huge
  • 186437 09/20/09 11:55 Nue Rates for 5uA NO raster on Cr52
  • 186436 09/20/09 11:21 Nue Rates for 5uA 1x1 FR on Cr52
  • 186435 09/20/09 11:14 Nue HDC setting for 1uA on H2O when we had trip
  • 186432 09/20/09 11:08 narayan Beam:
  • 186431 09/20/09 11:02 Nue Rates for 1uA 1x1 FR on Cr52
  • 186428 09/20/09 10:41 narayan HV Trip. in HKS drift chambers
  • 186426 09/20/09 10:34 Reinhold Raster on at 1 mm x 1 mm
  • 186425 09/20/09 10:31 Reinhold Will move on to thr Cr target
  • 186424 09/20/09 10:21 narayan HV Tripping still
  • 186423 09/20/09 10:03 narayan HC tripped
  • 186422 09/20/09 09:28 narayan Gas Sensor Low PSI alarm
  • 186418 09/20/09 08:28 narayan Beam: Half Wave Plate changed
  • 186417 09/20/09 08:11 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186412 09/20/09 07:09 Chiba Better cut & laugh estimation of kaon rate
  • 186406 09/20/09 04:36 Nue Ethane pressure unstable
  • 186405 09/20/09 04:32 Chiba how to recover broken ntuple
  • 186403 09/20/09 04:16 Zhiong Ye Gas Alarm again. Nue is fixing it
  • 186400 09/20/09 03:51 Nue Gas alarm was reset
  • 186399 09/20/09 03:41 Gogami TOF(EH3L&R~EH2-15T)==>this result is without Sluing correction
  • 186398 09/20/09 03:36 Gogami TOF(EH3L&R~EH2-15T)
  • 186397 09/20/09 03:33 Zhiong Ye Gas Alarm because of Gas Stop. Nue is checking it
  • 186396 09/20/09 03:32 Zhiong Ye DAQ errors: Not all mods converted! Scan: 2ac02aa, Mask 2002aaa, Event Type:3
  • 186394 09/20/09 03:11 maruta Oscilloscope screen shot
  • 186393 09/20/09 03:05 Gogami EHODO3-R HV changed
  • 186390 09/20/09 02:41 Chiba some values and wards were incorrect... I make entry once again
  • 186389 09/20/09 02:22 Chiba Proper AC NPE cut value
  • 186386 09/20/09 01:14 xqiu fission chamber gas filling problem
  • 186384 09/20/09 01:04 chench Delta_beta vs hwatnpe1
  • 186383 09/20/09 01:00 Gogami EHODO status[Run75584]
  • 186381 09/20/09 00:09 saw Tohoku Copy process stopped
  • 186379 09/20/09 00:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Saturday

  • 186378 09/19/09 23:53 W. Luo error message "EB is backed up", the computer dead time is very high
  • 186375 09/19/09 23:38 W. Luo Dead time too high, stop run and restart
  • 186371 09/19/09 23:22 Reinhold Trigger Timing after NIM change: HKSPRE and COIN timing
  • 186370 09/19/09 23:08 Reinhold Trigger Timing after NIM change: HKSi triggers
  • 186369 09/19/09 22:36 W. Luo ER1 crash, ended run
  • 186365 09/19/09 22:19 Reinhold Trigger Timing after NIM change: Ki triggers
  • 186364 09/19/09 22:16 kawama Golden run histograms
  • 186361 09/19/09 22:12 Reinhold Trigger Timing after NIM change: Ki triggers
  • 186359 09/19/09 21:40 Reinhold Followup: Trigger Timing after NIM change: CPi triggers
  • 186358 09/19/09 21:22 W. Luo Stopped run because ROC11 no response, kill all. Everything working now.
  • 186356 09/19/09 21:08 Gogami The patch assignment of EHODO @ CH
  • 186353 09/19/09 20:01 bono changed haer.param.74990
  • 186345 09/19/09 19:01 Reinhold Set TUL AC program from 1 to 0 (from 2/3 to 1/3) for rate test
  • 186340 09/19/09 18:10 yez Xfp vs HKS RF before and after Correction
  • 186338 09/19/09 17:44 bono beam is back on
  • 186337 09/19/09 17:43 bono beam is back on
  • 186336 09/19/09 17:37 bono no beam
  • 186334 09/19/09 17:31 Reinhold The current cointime window is ~ 30 ns not 50 ns.
  • 186333 09/19/09 17:16 chench change the drift chamber HDC1 AND HDC2's threshold to 6.0V
  • 186330 09/19/09 17:10 saw Data deletion task now running more frequently
  • 186329 09/19/09 17:04 mack beta resolution too good to be true?
  • 186328 09/19/09 17:02 Tang Reduce HES0 width
  • 186327 09/19/09 16:55 kawama HDD full again
  • 186324 09/19/09 16:41 Tang Need Delta_Beta vs Coin_Time
  • 186321 09/19/09 16:18 kawama Data rate is now almost 10MB/s.
  • 186320 09/19/09 16:18 Gogami KTOF1X-11T is missing ==> fixed
  • 186319 09/19/09 16:07 Nue EQ2 stability
  • 186318 09/19/09 16:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186317 09/19/09 16:05 nara Shift Summary Day shift
  • 186315 09/19/09 16:04 nara Shift Summary Day shift
  • 186313 09/19/09 15:55 Gogami KTOF1X-11T is missing
  • 186311 09/19/09 15:39 narayan generic Errors shown in Message Logger.
  • 186310 09/19/09 15:36 Nue Magnets' stability
  • 186309 09/19/09 15:34 chench Signal to noise ration comparition between different target and beam current!
  • 186307 09/19/09 15:31 Reinhold Re: High luminosity run condition
  • 186306 09/19/09 15:22 Tang High luminosity run condition
  • 186302 09/19/09 15:08 yez Never mind, I mis-understood the length of 1X and 2X
  • 186299 09/19/09 14:42 yez Problem for Scin info?
  • 186298 09/19/09 14:41 Nue Hard disk was full
  • 186294 09/19/09 14:24 Gogami CODA Errors in Run75562
  • 186284 09/19/09 13:14 Nue Analysis: FFB was down from 10:55:53 during Run75552
  • 186277 09/19/09 12:20 narayan Gas Sensor Low PSI alarm
  • 186274 09/19/09 11:39 Gogami EH 13 is still not good [Run75541]
  • 186273 09/19/09 11:37 Gogami EH 13 is still not good [Run75541]
  • 186272 09/19/09 11:37 kawama Fixed "extra events error"
  • 186271 09/19/09 11:35 Nue FFB was down during Run75552
  • 186268 09/19/09 11:33 chench The cut I put in the figure: abs(hxpfp)<0.2 and hwatnpe1>1
  • 186265 09/19/09 11:31 Gogami EH 13 is still not good [Run75541]
  • 186262 09/19/09 11:22 Reinhold Re: deltabeta vs hwatnpe plots
  • 186260 09/19/09 11:04 chench Correction: change the range of the y axis
  • 186258 09/19/09 10:53 Nue Coincidence time window after replacement of NIM-bin
  • 186257 09/19/09 10:53 chench Delta beta vs hwatnpe1 for different particles from run=75523
  • 186256 09/19/09 10:51 Reinhold Submitted 3 missing Beam Time Accounting
  • 186253 09/19/09 10:34 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186250 09/19/09 10:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186248 09/19/09 09:53 chench correction: x and y axis title for last figures is oppsite
  • 186246 09/19/09 09:48 chench Delta betak vs npe of hwatnpe1, analyze result from run=75523
  • 186243 09/19/09 09:18 narayan ROC Error
  • 186241 09/19/09 09:04 narayan Low PSI, Gas Sensor Warning
  • 186234 09/19/09 08:29 Nue Beam: Hall C Energy information, SLI (not working now)
  • 186232 09/19/09 08:10 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186230 09/19/09 08:09 maruta shift summary of owl shift at 9/19
  • 186229 09/19/09 08:06 maruta BPM & BCM Screen shot at 8am for past 2 hours
  • 186224 09/19/09 07:44 Nue WC threshold was too high for runs before 75516. Kaons in those runs may be surpressed
  • 186223 09/19/09 07:28 Nue Response from Mike about target ion chamber
  • 186222 09/19/09 07:23 Nue EH1-13 was fixed
  • 186219 09/19/09 07:05 maruta Run75540 was stopped due to DAQ error
  • 186218 09/19/09 06:54 maruta At run75539
  • 186216 09/19/09 06:49 maruta Beam off to remove half plate at HallA
  • 186213 09/19/09 06:45 maruta Disconnect EH2-12T to 14T and EH2-12B to 14B for rate study
  • 186212 09/19/09 06:39 maruta Disconnect EH-13T and 13B TDC line for rate study
  • 186207 09/19/09 06:07 Nue Rate for Water 2uA (Run75537)
  • 186205 09/19/09 05:51 Nue EHOD1/2-13 have low events
  • 186203 09/19/09 05:28 Nue Ion Chamber readout
  • 186198 09/19/09 04:44 maruta Beam come back
  • 186197 09/19/09 04:37 maruta beam stop due to IOC crash
  • 186196 09/19/09 04:27 Nue Typo: In 2005, Sigma0 was 6/h not 8/h
  • 186194 09/19/09 04:23 Chiba WC ADCvsTOF yesterday & today (after threshold changed)
  • 186192 09/19/09 04:10 maruta BPM & BCM Screen shot at 4am for past 2 hours
  • 186189 09/19/09 04:03 Nue Rate estimation and necessary beamtime for water runs
  • 186182 09/19/09 02:41 maruta Run75530 error
  • 186180 09/19/09 02:32 Gogami KTOF1X&2X hitpat[Run75525]
  • 186177 09/19/09 02:13 maruta BPM & BCM Screen shot for past 2 hours
  • 186174 09/19/09 01:56 Gogami EHODO status[Run75524]
  • 186165 09/19/09 00:33 chench correction: the hitpattern of EDC2
  • 186164 09/19/09 00:30 Reinhold HKS0 vs HKS rate
  • 186162 09/19/09 00:27 chench EDC2 works status
  • 186161 09/19/09 00:15 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186159 09/19/09 00:07 M Gabrielyan Shift Summary
  • Friday

  • 186157 09/18/09 23:57 maruta HDC HV down to 1940V
  • 186156 09/18/09 23:55 Reinhold Beam position glitch roughly 15 minutes ago
  • 186155 09/18/09 23:51 HKS and HES rates 2 uA on Water
  • 186154 09/18/09 23:50 Reinhold Plugged in HES0 trigger
  • 186153 09/18/09 23:44 Reinhold DAQ rate at 2 uA on Water
  • 186150 09/18/09 23:39 Reinhold Rates on water with 2 uA
  • 186149 09/18/09 23:34 Reinhold BPM and BCM screens for last few hours
  • 186148 09/18/09 23:32 Reinhold Moved from carbon to water cell target; ask for 5uA beam
  • 186145 09/18/09 23:26 Reinhold Unbuffred DAQ seems to be fine except
  • 186141 09/18/09 23:20 Reinhold Set DAQ back to unbuffered mose
  • 186140 09/18/09 23:19 RUN 75520: tried second run in buffred mode : crashes too
  • 186137 09/18/09 23:13 Reinhold In buffred mode DAQ crashes
  • 186134 09/18/09 23:10 Reinhold Set DAQ to buffered mode
  • 186132 09/18/09 23:07 Reinhold Rates after AC thresholds set to -30 mV
  • 186130 09/18/09 23:00 Reinhold Lowered all AC thresholds from -40 mV to -30 mV
  • 186128 09/18/09 22:55 Reinhold Rates after AC thresholds set to -40 mV
  • 186126 09/18/09 22:50 Reinhold Lowered all AC thresholds from -50 mV to -40 mV
  • 186125 09/18/09 22:42 taniya rate study after WC threshold changing
  • 186124 09/18/09 22:31 Reinhold Lifetime after WC threshold change is now 65%!!
  • 186123 09/18/09 22:29 kawama DAQ end run failed. Rebooted all ROCs and restarted CODA again
  • 186120 09/18/09 22:22 M Gabrielyan
  • 186119 09/18/09 22:22 taniya strange English,,,,,sorry
  • 186118 09/18/09 22:07 taniya WC threshold change
  • 186113 09/18/09 21:46 Reinhold DAQ errors: extra events and not all converted
  • 186112 09/18/09 21:39 Reinhold Status of ADC gate delays
  • 186111 09/18/09 21:39 chench preliminary results for run 75511
  • 186110 09/18/09 21:38 Reinhold Added HKSPRE and HES0 back into F1 High resolution crate
  • 186109 09/18/09 21:28 Gogami Shift_check[18Sep2009_swing]
  • 186108 09/18/09 21:25 Reinhold DAQ rates after NIM bin change
  • 186107 09/18/09 21:09 kawama "extra 1 events" error from ROC14, slot19
  • 186106 09/18/09 21:03 M Gabrielyan
  • 186098 09/18/09 20:29 Reinhold Finished replacing NIM crate for trigger logic; testing DAQ
  • 186096 09/18/09 18:59 chench As Dr. Tang said: the problem maybe focus on Y'
  • 186095 09/18/09 18:43 chench HES sieve slit analysis from run=75460
  • 186092 09/18/09 18:29 Nue Analysis: Probably all peaks are pions
  • 186091 09/18/09 18:21 maruta HES Sieve Slit controller Amplifier fault
  • 186090 09/18/09 18:07 Tang Should pion be at the right most peak?
  • 186089 09/18/09 18:03 Tang HDC operation guideline
  • 186088 09/18/09 17:50 Nue Target: Target controller is strange
  • 186087 09/18/09 17:50 kawama CPx rate for 5uA, carbon target
  • 186086 09/18/09 17:15 Nue Target: First shot on the water cell target
  • 186085 09/18/09 17:11 M Gabrielyan
  • 186083 09/18/09 16:53 Nue Coincidence time window
  • 186082 09/18/09 16:53 M Gabrielyan Call MCC, asked for 30 uA
  • 186081 09/18/09 16:49 saw Update to livetime.tcl
  • 186080 09/18/09 16:37 saw ROC11 crash from bad hks09.flags?
  • 186075 09/18/09 16:19 saw ROC11 crashing
  • 186071 09/18/09 16:07 yuan Rearrange HDC2 HV channels
  • 186069 09/18/09 16:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186068 09/18/09 15:37 Reinhold Call from PD: beam instability probably was the slow lock
  • 186067 09/18/09 15:32 E. Christy Hall back to beam permit
  • 186066 09/18/09 14:33 Nue Fast raster problem, meanwhile Hall C control accesss
  • 186064 09/18/09 14:28 E. Christy Going to controlled access while raster control is being looked at.
  • 186063 09/18/09 14:15 chench Result for HES SS analysis from run=75460
  • 186061 09/18/09 14:03 E. Christy Changed to BeO target and 1x1 (full width) raster
  • 186056 09/18/09 12:20 saw Beam current in coda file
  • 186055 09/18/09 12:16 Nue Beam is back.
  • 186054 09/18/09 12:14 Reinhold Call from MCC: ready to send beam again
  • 186053 09/18/09 12:13 Gogami EHODO hitpattern[Run75498]
  • 186052 09/18/09 12:10 Nue Beam stop due to IOC, BPM problem
  • 186050 09/18/09 11:58 yuan Update Map file:
  • 186049 09/18/09 11:36 E. Christy Changed total events 2M -> 4M for run 75503
  • 186048 09/18/09 11:06 Nue HKSG3 rate is still low
  • 186045 09/18/09 10:44 Nue Visual Scaler Rate : 30uA on carbon
  • 186044 09/18/09 10:44 E. Christy HDC Hot/dead wire observations
  • 186042 09/18/09 10:33 E. Christy Changed default vertical scale in bcm_HKS09.adl
  • 186041 09/18/09 10:24 E. Christy ROC 11 crashes on run 75501
  • 186032 09/18/09 08:43 E. Christy Strange hit pattern for HES HODO - experts please check
  • 186031 09/18/09 08:35 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 186030 09/18/09 08:32 E. Christy ROC 11 crashes
  • 186020 09/18/09 07:30 vmaxwell coda errors
  • 186017 09/18/09 07:18 Nue CODA does not start
  • 185999 09/18/09 05:10 Nue Current Visal Scalers for 30uA on C
  • 185968 09/18/09 00:58 Reinhold Whoa! What was that? Beam instability 9/17 ~17:45
  • 185967 09/18/09 00:56 vmaxwell error on run# 75475
  • 185962 09/18/09 00:43 chench HKS DRIFT CHAMBER efficiciency after change the HV of HDC2 to 1940V
  • 185959 09/18/09 00:10 Arshak Swing Shift Summary
  • 185958 09/18/09 00:09 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Thursday

  • 185953 09/17/09 23:45 Arshak Run #1108 for Fission chamber, was ended with 54409 events, run is OK
  • 185947 09/17/09 23:34 Reinhold Even better, for any SVN COMMIT post the actions actually taken ...
  • 185945 09/17/09 23:18 chench HKS sieve slit data analysis result from run=75455
  • 185942 09/17/09 22:59 Arshak MCC says Hall-A requested HalfWaveplate
  • 185939 09/17/09 22:43 Tang Changed HDC2 HV to -1940V to test 30uA run on coin_K
  • 185938 09/17/09 22:37 Reinhold Added FR to online replay (not standard yet)
  • 185937 09/17/09 22:35 Arshak Asked 30 uA Beam
  • 185932 09/17/09 22:27 Reinhold Fast Feedback was off for ~ 30 min
  • 185931 09/17/09 22:09 Reinhold SVN update online analyzer to rev 161
  • 185928 09/17/09 21:58 Reinhold Aerogel Threshold scan: Rates (will leave at -50 mV for now)
  • 185927 09/17/09 21:47 yuan Please post the name of the parameter file when update it to SVN
  • 185924 09/17/09 21:42 Reinhold RUN 75467: ACthr=-50 mV ACTUL=1 (2/3) @ 25 uA continue production
  • 185920 09/17/09 21:34 Reinhold RUN 75466: ACthr=-50 mV ACTUL=F (groups are OFF)
  • 185917 09/17/09 21:17 Reinhold RUN 75465: ACthr=-40 mV ACTUL=F (groups are OFF)
  • 185916 09/17/09 21:15 maruta SS/Target and PS screen shot after removing Sieve Slits
  • 185913 09/17/09 21:09 kawama Timing is not changed ... just parameter file was wrong
  • 185912 09/17/09 21:09 Reinhold RUN 75464: ACthr=-30 mV ACTUL=F (groups are OFF)
  • 185910 09/17/09 21:04 yez HES FP correlation of Geant simulation data
  • 185909 09/17/09 20:56 Arshak HES&HKS SieveSlits are out, asked MCC to deliver 10uA Beam
  • 185908 09/17/09 20:54 Reinhold The two BPMs at the target should now be in the data event by event
  • 185907 09/17/09 20:50 Reinhold Trigger change: HKSPRE=HKSGRP
  • 185906 09/17/09 20:45 Arshak Asked to MCC to turn OFF BEAM and Splitter, to take the HKS&HES SieveSlits OUT
  • 185903 09/17/09 20:42 maruta Run75461 to 75463 are half of hole pitch (0.5in) higher than original Sieve position.
  • 185901 09/17/09 20:37 Reinhold BPM & BCM SCreen for HES siev slit run
  • 185900 09/17/09 20:36 Reinhold BPM & BCM SCreen for HES siev slit run
  • 185894 09/17/09 20:01 maruta Trigger 1.4KHz, Living time70.0% @ 0.89uA
  • 185891 09/17/09 19:51 Arshak Asked for 1uA beam, to check the rate
  • 185886 09/17/09 19:41 maruta Trigger rates and living time
  • 185883 09/17/09 19:32 maruta HES Sieve is in HES and HES-Q1 initialize done
  • 185880 09/17/09 19:27 kawama This is a result of run75415
  • 185879 09/17/09 19:06 Reinhold Sieve Slit in HES; Ask for Splitter on again and bem back
  • 185878 09/17/09 19:02 Reinhold BPM & BCM SCreen for HKS siev slit run
  • 185877 09/17/09 18:59 Arshak Called to MCC to turn off BEAM and Splitter, for to move HES Sieve Slit on
  • 185874 09/17/09 18:43 kawama TOF timing is changed??
  • 185873 09/17/09 18:42 Reinhold Managed Fast Raster display in ENGINE
  • 185870 09/17/09 18:38 Reinhold Managed Fast Raster display in ENGINE
  • 185868 09/17/09 18:22 Reinhold Trigger change: HKSPRE=CP0(3/3 &!AC) lowered AC thresholds
  • 185861 09/17/09 18:15 Arshak HKS Sieve Slit moved in
  • 185857 09/17/09 18:12 Arshak Again moved to Carbon target, with 5uA Beam
  • 185854 09/17/09 18:03 Reinhold Beam instability
  • 185853 09/17/09 17:59 Reinhold Moved to BeO target
  • 185852 09/17/09 17:57 Arshak There was a bright spot on target, Joerg asked for 5 uA beam
  • 185851 09/17/09 17:52 chench Change HDC2 HV to 1960
  • 185841 09/17/09 17:14 Arshak at the beginning of run#75450 there was Roc1 error.
  • 185839 09/17/09 17:06 veilleux HDC2 high voltage drop run # 75449
  • 185835 09/17/09 16:34 Arshak Run # 75445 and 75447 are junk runs
  • 185833 09/17/09 16:31 Arshak Again Roc11 error, run stopped.
  • 185830 09/17/09 16:20 kawama Compare HES target variables
  • 185829 09/17/09 16:17 Tang Conclusion on LC: not recommended to participated in online trigger
  • 185827 09/17/09 16:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 185824 09/17/09 16:00 Arshak in end of the run 75444, there was roc11 error
  • 185823 09/17/09 15:58 anusha Day Shift Summary
  • 185822 09/17/09 15:45 chench EDC2 status
  • 185819 09/17/09 15:27 M Jones Avoid quotes in start of run comments, Fixed problem with start of run window not popping up
  • 185818 09/17/09 15:22 chench Change all the threshold of lucite to 180mV
  • 185812 09/17/09 14:52 Reinhold DAQ error: cannot write to file
  • 185810 09/17/09 14:33 anusha a problem with the run start records in the ELOG from run=75435
  • 185809 09/17/09 14:26 Nue Target Thickness Updated
  • 185808 09/17/09 14:22 kawama HES x' direction was wrong
  • 185803 09/17/09 13:18 Nue Target Thickness
  • 185802 09/17/09 13:10 kawama HES FP shape; compare with Geant
  • 185798 09/17/09 12:38 Nue HV backup
  • 185797 09/17/09 12:31 Nue EH2-16 trip cannot be cleared. HV crate 34 was power cycled
  • 185796 09/17/09 12:16 bono ehodo trip
  • 185793 09/17/09 12:11 yuan Checked HKS RF time spectrum
  • 185791 09/17/09 11:58 kawama The status of EDC1 tracking; become better ??
  • 185790 09/17/09 11:52 anusha error for ROC1
  • 185788 09/17/09 11:27 Nue SS-target & magnet controller
  • 185787 09/17/09 11:10 Nue Analysis: From run75403, trigger is coin with HES
  • 185785 09/17/09 10:51 yuan HDC2 HV trip again this morning, better to separate HV channels
  • 185784 09/17/09 10:49 Nue Analysis: checkhks crashed on cdaql5
  • 185783 09/17/09 10:45 kawama The status of EDC1 tracking
  • 185781 09/17/09 10:39 Reinhold ROC1 working again: my bad
  • 185779 09/17/09 10:36 saw Warnings from EB and ER are normal
  • 185778 09/17/09 10:28 Reinhold Starting rn still crashes on ROC1: see here fpr screenshot of CMLOG messages
  • 185776 09/17/09 10:25 Reinhold Gave ROC1 a hard reset; notice a warning during download
  • 185775 09/17/09 10:23 maruta Target/Sieve Slits communication recovered
  • 185774 09/17/09 10:18 Reinhold Rebooted al ROCs; ROC1 still crashing the run
  • 185772 09/17/09 10:12 Reinhold ROC7 rebooted; now ROC1 trouble
  • 185769 09/17/09 10:04 Reinhold ROC7 errors
  • 185766 09/17/09 09:28 Nue Target Controller
  • 185765 09/17/09 09:11 bono >./checkhks [run number] command
  • 185764 09/17/09 09:07 saw Bad target readback
  • 185763 09/17/09 08:55 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 185762 09/17/09 08:32 kenyon Users should not be changing cylinders out or changing settings
  • 185761 09/17/09 08:19 vmaxwell IOC problem
  • 185759 09/17/09 08:13 Nue Analysis: Group trigger + !AC(2/3) : background in HDC
  • 185756 09/17/09 07:50 Nue Analysis: Shift Takers, Please check histogram for every run
  • 185755 09/17/09 07:23 vmaxwell ending run failed
  • 185745 09/17/09 04:53 maruta trigger rates and living time
  • 185744 09/17/09 04:48 Nue HDC2 was tripped again
  • 185743 09/17/09 04:46 Nue Trigger was changed to group, !AC (2/3)
  • 185739 09/17/09 04:28 vmaxwell changed helium gas tank
  • 185737 09/17/09 04:27 Nue Analysis: AC veto reduced slightly background
  • 185736 09/17/09 04:15 maruta 25uA carbon rates and living time
  • 185735 09/17/09 04:14 chench correction figures
  • 185734 09/17/09 04:10 chench I have a problem for replay- it always have a segmentation fault when I reply to around 300000 events
  • 185733 09/17/09 04:07 chench Lucite threshold analysis for run=75413(vth=130mV)
  • 185732 09/17/09 04:07 Nue DC currents for 10uA and 25uA on carbon
  • 185731 09/17/09 04:00 Nue Rates for 30uA on C
  • 185729 09/17/09 03:55 Nue HDC2 tripped twice at 30uA on C
  • 185726 09/17/09 03:46 Nue Fisson Chamber HVs are off to use 30uA
  • 185723 09/17/09 03:41 Nue Rate for CP0(3/3)*WC(1/2)*!AC * HES(1&2)
  • 185720 09/17/09 03:12 Nue HKS1 coincidence was changed
  • 185717 09/17/09 02:11 Nue Visual Scaler Rate : 10uA on carbon
  • 185710 09/17/09 00:34 Reinhold Set all AC thresholds from -30 mV to -75 mV
  • 185706 09/17/09 00:07 chench Lucite proton detec efficiency is low
  • 185705 09/17/09 00:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Wednesday

  • 185703 09/16/09 23:50 chench The efficiency of HDC after the FAST TDC counting gate shrinking
  • 185702 09/16/09 23:36 Amur Optimal HV-s for Fission Chamber
  • 185701 09/16/09 23:29 mack Thanks to Yez for the plot
  • 185700 09/16/09 23:25 Nue HKSx output signal
  • 185697 09/16/09 23:10 Nue Rates of HKSG1 & HKSG2 are strange
  • 185691 09/16/09 22:53 Simon Changed the gas-cylinder with ethane
  • 185689 09/16/09 22:41 taniya WC HV changed
  • 185684 09/16/09 22:32 Gogami EHODO missing channel of ADC [Run75410]
  • 185682 09/16/09 22:29 Simon Old configuration of HV-s for Fission chamber was better
  • 185680 09/16/09 22:24 kawama TDC of ROC14 is modified
  • 185678 09/16/09 22:20 Nue Please record values on Visual Scalers when you change trigger.
  • 185676 09/16/09 22:16 kawama HDC, EDC TDC shape not changed
  • 185674 09/16/09 22:08 Simon Run # 75411 is junk
  • 185673 09/16/09 22:08 chench run=75409 and 75410, vth_all lucite=150mV
  • 185669 09/16/09 21:58 Reinhold SVN Commit: corrected AC F1 mapping in MAPS/
  • 185667 09/16/09 21:58 Reinhold SVN Commit: corrected AC F1 mapping in MAPS/
  • 185666 09/16/09 21:37 Tang Agreement between GEANT and HKS real optics
  • 185665 09/16/09 21:20 yez I post Y vs X for run75394, as Mack's request
  • 185664 09/16/09 21:17 yez Y .vs X for run 75394
  • 185662 09/16/09 20:55 Reinhold Fast Feedback was on Hall A; had it changed to Hall C
  • 185660 09/16/09 20:45 chench The events near to the pedestal position left after the TDC cut
  • 185659 09/16/09 20:44 chench For this analysis, the lucite SUM TDC threshold is 300mV
  • 185658 09/16/09 20:43 mack Can we get cut histograms on same scale as the GEANT plots?
  • 185656 09/16/09 19:59 lucite Lucite SUM adc vs TOF (1X AND 2X) FROM RUN=75406
  • 185654 09/16/09 19:56 Simon Beam is back, 10uA
  • 185649 09/16/09 19:33 Simon Run # 1081 is junk
  • 185647 09/16/09 19:00 Reinhold Analyzer speed on CDAQL4: update
  • 185646 09/16/09 18:56 chench The events left from the TDC cut
  • 185645 09/16/09 18:56 Reinhold Analyzer speed on CDAQL4
  • 185644 09/16/09 18:38 chench LUCITE SUM adc vs TOF(1x and 2x along z direction) from run=75394 with Vth=200mV
  • 185639 09/16/09 18:30 Simon Run # 1078 is junk
  • 185634 09/16/09 17:57 yez Compare them with Geant Simulation
  • 185633 09/16/09 17:48 yez Focal Plane Distribution with cut
  • 185632 09/16/09 17:34 Reinhold Delayed Entry: Rate study with PID trigger @ 1, 10, 20, 30 uA 12C target
  • 185631 09/16/09 17:33 chench EDC2 threshold changed to 6.0V
  • 185628 09/16/09 17:10 saw Livetime monitor
  • 185627 09/16/09 17:05 Tang Beam intensity dependence of our DAQ
  • 185626 09/16/09 17:04 saw ROC14 TDC window reduced
  • 185625 09/16/09 16:52 saw Readout list backups
  • 185624 09/16/09 16:49 saw Fastbus readout list changes
  • 185623 09/16/09 16:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 185622 09/16/09 14:32 Brash Good runs from day shift
  • 185621 09/16/09 14:24 kawama DAQ looks fine now
  • 185615 09/16/09 14:16 Brash BPM Screen Shot
  • 185614 09/16/09 14:11 kawama Cause of ROC11 crush
  • 185613 09/16/09 13:49 Gogami EHODO TDC cut
  • 185612 09/16/09 13:49 kawama run75406's configuration is hks
  • 185611 09/16/09 13:48 kawama DAQ sudenly become strange
  • 185604 09/16/09 13:32 kawama Trigger rate w/o AC veto
  • 185594 09/16/09 12:32 bono fission chamber hv and lv off
  • 185592 09/16/09 12:16 bono changed REPLAY.PARM file
  • 185591 09/16/09 12:14 chench Lucite SUM 6 is missing
  • 185589 09/16/09 12:13 yuan Missing wires on HDC1 V'6 card is due to bug in map file
  • 185588 09/16/09 12:00 Nue HES1*HES2 means Sum(HES1-X*HES2-X)
  • 185587 09/16/09 11:55 Nue Vusual Scaler Rate during Run75393
  • 185583 09/16/09 11:33 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 185582 09/16/09 11:33 Nue Shield did not improve
  • 185580 09/16/09 11:28 Nue Analysis: S/N before and after shield enhancement
  • 185579 09/16/09 11:28 Reinhold LC ADC gate was too early by 32 ns; delayed by 32 ns
  • 185578 09/16/09 11:26 Reinhold Repaired threshold screw for AC1 discrimiator and set to 30 mV
  • 185567 09/16/09 10:34 taniya WC HV and threshold
  • 185566 09/16/09 10:26 bono harp scan was not completed
  • 185563 09/16/09 10:05 Nue Harp scan was finished
  • 185562 09/16/09 09:23 saw Slow DAQ rate causes
  • 185561 09/16/09 09:19 shoh new programs was downloaded to TUL(EHODO trigger).
  • 185560 09/16/09 09:18 Reinhold Hall C Counting house printer is out of black cartridge
  • 185554 09/16/09 08:18 Nue DAQ was something wrong. Black magic fixed.
  • 185549 09/16/09 08:05 vmaxwell Owl Shift Summary
  • 185547 09/16/09 07:29 Nue Beam On 1uA on carbon
  • 185542 09/16/09 06:31 Nue MCC notified us that DW1 cannot be cycled
  • 185541 09/16/09 06:28 Nue HKS-HES-SPL-DW1 magnets were cycled and set at operational current
  • 185540 09/16/09 05:47 Nue HallC is going to Beam Permit
  • 185539 09/16/09 05:38 Nue Beam: Still no beam, Accelerator is trying path length corrections
  • 185537 09/16/09 02:53 Nue Visual scaler next to CODA PC
  • 185536 09/16/09 02:48 Nue Accelerator is still straggling to pass beam through injector
  • 185535 09/16/09 01:24 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-12
  • 185534 09/16/09 01:16 Nue WC1,2, AC TUL group outputs were disconnected from F1-LR
  • 185533 09/16/09 01:05 Nue No beam yet
  • 185532 09/16/09 00:52 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-11
  • 185531 09/16/09 00:51 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-10
  • 185530 09/16/09 00:50 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-9
  • 185529 09/16/09 00:49 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-8
  • 185528 09/16/09 00:47 Chiba correct 2-7
  • 185527 09/16/09 00:43 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-7
  • 185526 09/16/09 00:35 yuan TDC slot of HDC1 V'6 card move from slot 10(4) --> slot 20(3)
  • 185525 09/16/09 00:33 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-6
  • 185524 09/16/09 00:31 result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-5
  • 185523 09/16/09 00:25 result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-4
  • 185522 09/16/09 00:24 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-3
  • 185521 09/16/09 00:24 Reinhold Call me when beam back in Hall
  • 185520 09/16/09 00:19 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-2
  • Tuesday

  • 185519 09/15/09 23:58 yez Lucite raw ADC distributions reflect same problem, maybe the gate is not righ
  • 185518 09/15/09 23:38 Chiba Vth=200 or 400 was wrong in each 3rd figure I updated
  • 185517 09/15/09 23:35 Lucite Lucite SUM ADC is mising the gate
  • 185516 09/15/09 23:09 Tang LC threshold scan has to be redone
  • 185515 09/15/09 22:59 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 2-1
  • 185514 09/15/09 22:56 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 1-11
  • 185513 09/15/09 22:54 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 1-10
  • 185512 09/15/09 22:26 Nue Run plan for tonight Owl
  • 185511 09/15/09 21:48 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 1-5
  • 185510 09/15/09 21:44 Simon Beam will be delivered after 00:00
  • 185509 09/15/09 21:34 Chiba
  • 185508 09/15/09 21:28 maruta HKS-D PS output on EPICS
  • 185505 09/15/09 20:58 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 1-2
  • 185504 09/15/09 20:47 Simon The beam is expected from midnight to 2 am
  • 185503 09/15/09 20:44 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 1-9
  • 185502 09/15/09 20:40 Reinhold Don't worry about the kaons ...
  • 185501 09/15/09 20:40 CHiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 1-12
  • 185500 09/15/09 20:34 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 1-8
  • 185499 09/15/09 20:34 kawama Check target angular acceptance in HKS
  • 185498 09/15/09 20:31 Reinhold Very nice. Continue. Thank you ;-)
  • 185497 09/15/09 20:30 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 1-7
  • 185496 09/15/09 20:15 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 1-6
  • 185495 09/15/09 20:03 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 1-3
  • 185494 09/15/09 19:56 Chiba result of yesterday`s WC threshold run (preliminary) 1-1
  • 185493 09/15/09 19:52 kawama HKS momentum reconstruction
  • 185492 09/15/09 19:45 Tang Scan was not good due to junk events triggers
  • 185491 09/15/09 19:22 Reinhold Still waiting for results from last nights theshold scan ...
  • 185490 09/15/09 18:30 Tang LC is not ready
  • 185489 09/15/09 18:15 Simon Tomo is in the hall
  • 185488 09/15/09 17:50 chench Put lucite all the threshold to 200mV
  • 185487 09/15/09 16:37 Reinhold Run plan for Swing and Owl
  • 185486 09/15/09 16:36 maruta HKS-Q1 EPICS program modified
  • 185485 09/15/09 16:34 Reinhold Sweep of Hall C will commnece in 5 minutes
  • 185484 09/15/09 16:33 Reinhold Put HKS magnets back to remote controll before sweep of hall
  • 185483 09/15/09 16:23 beaufait hks q1
  • 185482 09/15/09 16:20 maruta HES-Q1 is ON
  • 185481 09/15/09 15:31 Reinhold Andy and Co. finished with work in Hall
  • 185479 09/15/09 15:03 taniya I saw first Kaon!! and threshold scan.
  • 185477 09/15/09 14:10 saw Strange beam current display, don't be alarmed
  • 185475 09/15/09 13:14 kawama EDC1 Amp-discri card exchanged
  • 185474 09/15/09 12:25 Nue Analysis: Possible background source
  • 185473 09/15/09 10:31 shoh new slewing correction parameter
  • 185472 09/15/09 09:46 Nue HKS D PS's ADC board was replaced
  • 185471 09/15/09 09:21 chench EDC2 STATUS
  • 185470 09/15/09 08:52 Reinhold Turned off AC LED pulser
  • 185469 09/15/09 08:39 Reinhold Turned OFF spectrometer magnets.
  • 185468 09/15/09 08:37 Nue Hall C went to Restricted Access, All SPL-HKS-HES magnets were off
  • 185467 09/15/09 07:54 Nue I switched off NIM bins and CAMAC crates
  • 185466 09/15/09 07:21 Nue Airconditioner repair starts in Elec. Room
  • 185465 09/15/09 07:19 Nue Hall C goes to Control access
  • 185457 09/15/09 06:14 yez Lucite statistic is low after HDC tracking cut (0.05%)
  • 185452 09/15/09 05:38 Nue Modifined Plan for AC/LC thresholds scan
  • 185450 09/15/09 05:31 bono figures
  • 185449 09/15/09 05:24 bono ac gainmatching
  • 185447 09/15/09 05:16 bono ac1 discriminator threshold broken
  • 185445 09/15/09 05:08 taniya LC threshold
  • 185443 09/15/09 04:58 Nue Rates: Run75376
  • 185442 09/15/09 04:52 Nue AC threshold scan
  • 185441 09/15/09 04:48 Nue Analysis: Who is bad?
  • 185436 09/15/09 03:32 Nue Analysis: Background is highly suppressed by right KQ1 setting, remain BG has sharp correlation in x-x' fp
  • 185432 09/15/09 02:54 chench I did not see anything because the disk is full
  • 185431 09/15/09 02:52 Nue Tomo found that LC HR cable have been disconnected. Put it back.
  • 185429 09/15/09 02:41 Nue LC HR Discriminator outputs are OK
  • 185428 09/15/09 02:40 Nue Rate study : LC TDC signal is missing, Zhuhong, Chunhua are checking signal
  • 185425 09/15/09 02:03 chench all the lucite TDC and ADC are missing from run=75367
  • 185424 09/15/09 02:03 Nue Trigger rate for Run75371
  • 185422 09/15/09 01:47 bono ac back on
  • 185420 09/15/09 01:37 Nue Run75370 !AC was removed from trigger : Rate
  • 185417 09/15/09 01:12 Nue Summary of HKS-HES magnets' field : KQ1 polarity was changed on 11th?
  • 185416 09/15/09 01:04 chench I am sorry for missing information, focal plane information without any cut from run 75364
  • 185414 09/15/09 00:58 Nue Summary of HKS-HES magnets' field : KQ1 polarity was changed on 11th?
  • 185413 09/15/09 00:58 bono typo
  • 185411 09/15/09 00:45 bono lc wc threshold scans
  • 185410 09/15/09 00:30 Reinhold Re: Butterflies on focal plane!
  • 185407 09/15/09 00:18 chench Butterflies on focal plane!
  • 185406 09/15/09 00:05 Nue Run 75367, LC threshold 150mV, WC 100, 200mV
  • 185405 09/15/09 00:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 185404 09/15/09 00:03 W. Luo Half Wave Plate in
  • Monday

  • 185403 09/14/09 23:59 W. Luo Half wave plane in
  • 185400 09/14/09 23:55 saw Beam: Energy dither in the data
  • 185399 09/14/09 23:53 Reinhold Killed some jobs on cdaql4
  • 185395 09/14/09 23:23 Nue Cherenkov threshold scan plan
  • 185392 09/14/09 22:45 Nue Beam current is 1uA : Run 75364 messsage is wrong
  • 185391 09/14/09 22:37 Nue Control Access to Change KQ1 polarity : May solve all issues?
  • 185388 09/14/09 22:20 W. Luo run 1065 is a combined run of beam on and off
  • 185386 09/14/09 21:59 shoh Figure of hit pattern #75344 & #75332 & #75280
  • 185383 09/14/09 21:28 vmaxwell correction for run# 75362
  • 185381 09/14/09 21:16 Chiba LC TDC study
  • 185376 09/14/09 20:14 Chiba AC TDC study
  • 185375 09/14/09 19:54 mcnulty BCM signal from hall C to hall A has been connected
  • 185374 09/14/09 19:47 taniya wc HV off(bottom side)
  • 185370 09/14/09 19:06 kawama hks ntuple is now available
  • 185369 09/14/09 18:59 kawama Compration between run75348 and 75349
  • 185368 09/14/09 18:47 kawama Some result of quick analysis using hks ntuple
  • 185366 09/14/09 18:13 brads Confirmed Energy dithering signals patched over from Hall A are working
  • 185363 09/14/09 16:47 vmaxwell MCC having trouble with rf seperator : no beam
  • 185362 09/14/09 16:39 kawama HKS x' vs x correlation in Geant4
  • 185361 09/14/09 16:39 maruta HKS Sieve Slit is Collimator position after run75357
  • 185357 09/14/09 16:25 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 185355 09/14/09 16:17 Reinhold Call from PD: Tuesday no Beam at 7 am
  • 185354 09/14/09 15:49 chench focal plane information comparison with AC veto and AC &
  • 185351 09/14/09 15:27 kawama WC vs beta w/ Taniya Box and Okayasu Box
  • 185347 09/14/09 15:04 maruta HKS SS is Sieve position before run75355
  • 185345 09/14/09 14:55 Reinhold Removed AC veto and H2Y from CP0; now it is 3/3 Scin
  • 185343 09/14/09 14:49 kawama Pion-like particles, proton-like particles, kaon is here???
  • 185341 09/14/09 14:03 Tang HKS tracking and Beta=1 background in HKS
  • 185335 09/14/09 12:49 Reinhold Trigger CP0 changed to 4/4 scin w/veto of .not.AC (pion trigger)
  • 185334 09/14/09 11:56 shoh HitPattern change
  • 185327 09/14/09 10:50 Reinhold Changed CP0 to 4/4 scin & AC (pion trigger)
  • 185322 09/14/09 10:15 Reinhold Changed trigger CP0 from 3/3 to 3/3 * .not.AC
  • 185320 09/14/09 09:25 Nue EH1-17B HV tripped, HV crate 34 was power cycled
  • 185315 09/14/09 08:33 shoh proton line become thin at several trigger
  • 185314 09/14/09 08:18 shoh revision of previous entry
  • 185313 09/14/09 08:13 Nue Last night's data contains both HKS single and coin data
  • 185312 09/14/09 08:10 shoh look proton clearly
  • 185311 09/14/09 08:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 185310 09/14/09 08:03 ates Shift Summary
  • 185309 09/14/09 08:03 ates HV confirmed as follows:
  • 185305 09/14/09 07:45 ates MCC says beam may come back within 1 hour
  • 185304 09/14/09 07:26 Chiba AC TDC
  • 185303 09/14/09 07:08 chench raw data for run#75236 and 75237 is in the process of jcache
  • 185302 09/14/09 06:41 Nue Beam has been stopped for 10min, expecting stop for 2-3 hours
  • 185300 09/14/09 05:59 Nue All HV of H1X, H2X are ON
  • 185297 09/14/09 05:52 Nue Analysis: F1 1us delay in trigger made difference
  • 185296 09/14/09 05:51 chench xpfp vs xfp from HKS Drift chamber tracking for run#75331
  • 185294 09/14/09 04:54 Nue 1X(1-8) & 2X(1-9) were off
  • 185293 09/14/09 04:51 Nue Low momentum side H1Xs were off
  • 185290 09/14/09 04:36 chench Drift Chamber tracking status from run#75331
  • 185289 09/14/09 04:08 Chiba TDC distribution of some detector changed
  • 185284 09/14/09 03:15 chench In order to see clearly, I reset the range of the run#75331
  • 185282 09/14/09 03:06 chench focal plane time from HHODE from run#75196 and run#75331
  • 185278 09/14/09 02:34 Nue Beam: Current status of Ion Chambers and FFB
  • 185269 09/14/09 00:56 Gogami EHODO Time of Filght without slewing correction
  • 185268 09/14/09 00:45 Nue Trigger changed from CP0(4/4 1X*2X*1Y*2Y)*HES to CP0(3/3 1X*1Y*2X)*HES
  • 185265 09/14/09 00:07 W. Luo Shift Summary
  • 185264 09/14/09 00:07 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Sunday

  • 185263 09/13/09 23:36 kawama F1 trigger cable porality
  • 185259 09/13/09 22:59 taniya WC npe
  • 185258 09/13/09 22:56 W. Luo Beam is back!
  • 185255 09/13/09 22:53 W. Luo MCC having problem with deliverying beam
  • 185248 09/13/09 22:33 shoh make new HTOF1X&1Y program of TUL
  • 185244 09/13/09 22:21 Gogami EHODO hitpattern[Run75251]
  • 185243 09/13/09 22:18 Nue Double Check the HKS-D polarity is right
  • 185241 09/13/09 22:06 kawama Checked TDC distribution in run75325
  • 185240 09/13/09 21:54 Reinhold HTOF F1 TDC distributions are funny!
  • 185239 09/13/09 21:50 chench focal plane information from HKS drift chamber tracking
  • 185237 09/13/09 21:37 HTOF F1 TDC distributions are funny!
  • 185235 09/13/09 21:31 Reinhold HTOF F1 TDC distributions are funny!
  • 185221 09/13/09 20:40 shoh analyze #75148
  • 185217 09/13/09 20:29 Reinhold runs 75316 & 75317 are JUNK
  • 185212 09/13/09 20:21 Reinhold Changed HKSPRE trigger to CP0 (still 4/4scin); added ~128 ns to F1 reference.
  • 185208 09/13/09 20:10 shoh slewing correction parameter
  • 185205 09/13/09 19:44 W. Luo BCM & BPM screen shot after beam is back
  • 185201 09/13/09 19:33 taniya triger changed and WC HV on
  • 185144 09/13/09 18:17 taniya triger changed and WC HV off
  • 185143 09/13/09 18:09 W. Luo MCC took beam away for up to 2 hours
  • 185140 09/13/09 18:08 Reinhold Call from MCC: beam will be gone for up to 2 hrs
  • 185138 09/13/09 18:07 Reinhold BCM screen last 4 hrs
  • 185136 09/13/09 18:05 Reinhold Changed HKSPRE from HKS0 to HKSgrp
  • 185133 09/13/09 17:36 Reinhold Chnaged HKSPRE from CP0 to HKS0=CP0&K0(4/4 WC&LC&AC) moved AC from veto to D
  • 185131 09/13/09 17:06 Gogami KTOF1X-11T [TDC]
  • 185130 09/13/09 17:01 Reinhold Call from MCC: will take beam away at 6pm
  • 185129 09/13/09 16:54 Reinhold Call from MCC: announce disruptive beam tune for Hall A will begin soon
  • 185128 09/13/09 16:32 Reinhold Still CP0=4/4 scin w/H2Y
  • 185126 09/13/09 16:27 Reinhold Chnaged HKSPRE from CP0 to HKS0=CP0&K0(2/3 WC&LC)
  • 185125 09/13/09 16:24 W. Luo HV chanel "31-47" alarm on GUI. But the HV is ok
  • 185123 09/13/09 16:19 Reinhold Alcohol bubbler fridge needs defrosting
  • 185122 09/13/09 16:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 185121 09/13/09 16:03 Boeglin Shift Summary
  • 185118 09/13/09 15:52 kawama terminated run because of ROC11 fail
  • 185116 09/13/09 15:42 Reinhold Change ps1 from 25 to 1
  • 185113 09/13/09 15:16 Reinhold Change ps1 from 1000 to 25
  • 185109 09/13/09 15:06 Reinhold RUN 75256: Analysis of HHODO top/bottom timing differences
  • 185107 09/13/09 14:15 BCM screen last 2 hrs; not a lot of beam
  • 185106 09/13/09 14:15 Reinhold Call from MCC: need time to investigate frequent trips; no beam
  • 185102 09/13/09 14:06 Reinhold Changed run flags to HKS singles, ps1=1000, ps3=1
  • 185101 09/13/09 14:04 Reinhold Changed trigger CP0 to 4/4 Scin including 2Y
  • 185097 09/13/09 12:55 Reinhold Checked ADC gate timing with HKS singles and COIN trigger
  • 185095 09/13/09 12:46 Reinhold Trigger status: CP0=3/4 Scin/LC, HKSPRE=CP0
  • 185092 09/13/09 12:34 Reinhold Change run flags to HKS single and ps1=1000
  • 185085 09/13/09 11:54 Reinhold HKS0 and HES0 seem to be in nlow res F1 right now; need to change?
  • 185084 09/13/09 11:42 Reinhold Adjusted timing of HKS signles trigger: add 16 ns after HKSPRE
  • 185083 09/13/09 11:40 Reinhold Adjusted timing of HKS signles trigger: add 16 ns after HKSPRE
  • 185080 09/13/09 11:08 Reinhold Find HKS TRG and COIN TRG offset by 16 ns
  • 185076 09/13/09 08:52 doi HTOF(KHODO) TDC check
  • 185074 09/13/09 08:33 Chiba AC TDC study
  • 185072 09/13/09 08:10 Nue Analysis: 1X pos - 1X neg study
  • 185071 09/13/09 08:04 Reinhold Call from MCC: no beam for 15 min
  • 185070 09/13/09 08:00 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 185069 09/13/09 08:00 Danagoulian He bottle
  • 185066 09/13/09 07:49 gabriel Shift summary
  • 185065 09/13/09 07:48 gabriel Shift summary
  • 185064 09/13/09 07:48 Reinhold During run 75268 start checking group trigger
  • 185057 09/13/09 06:53 Nue Carbon target 5uA
  • 185051 09/13/09 06:19 Nue MCC requests BeO target
  • 185050 09/13/09 06:09 taniya Lucite status
  • 185049 09/13/09 06:09 maruta two peaks on "tdcpr-tdcnr" plot
  • 185047 09/13/09 05:22 Nue Analysis: check of F1 readout code
  • 185046 09/13/09 04:40 Nue Beam: South Linac & North Linac beam permit
  • 185045 09/13/09 04:37 Nue Beam: Still no beam
  • 185044 09/13/09 03:45 taniya WC tdc study
  • 185043 09/13/09 03:10 Gogami escin ntuple & hbook histogram difference[Run75251]
  • 185042 09/13/09 01:04 Nue Beam: North Linac goes to Power Permit
  • 185041 09/13/09 00:04 M Jones Modification to writing out e02017 ( fission exp) data
  • 185040 09/13/09 00:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 185039 09/13/09 00:01 Boeglin Shift Summary
  • Saturday

  • 185038 09/12/09 22:41 boeglin Beam or no beam update
  • 185037 09/12/09 21:36 Boeglin No Beam since 7pm
  • 185035 09/12/09 19:06 kawama Inconsistency between TOF and WC ADC
  • 185033 09/12/09 18:33 Reinhold LCsum TDC was unplugged
  • 185030 09/12/09 16:38 chench EDC2 RAW TDC
  • 185028 09/12/09 16:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 185025 09/12/09 16:01 E. Christy Day shift summary
  • 185015 09/12/09 15:26 yuan EDC2 HV connection fixed
  • 185014 09/12/09 15:26 Gogami EHODO hitpattern[Run75249]
  • 185010 09/12/09 15:05 Reinhold End Access: ask for beam
  • 185009 09/12/09 13:26 Reinhold Call from MCC: asks for reason for planned access
  • 185008 09/12/09 13:21 Tang EDC2 problem
  • 185007 09/12/09 13:20 Reinhold Call to MCC: ask for controlled
  • 185005 09/12/09 13:16 Tang Optimization on the operation of HDC'1 &2 under wide range of beam condition variation
  • 185004 09/12/09 13:15 Reinhold Call from MCC: will do optics test for 5 minues; no beam.
  • 184997 09/12/09 12:29 yuan Drift chamber voltage drop on protection resistor maybe less than we thought
  • 184995 09/12/09 12:04 E. Christy Change to HKS singles trigger (PS1 = 1) for run 75253
  • 184992 09/12/09 11:47 E. Christy Run 75251 is test of TOF with CP0=1X&1Y&2X&2Y 4/4 trigger
  • 184988 09/12/09 09:51 Reinhold Changed trigger CP0 4/4 1X, 1Y, 2X, 2Y
  • 184986 09/12/09 09:47 Reinhold Trigger status: as found
  • 184980 09/12/09 08:48 Nue Analysis: Errata: Analysis: 1X6-2X8 study
  • 184978 09/12/09 08:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184975 09/12/09 07:51 Nue Analysis: 1X6-2X8 study
  • 184974 09/12/09 07:41 shoh Hit Pattern 1 dimention ver.
  • 184972 09/12/09 07:33 shoh Hit Pattern Summary of TOF1X & 2X
  • 184970 09/12/09 07:22 shoh TOF of wide range selection of TDC
  • 184968 09/12/09 07:05 shoh TDC & ADC distrubution w/o ntuple
  • 184965 09/12/09 06:33 Danagoulian DC efficiensies
  • 184964 09/12/09 06:27 Nue Run75234 is HKS SS * HES0 coin trigger ps3=1
  • 184959 09/12/09 05:40 Danagoulian Analysis: Analyzer problem
  • 184956 09/12/09 05:24 Nue Rate for 5uA C
  • 184954 09/12/09 05:05 Nue HKS sieve slit moved to collimator
  • 184950 09/12/09 04:04 Nue Analysis: cdaql5 frozen, rebooted by reset button
  • 184947 09/12/09 03:52 chench My conclusion for the threshold of the HKS drift chmaber from the efficiency test
  • 184946 09/12/09 03:48 chench Drift chamber efficiency at high beam current ( I=30uA)
  • 184943 09/12/09 03:26 chench correction:HKS drift chamber detector efficiency at different threshold-pdf file
  • 184942 09/12/09 03:24 chench HKS drift chamber detector efficiency at different threshold-pdf file
  • 184941 09/12/09 03:22 chench HKS drift chamber detector efficiency at different threshold
  • 184940 09/12/09 03:07 Nue Run 75233, 75234 Beam is 5uA on carbon not 30uA
  • 184939 09/12/09 03:00 Nue Put HKS Sieve Slit : Rates
  • 184937 09/12/09 02:37 Nue Analysis: For root users, it is much faster to use directly C++ than to use root interpreter
  • 184936 09/12/09 02:29 Nue Analysis: I put wrong figure for Run75140 slice1
  • 184935 09/12/09 02:24 Nue Analysis: Correlation between 1Y5 and 1X
  • 184934 09/12/09 01:32 Tang HDC status: New study result - previous conclusion was wrong
  • 184920 09/12/09 00:08 Nue Oops, I snapshot when beam was off for 10uA beam
  • 184919 09/12/09 00:03 Nue Ion chambers readout for 10, 20, 30uA for carbon, HDC1's HV wiil be rearranged.
  • 184918 09/12/09 00:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184917 09/12/09 00:00 Boeglin Shift Summary
  • Friday

  • 184916 09/11/09 23:40 Nue Status of HDC1,2 & EDC1 currents during FB TDC stack survey
  • 184914 09/11/09 23:26 boeglin ROC14 messages
  • 184905 09/11/09 23:12 Chiba Cut condition was wrong
  • 184901 09/11/09 22:59 boeglin correction on run headers for runs 75027 - 75218
  • 184896 09/11/09 22:35 chench beam current is 20uA.
  • 184883 09/11/09 21:53 shoh change HV of HTOF1Y-5R & 5L
  • 184879 09/11/09 21:44 Tang Fission experiment
  • 184859 09/11/09 20:18 chench From run=75196-75198, target is BeO, NOT CARBON
  • 184857 09/11/09 20:12 Nue BeO beam image looks dark, move to carbon
  • 184856 09/11/09 20:08 Nue EDC1 HV on, EDC2 has HV problem and kept off
  • 184841 09/11/09 19:19 Gogami [HTOF1Y HVs off except 5L] ==>HTOF1Y HVs OFF except 5L&5R after end of Run75191
  • 184840 09/11/09 19:13 chench HDC1-F2 TRIPPED
  • 184839 09/11/09 19:10 Gogami Turned ON all KTOF1Y HVs
  • 184827 09/11/09 18:49 Gogmai HTOF1Y HVs off except 5L
  • 184825 09/11/09 18:31 Reinhold Controlled acces to increase water flow through HKS dipole
  • 184820 09/11/09 17:46 Gogami Changed HTOF1Y-5L HV [1900==>1880V]
  • 184819 09/11/09 17:44 maruta EDC1 is OFF now
  • 184815 09/11/09 17:35 M Jones Modification to writing out e02017 ( fission exp) data
  • 184812 09/11/09 17:15 Shoh Voltage scan for H1Y-5L
  • 184803 09/11/09 16:06 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184802 09/11/09 15:56 E. Christy Day shift summary
  • 184800 09/11/09 15:09 Reinhold Call from Joe: need a half turn of HKD D water supply valve
  • 184799 09/11/09 14:56 maruta HKS-D PS communication recovered
  • 184798 09/11/09 14:10 Reinhold Call to MCC: would like controlled for Tomo to look at D controls
  • 184797 09/11/09 14:05 Reinhold No Beam yet: Talked to PD
  • 184796 09/11/09 13:16 E. Christy Beam: Beam off for HallA work continues
  • 184795 09/11/09 13:15 saw Song sheet for beamline
  • 184793 09/11/09 11:47 Reinhold Call from PD: plan for the day
  • 184792 09/11/09 11:42 E. Christy Beam off for HallA Compton studies
  • 184791 09/11/09 11:42 E. Christy Beam off for HallA Compton studies
  • 184790 09/11/09 11:35 Gogami HTOF1Y-5R tripped
  • 184789 09/11/09 11:33 Gogami Changed HTOF1Y-5L HV [1920==>1900V]
  • 184786 09/11/09 11:20 E. Christy trigger was 3/4
  • 184784 09/11/09 11:17 Reinhold Changed CP0 to 3/3 scintillators only
  • 184780 09/11/09 10:56 Reinhold Call from Mike Spata: iocse20 had not been restored properly
  • 184777 09/11/09 10:53 Reinhold HCLOG suppresses figures
  • 184776 09/11/09 10:51 Reinhold Trigger Status: CP0=3/4, COIN=CP0&HES0
  • 184775 09/11/09 10:46 Reinhold Followup: A quick and dirty TOF Analysis
  • 184774 09/11/09 10:45 Reinhold Followup: A quick and dirty TOF Analysis
  • 184773 09/11/09 10:44 Reinhold Moved target to BeO
  • 184772 09/11/09 10:42 Reinhold Followup: A quick and dirty TOF Analysis
  • 184771 09/11/09 10:36 Reinhold MCC seems to be way off on target BPMs
  • 184770 09/11/09 10:33 Reinhold Moved target to home position
  • 184769 09/11/09 10:25 Reinhold Call from MCC
  • 184768 09/11/09 10:24 Reinhold Call from PD:
  • 184767 09/11/09 09:38 E. Christy beam steering issues
  • 184766 09/11/09 09:32 Reinhold "Nominal" BPM positions on 3H03A & 3H03B: at request of Eric larger
  • 184765 09/11/09 09:30 Shoh Voltage scan for H1Y-5L
  • 184764 09/11/09 09:28 Reinhold "Nominal" BPM positions on 3H03A & 3H03B
  • 184763 09/11/09 09:28 Reinhold "Nominal" BPM positions on 3H03A & 3H03B
  • 184762 09/11/09 09:18 Nue WC response for protons and pions
  • 184761 09/11/09 09:06 saw Some scalers plugged back into vmec3
  • 184760 09/11/09 08:58 Reinhold Update: Run Plan for Day shift and To do list
  • 184759 09/11/09 08:56 kawama TOF study; still need more study
  • 184756 09/11/09 08:43 Reinhold RC Report: Problems identified/solved since yesterday morning
  • 184755 09/11/09 08:28 Nue Owl shift summary
  • 184754 09/11/09 08:17 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184752 09/11/09 08:09 Nue Run Plan for Day shift and To do list
  • 184751 09/11/09 08:06 kawama Added Gr. trigger TDC and changed HKS0, HES0
  • 184750 09/11/09 08:00 Nue Requested Beam permit and CW 1uA on BeO
  • 184749 09/11/09 07:59 Nue Bill fixed the HES Q1 water leak, too, but no communication, set 507A locally
  • 184748 09/11/09 07:52 taniya triger changed
  • 184743 09/11/09 07:25 vulcan FSD no maki
  • 184742 09/11/09 07:07 taniya WC 1photon
  • 184741 09/11/09 05:42 Nue MCC can do nothing about diffuser FSD, Call Bill
  • 184740 09/11/09 05:10 Nue HES Q1 PS water leak again
  • 184739 09/11/09 04:59 Nue Chunhua requested to HDC1,2 ON and EDC2 stay OFF after getting beam
  • 184738 09/11/09 04:58 shoh change HV of HTOF1Y-5L to match gain
  • 184737 09/11/09 04:25 Nue RED LEDs on DW1 PS are normal
  • 184736 09/11/09 04:19 Nue Ates got headache and returned
  • 184735 09/11/09 04:14 Nue MCC asked name of Hall C expert
  • 184734 09/11/09 03:25 Reinhold A quick and dirty TOF Analysis
  • 184733 09/11/09 03:24 kawama Put grouping output into LR F1TDC
  • 184732 09/11/09 03:09 Nue Beam: Diffuser FSD cannot be cleared
  • 184731 09/11/09 03:04 Reinhold Correction: A quick and dirty TOF Analysis: is the F1 HiRes mode correct
  • 184730 09/11/09 03:00 Nue SPL current readout
  • 184729 09/11/09 02:59 shoh adjust HTOF1Y-5 gain from next RUN
  • 184728 09/11/09 02:52 Nue HV for ACs are off except for AC1-3D, set all ON
  • 184727 09/11/09 02:52 Reinhold A quick and dirty TOF Analysis: is the F1 HiRes mode correct
  • 184726 09/11/09 02:45 ates Diffuser problem
  • 184724 09/11/09 02:43 Nue Beam: SPL cannot be cycled. BeO target will be used to check the beam position
  • 184723 09/11/09 02:34 Nue MCC cannot control DW1 PS
  • 184721 09/11/09 02:05 Reinhold Re: MAXHIT on sfihks
  • 184719 09/11/09 01:39 kawama MAXHIT on sfihks
  • 184717 09/11/09 01:35 ates Controlled Access at 1:30 am
  • 184716 09/11/09 01:35 ates Controlled Access at 1:30 am
  • 184715 09/11/09 01:34 kawama Changed into buffered mode
  • 184714 09/11/09 01:33 Nue Change VMEC3 power cable
  • 184711 09/11/09 01:24 Chiba I`m Chiba
  • 184710 09/11/09 01:22 kawama DAQ (trigger line) problem was found and solved
  • 184709 09/11/09 01:21 Additional figure and about trigger & proton
  • 184703 09/11/09 01:05 Reinhold Network communication with ROCs down
  • 184695 09/11/09 00:24 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184692 09/11/09 00:03 Chiba more figures
  • Thursday

  • 184691 09/10/09 23:57 Chiba proton in WC
  • 184672 09/10/09 22:52 Nue Bill on Call and fixed the DC gas problem
  • 184671 09/10/09 22:51 shoh The trigger timing difference between CP0 only and (CP0&HES0)
  • 184670 09/10/09 22:41 Reinhold Still no beam. Called MCC. Probably no beam until after midnight.
  • 184669 09/10/09 22:10 xqiu New Fission experiment DAQ setting up
  • 184668 09/10/09 22:02 yez Someone needs to work in detail on 2Y hodo TOF info, not parameters so I can not do it.
  • 184667 09/10/09 21:55 yez It is because in the analyzer, we don't include 2Y info in TOF. I am correct it
  • 184666 09/10/09 21:51 kawama Issues to be solved to see our Kaon
  • 184665 09/10/09 21:46 yez Analyzer can not be used after run#75149, h_tof() problem. Before this run the code run OK
  • 184664 09/10/09 21:28 Nue Control access to power cycle EQ2 Hall Probe
  • 184661 09/10/09 20:36 yez tof distribution, beta is only a relative value but not real
  • 184660 09/10/09 20:33 Nue No click sounds from solenoid valves
  • 184659 09/10/09 20:29 Dein Logbuch Oops, did I miss something ...
  • 184658 09/10/09 20:15 Ich bin ein Logbuch ...
  • 184657 09/10/09 20:06 Nue Air conditioner in Elec. Room is back
  • 184656 09/10/09 20:05 Nue Gas alarm : DC HV off
  • 184655 09/10/09 19:56 Reinhold Re: Analysis: Beta for run#75147
  • 184654 09/10/09 19:45 Reinhold Re: kumac file or bucking coils
  • 184653 09/10/09 19:39 Reinhold
  • 184652 09/10/09 19:33 Reinhold Air conditioning problem
  • 184651 09/10/09 19:15 chench Drift chamber gas trip, turn off all Drift chambe HV
  • 184650 09/10/09 18:45 yuan HDC detection efficiencies from run 75152
  • 184649 09/10/09 18:28 Nue Switched off NIM bins and CAMAC crates, Elec. Room is too hot without AC
  • 184647 09/10/09 18:15 chench we need a reliable start time from scintillator calibration!
  • 184644 09/10/09 18:02 Reinhold RC Report: status of hall and work completed
  • 184643 09/10/09 17:58 Tang Fission experiment starts
  • 184642 09/10/09 17:47 Tang Fission chamber work
  • 184641 09/10/09 17:41 Nue HKS-D cannot go to 1254A due to Magnet Water Fault
  • 184640 09/10/09 17:39 Tang Status of HDC1 & 2
  • 184639 09/10/09 17:34 Nue All HKS-HES magnets are ON, but no communication to HKS-D
  • 184638 09/10/09 17:32 Reinhold Air conditioner status
  • 184637 09/10/09 17:10 saw Counting house warm
  • 184636 09/10/09 16:43 taniya WC bucking coil current changed
  • 184635 09/10/09 16:12 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184634 09/10/09 16:08 anusha Day Shift Summary
  • 184633 09/10/09 15:58 bono kumac file or bucking coils
  • 184632 09/10/09 15:23 beaufait hall cameras
  • 184631 09/10/09 14:54 yuan MIssing channels in HDC1 V' plane
  • 184630 09/10/09 14:50 yez Helium Gas Bag installed and Protection Covers of HDC1&2 removed
  • 184627 09/10/09 13:22 bono ac led scan v=11
  • 184624 09/10/09 13:15 bono ac led scan v=14
  • 184619 09/10/09 11:37 bono trigger changed to ps4=1
  • 184617 09/10/09 09:52 Reinhold Hall Still on Power Permit: Talked to PD
  • 184616 09/10/09 08:48 Reinhold RC Report: Dayshift Plan
  • 184615 09/10/09 08:34 bono all magnets off
  • 184614 09/10/09 08:05 Simon Owl Shift Summary
  • 184613 09/10/09 08:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184611 09/10/09 07:37 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184610 09/10/09 07:26 chech single residual of HDC1 and HDC2(from 15000 trigger event) run=75152
  • 184609 09/10/09 07:24 kawama No proton? problem
  • 184608 09/10/09 07:15 chech Drift time of HDC1 and HDC2
  • 184598 09/10/09 05:06 kawama beta vs WC correlation
  • 184595 09/10/09 04:47 Nue HDC1, 2 look normal, we should remove registance from EDC2
  • 184592 09/10/09 03:36 kawama HDC hit pattern & TDC shape
  • 184590 09/10/09 03:22 kawama 2Y is not included in a CP0 trigger
  • 184589 09/10/09 03:20 chench Fission chamber HVs are off.
  • 184588 09/10/09 03:19 chench Move the target from Carbon to Beo to check the beam position because the rate from FFD is really low!
  • 184587 09/10/09 03:08 yez Analysis: Beta for run#75147
  • 184581 09/10/09 01:53 yuan new EDC2 wire HV channel draws high leakage current
  • 184578 09/10/09 01:41 yuan Rearrange HDC and EDC2 HV
  • 184575 09/10/09 00:32 maruta All HKS-HES magnets are on
  • 184574 09/10/09 00:24 kawama HKS0 and HES0 trigger time in TDC
  • 184573 09/10/09 00:17 Reinhold Undid the trigger change from Wednesday morning: now CP0=3/3 H1X & H1Y & H2X
  • 184572 09/10/09 00:08 Reinhold
  • Wednesday

  • 184571 09/09/09 23:55 Nue N277L threshold polarity
  • 184570 09/09/09 23:49 beaufait hes Q1 power supply leak
  • 184569 09/09/09 22:44 vmaxwell fission experiment runs
  • 184568 09/09/09 21:43 Nue HDC2 and EDC2 were swapped.
  • 184567 09/09/09 21:37 taniya wc hv changed
  • 184566 09/09/09 19:07 Reinhold Water leak in HES Q1 Power supply (aka Big Bite supply); Joe will be here in ~ 1h
  • 184565 09/09/09 16:21 beaufait water leaks
  • 184564 09/09/09 16:00 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184563 09/09/09 14:43 bono additionall bucking coils. ac
  • 184562 09/09/09 14:13 Nue Replaced RC232IF for HKS-D power supply
  • 184561 09/09/09 13:22 Reinhold Splitter power supply set to local; was already turned off by MCC
  • 184560 09/09/09 13:21 Reinhold HKS and HES Dipole power supplies set to local
  • 184559 09/09/09 13:08 Reinhold Turned OFF all HES & HKS magnets
  • 184557 09/09/09 11:39 Reinhold Call from Walter: Andy will meet us at 1 pm in Hall
  • 184556 09/09/09 11:01 Reinhold Arranged for going to restricted around noon
  • 184555 09/09/09 10:36 Tang HDC status: No choice but swap HDC2 with EDC2 and apparent problem on HDCs
  • 184553 09/09/09 10:03 kawama Truned off All HVs
  • 184551 09/09/09 09:28 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184550 09/09/09 09:23 Reinhold This was just a followup
  • 184548 09/09/09 09:13 Reinhold SVN UPDATE: updated online analyzer to revision 123
  • 184546 09/09/09 09:07 Reinhold Re: Changed CP0 trigger to 1X & 1Y & 2X & 2Y -- 4/4: scope picture of timing
  • 184544 09/09/09 08:57 saw Auto data deletion sped up
  • 184543 09/09/09 08:56 Reinhold Changed CP0 trigger to 1X & 1Y & 2X & 2Y -- 4/4
  • 184541 09/09/09 08:17 Hard disks are full again, CODA error
  • 184539 09/09/09 08:14 kawama Quick analysis result from 75141-3
  • 184536 09/09/09 07:58 vmaxwell Owl shift summary
  • 184532 09/09/09 07:15 kawama Asked 10uA beam and HDC HV current
  • 184529 09/09/09 06:49 kawama HDC HV w/ carbon target, 1uA beam
  • 184528 09/09/09 06:23 kawama Asked 1uA beam in order to check HDC signal w/ low beam current
  • 184524 09/09/09 04:47 Nue HTF HV off except for H1X-9, 1Y-5, 2X-10
  • 184521 09/09/09 04:32 Nue Protons may be killed by Lucite, Removed Lucite from the trigger
  • 184520 09/09/09 04:29 kawama Changed PS3 into 2
  • 184519 09/09/09 04:26 Nue Hard disks are full again, CODA error
  • 184518 09/09/09 04:25 shoh Hit Pattern of HTOF1X & 2X (#75132)
  • 184516 09/09/09 04:23 kawama Trigger changed back to CP0(3/3)&HES0
  • 184509 09/09/09 04:09 maruta Cannot see proton
  • 184508 09/09/09 04:08 Simon Run # 75136 is erminated, CODA is failed
  • 184500 09/09/09 03:47 kawama CP0 trigger changed into 3/3 of 1X&1Y&2X
  • 184497 09/09/09 03:39 Nue Analysis: strange Aerogel Cerenkov timing
  • 184493 09/09/09 03:23 kawama Trigger changed into HKS grouping (single)
  • 184482 09/09/09 01:30 Simon The run #75125 was terminated because of the CODA's fail
  • 184475 09/09/09 00:22 yuan Change HDC1 and HDC2 HV: 1970 V --> 2000 V, threshold: 5.0 V --> 2.5 V from run 75122
  • 184474 09/09/09 00:21 chench run=75122 Vth=2.5V for both HDC1 and HDC2, and HV for both HDC1 and HDC2 are 2000V
  • 184472 09/09/09 00:01 Arshak Swing Shift Summary
  • 184469 09/09/09 00:00 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Tuesday

  • 184465 09/08/09 23:15 shoh 1X v.s. 2X Hit Pattern (#75109)
  • 184463 09/08/09 23:09 Gogami [Hit pattern of HTOF1X & HTOF2X (#75089)]
  • 184459 09/08/09 22:48 Gogami Analysis: [Hit pattern of HTOF1X & HTOF2X (#75089)]
  • 184453 09/08/09 21:56 Arshak After controlled access, going to Beam Permit
  • 184452 09/08/09 21:35 Arshak Hall is in controlled access, again
  • 184451 09/08/09 21:32 Arshak HKS Dipole Magnet is ON
  • 184450 09/08/09 21:31 maruta HKS-D PS ON
  • 184449 09/08/09 21:20 Arshak Hall status is Power Permit now, Sweep finished
  • 184447 09/08/09 19:33 Arshak HKS Dipole Magnet is OFF, Tomo turned it off.
  • 184445 09/08/09 18:48 Arshak EDC and HDC
  • 184444 09/08/09 18:33 Arshak 75115 run was stopped with ~280Kevents
  • 184443 09/08/09 18:31 Arshak Beam will be OFF, for 15-20 minutes, as MCC told.
  • 184438 09/08/09 18:14 taniya WC threshold
  • 184436 09/08/09 18:01 Reinhold HDC 1&2 drift time distributions by discriminator card and plane
  • 184432 09/08/09 17:44 Arshak MCC have a problem with RS
  • 184429 09/08/09 17:04 Simon HKS drift chambers HV-s are ON
  • 184422 09/08/09 16:19 Arshak I signed up as aswing shift leader for Sep-09 swing shift
  • 184419 09/08/09 16:17 Arshak Beam is back, and current is 1uA
  • 184417 09/08/09 16:07 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184415 09/08/09 16:04 Simon I turned off the HKS & HES drift chambers HV-s
  • 184410 09/08/09 15:33 shoh Revision of cut condition
  • 184409 09/08/09 15:27 shoh Hit pattern of HTOF1X & HTOF2X (#75089)
  • 184408 09/08/09 15:23 kenyon Reason for access
  • 184407 09/08/09 15:22 shoh TDC & ADC distribution of HTOF2X (#75089)
  • 184406 09/08/09 15:21 kenyon Water cleaned up
  • 184405 09/08/09 15:12 kawama Some HDC analysis result from run75111 and 75112
  • 184404 09/08/09 14:19 bono hall c restricted access
  • 184403 09/08/09 14:12 saw Increased maximum words per 1877 slot
  • 184402 09/08/09 14:03 P Carter Note for Reinhold
  • 184401 09/08/09 13:14 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184398 09/08/09 12:45 Tang This is for fission chamber
  • 184397 09/08/09 12:39 Tang This is for fission chamber
  • 184396 09/08/09 12:18 Reinhold Water in Hall C
  • 184394 09/08/09 11:53 Gogami EHODO hitpattern[Run75108]
  • 184393 09/08/09 11:39 Gogami EHODO ADC [Run75108]
  • 184388 09/08/09 11:05 bono beam off till 3pm
  • 184387 09/08/09 10:49 Reinhold Asked for controlled access: ARM just entering hall
  • 184386 09/08/09 10:49 cdaq End of Run Query:No Database Selected:
  • 184385 09/08/09 10:41 cdaq End of Run Query:No Database Selected:
  • 184384 09/08/09 10:26 Reinhold Three runs at different 1877 MAXHIT:75109=4, 75111=8, 75112=16
  • 184381 09/08/09 09:56 cdaq End of Run Query:No Database Selected:
  • 184380 09/08/09 09:55 cdaq End of Run Query:No Database Selected:
  • 184379 09/08/09 09:52 cdaq End of Run Query:No Database Selected:
  • 184377 09/08/09 09:35 Reinhold Changed sfihks readoutlist to L1877_MAXHITS=16
  • 184376 09/08/09 09:20 Reinhold Call RC (Liguang): MCC will start some investigation in BSY starting at 10 am
  • 184375 09/08/09 09:13 Reinhold Run #75110 (coin) - Forgot to tell crew to download new readout list
  • 184371 09/08/09 08:57 Reinhold Changed sfihks readoutlist to L1877_MAXHITS=8
  • 184369 09/08/09 08:01 vmaxwell Owl shift summary
  • 184368 09/08/09 07:25 vmaxwell beam status during run 75108
  • 184365 09/08/09 05:49 vmaxwell Beam: beam is back, current is 1 uA
  • 184363 09/08/09 05:31 vmaxwell Beam: beam status
  • 184362 09/08/09 04:49 shoh ADC distribution of HTOF1X
  • 184361 09/08/09 04:47 shoh Some HTOF1X TDC are strange distribution
  • 184360 09/08/09 04:15 kawama run75107 is junk
  • 184358 09/08/09 04:11 kawama I changed trigger into the CP0&HES0
  • 184355 09/08/09 03:29 kawama This run is the result of run75095
  • 184354 09/08/09 03:11 EHODO EHODO HVs turned up
  • 184352 09/08/09 03:06 kawama HDC1 hit pattern with K1X-9 and K2X-10 hit
  • 184348 09/08/09 02:17 kawama Replaced one network port for ROC7
  • 184346 09/08/09 01:35 kawama CODA cannnot talk to ROC7
  • 184345 09/08/09 01:33 Gogami EHODO TOP HVs are turned up
  • 184344 09/08/09 01:32 Nuruzzaman ROC7 lost communication
  • 184343 09/08/09 01:25 Nue HDC current in 2005 run
  • 184341 09/08/09 01:05 yuan Move EDC2 HV to Cr#31, Ch# 48
  • 184340 09/08/09 00:32 Gogami EHODO hitpattern[Run75095]
  • 184337 09/08/09 00:27 Gogami EHODO Bottom side ADC is better now
  • 184332 09/08/09 00:08 kawama EDC1 revived!
  • Monday

  • 184330 09/07/09 23:57 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184329 09/07/09 23:57 Arshak Swing Sift Summary
  • 184327 09/07/09 23:54 Gogami EHODO signal splitter for bottom side
  • 184322 09/07/09 23:16 Nue EDC1 broken wire was removed and it looks OK now.
  • 184320 09/07/09 23:14 kawama EDC repaired, HV on
  • 184319 09/07/09 20:15 Reinhold SVN COMMIT: updated map files; revision 123
  • 184318 09/07/09 20:15 Reinhold SVN COMMIT: updated map files; revision 123
  • 184317 09/07/09 19:53 Reinhold Re: Aerogel (AC) TDCs: solved missing channels
  • 184316 09/07/09 19:14 Arshak Asked for Controlled Access to let Nue and Kawama check EDC1
  • 184311 09/07/09 18:41 Arshak Beam is back, current is 5uA
  • 184305 09/07/09 18:27 yez Lucite TDC two-peaks?
  • 184304 09/07/09 18:26 Arshak There is a problem with 2nd patth separator, beam can't delivered to Hall-C
  • 184303 09/07/09 18:19 Arshak NO Beam starting from 17:10
  • 184302 09/07/09 18:17 Reinhold Aerogel (AC) TDCs funny and some channels missing
  • 184301 09/07/09 18:16 Reinhold Aerogel (AC) TDCs funny and some channels missing
  • 184300 09/07/09 18:05 Reinhold Aerogel (AC) TDCs funny and some channels missing
  • 184298 09/07/09 17:38 Reinhold EDC1 trip limit
  • 184297 09/07/09 17:28 Nue EDC1 should have a separate current limit
  • 184295 09/07/09 16:51 yez Lucite ADC overflow for run#75070
  • 184294 09/07/09 16:50 yuan EDC1 trip limit
  • 184290 09/07/09 16:23 Arshak Lulin and Chunhua are playing with HDC HV's and threshold
  • 184286 09/07/09 16:20 Tang FFB system needs to be reviewed and additional shielding may be needed
  • 184276 09/07/09 16:03 Arshak I signed up for Sep 7 Swing shift Leader
  • 184275 09/07/09 16:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184274 09/07/09 15:58 Rodriguez Day Shift Summary
  • 184269 09/07/09 15:27 Rodriguez Change Pin A to B in Logic module for HKS Pretrigger
  • 184267 09/07/09 15:11 Rodriguez Screenshot FFB
  • 184266 09/07/09 15:06 Rodriguez Asked MCC to turn off Fast Feed Back by Nue request
  • 184265 09/07/09 15:05 Nue EDC1 broken wire was probably caused by runaway beam (not by tune) and IOCSE20 should be fixed as soon as possible
  • 184262 09/07/09 12:50 Reinhold SCN UPDATE of online replay; at revision 122
  • 184261 09/07/09 12:35 Reinhold Edited hks09_thresholds.dat
  • 184259 09/07/09 11:42 Reinhold Added BPM ADC to sfich1_notdc.crl: record of changes
  • 184258 09/07/09 11:14 saw sfich1 programming restored
  • 184257 09/07/09 11:04 Reinhold ROC1 (sfich1) lost it's programming
  • 184256 09/07/09 10:55 Reinhold ROC1 (sfich1) boot error
  • 184255 09/07/09 10:53 Reinhold Added ADC for BPMs to ROC1, sfich1; won't boot anymore
  • 184254 09/07/09 09:53 shoh Some ADC v.s. TDC of HTOF1X is strange
  • 184253 09/07/09 09:33 Reinhold Plan for this morning
  • 184252 09/07/09 09:33 kawama EDC1 wire may be broken
  • 184251 09/07/09 09:28 Reinhold Status of EDC1
  • 184250 09/07/09 09:06 shoh EDC layer5 & 6 tripped
  • 184249 09/07/09 08:20 kawama Can't put 100V
  • 184248 09/07/09 08:16 Rodriguez Asked for Control Access to let Kawama check EDC1
  • 184247 09/07/09 08:14 Rodriguez Requested Beam Off to check EDC1 problem
  • 184245 09/07/09 08:07 kawama One of EDC1 channel tripped
  • 184244 09/07/09 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184243 09/07/09 07:40 vmaxwell owl shift recap
  • 184240 09/07/09 07:24 kawama Trigger changed back to the 3/4 CP0
  • 184239 09/07/09 07:07 Nue Beam: FFB lost control
  • 184237 09/07/09 06:43 Nue Beam: We cannot see beam on BeO
  • 184236 09/07/09 06:34 vmaxwell beam/target update
  • 184235 09/07/09 06:26 vmaxwell beam trips magnet
  • 184234 09/07/09 06:17 Nuruzzaman Target is changed to BeO
  • 184233 09/07/09 06:11 kawama Some of hodoscopes and HDC1, EDC2 tripped
  • 184232 09/07/09 06:07 Nuruzzaman MCC is tuning the beam, the target is carbon!
  • 184228 09/07/09 05:42 Nue Analysis: rough T0 adjustment for HTF counters
  • 184224 09/07/09 04:38 vmaxwell gas check
  • 184223 09/07/09 04:36 kawama Rate study with 15uA, carbon
  • 184222 09/07/09 04:18 kawama Removed LC OR from CP0
  • 184220 09/07/09 04:06 vmaxwell beam current changed from 10 uA to 15 uA
  • 184216 09/07/09 03:03 Nuruzzaman Beam Current is changed to 10 microA form 5 microA
  • 184211 09/07/09 01:54 Tang Problem found for HDC2
  • 184210 09/07/09 01:54 kawama 1X TDC problem solved
  • 184207 09/07/09 01:24 kawama Strange TDC shape of 1X
  • 184206 09/07/09 00:09 chench HKS Drift Chamber U plane's foil and wire HV have been disconnect
  • 184204 09/07/09 00:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Sunday

  • 184202 09/06/09 22:37 Gogami EHODO hitpattern[Run75053]
  • 184198 09/06/09 22:05 Gogami EHODO missing channel on ADC
  • 184196 09/06/09 21:49 chench COREECTION:For run=75063 HDC2-F2=2025
  • 184194 09/06/09 21:45 Gogami EHODO bottom side ADC [Run75053]
  • 184189 09/06/09 21:17 chench after HDC HV test, we ask 10UA cw beam
  • 184185 09/06/09 20:53 Reinhold SVN COMMIT: added first calibration of aerogel cherenkov; rev. 122
  • 184182 09/06/09 20:42 CHENCH run=75059 is hks single arm trigger
  • 184179 09/06/09 20:27 Re: AC3 Trigger Study Runs NO beam
  • 184178 09/06/09 20:25 Reinhold Re: AC1 Trigger Study Runs NO beam
  • 184176 09/06/09 20:23 cdaq End of Run Query:No Database Selected:
  • 184172 09/06/09 19:55 bono ac 2 single electron data, no beam
  • 184171 09/06/09 19:48 bono ac 2 single electron data, no beam
  • 184170 09/06/09 19:48 chench MCC called there is no current leakage fro HALLC to HALLB , we would contiously have beam
  • 184169 09/06/09 19:44 kawama Added new EHODO ADC map file in SVN
  • 184166 09/06/09 19:23 chench HV OF FISSION CHAMBER TRIPPED
  • 184162 09/06/09 19:14 chench change the HV of HDC back, increase HDC2-W
  • 184159 09/06/09 18:38 chench SWAP THE HV channel between HDC1 AND HDC2
  • 184158 09/06/09 18:25 Nue HDC HV readout for 1uA on Carbon
  • 184155 09/06/09 17:54 Nue Information about N277L and LeCroy 2735DC
  • 184154 09/06/09 17:53 yuan HKSDC2 HV recabling
  • 184153 09/06/09 17:50 chench MCC called they are measuring the beam leakage from Hall A and HallC to HallB
  • 184152 09/06/09 17:46 chench Change the beam from 10uA to 1uA for HDC HV check
  • 184150 09/06/09 17:44 chench Change the beam from 10uA to 1uA for HDC HV check
  • 184148 09/06/09 17:26 Gogami changed EHODO map file(EH1-1T/EH2-18T/EH2-23B)
  • 184147 09/06/09 17:18 Nue Diagnose HDC2 low efficiency
  • 184146 09/06/09 16:34 chench run 75049 is junk
  • 184143 09/06/09 16:24 chench MCC is tuning the beam, the target is carbon!
  • 184142 09/06/09 16:06 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 184141 09/06/09 16:06 Paul Day Shift Summary
  • 184139 09/06/09 16:03 Rodriguez Change flag file ps4=50
  • 184137 09/06/09 16:00 Rodriguez AC3 Trigger Study Runs with beam
  • 184136 09/06/09 15:15 Rodriguez AC2 Trigger Study Runs NO beam
  • 184133 09/06/09 15:12 Tang We need information for N-277-L 16 card
  • 184121 09/06/09 14:53 Paul Work on HDCs in the Hall
  • 184117 09/06/09 14:50 Tang No, this is to check on HDC2
  • 184103 09/06/09 14:26 Paul We canceled the Full Rad. Survey
  • 184101 09/06/09 14:22 yez HDC1&2 Low Voltage and Threshold check and adjust inside the Hall during control access
  • 184100 09/06/09 14:18 Rodriguez AC1 Trigger Study Runs NO beam
  • 184097 09/06/09 14:16 Paul The Hall will have full rad. survey
  • 184096 09/06/09 14:15 Paul The Hall will have full rad. survey
  • 184072 09/06/09 13:40 Paul Going into Controlled Access to work on electronics for EDC
  • 184064 09/06/09 13:21 Rodriguez AC3 Trigger Study Runs NO beam
  • 184053 09/06/09 13:05 Reinhold AC gain calibration layer 1 with LED and beam on
  • 184041 09/06/09 12:49 Chiba some KHODO maybe unpluged yesterday night
  • 184038 09/06/09 12:46 Gogami Turned up EHODO HVs
  • 184032 09/06/09 11:48 Paul North Linac is still in Restricted
  • 184031 09/06/09 10:43 Paul The North Linac tripped into Restricted Access
  • 184004 09/06/09 09:47 Reinhold Changed HV for AC3T1 from 1850 to 1900 V
  • 184002 09/06/09 09:27 Reinhold How-to analyze water cherenkov thresholds (2005 example)
  • 184001 09/06/09 09:00 Paul Sorry, That Was IOCSE20 but not RLC
  • 183999 09/06/09 08:52 Victor M. Change trigger to LED & Selftrigger
  • 183998 09/06/09 08:12 kawama Change back LC trigger in CP0
  • 183997 09/06/09 08:07 Paul RLC problem ... The beam will be stopped for 15 minutes or so ...
  • 183996 09/06/09 08:05 ates Shift Summary
  • 183994 09/06/09 08:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183993 09/06/09 08:04 Reinhold Re: replay code can not read run data?
  • 183992 09/06/09 07:57 shoh 2X07B, 2X10B-17B is no deta in this night run
  • 183991 09/06/09 07:50 kawama Changed CP0 target into 1X&1Y&2X 3/3
  • 183988 09/06/09 06:32 ates Beam: Beam is back at 6:30 am
  • 183986 09/06/09 06:23 kawama A VME module for BPM readout is problem
  • 183985 09/06/09 06:08 ates Beam: Controlled access at 05:45
  • 183979 09/06/09 05:16 maruta HDC2 efficiency quite small?
  • 183975 09/06/09 05:11 kawama Changed into into CP0 trigger
  • 183974 09/06/09 05:08 kawama run74892 & 74983 is HKS single trigger
  • 183967 09/06/09 04:45 kawama changed into HKS grouping trigger
  • 183964 09/06/09 04:22 Nue BPM was fixed
  • 183961 09/06/09 03:47 kawama HKS trigger changed
  • 183958 09/06/09 03:01 Nue Beam: During Run74977, target was changed from BeO 1uA to Carbon 10uA
  • 183957 09/06/09 02:59 Nue BPM cannot be read, Neet to be fixed
  • 183956 09/06/09 02:56 ates Target: target moved to Carbon
  • 183955 09/06/09 02:15 yez It works now but I still don't know why.
  • 183953 09/06/09 02:07 yez replay code can not read run data?
  • 183952 09/06/09 02:04 ates Target: IOC crashed. target moved to BeO
  • 183949 09/06/09 01:09 chench RUN=74974 IS JUNK
  • 183948 09/06/09 01:07 Nue HKS5 coin module for the group trigger
  • 183945 09/06/09 01:05 ates Beam: beam stop 00:55 beam back 01:05
  • 183944 09/06/09 00:56 shoh TUL condition
  • 183943 09/06/09 00:56 bono ac led tests
  • 183924 09/06/09 00:40 bono mistake for run 74963. pmt=250 at 8.9v
  • 183919 09/06/09 00:36 cdaq End of Run Query:No Database Selected:
  • 183910 09/06/09 00:28 bono mistake for run 74957:
  • 183902 09/06/09 00:21 Nue Analysis: It is not the multiplicity of the hits per plane, stack depth of F1 TDC
  • 183897 09/06/09 00:17 bono flags file changed
  • 183896 09/06/09 00:16 bono ac single electron pulser settings
  • 183894 09/06/09 00:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183893 09/06/09 00:04 maruta Shift summary
  • Saturday

  • 183888 09/05/09 23:22 Reinhold Re: Change HDC2 Vth=2.0mV in counting house
  • 183887 09/05/09 23:17 Reinhold Analysis: Multiplicity of HTF counters
  • 183886 09/05/09 23:11 kawama 2D hitpat of K1X and K2X
  • 183883 09/05/09 23:00 Reinhold Re: lucite sum is out of the ADC gate!
  • 183882 09/05/09 22:28 bono flags file changed
  • 183876 09/05/09 21:39 chench Change HDC2 Vth=2.0V in counting house, not 2.0mV
  • 183871 09/05/09 21:36 chench Change HDC2 Vth=2.0mV in counting house
  • 183870 09/05/09 21:34 bono flags file changed
  • 183868 09/05/09 21:21 cdaq End of Run Query:No Database Selected:
  • 183854 09/05/09 20:57 cdaq End of Run Query:No Database Selected:
  • 183846 09/05/09 20:47 cdaq End of Run Query:No Database Selected:
  • 183834 09/05/09 20:21 Reinhold Writing several ntuples at the same time: watch out for default_name in init file
  • 183833 09/05/09 20:13 kawama Cut condition of hpid ntuple
  • 183832 09/05/09 19:47 Reinhold hpid ntuple or 1Y problem
  • 183827 09/05/09 19:14 Reinhold Cross talk problem on flat 16-pair coax cables
  • 183825 09/05/09 19:00 Reinhold Re: Voltage scan; that was LED trigger, but junk because LED power cable unplugged from patch
  • 183824 09/05/09 18:51 bono beam on and led off
  • 183820 09/05/09 18:33 Nue Analysis: I put the same figures for multiplicity for Neg. HTFs
  • 183819 09/05/09 18:28 Nue Analysis: Multiplicity of HTF counters
  • 183816 09/05/09 18:04 bono beam off
  • 183815 09/05/09 17:55 bono RF issue resolved beam back on
  • 183813 09/05/09 17:15 bono mcc RF problems
  • 183810 09/05/09 17:09 bono chaged flags file
  • 183809 09/05/09 17:01 chench lucite sum is out of the ADC gate!
  • 183804 09/05/09 16:47 maruta HDC1&2 tripped
  • 183802 09/05/09 16:03 Paul Day Shift Summary
  • 183801 09/05/09 16:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183800 09/05/09 16:01 Victor M. Voltage scan
  • 183798 09/05/09 15:53 Victor M. Change gate delay ps4=500
  • 183796 09/05/09 15:46 maruta HES-D initialization finished
  • 183795 09/05/09 15:36 maruta HES-D communication recovered
  • 183793 09/05/09 15:34 yez Self Trigger of which detector?
  • 183791 09/05/09 15:32 Victor M. Change gate delay ps4=100
  • 183781 09/05/09 15:02 Victor M. The trigger for this run is ONLY LED & Selftrigger; no coin.
  • 183772 09/05/09 14:51 Victor M. Change trigger to LED & Self Trigger
  • 183771 09/05/09 14:38 SVN: Commit Rev 116: add a kumacs directory
  • 183770 09/05/09 14:29 Paul Went into Controlled Access
  • 183768 09/05/09 14:03 maruta hcpc10402 network down.
  • 183763 09/05/09 13:13 xqiu Refilled the gas for Fission chamber
  • 183760 09/05/09 13:01 Reinhold There was a typo on the Wiki
  • 183759 09/05/09 13:01 Paul Running on C12 target with 10uA
  • 183757 09/05/09 12:36 The SVN direcotry does not include e05115/, that is why you can not checkout. Some one move?
  • 183756 09/05/09 12:30 Reinhold SVN: cannot checkout anything anymore?? Tried from a different computer: it does not work
  • 183755 09/05/09 12:29 Reinhold SVN: cannot checkout anything anymore?? Tried from a different computer: it does not work
  • 183754 09/05/09 12:10 Reinhold SVN: cannot checkout anything anymore??
  • 183753 09/05/09 12:03 Reinhold Re: The better way to avoid overwritten is UPDATE before COMMIT
  • 183752 09/05/09 11:52 yez The better way to avoid overwritten is UPDATE before COMMIT
  • 183751 09/05/09 11:47 Paul Requested Controlled Access
  • 183749 09/05/09 11:44 yez One file is missed so I add it on SVN. It should work now.
  • 183748 09/05/09 11:37 Reinhold SVN: set global-ignores
  • 183747 09/05/09 11:35 Reinhold SVN: set global-ignores
  • 183744 09/05/09 11:04 Reinhold SVN update and things don't compile??
  • 183741 09/05/09 10:39 yez Fit a bug in h_pid_ntuple_keep.f and compile the code in your directory, done!
  • 183736 09/05/09 09:56 Reinhold Subversion make files don't work
  • 183729 09/05/09 08:40 kawama Summary of trigger rate study in several beam current
  • 183728 09/05/09 08:23 kawama Typical singles rate @ 30uA, carbon target
  • 183727 09/05/09 08:22 kawama Typical singles rate @ 20uA, carbon target
  • 183726 09/05/09 08:21 kawama Typical singles rate @ 5uA, carbon target
  • 183724 09/05/09 08:01 horn Owl shift summary
  • 183723 09/05/09 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183721 09/05/09 07:56 Nue Control Access to Hall C, ED PS local mode, NMR1 power cycled
  • 183720 09/05/09 07:53 kawama Typical singles rate @ 10uA, carbon target
  • 183719 09/05/09 07:48 shoh Count rate of HES side at run74894 & 74895
  • 183718 09/05/09 07:48 kawama Typical rate in 1uA, BeO target
  • 183716 09/05/09 07:45 kawama run# under ED powered off
  • 183715 09/05/09 07:39 Nue Beam: Beamline setting
  • 183714 09/05/09 07:32 horn Back to beam permit
  • 183713 09/05/09 07:32 kawama EH1, 2 and coin rate under the ED power off
  • 183712 09/05/09 07:15 horn Hall in controlled access
  • 183711 09/05/09 07:10 horn Request controlled access
  • 183708 09/05/09 06:29 horn Investigating low trigger rate
  • 183706 09/05/09 05:48 kawama Trigger rate at pretrigger
  • 183705 09/05/09 05:38 kawama Trigger rate suddenly gets lower
  • 183691 09/05/09 03:12 Nue Run Plan for remain Owl shift and after
  • 183684 09/05/09 02:03 kawama Beam current of this run is 10uA
  • 183683 09/05/09 02:01 horn Change trigger and increase current to 10uA
  • 183682 09/05/09 02:00 kawama run74885 is actually CP0 trigger in HKS
  • 183678 09/05/09 01:35 horn ac and wc threshold at -15 mV and -140 mV
  • 183677 09/05/09 01:25 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183675 09/05/09 00:55 vmaxwell swing shift summary
  • 183673 09/05/09 00:45 bono wc and ac thresh at -240 and -105 mV
  • Friday

  • 183669 09/04/09 23:58 vmaxwell ac and wc thresh at 95 mV and 210 mV
  • 183667 09/04/09 23:29 vmaxwell mistake
  • 183665 09/04/09 23:15 vmaxwell AC 2 Discriminator
  • 183664 09/04/09 22:55 bono wc and ac thresh at -180 and -75 mV
  • 183661 09/04/09 22:07 bono wc and ac thresh at -150 and -65 mV
  • 183660 09/04/09 22:03 kawama Attached wrong picture
  • 183658 09/04/09 22:00 kawama TOF status: pi-p separation
  • 183656 09/04/09 21:15 bono wc and ac thresh at -120 and -45
  • 183653 09/04/09 20:36 xqiu Fission chamber is pumping, and keep it's HV OFF
  • 183652 09/04/09 20:35 bono wc and ac thresh
  • 183650 09/04/09 19:37 bono wc and ac thresh error
  • 183648 09/04/09 19:36 Nue Beamline magnets setting after tune for vertical steer
  • 183647 09/04/09 19:34 bono wc and ac thresh
  • 183644 09/04/09 18:40 bono wc and ac thresh
  • 183642 09/04/09 18:24 Reinhold Swing shift run plan: AC and WC threshold scan
  • 183641 09/04/09 18:21 Reinhold Swing shift run plan: AC and WC threshold scan
  • 183638 09/04/09 18:01 bono ac 1 electron signal to the discrimanator (fixed)
  • 183637 09/04/09 18:00 bono ac 1 electron signal to the discrimanator
  • 183636 09/04/09 17:32 Reinhold MUST READ: Do not change triggers or run conditions without approval of shift leader
  • 183634 09/04/09 17:29 Reinhold AC Voltage Threshold Scan: mostly junk because wrong run type
  • 183628 09/04/09 16:49 Reinhold Trigger change to COIN = CP0 & HES0
  • 183627 09/04/09 16:19 Victor M. AC Voltage Threshold Scan
  • 183626 09/04/09 16:18 Reinhold Re:WC timing
  • 183624 09/04/09 16:06 Paul Day Shift Summary
  • 183623 09/04/09 16:05 Gogami EHODO ADCs when HES-D on & off
  • 183621 09/04/09 16:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183615 09/04/09 15:50 Paul BPMs screeshot
  • 183614 09/04/09 15:49 Paul The beam tune is over - taking data on C12
  • 183605 09/04/09 15:12 Paul Started beam tune
  • 183604 09/04/09 15:11 Nue HKS Q2 was down
  • 183603 09/04/09 14:48 Paul There is no 1eak
  • 183602 09/04/09 14:34 Paul We are in Controlled Access
  • 183601 09/04/09 14:05 Nue Analysis: EPICS data are in rawdata
  • 183600 09/04/09 13:50 Paul Accidental Restricted Access - Recovering
  • 183599 09/04/09 13:49 saw Beam: Logging of beamline magnet EPICS signals
  • 183594 09/04/09 12:23 Gogami [Run74858]EHODO1 ADC and Hit pattern
  • 183593 09/04/09 12:14 Gogami EHODO top and bottom ADC when HES-D was off
  • 183592 09/04/09 11:50 Paul Will start the beam tune shortly
  • 183589 09/04/09 11:38 Reinhold Trigger change: K0 from 2/3&.not.AC to 4/4 WC1,2,LC,AC--> pion trigger
  • 183588 09/04/09 11:04 Reinhold Left trigger at CP0=3/4
  • 183587 09/04/09 10:53 Reinhold Trigger rates at 26 uA
  • 183586 09/04/09 10:44 Reinhold Trigger Status
  • 183585 09/04/09 10:09 brads re: "extra 1 events" error from ROC14, slot4
  • 183582 09/04/09 09:58 chench Change the lucite SUM threshold from 20mV to 100mV
  • 183578 09/04/09 09:43 paul Current Status
  • 183575 09/04/09 08:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183574 09/04/09 08:01 horn Owl shift summary
  • 183553 09/04/09 04:30 kawama "extra 1 events" error from ROC14, slot4
  • 183550 09/04/09 03:23 doi PID with TOF counter
  • 183549 09/04/09 03:08 doi Background rate meter was installed.
  • 183548 09/04/09 02:37 maruta HKS-D PS remote / local current output value
  • 183547 09/04/09 02:26 Chiba KHODO 2X4B TDC appears. no problem
  • 183542 09/04/09 01:58 Nue Beam status and Tonight Plan
  • 183541 09/04/09 01:56 chench raw data checking for Lucite missing Channel
  • 183540 09/04/09 01:56 maruta NMR arrangement
  • 183539 09/04/09 01:34 yez The tripped limit is 150uA, how about change it back to 200uA?
  • 183538 09/04/09 01:28 Gogami EHODO hitpattern[Run74844]
  • 183537 09/04/09 01:25 Nue HDC2-1 HV was set at 1970V
  • 183536 09/04/09 01:18 maruta Modification of HKS and HES Sieve Slit control program
  • 183535 09/04/09 01:08 maruta Tiny water leak from SPL PS
  • 183534 09/04/09 01:04 Nue HDC2-1 keeps tripping for C 10uA
  • 183531 09/04/09 00:53 Nue HKS Q1 tripped during hysterisis looping
  • 183523 09/04/09 00:21 horn changed to carbon target
  • 183522 09/04/09 00:09 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183521 09/04/09 00:05 Arshak Swing Shift Summary
  • Thursday

  • 183520 09/03/09 23:03 taniya WC timing
  • 183519 09/03/09 23:02 Arshak 22:40 Asked Controlled access, lost communication with HKS-Q1, Nue and Tomo go to Hall to check.
  • 183496 09/03/09 22:41 kawama A F1TDC may be broken
  • 183453 09/03/09 22:00 Y.Fujii EHODO2 BOT magnetic shield or possible bucking coil ?
  • 183437 09/03/09 21:42 yuan Change HDC1 and HDC2 threshold: 2.1 V --> 2.5 V
  • 183423 09/03/09 21:28 Taniya 74792 is junk data
  • 183418 09/03/09 21:05 bono ac single electron runs
  • 183410 09/03/09 20:12 Nue SPL BI curves
  • 183386 09/03/09 19:45 Gogami EHODO magnetic field shield test
  • 183356 09/03/09 19:22 Arshak 19:15 Asked MCC to start SWEEP
  • 183353 09/03/09 19:19 taniya mistake
  • 183352 09/03/09 19:18 taniya mistake
  • 183351 09/03/09 19:17 maruta HKS SS controller power cycle
  • 183350 09/03/09 19:15 Gogami EHODO TOP&BOTTOM raw signals
  • 183339 09/03/09 19:03 yuan Two HV channels for each HKS DC are now
  • 183320 09/03/09 18:36 Simon Run 74748 AC test is junk
  • 183316 09/03/09 18:29 maruta Network hub at Power supply station was off
  • 183312 09/03/09 18:05 taniya WC timing
  • 183307 09/03/09 17:57 shoh Attech .xls version
  • 183306 09/03/09 17:56 Reinhold Changed AC discriminator thresholds from -30 mV to -15mV
  • 183304 09/03/09 17:54 shoh pdf file
  • 183286 09/03/09 17:20 taniya WC
  • 183284 09/03/09 17:15 taniya WC HV
  • 183282 09/03/09 17:06 shoh mismatch of LED is not problems
  • 183280 09/03/09 16:56 Chiba Filter circuit for SPL NMR probe resulted in failure
  • 183277 09/03/09 16:52 Arshak HKS Dipol is OFF
  • 183262 09/03/09 16:09 kawama Changed EDC1 TDC channel
  • 183259 09/03/09 16:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183256 09/03/09 15:58 paul Day Shift Summary
  • 183246 09/03/09 15:33 chench run=74714is junk because of the error on ROC1
  • 183245 09/03/09 15:33 chench run=74707 is junk because of the error on ROC1
  • 183241 09/03/09 15:06 Nue Target: Keep water flow during entire experiment should be OK
  • 183232 09/03/09 14:39 chench run=74707 is junk because of the error on ROC1
  • 183221 09/03/09 14:22 Nue HES Q1, Q2, SPL were off
  • 183214 09/03/09 14:10 bono high voltage
  • 183187 09/03/09 12:50 beaufait fsd for dw1
  • 183181 09/03/09 12:35 Nue Water flow started to cell target, FSD was setup.
  • 183180 09/03/09 12:26 Nue HES NMR
  • 183178 09/03/09 12:04 Nue Spectrometer, SPL Magnets setting for the last tune
  • 183170 09/03/09 11:25 yez Please ELOG any change to let other people know it, and update the the MAP!!Otherwise we are wasting our time!!!
  • 183166 09/03/09 10:59 paul HKS/HES Magnets Screenshot
  • 183164 09/03/09 10:47 paul paul
  • 183163 09/03/09 10:36 Tang Summary for the past day
  • 183156 09/03/09 10:07 chench For the lucite missing channel from last night
  • 183155 09/03/09 09:31 paul Went into Restricted Access
  • 183154 09/03/09 08:26 paul The accelerator was shut down as it was planned
  • 183152 09/03/09 08:09 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183151 09/03/09 08:04 Reinhold Before run 74676: restored trigger to HKS0&HES0
  • 183150 09/03/09 08:04 Reinhold Before run 74676: restored trigger to HKS0&HES0
  • 183149 09/03/09 08:04 Reinhold Before run 74676: restored trigger to HKS0&HES0
  • 183145 09/03/09 07:43 Reinhold Changed AC discriminator thresholds from -10 mV to -30mV
  • 183143 09/03/09 07:40 Reinhold TUL selection and LED indicators don't match
  • 183142 09/03/09 07:34 Reinhold Two trigger electronics issues that need attention
  • 183140 09/03/09 07:09 Reinhold HDC2 HV trip stopped run 74673
  • 183137 09/03/09 07:07 Reinhold Set grouped PID triggers to PION
  • 183133 09/03/09 06:51 Reinhold Changed HKSPRE trigger to HKS_grouped; K0=pion
  • 183131 09/03/09 06:28 Reinhold Run #74670 (coin) JUNK!
  • 183128 09/03/09 06:25 Reinhold Find K0 messed up!!
  • 183126 09/03/09 06:14 Reinhold Changed trigger to pion
  • 183123 09/03/09 05:58 Reinhold Lucite ADC & TDC distribution for run#74662, Many Top channels have missing signals
  • 183122 09/03/09 05:51 Reinhold kRe:Jeorg checked the Lucite ADC top cable was mistakenly plugined in by missing one pin
  • 183118 09/03/09 05:00 yez HDC1&2 easily get tripped when the beam first come, needed to turn off and on again after beam becomes smooth
  • 183114 09/03/09 04:55 Reinhold Changed trigger HKS trigger on coincidence from HKS0 to CP0
  • 183112 09/03/09 04:47 yez Jeorg checked the Lucite ADC top cable was mistakenly plugined in by missing one pin
  • 183109 09/03/09 04:40 yez HDC2 tripped during run 74664
  • 183108 09/03/09 04:39 yez Analysis: Data replay in ~/hks09/../paw/, >> 74658,74660,74661,74662,74663,74664
  • 183105 09/03/09 04:04 yez Lucite ADC & TDC distribution for run#74662, Many Top channels have missing signals
  • 183102 09/03/09 03:55 yez EDC2 hotpat for the same run#74660
  • 183101 09/03/09 03:50 yez HDC1&2 hitpat with HV=1970V, for Run#74660
  • 183096 09/03/09 02:53 yuan Set HDC HV: 1970 V with 10 uA beam
  • 183093 09/03/09 02:31 kawama A typical value of HKS counter rate
  • 183091 09/03/09 02:24 Chiba finished KHODO gain matching
  • 183090 09/03/09 02:16 kawama A TDC input was removed
  • 183089 09/03/09 01:54 Chiba KHODO 2X4B TDC line missing signal !
  • 183083 09/03/09 01:13 Z.Ye HDC1 trips when HV goes above 1900V, and HDC2 can only go up to 1950 and its current is about 96uA, very close to 100uA limit
  • 183081 09/03/09 01:00 Nue Could you record all HP, NMR readout?
  • 183079 09/03/09 00:54 Z.Ye HDC1&2 are not on the working HV setting when run#74655 taking
  • 183078 09/03/09 00:46 Chiba KHODO 1X09T 2X08T ADC appears
  • 183076 09/03/09 00:34 Z.Ye MCC is going to set tone beam
  • 183075 09/03/09 00:33 Z.Ye After 9.24uA beam came back, HDC1 trip immedially and HDC2 is over current, and EDC2 is OK.
  • 183074 09/03/09 00:09 yez I set the trip current limit of HDC1&2,EDC2 to be 100uA (Itrip=10000)
  • 183073 09/03/09 00:00 Arshak Swing Shift Summary
  • Wednesday

  • 183072 09/02/09 23:59 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183070 09/02/09 23:54 Nue Lead shield for HES (pictures)
  • 183068 09/02/09 23:50 kawama was not added in the SVN repository
  • 183067 09/02/09 23:50 Nue Lead shield for HES, it worked. We need more tomorrow
  • 183066 09/02/09 23:48 Arshak during rund 74651 to 54653 the water cerenkov flat cables was accidentaly disconnected
  • 183064 09/02/09 23:40 maruta HKS-D PS output
  • 183063 09/02/09 23:39 Nue Beam: Long day, but we made the beam tune.
  • 183062 09/02/09 23:30 kawama HDCs and EDC2 are tripped
  • 183059 09/02/09 23:07 kawama Rate study with 10uA beam
  • 183057 09/02/09 22:55 Arshak Folks are checking the rate level
  • 183056 09/02/09 22:54 Arshak 22:50 Beam come back with 9.45uA
  • 183055 09/02/09 22:50 Nue Hall C goes to Beam Permit
  • 183052 09/02/09 20:14 maruta Carbon target + 4mm
  • 183051 09/02/09 19:32 maruta Carbon target + 7mm from beamline
  • 183050 09/02/09 17:38 maruta Rearrangement of NMR channel
  • 183049 09/02/09 16:50 Gogami Magnetic field arround EHODO
  • 183048 09/02/09 16:28 maruta HKS-D PS communicate
  • 183047 09/02/09 16:28 Reinhold Measuring deadtime
  • 183046 09/02/09 16:17 bono ac signal problems diagnosed
  • 183045 09/02/09 16:13 Arshak HKS/HES Magnets
  • 183044 09/02/09 16:05 bono ac bucking coils
  • 183043 09/02/09 16:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 183042 09/02/09 16:04 Arshak All Hv's are OFF
  • 183041 09/02/09 15:59 paul
  • 183040 09/02/09 15:44 Reinhold Cabled the BPM Sample&Hold cards for 3H03A & 3H03B
  • 183039 09/02/09 15:30 doi HTOF(KHODO) 1X09T&2X08T ADC signal became clean.
  • 183036 09/02/09 15:14 Arshak Today shift.
  • 183035 09/02/09 15:13 beaufait dw1 connected
  • 183032 09/02/09 14:56 Tang The beam time accounting did not make sense for the day shift on August 25
  • 183028 09/02/09 14:00 bono ac bucking coils
  • 183014 09/02/09 13:09 bono ac 310 base
  • 183013 09/02/09 13:04 Nue Hot spot near the photon line
  • 183012 09/02/09 12:37 Reinhold Aerogel signal check (figures after changing map file)
  • 183011 09/02/09 12:22 Reinhold Error in map file for AC
  • 183010 09/02/09 12:12 Reinhold Aerogel signal check
  • 183009 09/02/09 11:31 Nue Beam: CW should be read as DW in entry 183007
  • 183008 09/02/09 11:19 paul Going to Restricted Access
  • 183007 09/02/09 11:17 Nue DW1 can handle upto 220A
  • 183005 09/02/09 10:58 Tang Today's plan
  • 183004 09/02/09 10:37 paul Taking data on C12
  • 183002 09/02/09 10:17 Nue Hall C Fast Feedback has still problem
  • 183001 09/02/09 10:02 paul
  • 182999 09/02/09 09:45 Reinhold SVN status of hks09/replay directory: is revision 104; up to date
  • 182998 09/02/09 09:38 chench Lucite ADC gate timing, all the figures in gif
  • 182996 09/02/09 09:28 Reinhold Restored LC ADC cables and chacke proper seating of all ADC cables
  • 182993 09/02/09 09:25 chench Lucite ADC gate timing
  • 182992 09/02/09 09:11 Nue Possible increment of the CW1 current for photon line angle steer
  • 182991 09/02/09 08:59 Reinhold Run #74638 (coin):during gate inspection set trigger CP0=3/4
  • 182990 09/02/09 08:59 Reinhold Run #74638 (coin):during gate inspection set trigger CP0=3/4
  • 182989 09/02/09 08:31 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 182986 09/02/09 07:38 chench Another figure for lucite gain match status.
  • 182985 09/02/09 07:22 chench LUCITE GAIN STATUS
  • 182984 09/02/09 07:14 chench Lucite TOP ADC from run=74120
  • 182981 09/02/09 06:06 chench HDC2 hv TRIPPED
  • 182966 09/02/09 03:25 yez Lucite ADC & TDC distribution for run#74629, LC16 Bottom TDC&ADC are back
  • 182964 09/02/09 02:23 yez Lucite ADC & TDC distribution for run#74616, LC7 top and LC16 Bottom ADC have problem
  • 182963 09/02/09 02:06 kawama F1TDC looks fine
  • 182960 09/02/09 01:26 chench LUCITE LC7T ADC missing, timing difference between LC7T and LC7B
  • 182958 09/02/09 01:19 kawama Run74622 & 74625
  • 182948 09/02/09 00:56 kawama Run74620 & 74621
  • 182941 09/02/09 00:23 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 182940 09/02/09 00:01 kohlm Swing shift summary
  • Tuesday

  • 182939 09/01/09 23:14 Chiba KHODO1X17T noise
  • 182936 09/01/09 22:47 Tang CW magnet
  • 182935 09/01/09 22:12 Tang Status of beam tune - major issue exist
  • 182934 09/01/09 22:07 Chiba KHODO ADC`s bump
  • 182932 09/01/09 21:45 Nue Beam: Problems for photon line tune and its direction
  • 182930 09/01/09 21:41 Gogami EHODO==>segment1:high momentum side
  • 182929 09/01/09 21:37 Gogmai EHODO hitpattern[Run74615]
  • 182928 09/01/09 21:33 Reinhold Re: LC7T ADC missing and hopefully the timing gate for it can be checked
  • 182925 09/01/09 20:51 Gogami KTOF1X and 2X hitpattern[Run74615]
  • 182924 09/01/09 20:34 Chiba KHODO 1X13T TDC distribution
  • 182923 09/01/09 19:33 chench LC7T ADC missing and hopefully the timing gate for it can be checked
  • 182922 09/01/09 19:18 xqiu I turned off HV for fission chamber
  • 182921 09/01/09 19:12 yuan HDC1 and HDC2 threshold: 2.3 V --> 2.1 V from run #74612
  • 182920 09/01/09 19:10 yuan Trigger from run#74612 is COIN: HKS CP0.and.HES0
  • 182916 09/01/09 18:31 Reinhold Trigger after run#74612: someone please report exact trigger status
  • 182910 09/01/09 17:51 Arshak Trigger after run#74612
  • 182909 09/01/09 17:47 Reinhold About interpreting TDC distributions: some facts about the trigger
  • 182905 09/01/09 17:29 Arshak run 74610 junk ROC1 error
  • 182903 09/01/09 17:22 kohlm Beam: 1muA of beam on carbon target
  • 182902 09/01/09 17:13 Reinhold Re: Lucite ADC distribution for run#74603
  • 182901 09/01/09 17:12 kohlm IOC reboot
  • 182900 09/01/09 17:11 kohlm Turned on high voltages
  • 182899 09/01/09 17:09 kohlm Target: Moved to Carbon
  • 182898 09/01/09 16:57 kohlm Target: moved to BeO
  • 182897 09/01/09 16:35 Chiba Signal check of KHODOs whose TDC hist is strange
  • 182896 09/01/09 16:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 182895 09/01/09 16:08 yez Lucite ADC distribution for run#74603
  • 182894 09/01/09 16:05 paul Day Shift Summary
  • 182893 09/01/09 16:05 yez Finally we can see all Lucite TDC distribution
  • 182892 09/01/09 16:02 Gogami [EHODO ADC at different HV]==>
  • 182891 09/01/09 16:00 Gogami EHODO ADC at different HV
  • 182887 09/01/09 14:05 paul C12 is in with low CW current for detectors study
  • 182885 09/01/09 11:38 bono hks hes checklist
  • 182884 09/01/09 11:09 Chiba Some KHODO HV on
  • 182883 09/01/09 10:58 chench Lucite TDC signal.
  • 182882 09/01/09 09:54 paul BeO target is in for tuning
  • 182881 09/01/09 09:51 bono run 74606
  • 182880 09/01/09 09:34 paul Targets are out for beam tune
  • 182879 09/01/09 09:26 paul BeO target is moved in for Beam Tune
  • 182877 09/01/09 08:53 paul BPMs screenshot
  • 182876 09/01/09 08:17 paul Having a more or less stable beam 1.4 uA
  • 182875 09/01/09 08:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 182865 09/01/09 05:36 Reinhold Addendum: Trigger status: HKS5 is double pulsing; disabled. Also NIM -6V is low
  • 182864 09/01/09 05:15 Reinhold Correction: Trigger status right now COIN of CP0 and HES0
  • 182863 09/01/09 05:03 Reinhold & K Trigger status: right now COIN of HKS-grouped and HES0
  • 182862 09/01/09 04:59 Reinhold Relative timing of CP0, HKS0, HKS grouped
  • 182861 09/01/09 04:57 Reinhold Timing of HKS_i relative to HKS0
  • 182860 09/01/09 04:55 Reinhold Timing of the grouped triggers HKS_i
  • 182855 09/01/09 01:56 Chiba Histgram in entry 182845 is from Run74598
  • 182854 09/01/09 01:29 Gogami EHODO ==> Gogami
  • 182853 09/01/09 01:25 EHODO EHODO hot channel[EH2-22T]
  • 182852 09/01/09 01:21 Gogami EHODO hot channel[EH2-22T]
  • 182851 09/01/09 01:13 Reinhold Kaon PID trigger group 6 KP6
  • 182850 09/01/09 01:13 Reinhold Kaon PID trigger group 5 KP5
  • 182849 09/01/09 01:13 Reinhold Kaon PID trigger group 4 KP4
  • 182848 09/01/09 01:12 Reinhold Kaon PID trigger group 3 KP3
  • 182847 09/01/09 01:12 Reinhold Kaon PID trigger group 2 KP2
  • 182845 09/01/09 00:47 Chiba KHODO Gain matched
  • 182844 09/01/09 00:36 Reinhold Charged particle trigger group 6, CP6
  • 182843 09/01/09 00:35 Reinhold Charged particle trigger group 5, CP5
  • 182842 09/01/09 00:33 Reinhold Charged particle trigger group 4, CP4
  • 182841 09/01/09 00:33 Gogami [EHODO hitpattern in different current on HES-D]==>remade pictures
  • 182840 09/01/09 00:07 cdaq Beam Time Accounting